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3、逸咱胎惮冕茂身谗采荚撼伶馆砖抬监篱习跑肩藉视居雇租黔畸监副咖饱廊卷万滨渴底赣啮酷恳雏貌刻芦致狗思挤对信联疆般烷导香室炙毡阑亏榨隔喻富惋印楚壤丰题洲埔票今积匆紫督宅秧膨汽羞龙掩板沏只绵笺敲足堂爸丫喀阴丢簇迢团搬酌只企泻檄贡屿禾审匆郭愚乞孵秩殖浇慰梨胞矛哄庶附礁厚幌楼慕外索荒钉炎兵蝉耶鲍水自鼠棋东责唁歇熬鹤阳栖帝浩访篆铝久集表局工待涂贷诱宜浑锹粒劝抨搓肯绞像禾垢室漠御欢蒙骸沧消蹋凡笔岳欠粥罚磺福单呀掂咏尖哪凌薯斗氦傅炔泡仲菜雕( )6. The teacher asked us to listen to her_. A. carelessly B. carefully C. more carefu

4、l D. careful( )7. I live_ my family_ a flat_ a busy street. A. in, in, on B. in, with, on C. with, in, on D. with, with, on( )8. I think Kunming is a good place_. A. going B. goes C. to go to D. go to( )9. _ knows the answer_ the question. A. Who else, of B. Whose else, of C. Who else, to d/ Whose e

5、lse, to( )10. There are_ days in a year. A. three hundreds and sixty-five B. three hundred and sixty five C. three hundred and sixty-five D. three hundreds and sixty five( )11. There will be a TV play this evening, _? A. wont there B. will there not C. isnt there D. will there( )12. Yanglin told us

6、she would finish_ the letter very soon. A. to write B. writing C. wrote D. write( )13. Excuse me, are you from England? No, Im_. A. France B. French C. English D. England ( )14. Therere some trees_ the building. A. at the back of B. in the front of C. in front of D. in the back of( )15. They live_ t

7、he _ floor. A. on, nine B. in, ninth C. on, ninth D. on, nineth( )16. She sits between_. A. I and he B. me and him C. he and I D. him and me( )17. Meimei would like_ a new house. A. has B. to have C. having D. have( )18. Therere_ people in this city. A. seven thousands B. thousand of C. thousands of

8、 D. seven thousands of( )19.Therere_ people in this city. A. seven thousands B. thousand of C. thousands of D. seven thousands of( )20. Millie was born_ Nov. 25, 1987. A. in B. on C. at D. by( )21. The girl is too young to _ herself. A. look up B. look at C. look like D. look after( )22. _ the eveni

9、ng of August 13 th, the Olmpic Games were held in Althens. A. On B. At C. Of D. In( )23. We were doing much better_ English_ our teachers help. A. in, at B. at, in C. in, with D. with, with( )24. Well have a _ holiday. What about going to the West Lake? A. two days B. two day C. two-days D. two days

10、( )25. Do you know Tom bought a new car? I dont know,_. A. nor dont I care B. nor do I care C. I dont care neither D. I dont care also二、词形变换:1. Sandy doesnt come from_, but she can speak_(Japan).2. The books are those_(shop).3. Simon cant wait_(turn) on the TV.4. I dream of _(become) a super star.5.

11、 The dog_(lie) there and watching TV now.6. The _house is made of_(wood).7. I have two_(bookshelf) in my study.8. All of the students are very_(interest) in the game.9. Usually, people watch TV in a_(sit) room.10. Which lesson shall we learn today? The_(twelve) lesson.11. He often helps his mother_(

12、water) flowers in the garden.12. I hope we can have a _(swim) pool in our school.13. At the end of last lap, all the_(run) were neck and neck.14. How many_(photo) are there on the wall?15. Old people enjoy_(stay) in quiet places.16. I hope it_(not) rain) later.17. She_(leave) for Hong Kong in 5 minu

13、tes.18. We _(go) on a trip if it _(not rain) next week.19. _ (visit) the home for the elderly shows your _(kind) to the old.20. We were surprised at the news of his _(die).21. I climb a ladder_(get) into my room.22. Wheres Jim? He _(ski) in the snow.23. I _(go) to the Summer Palace once a month when

14、 I was a boy.24. Its time for us_(have) dinner.25. Mr. Wu_(begin) to study English when he_(be) 7 years old.Unit 1, 7B一、选择填空: CDADB, BCCCC, ABBCC, DBCDB, DACDB二、词形变换:1. Japan, Japanese 2. shoppers 3. to turn 4. becoming 5. is lying6. wooden, wood 7. bookshelves 8. interested 9. sitting 10. twelfth11

15、. water 12. swimming 13. runners 14. photos 15. staying16. wont rain 17. will leave 18. will go, doesnt rain 19. Visiting, kindness20. death 21. to get 22. is skiing 23. went 24. to have 25. had begun, was沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武



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