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1、第1页What qualities do you think fashion models should possess?第2页What are Hollywoods ideas of physical beauty for females and males?第3页For females,they are blonde,sun-bleached,good-looking beauties with perfect skin,perfect teeth,symmetrical feature and curvaceous figure(体形).For males,they are strong

2、,handsome,well-built,or muscle-bound,and so on.第4页good-lookingslim,exoticbeautiful,handsome,open-minded,symmetricalsun-bleached elegant,stylishcurvaceousperfectmuscle-bound第5页obese(fat)plumpstoutbald-headedpunklarrupingstrange-lookingdeformed(ugly)dull ill-lookingwith a big mouthwith a little hairwe

3、aring a wig第6页 UGLY MODEL AGENCY was the first and is still the best-known character model agency in the world.Its founders were the first to realise that advertising and promotion needed to feature“real people”from the outright normal to the most bizarre(奇异容貌).第7页look at the picture and name the fe

4、ature第8页第9页Words about appearance and personalityyoung,old,middle-agedclean,smart,dirty,scruffy,untidy,shabbyold-fashioned,fashionable,nice,friendly,awful,naughty,wretched,carefree,nave,optimistic,pessimistic,Innocent,mature,immature,rebellious,serious,dull,interesting,aggressive,conventional,fun-lo

5、ving.第10页粗鄙粗鄙 vulgarcoarsevulgarcoarse,mean,mean愤世嫉俗世嫉俗 cynicalcynical矜持矜持 reservedreserved肥胖肥胖 obeseobeseroundround苗条苗条 leanskinnyslightslenderleanskinnyslightslenderslimslim丑陋丑陋 uglyill-lookingdeformeduglyill-lookingdeformed优雅雅 elegantrefinedgentleelegantrefinedgentle潇洒洒 stylishstylish和善和善 nicenic

6、esweetsweetgood-temperedgood-tempered第11页have sth done have your hair dyed/cut grow your hair/a beard/your nails have your head shaved have your arm tattooed buy/wear a wig have your ear pierced have cosmetic surgery have your nose pierced have your teeth straightenedActivity 1 Discuss changes to ap

7、pearance第12页What has she done to her hair/head?shave第13页第14页Student A:describe a famous person or someone around you to student B,using the vocabulary wev learned.Student B:listen and guess who it is.Then swap roles.Activity 2 Describe sb and guess who it is!第15页Big Advertising Agency needs one mode

8、l to advertise a new-type laptop.Activity 3 Show Time!第16页There are three models for you to choose from,which will you choose?Why?a beautiful world-famous modelan ill-looking modelan ordinary school girl第17页 Homework:1.Write a short passage about the model that your team has chosen,describing him/he

9、r and list your reasons.2.Learn the words by heart and prepare the dictation第18页wrinkle1)She has got wrinkles round her eyes.2)verb I or T-His face is wrinkled with age.-This cloth wrinkles.-Years may wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.第19页prefix:in-1.inaccurate 不正确2.inaccessible 难以到达,不能靠近(to)3.inactive 不活泼,懒惰4.independent 独立,自由1.inflame:v 燃烧,激动,激起2.inland:n/adj 内陆()3.insight:n 洞察力,见识第20页

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