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2、后加上not。第1页其否定形式是在doing之后加上not。二、分词作用二、分词作用分词在句中可作定语、表语、状语、补足语等。1、作定语分词作定语有两种形式。它能够放在被修饰名词之前,称为前置定语。有放在被修饰名词之后,称为后置定语。(1)前置定语He is a_(promise)young man.他是一个有前途年轻人。promisingMake less noise.Theres a _(sleep)child.不要出太大声音,有个孩子在睡觉。sleepingWe only sell _(use)books.我们只卖用过书。used(2)后置定语The young man_(sit)bet

3、ween John and Mary is the editor of the campus newspaper.坐在约翰和玛丽之间那个年轻小伙子是校园报编辑。sittingThe bridge _(build)last month needs repairing.上个月建造那座桥需要修理 built第2页(3)过去分词作定语有既可前置也可后置。如:All the _windows have been repaired.全部坏了窗户已经修理好了。(break)All the windows _ have been repaired.broken(4)分词短语作定语必须置于被修饰词之后,相当于一

4、个定语从句。如:Those_(wish)to join this club should sign here.想加入本俱乐部人在这里署名。(=Those who wish to join the club should sign here.)wishingThe man,_(have disturbed)so badly,almost lost his memory.因为被严重困扰,这个人几乎失去了记忆。(The man,who had been disturbed so badly,almost lost his memory.)having been disturbed(4)完成体分词普通

5、不作定语,若要表示完成意义最好用定语从句。如:我们普通不说:The girl having won the race is my deskmate.而常这么说:The girl who has won the race is my deskmate.第3页(5)非限定性完成体作定语或假如分词所修饰词是泛指则没有这个限制。如:Anyone _(have passed)the test has got a prize.任何经过考试人都能得到一份奖品。having passedCharlie,having lived in Paris for years,decided to return to L

6、ondon.在巴黎呆过多年,查理决定重返伦敦。(6)过去分词作定语在意义上有两种可能:表示被动和完成,只表完成。如:the question _(discuss)yesterday 昨天讨论问题 (既表示被动也表示完成)discussedthe _(fall)leaves 落下树叶 (只表示完成,不表示被动)fallen在英语中只表完成不表被动往往是一些不及物动词过去分词,常见有:the changed situation,a newly returned sudent等。第4页2、作表语分词作表语表示主语某种性质或状态。如:The shops have remained shut for a

7、 week.这家商店关门一周了。What you said is really inspiring.你所说真令从鼓舞。3、作宾语补足语I oftentimes hear a girl singing downstairs.我有时听到楼下有一个小姑娘在唱歌。I find some students in this school often punished by the teachers.我发觉这所学校学生经常被老师处罚。第5页4、作状语(注意主语和分词一致性)分词在句中作状语,能够表示各种不一样语义内容。它能够表示时间、原因、让步、结果、方式、条件等。如:(1)表示时间Arriving in

8、Paris,I lost my way.到了巴黎,我迷了路。The hunter walked slowly in the forest,followed by his wolf-dog.猎人在森林里慢慢地走着,后面跟着一只狼狗。表示与主句中谓语动词同时性现在分词强调时间意义时,分词前能够加上while,when等隶属连接词,但as没有这种使用方法。如:Dont talk while having dinner.吃饭时不要说话。When crossing the street,do be careful.过马路时要小心。第6页(2)表示原因表示原因分词短语普通置于句首。Having lived

9、 in London for years,I almost know every place quite well.在伦敦住过多年,我几乎对每个地方都很熟悉。Seriously injured,he had to be taken to hospital.因为伤得严重,只好把他送往医院。(3)表示结果The fire lasted nearly a month,leaving nothing valuable.大火连续了近一个月,几乎没剩下什么有用东西。Football is played in more than 80 countries,making it a popular sport.

10、80多个国家都踢足球,所以足球成了一个很流行运动。(4)表示方式I stood by the door,not daring to say a word.我站在门旁,不敢说一句话。第7页(5)表示条件United,we stand;divided,we fall.联合起来我们就能站立,分裂我们必定倒下。Being more careful,you can make fewer mistakes.假如你更细心,你会犯更少错误。强调条件时,能够在前面加上unless,once等。如:You shouldnt come in unless asked to.不让你进来你不准进来。Once losin

11、g this chance,you cant easily find it.一旦失去这次机会你就极难找回。第8页二、分词独立主格结构二、分词独立主格结构分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语就是句子主语,不然,就必须在分词前另加上自己逻辑主语(名词或主格代词)这个结构叫独立主格结构或分词复合结构。1、独立主格结构常放在句首。表示时间、条件、原因时,其作用分别相当于个时间、条件、原因状语从名句。表示伴随方式时,相当于一个并列句。如:Supper finished(=After supper was finished),we started to discuss the picnic.吃完晚饭,我们开始讨论

12、野餐事。All the tickets having been sold out(=As all the tickets having been sold out),we had to wait for the next weeks show.全部票都卖出去了,我们只好等着看下周演出。第9页2、表示独立主格结构中being常省略。如:The football match(being)over,crowds of people poured out into the steet.足球赛五结束,从群便涌到大街上。Nobody(being)in,I didnt enter the hall.里面没有

13、些人,我没进大厅。3、表示伴随方式独立主格结构,有时可用“with宾语宾语补足语”结构来替换。如:He lay there thinking,his hands behind his head(with his hands behind his head).他双手放在头下,躺在那里思索着。The river looks more beautiful,flowers and grass growing on both sides(=with flowers and grass growing on both sides).这条河看上去愈加漂亮,因为两岸长满了鲜花和绿草。第10页with宾语宾语补

14、足语结构是英语中常见惯用结构,其宾语补足语能够是现在分词、过去分词、不定式、形容词、副词、介词短语等,在句中可作定语,也可作状语,表示原因、方式等。如:The children looked at us,with their eyes opening wide.孩子们眼睛睁得大大地看着我。I would miss the train,with no one to wake me up.没人叫我,我会错过火车。The river with grass and flowers on both sides runs through our schoolyard.这条两河两岸长满鲜花和绿草正从我们校园

15、穿过。With the examinations over,we had a long time to rest.考试结束了,我们有一段长长时间能够休息。第11页4、有些惯用分词短语在句里能够没有逻辑上主语而独立存在,它们往往作为句子独立成份来修饰全句。如:generally/strictly/roughly/broadly/narrowly speaking,judging from/by,considering,supposing,providing,provided等。如:Talking of the computer,I like it very much.谈到电脑,我非常喜欢。Con

16、sidering the time,we have decided to start early tomorrow morning.考试到时间,我们已经决定明早一早出发。第12页Employ vt.使采、利用 ,雇用,使忙于,使从事于She employs her time wisely.她善于利用时间。How many workmen do you employ at your factory?你们厂雇用多少工人?He is employed in a bank.他在一家银行任职。He employed himself(in)teaching English.他从事英语教学工作in the

17、employ ofin sb.s employ 受.雇用out of employ 失业employ oneself inemploy oneself onemploy oneself doing 从事于,时间花在.employ.as 把.用作第13页abuse1)滥用,妄用 abuse ones privilege滥用特权2)辱骂,讲坏话 a word of abuse 骂人话They gave me much abuse for no fault.他们无缘无故地大骂我。3)惯用复弊病,弊端,恶习reform social abuses 改革社会恶习第14页appreciate1)感激;感激

18、We greatly appreciate your timely help.我们非常感激你们及时帮助。2)鉴赏;观赏;赏识Do you appreciate good wine?你会鉴赏好酒吗?3)觉察;意识到We appreciate the danger ahead.我们意识到危险临头。approach vi.1.靠近,临近,靠近A new year is approaching.新年快到了。at ones approach在某人迫近时 2.提议,提议approachable adj.易靠近;平易近人第15页approve 反义词(disapprove)vt.1.赞成,赞许The tea

19、cher looked at Johns work and approved it.老师看了约翰作业表示赞许。2.同意,审定,经过 验收Congress approved the budget.国会同意了国家预算。approve of赞成,满意approval n.赞成,认可,正式同意appoint appointment n.1.委派,任命2.指定;约定,决定appoint sb.to a post 派某人任某职appoint a time for the meeting 约定开会时间第16页33.reason,cause 表示原因factor 原因,要素,symptom症状;表现;征兆,征

20、候;clinical symptom临床症状The doctor made his diagnosis after studying the patients symptoms.医生研究病人症状后,作出诊疗.34.take after 相象:在相貌、脾气或性格上相同take apart 拆开:分开后将分成许多部分take back 收回(所说或所写事)take down 1.拿下,放下:将从一个较高位 置拿到一个较低位置2.拆开;拆散:take down the Christmas tree.把圣诞树拆散3记下:以书写形式统计下来第17页take for 把视作:Do you take me

21、for a fool?你认为我是个傻瓜吗?take in坑骗,诱骗:was taken in by.被给骗了take off 1.脱掉(衣服等)2.起飞The plane took off on time.飞机按时起飞take on 从事,开始对付:take out 取出;弄走:took the splinter out.取出木屑take over 接管:取得对控制或管理take to1.求救于;(如为了安全)前往:took to the woods.躲到树林里2.养成习惯,沉于:有了习惯或开始连续地做:take to drink.染上了酗酒恶习take up开始从事(一项职业或行当):too

22、k up engineering.干起了工程设计这一行第18页35.genuine adj.1.真正;名符其实a genuine diamond 真钻石2.真实,诚恳;非伪装 a genuine person 诚恳人3.纯,纯血统;用天然原料制成 a genuine breed 纯种true 1.真实2.真;真正 3.可靠;准确:a true friend4.真实:真正感到,真诚表示;不作假true grief.真正悲伤5.基本;本质:his true motive.他根本动机actual adj.现实,实际;当前;in actual life 在实际生活中the actual state o

23、f affairs当前形势in actual existence 现存virtual adj.实际上;实际上She is the virtual president,though her title is secretary.即使她头衔是秘书,她是实际上董事长。第19页36.arrange vi.1.约定,协商2.准备,安排Ive arranged for a car to pick them up at the station.我已安排了一辆汽车去车站接他们。arrange for安排,准备arrange with sb.about sth.与某人约定 37 at one time 曾经:在

24、过去某一时刻或某段时期at the same time 同时at times 有时;间或behind the times.过时;陈旧for the time being 暂时from time to time.时时;间或in good time 快速地in no time.几乎马上地;立刻in time.及时:在时限到来之 on time 按时,按时:time after timetime and again一次又一次;重复第20页38.surprisingly 令人诧异地 surprisedly adv.惊奇地,诧异地amusingly adv.有趣地,好笑地 conversely adv.

25、相反地39.throw away 抛弃,扔掉:作为无用而除去:threw away yesterdays newspaper.扔掉昨天报纸throw out 发出;射出:searchlights throwing out powerful beams.探照灯发出强烈光线put down写下;记下put forward提出(意见、提议)put off延期;推迟put out 熄灭;关熄;扑灭keep up1.保持;继续:We asked her to stop talking,but she kept up我们请她别再说话了,但她依旧说下去3 不落后,赶得上:赶上对手、同事或邻居,指在成就或生活

26、方式上:unsuccessfully tried to keep up with his associates.没能赶上他同事们flee vi.(fled,fled)逃走;逃避 消失,消散f lee from 从.中消失,逃避第21页40interpret解释侧重于“用特殊知识、信念、判断、了解或想象去说明尤其难懂事物”,比如:对于一幅画不一样人有不一样解释 How do you interpret this poem?你怎样解释这首诗呢?而explain是向某人解释(经过说明,举例,等方法,目标是让某人明白)He is explaining how a machine operates.他正

27、在解释机器是怎样运转。第22页41.动词不定式被动语态动词不定式被动语态1.在“名词(代词)+be+形容词(easy,difficult,fit)+不定式”结构中,有时尽管句中主语是动作承受者,不定式在意义上是被动,形式上却是主动。这时,可看成是省略了动词逻辑主语,for us,for me,for youThis book is difficult to read.The film is interesting to see.2.不过,假如句中不定式逻辑主语不是在场交谈你(们)或我(们),其被动意义只能以被动形式表示。比如,It was the first skyscraper to be

28、built by Chinese workers.Are you going to the dinner party to be given at the hotel.3.something,little,what,much,a great deal 等作句子主语,表语多用to do时,多用主动语态表示被动意义A great deal of work remains to do.(to be done)What is to do tomorrow?第23页42感官动词 see,notice,look at,watch,notice,listen to,hear,feel,taste,smell

29、feel sb do/doing sth主语主语+find onself+V-ing/V-ed/介词短语介词短语 发觉自己发觉自己(处于处于某种状态某种状态);不自觉地来到;不自觉地来到.We walked on and on and at sunset,we found ourselves in a small mountain village.我们不停地向前我们不停地向前走,到太阳下山时,发觉我们走进了一个小山村。走,到太阳下山时,发觉我们走进了一个小山村。When he came to himself,he found himself(lying)in a hospital.当他醒过来时

30、,他发觉自己躺在医院里。当他醒过来时,他发觉自己躺在医院里。He found himself followed by a group of children.他发觉身后跟了一群孩子他发觉身后跟了一群孩子lie(lay lain lying)vi.躺,平放,展现,展开,位于v.说谎,躺n.谎话,谎言lay(laid,laying,)vt.放置,铺设,产(卵)提出,平息,布置第24页43.rely vt.倚赖,依靠 信任,信赖(on,upon)rely onupon依靠;信任,信赖rely on ones own efforts依靠自已努力reliance n.rely+-ance名词后缀reli

31、able adj.可靠,可信赖44.recover1.重获:收复;重新得到2.恢复能力,健康等recover ones sight,hearingrecover from illness 恢复健康recoverable adj.可痊愈;可收回第25页recover,regain,retrieve,reclaim都含“取回”或“重新取得”意思。recover 指 找回被盗,遗失之物,如:recover stolen property找到被窃去财产。regain 强调“收回”、“复得”,如:regain ones freedom 重获自由。retrieve 指“经过努力重新取得”或“取回”,如:H

32、e was determined to retrieve his honor.他决心恢复声誉。reclaim 指“使(废物、荒地)成为有用”,“使(犯错误者或罪犯)悔改”,如:They reclaimed him from his evil ways.他们把他从邪恶中挽救出来。rescue vt.援救,营救 n.援救,营救rescue a man from bandits从盗匪手中救出一个人第26页restore vt.将(失物等)偿还原主 Police restored the solen jewwls to the man使某人/某物回复到原位/原处He restored the book

33、 to the shelf.3.使某人/物 恢复原先情况restore my health/restore me to healthrestore sbs beauty/sight/confidencerestore sb.to consciousness/recover ones senses,consciousness使某人恢复知觉reserve vt.1.贮备;贮藏;保留2.推迟;延迟3.预定约;租定(座位,房间等)reserve ones strength oneself for the next battle 养精蓄锐以利再战All rights(are)reserved.保留全部权

34、利(版权全部,不许翻印)第27页45 expand普通指面积,体积等,还有发展,有膨胀意思extend普通指长度上面延伸,比如snooker杆加长杆就是 extension,人口激增就用expansionStretch强调拉长,撑大1.伸展,伸张,展开,铺开,把.拉直长2.使过分伸长,使过分担心;睁大(眼睛);倾注全力stretch ones neck 伸长脖子The war stretched over four years.那场战争延续了四年。The forests stretch for hundreds of miles.森林绵延数百哩。第28页46.permit n.通行证,许可证,

35、执照v.许可,允许,准许submit vt.1.使服从,使降服2.提交,委托 3.主张,认为,提议submit a plan 提出一项计划submit a case to the court 向法院提出诉讼submit oneself to甘受,服从submit to 1.服从于,屈从于 2.把.提交给.,向.提出.submit willingly 心悦诚服remit 1.宽恕;赦免 2.豁免(捐税、债务),免去3.减缓The fever has remitted.退烧了。admit vi.1.允许 2.通向,认可(to)This key admits to the garden.用这把钥匙能

36、够进花园。This,I admit,is true.这个,我认可,是真。第29页47.throw ones weight around/about 盛气凌人,逞威风 tone 表示语气,口气,腔调took an angry tone with the reporters.带着怒气与记者说话tune 曲调,调子;主题;歌曲voice 声音,嗓音a hoarse voice;the childs piping voice.嘶哑声音;孩子尖声Sound 声音,语音,噪音,a hollow sound.沉闷嘈杂声48.no/any much longer 不再,已不 我不能再等了I cant wait any/much longer 他不住在这里了He doesnt live here any longer.He lives here no longer.第30页

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