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1、目录2010年福建师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2011年福建师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2013年福建师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含部分答案)2015年福建师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含部分答案)2010年福建师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解I.Directions:Translate the following words,abbreviations or terminologyinto their target languages respectively.There ar

2、e altogether 30 items in thispart of the test,15 in English and 15 in Chinese,with 1 point for each.(30points,1 point for each)1OPEC【答案】石油输出国组织2GSM【答案】全球移动通信系统3CEO【答案】首席执行官4GDP【答案】国内生产总值5PPI【答案】生产价格指数6CIA【答案】中央情报局7ibid【答案】同前,如上8e-commerce【答案】电子商务9ATM【答案】自动取款机10WTO【答案】世界贸易组织11Giveaway buffet【答案】慈善餐会1

3、2Talk show【答案】脱口秀13Wealth gap【答案】贫富差距14Flash mob【答案】快闪族15Foreign exchange gap【答案】外汇缺口16小康社会【答案】a moderately prosperous society17四项基本原则【答案】the four cardinal principles18外向型经济【答案】export-oriented economy19接续产业【答案】continuous industry20社会治安【答案】security of society21国际金融危机【答案】international financial crisis

4、22全球通货紧缩【答案】global deflation23贸易保护主义【答案】trade protectionism24产能过剩【答案】excess production capacity25第三产业【答案】tertiary industry26社区卫生服务体系【答案】community health service system27农村合作医疗【答案】rural cooperative medical service28企业所得税【答案】corporate income tax29全国政协【答案】Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conferen

5、ce30证券交易印花税【答案】the stamp duty of the stockII.Directions:Translate the following two source texts into their targetlanguages respectively.If the source text is in English,its target languages isChinese;if the source text is in Chinese,its target languages is English.(120points,60 points for each text

6、)Source Text 1:In the Qing dynasty,Canton was one of the most prominent cities in thecountry.There were others that excelled it in the beauty of their naturalsurroundings,and in the historic memories that clustered around them,but itstood pre-eminent as one of the strong cities of the empire.The lof

7、ty wallsthat surrounded it,and the massive gates,through which the teeming crowdspassed in and out,had an imposing air of strength that seemed to bid defianceto all the world,and to laugh to scorn any attempt that might be made tocapture them.It was one of the wealthiest places in the kingdom.Like o

8、therChinese cities,it had its narrow lanes,where the poorer people lived,andlong line of streets where the smaller shops were opened;but it wasconspicuous for the number of its large and extensive business houses,wheretrade on a large scale was carried on.Here could be found,as hardly asanywhere els

9、e in the empire,firms where the finest silks and satins,andelegant embroidery of every design,could be procured.Not only articles ofnative manufacture could be bought,but also those from far-from distantcities,which had been carried over to lofty mountains and down great riversto this famous mart.He

10、re,too,were to be found the most beautiful vasesfrom well-known potteries,painted with the most exquisite,the secret ofwhich was known only to their designers,and has since been lost to theworld.The warehouses,filled with the fragrant leaf that came from the centreof China,to be shipped away to Engl

11、and,explained in some measure thepresence of the English ships that lay anchored in the river.The city wasalive and bustling,and had the air of a pressure of business upon it.Men fromthe region around,and from the far interior provinces,could be seen in itsstreets.Tea merchants from Hankou,silk merc

12、hants from Soochow,makersof the famous pottery from the Kiangsi province,merchants from distantcities coming to buy and sell,mandarins of all degrees with their retinues andspeaking the different dialects of their far-off homes,so that they werestrangers in language,amongst the very people they had

13、come to rule,allspoke of the hold that this mighty city had upon remote places in the empire.【参考译文】清朝时,广州是全国最著名的城市之一。虽然有些城市在自然风光和历史感上超越了广州,但它作为大清帝国强大的城市而出类拔萃。高大的城墙环绕在城市周围,人群来来往往,穿过结实的城门,种种都显示出一股强大的气势,好像它在向全世界抛去不屑,大笑着蔑视所有企图占取它的行为。广州是整个大清帝国最富裕的城市之一。就像中国其他的城市,它也有贫苦人民聚集的狭窄小道,也有开满小商铺的长街,不过它的大商号数量之多才是最惹人注


15、远道而来做买卖的商人,还有大大小小的官员和他们身边的随从,他们都讲着家乡的方言,因此,在语言上他们是陌生人。在他们统治的那些人中,所有人都谈到这座强大的城市的影响已经延伸至大清帝国偏远的地区了。Source Text 2:2008年是极不平凡的一年。我国经济社会发展经受住了历史罕见的重大挑战和考验。在中国共产党领导下,全国各族人民迎难而上,奋力拼搏,战胜各种艰难险阻,改革开放和社会主义现代化建设取得新的重大成就。这些成就,标志着我们在中国特色社会主义道路上迈出新的坚实步伐,极大地增强了全国各族人民战胜困难的勇气和力量,必将激励我们在新的历史征程上继续奋勇前进。过去一年的成就来之不易。这是以胡锦

16、涛同志为总书记的党中央统揽全局、正确领导的结果,是全党全军全国各族人民同心同德、团结奋斗的结果。在肯定成绩的同时,也要清醒的认识到,我们正面临前所未有的困难和挑战。我们一定要深刻认识国际国内形势的严峻性和复杂性,增强危机意识和忧患意识,充分利用有利条件,积极应对各种挑战,努力做好各项工作,决不辜负人民的期望和重托。(346 words)【参考译文】2008 is an extraordinary year.We have withstood the rare challenges andtests in economy and social development.Under the lead

17、ership of thecommunist party of China,the Chinese people advanced against the hardship,fought hard and finally overcome all sorts of difficulties.Besides,newbreakthroughs have been made in reform and opening-up,as well as insocialist modernization.And all of these achievements mark that we havetaken

18、 new and solid steps on the road of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics,and they have greatly enhanced the Chinese people in thestrength and courage to overcome difficulties,which undoubtedly willencourage us to keep marching forward in the future.Our accomplishment inthe past year is hard-won.It

19、is the result of the right guidance and overallplanning of the Party Central Committee with Hu Jintao as the generalsecretary,and the result of the united party,army and people struggling withone heart and one mind.While praising our achievements,we should be clearof the difficulties and challenges

20、we are facing.We must deeply understandthe seriousness and complexity of both the international and the domesticsituation,raise the awareness of crisis,make full use of favorable conditions,actively cope with various challenges,and strive to do all works well so as tolive up to peoples expectation a

21、nd trust.2011年福建师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解I.Directions:Translate the following words,abbreviations or terminologyinto their target languages respectively.There are altogether 30 items in thispart of the test,15 in English and 15 in Chinese,with 1 point for each.(30points,1 point for each)1.CPI【答案】居民消

22、费价格指数2NATO【答案】北大西洋公约组织3PPT(以电脑术语翻译)【答案】演示文稿文件4UNESCO【答案】联合国教科文组织5PPT【答案】生产前试验6FBI【答案】联邦调查局7CDMA【答案】码分多址8high five【答案】举手击掌9Woot【答案】与“耶!”或“噢吼!”等感叹词类似10WHO【答案】世界卫生组织11social network【答案】社交网络12Obamania【答案】奥巴马热13Spillcam【答案】漏油监控头14vuvuzela【答案】呼呼塞拉(2010南非世界杯助威工具)15World Cup soccer in South Africa【答案】南非世界杯1

23、6产品召回【答案】product recall17金融海啸【答案】financial tsunami18职业病【答案】occupational disease19鸟巢【答案】the Birds Nest20社会治安【答案】public security21文化扶贫计划【答案】the poverty alleviation of culture22全球通货紧缩【答案】world deflation23信访办【答案】office of complaints24全国重点文化保护单位【答案】national key cultural protection units25双规【答案】double des

24、ignation26科学发展观【答案】scientific outlook on development27境外游客退税【答案】tax refund for foreign tourists28离岛免税政策【答案】offshore duty-free policy29超国民待遇【答案】super-national treatment30票贩子【答案】ticket scalperII.Directions:Translate the following two source texts into their targetlanguages respectively.If the source t

25、ext is in English,its target languages isChinese,If the source text is in Chinese,its target languages is English.(120points,60 points for each text)Source Text l:There was really nothing more to do in the vicinity of Marksville than in theneighborhood of his own small farm;but Elvina would not be d

26、own there,nor Amaranthe,nor any of Mame Valtours daughters to harass him withdoubt,to torture him with indecision,to turn his very soul into a weather-cock for loves fair winds to play with.Telsphore at twenty-eight had long felt the need of a wife.His home withoutone was like an empty temple in whi

27、ch there is no altar,no offering.Sokeenly did he realize the necessity that a dozen times at least during the pastyear he had been on the point of proposing marriage to almost as manydifferent young women of the neighborhood.Therein lay the difficulty,thetrouble which Telsphore experienced in making

28、 up his mind.Elvinas eyeswere beautiful and had often tempted him to the verge of a declaration.Buther skin was over swarthy for a wife;and her movements were slow andheavy;he doubted she had Indian blood,and we all know what Indian bloodis for treachery.Amaranthe presented in her person none of the

29、se obstacles tomatrimony.If her eyes were not so handsome as Elvinas,her skin was fine,and being slender to a fault,she moved swiftly about her household affairs,orwhen she walked the country lanes in going to church or to the store.Telsphore had once reached the point of believing that Amaranthe wo

30、uldmake him an excellent wife.He had even started out one day with theintention of declaring himself,when,as the god of chance would have it,Mame Valtour espied him passing in the road and enticed him to enter andpartake of coffee and“baigns.”He would have been a man of stone to haveresisted,or to h

31、ave remained insensible to the charms and accomplishmentsof the Valtour girls.Finally there was Ganaches widow,seductive ratherthan handsome,with a good bit of property in her own right.WhileTelsphore was considering his chances of happiness or even success withGanaches widow,she married a younger m

32、an.From these embarrassing conditions,Telsphore sometimes felt himselfforced to escape;to change his environment for a day or two and thereby gaina few new insights by shifting his point of view.(391 words)【参考译文】在马克斯维尔附近大概也只能在特雷弗的小农场附近转转了。但艾尔维纳不会去那儿,阿玛兰瑟也不会去,华多女士的女儿们都不会带着疑问去打搅他,带着犹豫去折磨他或是让他的灵魂变成一支沐浴


34、玛兰瑟会是一位优秀的妻子。他甚至有一天都准备向阿玛兰瑟表白心意了,正好机会来了,那天华多女士看见他从门口走过,于是诱惑他进去小坐,喝杯咖啡,洗个澡。他原本可以像一座石头一样一动不动,拒绝这样的邀请,或是对华多家的女儿没有丝毫感觉。最终,他看中了伽纳彻家的寡妇,她不漂亮却很性感,手里头还有一大笔财产。可正当特雷弗细想着自己将有机会享受和伽纳彻家寡妇在一起的幸福时,她却嫁给了一个年轻的男人。经历了这些尴尬的状况,特雷弗有时候觉得自己不得不逃离这个地方了。他应该要去一个新的环境住上一两天,这样的话他就能转变自己的观点,从新的角度考虑问题了。Source Text 2:千方百计增加就业是政府的重要职责


36、就业指导。今年仍是高校毕业生就业高峰年,退役军人安置任务也很重,要认真做好就业指导和服务工作。(357 words)【参考译文】It is an important duty of the government to do everything possible toincrease the employment.This year,our expected goal is to increase theemployment for 9 million people and the reemployment for 5 million laid-offworkers and unemploye

37、d people in both cities and towns.We will continue toimplement those positive employment policies,especially putting policies offinancial and credit support as well as tax relief into practice.This year,thecentral finance budgets 8.3 billion yuan for reemployment subsidies,increased by 3.6 billion y

38、uan compared with that of last year.We will expandemployment channels,pay attention to the development of labor-intensiveindustries,small and medium-sized enterprises and non-public sectors of theeconomy,and also implement flexible and diversified employment methodsas well as encourage starting a bu

39、siness and searching for a job individually.Besides,the reemployment assistance system should be perfected,and thepublic welfare posts invested by the government should been given priority tothose with employment difficulties.Also,we are supposed to support largeand medium-sized state-owned enterpri

40、ses in settling their redundant staffthrough auxiliary main-auxiliary separation and auxiliary system reform.Whats more,we ought to focus on the reemployment of laid-off workers inold industrial bases,resource exhausted cities and independent industrial andmining areas,as well as in the military,coa

41、l,forest and other industries.Alsowe need to improve the employment service system,strengthen employmentskills training,job introduction and employment guidance.This year is stillthe peak year of employment of college graduates,and the settlement work ofveteran is of a heavy burden,therefore we shou

42、ld do a good job in careerguidance and service.2013年福建师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题(回忆版)(含部分答案)I.Directions:Translate the following words,abbreviations or terminologyinto their target languages respectively.There are altogether 30 items in thispart of the test,15 in English and 15 in Chinese,with 1 point f

43、or each.(缺失4小题)1OPEC【答案】石油输出国组织2GSM【答案】全球移动通信系统3GDP【答案】国内生产总值4CEO【答案】首席执行官5PPI【答案】生产者物价指数6CIA【答案】中央情报局7UNESCO【答案】联合国教科文组织8Muffin-top【答案】腰部赘肉9Trailer fraud【答案】预告片陷阱10House mortgage loan【答案】住房抵押贷款11Thumb candy【答案】弱智游戏12All-out donation【答案】裸捐13Re-tweet depression【答案】微博欠转抑郁症14Asset bubble【答案】资产泡沫15囤地【答案

44、】land reserves16小产权房【答案】houses with limited property rights17棚户区改造【答案】Shanty House Area Renovation18蜗居【答案】dwelling narrowness/dwelling in a narrow space19蚁族【答案】ant tribe20走光【答案】wardrobe malfunction21公共外交【答案】public diplomacy22全球通货紧缩【答案】global deflation23收入差距【答案】income gap24选举法修正案【答案】amendment to the

45、Electoral Law25两会【答案】NPC&CPPCC26联合国安理会【答案】United Nations Security CouncilII.Directions:Translate the following two source texts into their targetlanguages respectively.If the source text is in English,its target languages isChinese,If the source text is in Chinese,its target languages is English.(12

46、0points,60 points for each text)Source Text l:Love on the Bon-Dieuby Kate Chopin(1851-1904)(节选)When Azenor reached the cabin where Lalie dwelt,all sign of day hadvanished.Dusk had fallen swiftly after the sunset.The moss that hung heavyfrom great live-oak branches was making fantastic silhouettes ag

47、ainst theeastern sky that the big,round moon was beginning to light.Off in theswamp beyond the bayou,hundreds of dismal voices were droning a lullaby.Upon the hovel itself,a stillness like death rested.Oftener than once Azenor tapped upon the door,which was closed as well asit could be,without obtai

48、ning a reply.He finally approached one of the smallunglazed windows,in which coarse mosquito-netting had been fastened,andlooked into the room.By the moonlight slanting in he could see Lalie stretched upon a bed;butthere was no sign.“Lalie!”he called softly.“Lalie!”The girl slightly moved her head u

49、pon the pillow.Then he boldly opened thedoor and entered.Upon a wretched bed,over which was spread a cover ofpatched calico,Lalie lay,her frail body only half concealed by the singlegarment that was upon it.One hand was plunged beneath her pillow;theother,which was free,he touched.It was as hot as f

50、lame;so was her head.Heknelt sobbing upon the floor beside her,and called her his love and his soul.He begged her to speak a word to him,to look at him.But she only muttereddisjointedly that the cotton was all turning to ashes in the fields,and theblades of the corn were in flames.If he was choked w

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