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1、A good readUnit 4第3课时第1页Unit 4基础知识回顾-2-综合能力提升第三课时第三课时Reading(2 )Reading(2 )基础知识回顾.依据首字母及汉语提醒补全单词1.Be sure to ask me for help when you find yourself unable(不能 )to work out the problem.2.Look!There are a lot of tiny(极小 )ants on the ground.3.You can wait for him until(直到为止 )he comes back.4.I need your

2、shoulder(肩膀 )to have a rest.5.An army(大群 )of deer ran through the forest quickly.依据句意用所给词适当形式填空1.She looked up for a moment,then continueddrawing(draw ).2.My father begantalking(talk )to me after he knew I failed my exams.3.Its difficult for a childto lift(lift )the heavy box.4.Look!The carit coming

3、(come )straight towards the tree.5.I saw a very small manrunning(run )into a large house just now.第2页Unit 4基础知识回顾-3-综合能力提升第三课时第三课时Reading(2 )Reading(2 )基础知识回顾.按要求完成句子,每空一词1.He could understand the small man and knew what to say too.(改为否定句 )Hecouldnt understandthe small man anddidnt knowwhat to sayei

4、ther.2.She will stay at home until she finishes her homework.(改为同义句 )Shewont leave homeuntil she finishes her homework.3.He saw a huge army of tiny people.They were coming straight towards him.(合并为一句 )He saw a huge army of tiny peoplecoming straight towards him.4.Will you show us how we can tie the

5、books together?(改为简单句 )Will you show ushow to tiethe books together?5.He felt so hopeless that he could not walk.(改为同义句 )He felt so hopeless because hewas unable towalk.第3页Unit 4基础知识回顾-4-综合能力提升第三课时第三课时Reading(2 )Reading(2 )基础知识回顾.依据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.在设法完成了工作之后,我简直是精疲力竭。I wastired outaftermanaging tofin

6、ish the work.2.我对阅读很感兴趣。我认为它是忙碌一天后放松好方式。Iam interested inreading.I think it is a good wayto relaxafter a busy day.3.当听到这奇怪响声,人们尽可能快地跑了出去。People ran outas far as they couldwhen they heard the strange noise.4.他们已经设法抵达了山顶。They have alreadymanaged to climb tothe top of the mountain.5.他正在把狗拴在树上。Heis tyin

7、g the dog tothe tree.第4页Unit 4基础知识回顾-5-综合能力提升第三课时第三课时Reading(2 )Reading(2 )综合能力提升.单项填空(A )1.We dont knownext.Lets go and ask Mr Li.A.what to doB.to do what C.how to doD.how doing(C )2.Mr Wang is stronglykeeping animals in the zoo,because he thinks animals should also enjoy freedom.A.upB.forC.against

8、D.down(A )3.Many people do not realize the importance of healththey have fallen ill.A.untilB.whileC.when D.after第5页Unit 4基础知识回顾-6-综合能力提升第三课时第三课时Reading(2 )Reading(2 )综合能力提升(C )4.Excuse me,can you tell meget to the nearest post office?Sorry,I am new here.A.how can IB.how could IC.how toD.what I can(C

9、 )5.the time I got to the bus stop,the bus had already left.A.OnB.InC.ByD.With(A )6.Tell the childrenunhealthy food.It is bad for heath.A.not to eatB.not eatingC.to eat D.eating第6页Unit 4基础知识回顾-7-综合能力提升第三课时第三课时Reading(2 )Reading(2 )综合能力提升(D )7.Sallya picture when Mr Green came in.A.draw B.will draw C

10、.drew D.was drawing(D )8.We cant be successful unless we continue.I agree with you.A.work B.to be working C.to workingD.working(B )9.What smells terrible?Sorry,Illmy shoes and wash them at once.A.put awayB.take awayC.move awayD.get away(D )10.Students should learn howproblems.A.solve B.solving C.can

11、 solveD.to solve第7页Unit 4基础知识回顾-8-综合能力提升第三课时第三课时Reading(2 )Reading(2 )综合能力提升.完形填空Not long ago,I made up my mind to read a lot of books to get more1.So I went to the library and returned home happily with some books.But after a few days,I felt impatient.The idea of finishing all of them seemed2,becau

12、se I always found it hard to calm down to read a whole book.I didnt know3with it.Then4one day I thought of“Why not make reading interesting?”This idea gave me5again.Reading is a journey of spirit(精神 ).Every time we read a book,we are actually talking6the writer.I tried to put all my effort into his

13、or her books,7I could feel all of his or her happiness and sadness.Now books have become a part of my life.See!Attitude(态度 )can make a great8.Someone once said,“Even though the situation is bad,people still have one freedom to9their attitude.”So,dont complain(埋怨 )about study or work.It helps10.Try t

14、o see things from a different way.Believe me,this will change the situation and help you a lot.第8页Unit 4基础知识回顾-9-综合能力提升第三课时第三课时Reading(2 )Reading(2 )综合能力提升(C )1.A.problemsB.experience C.knowledgeD.habits(D )2.A.wonderfulB.boring C.narrowD.impossible(A )3.A.what to do B.to do what C.how to doD.to do

15、how(C )4.A.sadlyB.quickly C.suddenlyD.hardly(B )5.A.adviceB.hope C.timeD.knowledge(A )6.A.withB.about C.ofD.at(D )7.A.becauseB.though C.butD.so(B )8.A.decisionB.difference C.discussionD.promise(B )9.A.announceB.choose C.showD.hide(A )10.A.nothingB.anything C.everythingD.something第9页Unit 4基础知识回顾-10-综

16、合能力提升第三课时第三课时Reading(2 )Reading(2 )综合能力提升.任务型阅读Animals United is a 3-D German cartoon which is directed by Reinhard Klooss and Holger Tappe.It is a story about animals that get together to find water.Along their journey,lots of funny things happen.They have a lot of adventures.The animals are waitin

17、g for the coming flood(洪水 ).However,this years flood seems to come later.The animals become upset and worried.At the same time,some animals from other places come to the grasslands to look for peace.However,the situation seems worse because the water is becoming less and less.So they decide to look

18、for the river.第10页Unit 4基础知识回顾-11-综合能力提升第三课时第三课时Reading(2 )Reading(2 )综合能力提升Finally,they find the reason why they dont have any water to drink.A dam(坝 )has been set up so that humans can have a better life.After a long fight with humans,they let the world know that animals are in danger.This film is

19、 about environmental matters.The humans are the bad and the animals are the good.This film is to give humans a warning that they must not destroy the homes of animals or damage nature.第11页Unit 4基础知识回顾-12-综合能力提升第三课时第三课时Reading(2 )Reading(2 )综合能力提升1.Whats the story about?(不超出10个词 )It is about animals that get together to find water.2.Whats the reason that water is becoming less and less?(不超出10个词 )A dam has been set up.3.What does the story of the cartoon film mainly tell us?(不超出10个词 )Humans should care about the environment.第12页

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