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1、 基本护理操作流程供护理本科使用编者:沈军 3月目录卧床病人更换床单法3静脉输液5备用床6麻醉床7大量不保存灌肠8静脉取血9口腔护理10穿脱隔离衣11皮内注射与皮试液配制12肌肉注射法13皮下注射法14手术室刷手规则15无菌技术操作16女病人导尿术17心肺复苏急救护理程序18心肺复苏术19Replace Bedsheet with a Patient in20Intravenous Infusion 21Prepare Standby Bed 22Prepare Anesthesia Bed 23Enema24Intravenous Phlebotomizing 25Oral Cavity N

2、ursing 26Put on and Take off the Barrier Gown 27Hypodermic Injection and Drug Solution Preparation for Skin Tes t 28Intramuscular Injection29Hypodermic Injection 30Hand Washing Principles in Surgery31Aseptic Techniques32Urethral Cathererization on Female Patient 33CPR Nursing Process in Emergency 34

3、前 言护理学基本课程,是护理专业学生基本课程,也是护理专业学生主干课程。是护理专业重点课程,主干学科。其重要任务是使学生获得和掌握护理病人员所必要基本理论、基本知识、基本技能。实验课是培养学生护理技能重要环节,通过实验课学习和强化操练,培养学生良好职业素质,较强护理实践技能、敏锐观测、分析和判断问题能力。为后期其她护理专业课程学习及临床护理打下坚实基本。在此咱们依照姜安丽主编“十一五”国家级规划教材新编护理学基本内容,结合任课教师上课理解到学生实际状况编写了这本护理学基本操作流程图。本书在编写、审定过程中,得到重庆医科大学护理学院领导和专家热情指引和关怀,在此表达衷心感谢!限于水平有限,书中难

4、免会有某些疏漏和不成熟之处,敬请广大读者批评指正。 编者 3月卧床病人更换床单法用物准备枕套、大单、中单、被套、带套床刷解释移椅用物置于护理车上至床旁携物至床前放松床尾被套、带套床刷站床右侧协助病人左侧卧位松开右侧橡胶单、中单及底单协助病人平卧站床左侧平卧薪尝卧薪尝中单向上卷至病人身下扫橡胶单按内折法将棉胎拆成S型橡胶单搭于病人身上卷大单于病人身下清洁被套铺于棉被上更换大单及中单扫床褥铺大单对侧向上卷于身下取出棉胎,套入清洁被套内床头、床尾铺角塞大单中间某些于床垫下按S型法整顿棉被取出污被套将左右两侧齐床沿做成被筒,整顿床尾更换被套铺平橡胶单及中单塞入床垫下助病人翻身至右侧至床左侧棉被尾端内折





9、前检查口腔、擦拭口唇擦洗牙外面内面咬合面颊部(由里向外)(先上后下)上腭舌面舌下漱口检查操作后整顿擦试口腔用物准备 注:每次擦拭只夹一种棉球,由内向外擦.穿脱隔离衣衣架、隔离衣、手刷、避污纸、治疗碗内盛肥皂液用物准备个人准备戴口罩摘手表卷袖过肘被套、带套床刷手持衣领(清洁面向自己)穿隔离衣穿袖举双手抖袖系领系袖解腰带打活结解袖内塞于肘下系腰带操作冲双手刷前臂手背手掌刷手手指指甲冲净擦干解领退袖脱隔离衣脱下对齐清洁面向外挂于半污染区皮内注射与皮试液配制用物准备治疗盘内:注射卡,1ml、5ml注射器、针头消毒液、棉签、药物、生理盐水、启瓶器、0.1%盐酸肾上腺素、弯盘操作者准备分别准备药物溶药前准


11、消毒小锯折断安瓿颈部检查注射器及针头核对、解释备好体位选取部位消毒皮肤排尽气体吸药液绷紧局部皮肤垂直进针抽视无回血缓慢注药液干棉签轻压拔针按压观测再次核对整顿床单位分类解决污物手持注射器操作后整顿吸药前准备皮下注射法用物准备治疗盘内:注射卡,药物、2ml注射器及针头、消毒液、棉签、弯盘操作者准备核对医嘱检查药物消毒安瓿吸药前准备折断安瓿颈部吸药液检查注射器及针头吸药手持注射器核对、解释备好体位选取部位消毒皮肤注射前准备绷紧局部皮肤与皮肤呈3040排尽气体注射进针抽视无回血注射药液整顿床单位干棉签轻压拔针按压观测再次核对操作后整顿分类解决污物手术室刷手规则 刷手前要修剪指甲,并用肥皂水洗去手、前

12、臂、肘及上臂下半部污垢及油脂。 1取无菌刷蘸取洗手液,按下列顺序刷洗,不可漏掉:指甲手指掌心手背腕部前臂肘上三寸。(注意甲缘、指缝、腕横纹、肘窝处) 2第一遍刷完后,用流动水冲掉洗手液,手指朝上肘朝下,水由前臂到肘部流下,手在高位,以免水逆流。 3第三遍刷完后用无菌毛巾拭干手、臂、不得擦至肘上三寸。洗完毕后,手臂不能下垂,应在胸前保持拱手姿势。不可触及未消毒物品,否则重新刷手。 4刷手时间10分钟,共刷3遍。无菌技术操作用物准备无菌物品:持物钳、容器、治疗碗、治疗巾、手套、溶液、方盒、无菌包、浸泡罐清洁物品:中号治疗盘、弯盘、笔、纸清洁操作台清洁治疗盘操作前准备剪指甲洗手被套、带套床刷检查无菌



15、、 评估 1重要根据:意识突然丧失,大动脉博动消失。 2其她根据:心音消失,血压测不到,叹息样呼吸,随后停止,瞳孔散大,紫绀。二、急救程序:心肺复苏术(另附)三、效果评价1有效:能摸到大动脉博动,浮现自主呼吸,意识逐渐恢复,瞳孔由大变小,对光反映恢复。2无效:不能摸到大动脉搏动,瞳孔散大,无自主呼吸。四、注意事项 1进行心肺复苏时,动作要迅速、精确,吹气时暂时停止按压胸部,按压用力要均匀,双手注意不要离开病人胸部。 2复苏成功后,及时予以病人家属心理支持,做好必要解释工作。心 肺 复 苏 术 cardio pulmonary resuscitation,CPR 呼救并请人告知医生 开放气道 将

16、病人去枕平卧,置于硬板床上或背部垫心脏按摩板 将病人头偏向一侧,清除呼吸道分泌物 用仰头一抬颏法或托下颌法打开气道 基本生命支持 BLS 人工呼吸: 及时进行人工呼吸,第一次吹气时,吹两次 (吹气量:400600ml/次) 人工循环: 进行胸外心脏按压 按压部位 胸骨下半部(按压部位胸骨中下1/3处) 按压频率 100次/min 按压深度 成人45cm;513岁小朋友3cm; 按压与人工呼吸比:30:2 进一步维持气道畅通,协助医生进行气管插管,用简易呼吸囊或呼吸机辅助呼吸 必要时进行直流电非同步除颤 进一步生命支持 心电监护,密切监测患者生命体征 ALS 建立静脉通道,必要时进行深静脉穿刺,

17、遵医嘱合理使用药物如肾上腺素、利多卡因、阿托品、碳酸氢钠等 尽快纠正脑缺氧,呼吸机予以机械通气 长期生命支持 予高压氧治疗及低温疗法,普通保持正常体温 PLS 遵医嘱应用脱水剂、利尿剂、糖皮质激素改进脑代谢增进剂 维持水电解质及酸碱平衡 详细记录急救通过Replace Bedsheet with a Patient inPillowcase,bottom sheet,middle-bed sheet,quiltcover,covered bed brushPrepare articlesInterpret;move away the chair;place articles onto the

18、nursing cart;move the cart to bedTake aticlesto bedLower the bed end被套、带套床刷Stand on the right;Roll the patient to lie on left sideLose the plastic,mid-bed and bottom sheet from the rightStand on the lfet and assit patient to lie on back平卧薪尝卧薪尝Roll the mid-bed sheet to the patient;brush the plastic s

19、heetFold inward the badding to a shape SLift the plastic sheet on the patient;roll over the bottom sheet to the patientPlace a clean cover on the quiltReplce the bottom and mid-bed sheetBrush the mattress;bespread a clean bottom sheet with the left under the patientInsert the badding into the clean

20、coverNeaten the quilt into S;take off the soiled coverWrap the four coners;tuck the middle unwanted part under the mattressShape quilt into a tube along the bed two sides;smooth the bed endChange the quilt coverPlace back the plastic and mid-sheet;tuck the unwanted part under the mattressRoll the pa

21、tient to the other sideFold inward quilt end aligning mattressTake off the soiled mid-sheet;brush the plastic sheet and lift on the patientAssist patient to be in a cosy positionChange pillowcasTake off the soiled bottom sheet to the lower shelf of the nursing cart;brush the mattress;bespread sheets

22、 in orderMove back table and chairIntravenous InfusionTray,drugs,apparatus,tourniquet,bolster,fixative bandage,apparatus holderPrepare articlesCheck ?interpretMove holder to bedInquire upon defecation ? select vein 被套、带套床刷CheckSterilize bottle closure;check apparatusPrepare drugsJoin apparatuses;shu

23、t off the regulatorHang bottle on holder ?vent air in passwayPut tourniquet and bolster in placeAsk patient to clench fist;insertPrepare for infusionBind tourniquet ? sterilize skin? vent air againInsert a liitle more while blood present in the passawayInsert the needleFix apparatus on after being d

24、ropsPlace bake tourniquet and bolster ?assist patient to be in a cosy position;explain dos and dontsRegulate drops;observe;documentTidy up after operationSmooth bed sheets ?dispose the soiled matters ?observe the patient and the dropsPrepare Standby BedPrepare articlesBottom sheet,quiltcover,pillowc

25、ase badding,and pillow dMove away the bedside tableTake articles to bedMove the chair to bed end;place articles on the chair被套、带套床刷Turn over and clean mattress and pad;place back in orderBespread right part of bottom sheet;wrap two cornersBespread bottom sheetTuck the middle unwanted part;bespread t

26、he left sideBespread left side to the bed endBespread quilt coverSlip on cover to the two ends;tie upShape cover into tube-shape along the bed two sidesSlip on quilt coverBespread right side;tuck the two ends under the padPerform on the chairStand on right side of the bed;place the pillow on bed bac

27、kward the wards doorSlip on pillocaseMove back the bedside table and chair;check the bed sheetsPrepare Anesthesia BedBottom sheet,quiltcover,pillowcase,two plastic sheets,two mid-sheets,anesthesia tray,covered bed brushPrepare articlesMove away the bedside tableTake articles to bedBespread the right

28、 part of the bottom sheet;wrap the two cornersMove chair to bed end;place articles on chairTurn over and clean mattess ad pad;place back in order平卧薪尝卧薪尝Tuck the middle unwanted partMake bedBespread the plastic sheet 45-50cm off the bed head on the rightBespread mid-sheet;tuck the unwanted part under

29、 padBespread the other plastic sheet and mid-sheet over bed head;tuck unwanted part under the padBespread quilt coverBespread the other side in same orderBespread the left side to the bed endSlip on the cover to bed end;tie upPull down the quilt 15cm;fold inward the two sides into tube-shape;fold in

30、ward the quilt end along the bed endSlip on quilt coverFold up 3 times with opening towards the doorPerform on the chairPlace pillow erect on the bed head towards the wards doorSlip on pillowcaseMove back the bedside table and chair;place the anesthesia tray on the table;move the chair to the bed en

31、d on the side with the quiltEnemaIn the tray:enema bucket,kidneybasin,anal tube,bumf,cotton swab,Vaseline,rubber sheet,rubber napkin,disposable rubber glovePrepare articlesPour 1- 2% soap solution or 500- 100ml NS into the enema bucketArticles for preparing the solution:large and smaller measuring c

32、ups,warm and cool water,water temperature gauge,gauze,1- 2%soap solution or NSPrepare enema solutionTest the water temperatureFolding screen,evacution containerTake articles to bedPlace the tray on the table and the evacuation container on the chairHang enema bucket on the infusion holder (40-60cm t

33、o the anal);lubricate the anal tubeCheck;interpret;close the window and door;unfold the screenPrepare for enemaVent air from the tube;expose the anal;insert the tube 7-10cm into the analAssist the patient to lie on the left side with the hip along the bed edgePull the trousers down to the buttock;be

34、spread the rubber sheet and napkin Hold the anal in one hand and the other open the clampEnemaImmerse the anal tube in the antiseptic solutionRequire the patient to take deep breathTidy up after the operationDemand the patient to hold on for 5-10 minutes and then evacuate into the container or in th

35、e toiletFinish enema;clip on the clamp;?take down the enema bucketGet some bumf;? pull out the ananl tubeTake off the rubber sheet and napkin;smooth the bed sheets;fold up the screen;open the window and doorIntravenous PhlebotomizingInjection tray,syringe,hypodermic needle,tourniquet,bolster,blood c

36、ontainerPrepare articlesTake articles to bedCheck ?interpret平卧薪尝卧薪尝Place the bolster,? tourniquet and choose the vein in placePrepare to draw bloodGet and check the syringe and needleFasten the tourniquet;? sterilize the skinRequire patient to clench the fist;insert the needle;draw some blood in according with specific purposeDraw bloodRequire patient to unclench the fist;unfasten the tourniquet;pull out the needle;press the inserted spot

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