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1、Unit 2 How often do you exercise?Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)第1页_你周末通常干什么?你周末通常干什么?I _(总是总是)_(锻炼锻炼).What do they do _(在周末在周末)?_.(他们经常帮着做家务。他们经常帮着做家务。)What _ she do on weekends?_(她有时去购物。她有时去购物。)_(你多久看一次电影?你多久看一次电影?)_(我大约一个月看一次电影。)_(他多久看一次电视?)他多久看一次电视?)_(他几乎不看电视。他几乎不看电视。)_(你去购物吗?你去购物吗?)_(不,我从来不去购物。不,我从

2、来不去购物。)Read Grammar Focus and then finish the exercise.What do you usually do on weekends?always exerciseon weekendsThey often help with houseworkdoesHow often do you go to the movies?I go to the movies maybe once a month.She sometimes goes shopping.How often does he watch TV?He hardly ever watches

3、TV.Do you go shopping?No,I never go shopping.第2页3a.Complete the questions with do or does.Then match the questions and answers.1.How often _ he play soccer?2._ you drink milk?3.How often _ they stay up late?4._ Sue eat a healthy breakfast?5.How often _ you eat apples?6._ your parents play sports?a.Y

4、es.She usually does.b.Hardly ever.I dont like them.c.He plays at least twice a week.d.No,they dont.They are too busy.e.Never.They always go to bed early.f.Yes,I do.Every day.doesDoesDodoDodo第3页 3b.Use the words given to write questions.Then ask and answer them with a partner.How often do you help wi

5、th houseworkWhat do you usually do on weekendsHow often does your best friend exerciseWhat do you usually do after school第4页3c.What can you do to improve your English?Add more things to the chart.Then ask your classmatesa the questions and find the best English students.How often do you.Names Freque

6、ncyread English book?Lin Yingtwice a weekwatch English movieslisten to English songspractice conversations with friendswrite English dairies.every dayhardly ever.第5页()1.Li Lei works in Enland.He comes to China _.A.three time a year B.three times a year C.three times year D.three time year()2.Hias gr

7、andmother is well because she often _.A.exercises B.smokes C.sleeps D.sings()3.-_ do they play football?-Every week.A.How soon B.How often C.How many D.How long4.usually,soccer,play,I(.)_5.often,Katrina,does,TV,watch,How(?)_6.do,you,What,usually,weekends,on do(?)_BABI usually play soccer.How often does Katrina watch TV?What do you usually do on weekends?第6页

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