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1、Lesson 11On getting off to sleepBy J.B.Priestley第1页Contradiction,contrarinessContradiction:u.矛盾,对立矛盾,对立 c.对立事物对立事物-I found no contradiction between his publicly expressed ideas and his private actions.-His private actions are in contradiction to/with his publicly expressed ideas.-A round square is a

2、 contradiction in terms用词矛盾用词矛盾.Contrariness(u.)(contrary)相反,对立面,相反,对立面,-Hot and cold are contrariness.第2页Saving graceA saving grace is a good quality or feature in a person or thing that prevents them from being completely bad or worthless.可取之处例:Agings one saving grace is you worry less about what

3、people think.年迈一个可取之处是你不那么担心他人想法了。第3页Vexation n.苦恼;恼怒;令人烦恼事 Vexation is a feeling of being annoyed,puzzled,and frustrated.恼火例:He kicked the broken machine in vexation.他懊恼得踢了这台坏机器一脚。第4页Dim 微暗微暗;朦胧朦胧 含糊含糊,看不清楚看不清楚Dim:not bright,not clearly to be seen不亮不亮dim light of a candle 微弱烛光微弱烛光 a dim room 光线不好房间

4、光线不好房间 the dim outline of a building 房屋含糊轮廓房屋含糊轮廓 Dark:with no or very little light黑暗Its getting too dark to take photographs.第5页proceed If you proceed to do something,you do it,often after doing something else first.(做完某事之后)接着(做另一事)例:He proceeded to tell me of my birth.他接着给我讲了我出生。If you proceed wit

5、h a course of action,you continue with it.继续进行(某行动)例:The group proceeded with a march they knew would lead to bloodshed.这群人继续进行他们知道会造成流血事件一次游行。(某事件或活动带来)收入例:The proceeds of the concert went to charity.音乐会收入给了慈善机构。第6页Make for造成;有利于;走向 He rose from his seat and made for the door.他起身向门口走去。A happy paren

6、t makes for a happy child.幸福家长造就幸福孩子。第7页Five ports of knowledgeFive senses of sight,hearing,smell,taste and touch,here representing all the senses.第8页Plunge:使投入使投入,使插入使插入,使陷入使陷入plunge a country into war 使一个国家陷入战争使一个国家陷入战争 plunge a room into darkness plunge sb.into deep sorrow.no difficulty in plungi

7、ng their earthly parts into oblivionNo difficulty in forgetting their functions in the worldNo difficulty in falling sleep第9页be given to 癖好;喜爱;习惯癖好;喜爱;习惯She is a young girl given to tears.她是一个爱哭女孩。她是一个爱哭女孩。Hes given to taking long walks.他非常喜欢长途散步。他非常喜欢长途散步。第10页Like:(sing.)(n.)相同人或事务相同人或事务-You should

8、 only compare like with like.只应在同类事务中做比较。只应在同类事务中做比较。Ive never seen the like of it.我从未见过这种事。我从未见过这种事。Jazz,rock and the like.第11页Thanks to:owing to,due to We finished the task ahead of schedule/in advance thanks to our hard work.Thanks to the policy of reforming and opening,Chinas economy has develop

9、ed quickly.第12页Refresh:(以食物以食物,睡眠等睡眠等)使精使精力力(记忆记忆)恢复恢复;使精神振作使精神振作 I think I will just refresh myself with a cup of tea.喝杯茶提神喝杯茶提神 refresh sb.s memory 唤起唤起/恢复某人记忆恢复某人记忆 第13页Given:约定;特定;指定Do it within the given time.At a given time we will all shout“Happy birthday to you”.Given:假设,假使假设,假使 Given good w

10、eather,our ship will reach Shanghai Monday evening.假如天气好,我们船将于星期一晚上抵达上假如天气好,我们船将于星期一晚上抵达上海。海。Given that I have five more minutes,I will finish the exam.第14页take sth.to heart 为某事耿耿于为某事耿耿于怀怀,为某事忧虑为某事忧虑Dont take it to heart.别把它放在心上。别把它放在心上。Dont take my criticism to heart.不要把我批评放在心上不要把我批评放在心上第15页Torment

11、,abuseTorment:n.痛苦痛苦 v.Cause severe suffering to;annoy折磨折磨 suffer torment(s)from 因因.而受苦而受苦She suffered torment from headache.Dont torment yourself by thinking of the past.Abuse:treat badly;ill-treat 滥用滥用,虐待虐待,辱骂辱骂 abuse ones privilege abuse a childabuse a friend 第16页Remonstrate with sb.,against sth.

12、抗议,告诫抗议,告诫We remonstrate against his cruelty to old people.I remonstrated with him about his rudeness.第17页Inhuman:非人非人,不近人情不近人情,非人非人道道,残忍残忍,inhuman treatment 虐待虐待 Treatment of prisoners in that jail was considered inhuman.第18页Fancy 想象想象I think he would come but its only a fancy of mine.我想他会来我想他会来,不过

13、这仅是我构想罢了。不过这仅是我构想罢了。第19页Leap:leapt 或 leaped,leaping 跳跃,跳越 The dog leapt over the fence.狗跳过了围栏。狗跳过了围栏。Leap:闪过;突然想起闪过;突然想起 The idea leaped into his mind.这个想法突然闪过他脑海这个想法突然闪过他脑海。Those memories and fancies which had been buried deep in ones mind for ten years will sometimes crop up突然出现突然出现.第20页Eventful:多

14、事多事(故故),主要主要,重大重大 an eventful year 多事之秋多事之秋,多事一年多事一年 an eventful meeting between heads of states 两国首脑间主要会晤两国首脑间主要会晤 第21页There is no comparing notes with them.You can not exchange ideas with pare notes with1.(与与)商议,商议,(同同)交换意见;讨论交换意见;讨论2.(和和)对笔记对笔记I also need one or two evenings to compare notes with

15、 my home company on what we have discussed during the day.我还需要一、两个晚上,跟我企业就我们白天洽谈我还需要一、两个晚上,跟我企业就我们白天洽谈情况交换一下意见。情况交换一下意见。第22页No midnight confidence.知心话知心话exchange confidences 互谈心事互谈心事 Have confidence in oneself 第23页No casting up the balance of the days pleasure and pain.Cast up:计算,把计算,把加起来加起来Not able

16、 to calculate whether you have more pleasure than pain or have more pain than pleasure in a days life.第24页induce,tempt Induce:bring about,cause 招致招致,引发引发 illness induced by overwork Too much food induces sleepiness.Induce:persuade or influence sb.to do sth.bring about引诱;诱导引诱;诱导,劝诱劝诱 We couldnt induc

17、e the old lady to travel by air.Nothing shall induce me to join their club.Tempt:persuade sb to do sth wrong or foolish 诱惑诱惑,引诱引诱,怂恿怂恿-He was tempted into a life of crime by greed and laziness.第25页Serve ones turn 适用This job will serve my turn.这项工作将适合我需要。I think this book will serve my turn.我想这本书将适合我

18、需要。She caught hold of it to serve her own turn.她抓住这一点为自己服务。第26页Imaginary(想象,虚构),imaginative(想象丰富,富有想象力)Ghosts are imaginary.The interviewer was looking for imaginative answers.第27页imaginary imaginative imaginable意思都含“想象”。imaginary指“想象”、“虚构”,如:Although the main characters in the novel are so true to

19、life,they are imaginary.imaginative指“富于想象力”,如:Scott was an imaginative writer.imaginable 指“可想象”,常放在名词后面,前加 all,only,every 或最高级形容词,如:This is the only solution imaginable.第28页of little/no avail:not very/not at all helpful or effective 没有多大/没有一点儿帮助,用处或效果 The advice we got was of no avail.Their efforts

20、were of no avail.Avail:v.有用,有利第29页Deft:skilful and quick,esp with the hands 熟练,灵巧 She is deft at dealing with reporters.With deft fingers she undid the wire.第30页fare:get on,progress 进展,过日子 How did you fare while you were abroad?Fare:money chargedA bus/taxi fareA single/double fareFare:foodA bill of

21、foodWholesome food 卫生食品第31页Meditate on/upon:think deeply 深思,沉思,冥想 He sat there meditating on his misfortunes.Meditate:plan in ones mind 策划He meditate revenge/leaving home.Wonder:feel curiously;ask oneself想知道,自忖I was wondering how to get there quickly.第32页dreary:driri 沉闷,A dreary dayHis speech was dr

22、eary.第33页Come on/upon :meet or find by chance I came on Tom playing football in the street yesterday.第34页I have literally found it answer.Answer:Answer my need to sleep.I have found this method actually worked.Literal:correspondingly exact to the original 按照原文按照原文 a literal translation Idioms usuall

23、y can not be translated literally into another language.成语通常不能照字面译成另一个文字成语通常不能照字面译成另一个文字.Exact:correct in every detail准确,正确准确,正确Give me his exact words.第35页Bare of:empty of /without 空 The room is bare of furniture.空无家俱房间空无家俱房间.In winter the fields are bare of grass.Bare:without clothing 裸露裸露Bare leg

24、Bare:without the usual covering and protection缺乏遮盖缺乏遮盖Bare hill,floor 第36页Crooked:krukid歪,弯曲(not straight)Crook:bend into the shape of a curve使弯曲使弯曲Your tie is crooked.An old man with a crooked back.Twist:(twisted)turn and curve in different directions 缠绕缠绕,盘绕盘绕I twisted the bandage round her knee.T

25、he telephone wire has got twisted.扭曲或挤压某物使之变形扭曲或挤压某物使之变形Her face was twisted with pain.曲解曲解(歪曲歪曲)Papers have twisted everything he said.A twisty road弯曲道路弯曲道路第37页evokeivuk引引(唤唤)起起,召唤召唤(死者死者灵魂等灵魂等)evoke a spirit from the dead 为死者招魂为死者招魂 The book evoked memories of his boyhood.此书唤起了他对童年回想。此书唤起了他对童年回想。第

26、38页历年试题分析1.(,10)Once in bed,most folks I know seem to find no difficulty in plunging their earthly parts into _.Oblivion blivin n.遗忘,忘却2.(,10)If it be true that out thoughts and mental images are perfectly _ things,like our books and pictures,to the inhabitants of the next world,Tangible n.有形资产有形资产a

27、.实体实体,明白明白第39页Discussing the question,some time 7 ,with an old friend,she gave me her never-failing 8 for sleeplessness,which was to imagine 9 performing some trivial 10 over and over again,until,her mind becoming disgusted with the monotony of life,11 drew the curtain.Her favourite device was to im

28、agine a picture not 12 quite plumb upon the wall,and then to proceed to straighten it.(01)第40页54.The poor,sick man is _ by the policemans endless interrogations.(10)A.abused B.tormented77.在我看来,没有比睡眠问题更能说明事物对立性了。(10)With me,nothing illustrates the contrariness of things better than the matter of slee

29、p.第41页42.Although the main characters in the novel are so true to life,they are _.(01)A.imaginary B.imaginative40.She has born a _ against me ever since I turned down her application.(0710)A.grudge B.malice第42页B.Translate the following into Chinese 1.人是很多矛盾集合体人是很多矛盾集合体.2.我们思想和头脑中意象完全是有形东西我们思想和头脑中意象完

30、全是有形东西.3.过去我经常带着惊叹阅读那些吹捧好战超人过去我经常带着惊叹阅读那些吹捧好战超人故事故事.4.人为催眠方法很多,但他们仅在都不灵这人为催眠方法很多,但他们仅在都不灵这一点上相同。一点上相同。第43页B.Translate the following into Chinese 5.当她脑子对这种单调生活感到厌烦时当她脑子对这种单调生活感到厌烦时,睡眠睡眠就会拉上帷幕就会拉上帷幕.6.她最喜欢方法就是想象墙上有一幅没挂好她最喜欢方法就是想象墙上有一幅没挂好画画,然后去扶正它然后去扶正它.7.但我仍没有放弃找到某种快速入睡方法希但我仍没有放弃找到某种快速入睡方法希望望.8.今夜今夜,我

31、将不再做诸如数跳羊和挂正歪画那我将不再做诸如数跳羊和挂正歪画那些毫无价值想象些毫无价值想象.第44页F.Translate the following into English Some people fall asleep as soon as their heads touch the pillows,while some other people can not fall asleep although they have been lying in bed several hours.The more he wants to sleep,the harder he falls asle

32、ep/the more wakeful he is.I belong to the latter.When I write an article,I feel an overpowering desire for sleep.When I go to bed,I can do anything but sleep.第45页F.Translate the following into English I can compose great symphonies,paint magnificent pictures,and write very good essays.The artificial ways of inducing sleep are legion/a lot,but they are all ineffective.When I can not fall asleep at night,I imagine a dialogue with a friend/have a dialogue with a imaginary friend till I either laugh or fall asleep.I find this is a good way of falling asleep.第46页

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