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1、长期包车合同The Long-term lease Car Contract甲方Part A:负责人Person in charge: Jonas Person乙方Party B:负责人Person of charge:合同期限Term of charge:生效日期Effective date:年月日结束日期Ending date:年月日经过甲乙双方友好协商,双方达成协议如下:Based on the friendly consultation of parties A and B, both parties have entered into the Contract as follows:

2、第一条:包车业务内容ARTICLE 1 Contents of the Lease Car Business:乙方在合同期限内负责向甲方提供带司机的用车服务(包车)乙方向甲方提供如下服务:Party B shall be responsible to provide Party A with lease A with lease car with driver service within the term of the Contract. The service provided by Party B to Party Ais as follows:包用车型:包用期限:Lease car t

3、ype:Number of lease:第二条:乙方承诺达到的甲方特殊要求Article 2 Party As Special Requirements Promised byParty B to Reach:1.不涉及甲方的商业秘密以及 私人隐私。暨:为甲方保密。Not concerning Party As business secret and individual privacy, i.e. keep secret for Party A;2.司机在开车时不吸烟、不接 打电话。Upon driving car, driver shall not be smoking, making o

4、r receiving a call.3.对于中外方人员一律友好接 待。Friendly receiving both foreign and Chinese personnel.第三条:乙方承诺达到的服务水准:Article 3 Service Level Promised by Party B to Reach:1.安全、准时。Being safe and timely;2.司机礼貌热情Driver is courtesy and ardor;3.车容干净整洁The van id clean and neat;4.尽量满足甲方的各种用车需 求。Meeting various needs i

5、n using car as far as possible.第四条:费用的支持:Article 4 Payment:1.每 月费用:费用包括:保险费用、汽车租赁费用(不含超公里费;每月限制5000公里);司机 工资(不含加班费);汽车保养维修费用。Expenses include: Insurance, Lease car charge (it does not include the charge over the monthly limit. which is 5,000 kilometers per month), drivers pay, car maintenance and re

6、pairing expenses.2.甲 方每月日向乙方支付当月的费用(正常车费加上月 超公里费和司机加班费)。Party A shall pay the current monthly lease car charge on _ of the same month.3 超公里费用:每超过一公里加人民币3元。 每天行驶里程以司机到达甲方指定地点开始计算;直至甲方结束用车为止;期间司机空驶到达甲方其他指定地点之里程亦算作甲方使用里程。Over mileage limit: 3RMB/1Kilometer. The driver will start mileage count when he a

7、rrives Beijing Riviera, and stop mileage count until the last use .During working hours, the mileage taken on driving to the designates place that party S requires will be counted.4.所 有过路过桥费由甲方支付(包括司机往返路程)。Party A will pay for all the tolls that include drivers round trip.5.甲 方需在签订本合同时向乙方支付叁万贰千元人民币(

8、相当于两个月租金)的押金,作为甲方履行本合同的担保,此押金将作为本合同期内所规定最后两个月的租金使 用。Upon signature of Contract, Party A shall pay RMB 32,000(equaling to two months rent) to serve as a guarantee of to perform the contract, this deposit will be used at the end of the contract period for two months rent.第五条:甲方给司机的待遇:Article 5 Treatme

9、nt Given the Driver by party A:1.超时费用:25元/小时;司机每天工 作11小 时,基本每天早上8:00开始计算;至傍 晚19:00为止。其余工作 时间按照加班计算。Overtime 25 RMB/Hour. Driver will work from 8:00 AM to 19:00 PM everyday. Other time will be charged as overtime.第六条:乙方向甲方提供的优惠措施:ARTICLE 6 Preferential Measures Provided Party A by Party B:1.再次包用我公司的其

10、他车 辆,可以大幅度优惠。Available to give preferential treatment in a big margin when once again leasing our Corps other car.第七条:服务质量保证及投诉处理Article 7 Warranty of service Quality and Treatment of Complaint:1.乙方保证车辆状态良好,车 内各项设施功能正常。主要指:空调、电动车窗、车门、座椅、音箱等。Party B shall ensure the van in good conditions and the nor

11、mal function of various facilities inside the car, referring mainly to air conditioner, electric windows, car doors, seats, audio supplies etc.2.服务投诉:甲方在使用中如 对乙方服务有任何不乘心之事,均可以向乙方提出,乙方会在3天内予以解决。Complaint: Party A has the right to complain regarding the service that Party B provides. Party B will part

12、y B will promise to change the driver in 3 days if party A is not satisfied.第八条:合同变更及违约Article 8 Change in Contract and Breach of the Agreement:1、本合同如有任何变动,以双方最终书面 确认的结果为准。Every change regarding this lease this lease agreement will be based on written form, which is agreed by each party.2、甲方如缩短包用期限,

13、必须向乙方支付 相当于2个 月包车费用的违约金。Should Party A shorten the term of lease of car, it shall pay fine for breach of contract equal to two (2) months lease car charge to Party B.3、如双方遇特殊情况或不可抗拒之因素不 能继续提供服务时,会提前一个月通知甲方;并退还甲方全部押金同时减少部分费用作为对甲方的补偿。如果乙方提供的车辆需要年检、维修保养或者出现司机方面 的原因而导致不能为甲方提供服务时;乙方会及时提供其他车辆予以补偿。In case

14、such factors, as some particular difficulties and force major make impossible for Party B to continually provide service to Part A, which should be noticed prior to one month, Party B will return whole deposit to Party A and pay the amount of compensation. The van, under such circumstances as annul

15、inspection and maintenance, will be substituted by other vans with in good conditions.第九条:其他Article 9 Others:1、本合同一式两份;自双方盖章签字后生 效。甲乙双方各持一份,同样具有效力。中英文对照如有出入,以英文为准。双方就本合同发生争议时,应尽量通过友好协商的态度予以解决。The Contract is made in two copies, All of them shall come into force after signatures by both Parties, with each Party holding one copy respectively. If there is any difference between Chinese and English version, English original shall prevail.2、甲方使用方式及用途:主要为个人使 用:Use pattern of Party A: primary for individual use使用人数:人居 住地点:Number of people :Address:

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