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1、目录2011年湖南师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2012年湖南师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2013年湖南师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2011年湖南师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解PART I TRANSLATION OF WORDS AND PHRASES(60 MIN)SECTION A ENGLISH TO CHINESE(15 POINTS)Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese.Write yourtranslations on the

2、 answer sheet.1WTO【答案】世界贸易组织2IMF【答案】国际货币基金组织3MIT【答案】麻省理工学院4FBI【答案】美国联邦调查局5NATO【答案】北大西洋公约组织6FIFA【答案】国际足球联合会7Athens【答案】雅典8The European Union【答案】欧盟9San Francisco【答案】旧金山10Cape Horn【答案】好望角11The River Thames【答案】泰晤士河12The Emancipation Proclamation【答案】解放黑人奴隶宣言13Winston Churchill【答案】温斯顿丘吉尔14pragmatics【答案】语用学

3、15Julius Caesar【答案】尤利乌斯凯撒SECTION B CHINESE TO ENGLISH(15 POINTS)Translate the following words and phrases into English.Write yourtranslations on the answer sheet.16巴金【答案】Ba Jin17诸葛亮【答案】Zhuge Liang18爱晚亭【答案】Love Dusk Pavilion on Yuelu Hill19手机实名制【答案】real-name registration system for mobile phone users

4、20城市低保对象【答案】urban residents entitled to basic living allowances21退耕还林还草【答案】return farmland to forests or grassland22知识产权保护【答案】protection of intellectual property right23人民币汇率形成机制改革【答案】reform of RMB exchange rate formation mechanism24资源节约型和环境友好型社会【答案】resource-saving and environment-friendly society25

5、产业核心竞争力【答案】core competitiveness of industries26转变经济发展方式【答案】transform economic development mode27科教兴国战略【答案】reinvigorating the country through science,technology andeducation28中国2010年上海世博会【答案】Expo 2010 in Shanghai,China29 2010年广州亚运会【答案】2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou30中华人民共和国【答案】the Peoples Republic of

6、ChinaPART II TRANSLATION OF TEXTS(120 MIN)SECTION A ENGLISH TO CHINESE(60 POINTS)Translate the following text into Chinese.Write your translation on theanswer sheet.It is physically impossible for a well-educated,intellectual,or brave man tomake money the chief of his thoughts;as physically impossib

7、le as it is forhim to make his dinner the principal object of them.All healthy people liketheir dinner,but their dinner is not the main object of their lives.So allhealthy-minded people like making money but the main object of their livesis not money;it is something better than money.A good soldier,

8、for instance,mainly wishes to do his fighting well.He is gladfor his pay very properly so,and justly grumbles when you keep him tenmonths without it;still his main motion of his life is to win battles,not to bepaid for winning them.So of doctors.They like fees no doubt-ought to like them;yet if they

9、 arebrave and well-educated,the entire object of their lives is not fees.They,onthe whole,desire to cure the sick,andif they are good doctors,and thechoices were fairly put to themwould rather cure their patients and losetheir fee than kill him and get it.And so with all other brave and rightlytrain

10、ed men,their work is first,their fee second,very important always,butstill second.【参考译文】一个受过良好教育、有头脑的、有胆识的人完全不可能将金钱当作他考虑的主要对象,正如他完全不可能将美餐当作他主要考虑对象一样。所有健康的人都喜欢享用美餐,但美餐并不是他们生活的主要目标。同样道理,所有思想健全的人都喜欢挣钱,然而,他们生活的主要目标并不是金钱,而是比金钱更珍贵的东西。例如,一位优秀的士兵主要想打好仗。他为自己的薪饷感到高兴,这完全合乎情理。假如,你扣发他十个月军饷,他发牢骚理所应当。不过,他的人生主要目标仍然

11、是打胜仗,并非为了薪饷而打胜仗。医生也是如此。毫无疑问,医生是喜欢治疗费用的,他们理应喜欢它。但是如果他们有胆识且受过良好教育的话,他们生活的全部目标并不是费用。总体来说,医生希望治愈病人。如果他们是好医生,且有选择权的话,他们宁愿治好病人损失费用,也不愿意葬送病人的生命而获得费用。所有其他有胆识的、受过正当培训的人也是如此:对于他们而言,工作第一、报酬第二。报酬尽管总是非常重要的,但还是排在第二位。SECTION B CHINESE TO ENGLISH(60 POINTS)Translate the following text into English.Write your transl

12、ation on theanswer sheet.陆文婷进了医学院,就住在女生宿舍,在食堂吃大锅饭。天不亮,她就起床背外语单词。铃声响,她夹着书本去听课,大课小课,密密麻麻的笔记。接着是晚自习,然后在解剖室呆到深夜。她把青春慷慨地奉献给一堂接着一堂的课程,一次接着一次的考试。爱情似乎与她无缘。美亚芬是她同班同学,两人住一间宿舍,姜亚芬有一双会说话的眼睛,有一张迷人的小嘴;有修长的身材,有活泼的性格。每个星期,她都收到不能公开的来信;每个周末,她都有神秘的约会。而陆文婷却是孤孤零零,冷冷清清,没有来信,也没有约会。她似乎是一个被人遗忘的少女。【参考译文】Lu Wenting goes to me

13、dical school and lives in a girls dormitory.She eats inthe canteen where meals from a big pot are distributed to everyone.Beforedawn,she gets up to recite English vocabulary.When the bell rings,she goesto listen to lectures,given to a large or small number of students and takesplenty of notes.Then s

14、he attends the self-study classes at night.After thenight classes,she goes to the dissecting room in which she stays until late.She devotes her youth to the continuous courses and exams.Love doesnt seem to have anything to do with her.Mei Yafen,her classmateand roommate,has eyes which can speak and

15、a charming little mouth;she isslim and outgoing.Every week,she receives letters which cant be madepublic;every weekend,she has mysterious dates.But Lu Wenting is lonelyand there was no letter or date for her.It seems that she has been forgotten.2012年湖南师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解PART I TRANSLATION OF W

16、ORDS AND PHRASES(60 MIN)SECTION A ENGLISH TO CHINESE(15 POINTS)Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese.Write yourtranslations on the answer sheet.1Queensland【答案】昆士兰州2Quebec【答案】魁北克省3Santa Claus【答案】圣诞老人4Sir Walter Scott【答案】沃尔特司各特爵士5Stamp Tax【答案】印花税6Standard&Po【答案】标准普尔公司7Suez Canal【答案】苏伊

17、士运河8Sydney【答案】悉尼9Vancouver【答案】温哥华10West Indies【答案】西印度群岛11phonetics【答案】语音学12translation after sense【答案】翻译后的意义13Eurasia Land Bridge【答案】亚欧大陆桥14monetary integration【答案】货币一体化15Europes sovereign-debt crisis【答案】欧洲主权债务危机SECTION B CHINESE TO ENGLISH(15 POINTS)Translate the following words and phrases into En

18、glish.Write yourtranslations on the answer sheet.16载人航天【答案】manned space program17行政问责【答案】administrative accountability18公费接待【答案】reception at public expense19法人代表【答案】legal representative20蜗居【答案】humble abode21富二代【答案】the second-generation rich22工业“三废”【答案】three industrial wastes23潜规则【答案】hidden rule24发动机

19、排量【答案】engine displacement25公民健康档案【答案】citizens health records26全球化【答案】globalization27增值税【答案】value added tax28住房信贷政策【答案】housing credit policy29颐和园【答案】The Summer Palace30法律硕士【答案】Juris MasterPART II TRANSLATION OF TEXTS(120 MIN)SECTION A ENGLISH TO CHINESE(60 POINTS)World food prices are pushing highert

20、he United Nations overall food indexshows a 28.3%annual increase,with cereals up 44.1%sparking concerns thata new food crisis may be emerging,just three years after the last one.Doesthis mean the world is running out of food?The quick answer is that the world does seem to be running low on cheapfood

21、.This supply shortage stems from the failure of governments and donorsover nearly three decades to fund the basic agricultural research,investmentsin rural infrastructure,and training for smallholder farmers necessary,to pushout the productivity frontier.Until recently,world food crises have been re

22、latively rare eventsoccurringabout three times a century.The food crisis of 2007-08,although scary at thetime,was relatively mild by comparisons.Prices for wheat,rice and maizethe staple foods that provide well over half the world populations energyintake directly and a good deal more indirectly via

23、 livestock productsrose96.7%between 2006 and 2008,not approaching the spikes in the mid-1970swhen corrected for inflation.Yet here we are just a few years later,talkingabout food prices again.【参考译文】全球粮食价格持续飙升,联合国食品综合指数显示粮食价格年均上涨28.3%,其中谷类上涨44.1%。这引发了人们对可能会出现的又一轮粮食危机的担忧,尽管距离上一场危机只不过才三个年头。那么,粮价上涨,是不是意


25、的今天,我们又在谈论粮食的价格了。SECTION B CHINESE TO ENGLISH(60 POINTS)Translate the following text into English.Write your translation on theanswer sheet.微笑,永远是微笑者个人的专利,它既不能租,又不能买;既不能借,又不能偷。微笑,是微笑者心境的体现,这种笑脸又能产生多种功能:它能使某些人之间的生疏变成亲密,使某些人之间的隔阂变成融洽,它能使失意成为顺意,使烦恼成为愉快;它能使人们的心灵沟通,感情交融微笑,凝聚着内心的纯洁无私,召唤着友谊与情感的到来,消化着矛盾和不快。

26、微笑是无声的,但又胜似有声。微笑把一具心灵传递给另一具心灵。古人说:笑口常开,笑古笑今,万事一笑了之。我们可以理解为:带着微笑的赞扬,使人感到诚心,能催人奋进;带着微笑的批评,使人感到善意,能促人进步;带着微笑的拒绝,使人感到理解,能帮人走出困境;带着微笑的请求,使人感到亲切,能帮人过关。微笑是光明的,微笑的世界是文明的世界。愿每一个人都多一点微笑,少一点忧愁。【参考译文】Smile is inseparable from its owner,for it can neither be rented nor bought,neither borrowed nor stolen.It symbo

27、lizes the persons mind and servesmany purposes:bringing strangers closer to each other,turning estrangementinto reconciliation,giving hope to the disappointed and replacing vexationwith joy.It opens channels from heart to heart so that feelings can flowreciprocallyEmbodying purity and selflessness,s

28、mile calls for friendship and affection.Itcauses antagonism and displeasure to dissolve.Its soundlessness is evenbetter than utterance in communicating between minds.The ancient said to awell-known Buddha statue:“Always grinning,you look at things past andpresent,and laugh them off whatever they are

29、.”What is meant by a smile canbe understood this way:a compliment given with a smile represents a sincereencouragement to the addressee for further efforts,while criticism with asmile is likely to be accepted as meaning well and helpful to ones progress.A smiling refusal,which causes no embarrassmen

30、t,contributes to mutualunderstanding;while a smiling request,which appeals irresistibly,does agreat deal to help tackle knotty problems.Where there is a smile,there is a light.A smiling world is a civilized one.Letthere be more smiles and less worries.2013年湖南师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解PART I TRANSLATI

31、ON OF WORDS AND PHRASES(60 MIN)SECTION A ENGLISH TO CHINESE(15 POINTS)Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese.Write yourtranslations on the answer sheet.1BEC【答案】商务英语证书2GPS【答案】全球定位系统3HIV【答案】人类免疫缺陷病毒4Melbourne【答案】墨尔本5Semantics【答案】语义学6overdue loan【答案】逾期贷款7avian influenza【答案】禽流感8Ph.D cand

32、idate【答案】博士生9cease-fire agreement【答案】停火协议10proactive fiscal policy【答案】积极的财政政策11fixed exchange rate system【答案】固定汇率制度12qualified commercial insurer【答案】合格的商业保险公司13consultation on an equal footing【答案】平等协商14household and commercial lighting【答案】家庭和商业照明15United Nations Security Council【答案】联合国安理会SECTION B C

33、HINESE TO ENGLISH(15 POINTS)Translate the following words and phrases into English.Write yourtranslations on the answer sheet.1大学【答案】the Great Learning2免费通过【答案】free passage3流动人口【答案】floating population4种子选手【答案】seeded player5共同富裕【答案】common prosperity6生态农业【答案】ecological agriculture7行政审批【答案】administrati

34、ve examination and approval8农业特产税【答案】tax on special agricultural products9在职研究生【答案】on-the-job postgraduate10自然保护区【答案】natural reserve11学龄前儿童【答案】pre-school children12大规模裁员【答案】mass layoffs13工资集体合同【答案】Collective Contract on Salary14科技体制改革【答案】reform of the scientific and technological system15公共供暖系统【答案】p

35、ublic heating systemPART II TRANSLATION OF TEXTS(120 MIN)SECTION A ENGLISH TO CHINESE(60 POINTS)Most of the luxuries,and many of the so-called comforts of life,are not onlynot indispensable,but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind.Withrespect to luxuries and comforts,the wisest have ever

36、lived a more simpleand meagre life than the poor.The ancient philosophers,Chinese,Hindoo,Persian,and Greek,were a class than which none has been poorer in outwardriches,none so rich in inward.We know not much about them.It isremarkable that we know so much of them as we do.The same is true of themor

37、e modern reformers and benefactors of their race.None can be animpartial or wise observer of human life but from the vantage ground of whatwe should call voluntary poverty.Of a life of luxury the fruit is luxury,whether in agriculture,or commerce,or literature,or art.There are nowadaysprofessors of

38、philosophy,but not philosophers.Yet it is admirable to professbecause it was once admirable to live.To be a philosopher is not merely tohave subtle thoughts,nor even to found a school,but so to love wisdom as tolive according to its dictates,a life of simplicity,independence,magnanimity,and trust.It

39、 is to solve some of the problems of life,not only theoretically,but practically.The success of great scholars and thinkers is commonly acourtier-like success,not kingly,not manly.They make shift to live merelyby conformity,practically as their fathers did,and are in no sense theprogenitors of a nob

40、le race of men.【参考译文】大部分的奢侈品,大部分的所谓生活的舒适,非但没有必要,而且对人类进步大有妨碍。所以关于奢侈与舒适,最有智慧的人生活得甚至比穷人更加简单和朴素。中国、印度、波斯和希腊的古哲学家都是一个类型的人物,他们在物质上最贫乏但精神上却最富有。我们都不够理解他们。然而可惊的一点是,我们居然对于他们知道得不少呢。近代那些改革家,各民族的救星,也都如此。唯有站在我们所谓的甘贫乐苦这有利地位上,才能客观、明智地观察人类生活。无论在农业,商业,文学或艺术中,奢侈生活产生的果实都是奢侈的。现在有哲学教授却没有哲学家。然而教授是可羡的,因为教授的生活是可羡的。但是,要做一个哲学

41、家的话,不但要有细微的思想,不但要建立起一个学派来,而且要爱智慧,按照智慧的指示,过一种简单、独立、大度、信任的生活。哲学家不仅要从理论上阐释生活中的一些问题,还要以实际行动来解决这些问题。伟大学者和思想家的成功,通常不是帝王式的,也不是英雄豪杰式的,反而是朝臣式的成功。他们像父辈一样只是循规蹈矩地生活,所以不能成为高尚的人类导师。SECTION B CHINESE TO ENGLISH(60 POINTS)Translate the following text into English.Write your translation on theanswer sheet.中国共产党成立后,团


43、期盼着孩子们能成长得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民对美好生活的向往,就是我们的奋斗目标。【参考译文】Since its founding,the Communist Party of China has made great sacrificesand forged ahead against all odds.It has rallied and led the Chinese people intransforming the poor and backward Old China into an increasinglyprosperous and powerful New Chin

44、a,thus opening a completely new horizonfor the great renewal of the Chinese nation.Our responsibility now is to rally and lead the entire Party and the people ofall ethnic groups in China in taking the baton passed on to us by history,andin making continued efforts to achieve the great renewal of th

45、e Chinesenation,make the Chinese nation stand rock-firm in the family of nations,andmake an even greater contribution to mankind.This great responsibility is the responsibility to the people.Our people are agreat people.During the long course of history,the Chinese people have,working with diligence

46、,bravery and wisdom,created a beautiful homelandwhere all ethnic groups live in harmony,and developed a great and dynamicculture.Our people have an ardent love for life.They wish to have better education,more stable jobs,more income,greater social security,better medical andhealth care,improved housing conditions and a better environment.Theywant their children to have sound growth,have good jobs and lead a moreenjoyable life.To meet their desire for a happy life is our mission.

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