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1、My father used to be a primary teacher; my eldest brother and my sister-in-law are now working in a secondary school in a small town nearby my village; Being a teacher, especially a good teacher, has been my dream. To everyone who wants to be a teacher, heres a question: what makes a good teacher? H

2、ow to be a good teacher? In the past 19 years, I have been studying in primary school in a small distant village, key secondary school in a county, top university of China in the capital of China, Beijing. There are many people who play the role of “teacher” in my life, but only few of them who real

3、ly impressed me. What they impressed me most is not how good the lesson they gave, how good they are looking or how nice they are (well, good teacher are always very nice, but you cant be a good teacher only because you are a nice person.),I was deeply impressed by the personality of those teacher,t

4、hose impress me most always have something in common: they are good at giving presentation, they have an open attitude towards the world, and they are optimistic.Teaching is a very complex job, good teacher plays different roles for students besides teaching: they make friends with their students; t

5、hey have to learn from a variety of models, play role model for their young pupils; they have expectations of success for all students just like their parents do. Teacher should have a sense of purpose, they will demonstrate a willingness to adapt and change to meet student needs; they have to refle

6、ct on their work, they are very open people, and they always have strong curiosity on development of the society ,they keep up with the new thing, that make their lesson more interesting and creative.Teaching is not an easy job, thats why lots of people dont want to choose teaching as their career,

7、but if you are a good teacher, you can do any job in the world. Because you are a nice person, you can keep a very good relationship with people and the world around you, you are open people, you are eager to learn, you are hard working, reflective and creative. With those above, you would be able to make anything happen.

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