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1、牛津初中英语牛津初中英语9B Unit 1 Reading 初中英语九下第1页简明提醒简明提醒一、年级:九年级一、年级:九年级二、教学内容二、教学内容:Unit 1 Life on Mars三、课型:三、课型:Reading四、教学目标四、教学目标 1.知识目标知识目标 掌握本课时四会单词、主要掌握本课时四会单词、主要 词组和句型。词组和句型。初中英语七上 初中英语九下第2页 初中英语七上 初中英语九下 2.能力目标能力目标 1)学会利用本课所学主要词汇和句型来学会利用本课所学主要词汇和句型来简单描述未来生活。简单描述未来生活。2)学会略读和寻读等阅读技巧。学会略读和寻读等阅读技巧。3.情感目

2、标情感目标 引导学生思索在另一个星球上生活前景引导学生思索在另一个星球上生活前景和可能性,比较不一样环境优点和缺点,激和可能性,比较不一样环境优点和缺点,激发学生探索未知世界热情。发学生探索未知世界热情。第3页 初中英语七上 初中英语九下五、教学重难点五、教学重难点 1.重点重点:1)学习和利用四会单词、词组。学习和利用四会单词、词组。2)掌握略读和寻读等阅读技巧。掌握略读和寻读等阅读技巧。2.难点难点:1)Every student will have a computer at home connected to an interplanetary network.第4页 初中英语七上 初

3、中英语九下 2)Compared with life on Earth,life on Mars will be better than life on Earth in many ways.3)There will be various designs for settlers to choose from.第5页 初中英语九下Part One Lead-inWhat problems does Earth have?第6页 初中英语九下Earth Mars a better world crowdedpolluted第7页 初中英语七上 初中英语九下1Our Earth is becomi

4、ng a crowded and polluted p_(a large body in space that moves around the star,e.g.,the sun).2 Because of the g_(a power that keeps us from floating in the air),we can stand and walk on Earth.lanetravityTask One Filling in the blanksPart Two Pre-reading第8页 初中英语七上 初中英语九下3It takes s_(a vehicle designed

5、 for travel in space)months to travel to Mars at present.pacecraft4The first s_(people who go to live in a new place)on Mars should d_(grow and improve)plants that can produce oxygen,food and water.ettlersevelop第9页 初中英语七上 初中英语九下5The r_(machines that can do 6 tasks under the control of computers)will

6、 do most of the work on Mars,but the food may be in the form of p_(small round pieces of medicine)and not very tasty.obotsillsplanet gravity spacecraft settlers develop robots pills第10页 初中英语九下1 Color:2 Size:3 Location:4 Moons:5 Surface:6 Temperature:Task Two Sharing my research on Mars第11页 初中英语九下red

7、第12页 初中英语九下MercuryVenusEarthMarsOne-half the diametre of Earth第13页PlutoJupiterUranusNeptuneEarthVenusMarsSaturnMercuryEight planets in our solar system 初中英语九下第14页 初中英语九下Two moonsPhobosDeimos第15页 初中英语九下The surface of Mars is a little like the surface of Earth.第16页 初中英语九下-133 27 Temperature:第17页 初中英语九

8、下1Color:2Size:3Location:44 Moons:5 Surface:6 Temperature:My research on Marsredone-half the diametre of Earthbetween Earth and JupiterPhobos,Deimosa little like the surface of Earth-133 27 第18页 初中英语九下Task Three Guessing and searching crowded planetspace shuttlesspeed bootsspace homerobot settlers on

9、line teacher searchsearchsearchsearchsearchsearch第19页 初中英语九下crowded planetThe population on Earth is about 6.4 billion in.Its still increasing quickly.第20页 初中英语九下space shuttlesThey are new kinds of spacecraft which can travel faster in space.第21页 初中英语九下speed bootsThey are special shoes that can make

10、 you walk faster in space.第22页 初中英语九下space homeIts a special round house in space.第23页 初中英语九下robot settlers Settlers are people who go to live in a new place.Maybe robots will move to Mars and live on it first.第24页 初中英语九下online teacherThe teacher who can help you at any time and any place in an onli

11、ne school is called online teacher.第25页 初中英语九下Part Two While-readingTask One Skimming Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Para 6 Para 7Crowded,pollutedTransportFood,water and airGravityHomeSchoolFood第26页 初中英语九下 Task Two Scanning1 What vehicle do people use to go to Mars at present?And how long does it tak

12、e?2 What vehicle may people use to go to Mars in the future?And how long will it take?3 What will scientists do to solve the problems of food,water and air?4 What will food on Mars be like?第27页 初中英语九下5 Is gravity on Mars a big problem?Why?6 What may happen then?7 What kind of shoes should people wea

13、r?8 What kind of house may people live in?9 Who will do most of our work?10 What kind of school will students study in?And what do they call their teacher?第28页 初中英语九下 transport Spacecraft.Space shuttles.Only a very short time.1 What vehicle do people use to go to Mars at present?And how long does it

14、 take?Months.2 What vehicle may people use to go to Mars in the future?And how long will it take?第29页 初中英语九下Food,water and air4 What will food on Mars be like?Maybe the food will be in the form of pills.3 What will scientists do to solve the problems of food,water and air?Scientists will develop pla

15、nts that can grow on Mars and produce food,water and oxygen.第30页 初中英语九下Yes,it is.Because the gravity on Mars is three-eighths of the gravity on Earth.People may jump high easily and float away into space.People should wear special boots to make themselves heavier.5 Is gravity on Mars a big problem?W

16、hy?6 What may happen then?7 What shoes should people wear?gravity第31页 初中英语九下 home8 What kind of house may people live in?9 Who will do most of our work?A special dome with 10 bedrooms is highly possible.Robots.第32页 初中英语九下 school 10 What kind of school will students study in?And what do they call the

17、ir teachers?Students can study in online schools and they call their teachers e-teachers.第33页Post-reading Task One Filling in the form below 初中英语九下 Mars in 21001 Its clean and has lots of space.2 Space shuttles travel at half the speed of light.3 Its only about three-eighths of the gravity that we h

18、ave on Earth.4 People wear special boots.5 People live in a dome with 10 bedrooms.6 We take exams in online schools.7 Meals are just pills.第34页 初中英语九下Task Two Discussion about Task Two Discussion about life on Mars Its not _ or _.The _ is more convenient.People will wear special _.People will have _

19、 space._ will do most of our work.Well have more time for_.Students will study in _ schools.Advantagescrowded pollutedtransportbootsmoreRobotshobbiesonline第35页 初中英语九下Disadvantages Low _ will be dangerous.Food does not taste _.Space travel makes people feel _.Its too _ to stay outside.Its too _ away

20、from friends on Earth.gravitygoodill/sickfarcold第36页 初中英语九下Task ThreeCompleting Exercise C1 on page 11 of the Students BookKeys:1 a 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 b 6 b 7 a 8 b第37页Important sentences1 There will be various designs for settlers to choose from.将有许各种设计可供移居将有许各种设计可供移居者选择。者选择。我有很多双鞋子能够选择,但我决定不了我有很多双鞋子能够选

21、择,但我决定不了选哪双。选哪双。I have many pairs of shoes _,but I dont know which pair _.to choose fromto chooseto choose from意思是意思是“从从中挑选中挑选”。初中英语九下第38页2 The journey might take only a very short time in space shuttles that travel at half the speed of light.用以光速二分之一速度飞行太空穿梭机进用以光速二分之一速度飞行太空穿梭机进行旅程可能只要花很短时间。行旅程可能只要花

22、很短时间。此句是此句是that连接定语从句,连接定语从句,that 修修饰先行词饰先行词space shuttles。初中英语九下第39页 初中英语九下3Compared with life on Earth,life on Mars will be better in many ways.与在地球上生活相比,火星上生活在很多与在地球上生活相比,火星上生活在很多方面将会更加好。方面将会更加好。与我们那条路相比,这条路繁忙得多。与我们那条路相比,这条路繁忙得多。This road is quite busy _ _ pared with/tocompare with意思是意思是“与与做比较做比较

23、”。在句中是过去分词短语作状语,此时在句中是过去分词短语作状语,此时with和和to可通用。可通用。第40页 初中英语九下 江阴大桥把江阴和靖江连接了起来。江阴大桥把江阴和靖江连接了起来。Jiangyin Bridge _ Jiangyin _ Jingjiang.connects to 4Every student will have a computer at home connected to inter-planetary network.每个学生在家里有一台连接星际网络电脑。每个学生在家里有一台连接星际网络电脑。connect to 意思是意思是“与与连接连接”。这里。这里conne

24、cted to是过去分词后置作定语,修饰是过去分词后置作定语,修饰computer。第41页 小小 结结 今今天天我我们们学学习习了了一一些些描描述述火火星星生生活活词词汇汇、句句型型,而而且且讨讨论论了了火火星星上上未未来来生生活活优优缺缺点点。希希望望同同学学们们课课后后认认真真巩巩固固课课文文内内容容,用自己语言来简单描述火星生活。用自己语言来简单描述火星生活。初中英语九下第42页 初中英语九下Homework1Read the passage aloud.2Finish off the additional exercises.第43页 初中英语九下Additional exercis

25、es用括号内所给词适当形式填空用括号内所给词适当形式填空1 There is less air _(pollute)in town that in the city.2 Look at the newest T-shirt.Its made of cotton.I think it will become _(fashion)this summer.3 Its _(high)possible that people can live on Mars in the future.第44页 初中英语九下4Grandma is too old _(settle)on another planet a

26、t present.5The helmet is made of metal.Its too heavy.When I wear it,I feel _ (comfort).6 My father cooks very well.The food he cooks is as _(taste)as that in the restaurant.第45页 初中英语九下7 Here are many kinds of moon cakes for you _(choose)from.8 _(compare)with what he had already,the new stamps were n

27、ot very interesting.9 _(hope),doctors have found a new way to operate on the patients flying hospital.10 We should keep water from _(be)polluted.第46页 初中英语九下Keys:1 pollution 2 fashionable3 highly 4 to settle5 uncomfortable 6 tasty7 to choose 8 Compared 9 Hopefully 10 being第47页 初一英语 本课是本课是9B Unit 1Reading。这一课时展。这一课时展望了未来人们在火星上生活情况。文章分别望了未来人们在火星上生活情况。文章分别就交通、重力等就交通、重力等5个方面讨论了火星上生活个方面讨论了火星上生活优缺点。在组织教课时,教师要勉励学生展优缺点。在组织教课时,教师要勉励学生展开想象,开想象,提醒学生在谈论未来生活时很多答提醒学生在谈论未来生活时很多答案没有对错之分。同时教师还应注意对学生案没有对错之分。同时教师还应注意对学生略读和寻读等阅读策略训练。略读和寻读等阅读策略训练。说说 明明第48页

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