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1、I Love Gym Enrollment Contractxx会员入学协议 Contract NO.协议编号:201- Membership Card NO.会员卡号:_Hereinafter referred to as party A 以下简称甲方: 基本信息:Name of parents家长姓名:_ The relationship between parents and members家长与会员的关系:_ Phone number 联系电话:_ E-mail address电邮地址:_ Address家庭住址:_Child 宝宝 1 Child 宝宝 2Name 姓名: Nick

2、name 别名: Name 姓名: Nick name 别名: Birthday 出生日期: / / Gender 性别:M男 Birthday 出生日期 / / Gender 性别:M男 YY年/MM月/DD日 F女 YY年/MM月/DD日 F女Hereinafter referred to as party B 以下简称乙方:Center name 中心名称:I Love Gym Shenzhen _ Center xx国际早教深圳_中心Both parties understood and acknowledged the contractual relationship between

3、 them。Party A understood that party B shall provide classes for parent and child i.e. I Love Gym Gymnastics classes, Music classes, Art classes and optional programs. Both parties agreed with the whole content of this contract.甲乙双方都了解并认可协议对彼此的约束,甲方已经了解乙方将为家长及幼儿提供课程,即爱乐运动,音乐,艺术等课程,双方皆同意此协议内容。Within t

4、he valid term of this contract,both parties should abide by and fulfill the following contracted obligations:在此协议书有效期限内,甲乙双方必须遵守及履行下列义务:Package and Fees 课程及费用课程类型Course type 课程费用Tuition fee 课时数Class hour付款方式Payment terms现金 POS机 转帐 Cash POS Transfer of accounts协议到期日Expiration date备注Remarks已领取会员卡 是 否W

5、hether the Membership Card has been received? Yes No以上所有赠送不计入课程包价值,最终解释权归爱乐国际早教所有All these gifts and given classes above are not included in the Value of the package.The final interpretation right of this item is reserved by I Love GymSignature签署Party A甲方:I hereby declared that I have read and accep

6、ted the terms and conditions stated at the back of this contract。本人在此声明已阅读并接受本协议背页所列所有条款。 Print Name 全名【印刷体】/SignatureDate 签署及日期Party B 乙方: ECD Consultant 早教咨询顾问/SignatureDate 签署及日期 Obligations of party A 甲方之义务(1) Party A acknowledged and agreed to the aforesaid program package.甲方认可以上培训课程组合安排和收费,并按付

7、款时间表付清所有款项。(2) Party A must finish all classes within contractual period.甲方必须在此协议规定期内完成所有课程(3) Party A acknowledged that one of the parents will accompany the child to attend the classes and will cooperate with the instructors during the class. The accompanying parent should ensure the health and sa

8、fety of the child at all time,and take the responsibility of guardianship. If the parent fall to accompany the child,a Guardian appointed by party A must fulfill the aforesaid responsibility as if he/she is the parent himself/herself. 甲方认可一位家长需陪同幼儿上课,并配合指导师上课时的指引,家长必须随时注意幼儿的安全,承担起监护责任。如果不能陪同幼儿上课,家长应

9、指定一位监护人代其履行以上责任。(4) B provides a safe and quality place for Party A. In view of the Party B is a training school and Party A students are minors, so the Party A parents should take the responsibility of guardianship, and all accidents about Party A which occur premises they enter the school were not

10、 related to the B side. 乙方为甲方和学员提供安全优质的教学场所。鉴于乙方属培训类学校且甲方学员为未成年人,故甲方学员父母应在学员培训期间承担监护责任并且甲方未进入乙方办学场所发生的一切事故均与乙方无关。(5) Party A acknowledged that in order to ensure the quality of classes,only one adult is permitted to attend class with the child. Two parents allowed with these exception(a. Both parent

11、s are present one parents only for Water Gym class b. one more adult could be accompanied with pregnant mother.为了保证教学质量,甲方认可只能由一位家长陪同幼儿上课,以下情况可最多两人陪同幼儿上课(a父母亲陪同幼儿一起上课游泳课仅限一名家长陪同上课,b母亲怀孕陪幼儿上课可多一人陪伴)(6) Party A acknowledged his/her obligation to inform Customer Service Department to ask for permission

12、 to take leave form a scheduled class and party A agreed that all rescheduled classes must be completed within the contractual period. Party A acknowledged that unattended classes without leave permission will be counted as completed classes.甲方认可向其客服部门请假的责任,并同意所有补课课时必须在此协议期内完成。另外,甲方认知其没有提出请假申请的课时将作已

13、上课时处理。(7) Party A agreed that party B has the right to refuse classroom entry if the child/parents/guardian is/are find physically/mentally ill or suffering from any kind of contagious disease. Party A acknowledged that if they are late for class over 5minutes,they will not be allowed to attend the

14、class. Party A should have Customer Service Department to re-schedule the class to be completed within the contractual period.甲方同意当乙方发现幼儿/家长/监护人有身体/精神上的不适或患有传染病,有权拒绝其进入教室。另外,甲方认知为了保证上课质量,如其迟到超过5分钟将被拒绝进入教室。甲方应向客服部门提出补课安排并于此协议期内完成所有课程。(8) Party A before the end of this agreement is valid only 2 times

15、to enjoy the opportunity to apply for an extension, each delay extension is for three months at most. Free extension only for the first time, the second is an extension to pay (500RMB). Party A need to fill in application for extension of “membership extension request form”, and signed by the Presid

16、ent to be effective, an extension to the validity of “membership extension request form” prevails.甲方在本协议有效期结束前仅享有2次申请延期机会,每次延期最多时长为3个月。第1次为免费延期,第2次为付费延期,延期费为500元。申请延期需要找班主任填写会员延期申请表,由校长签字方可生效 ,延期有效期以会员延期申请表为准。(9) Party A acknowledged that scheduled classes will be automatically removed upon any 2 co

17、nsecutive weeks of absences. Party A should have Customer Service Department to re-schedule the classes to be completed within the contractual period.甲方认知如连续2周上课缺席,其学位将被系统自动取消。甲方应向客服部门提出重新安排课时要求,并于此协议期内完成所有课程。(10) Party A acknowledged that bonus classes are eligible only after all normal classes are

18、 completed and become invalid automatically, if party A terminates this contract prior to the expiry date. Party A acknowledged that bonus classes are not transferable to other Harvest centers. 甲方认可获赠课程须在正式课程完成之后开始生效,如甲方提前解约获赠课程将自动取消。甲方也认可获赠课程只在签约中心有效,不得转去其他中心。(11) Party approved courses transferred

19、 in the event of other centers in mainland China, the amount of classes that associate to the transferred center according to the left tuition fees, Uniform regulations prescribed by the turn lesson Philharmonic Shenzhen center.甲方认可当发生课程转入在中国大陆内的其他中心时,转出以本中心剩余课时费折算成转入中心课时数。转课的规定由爱乐深圳中心统一规定。(12) To p

20、rotect the interests of the other members of the Party, the Party shall comply with the Code and the central class B, and B is obliged to safeguard the environment of civilization, if violations Party reserves the right to deal with.为保护好乙方其他会员的利益,甲方应遵守乙方的上课和中心守则,并有义务共同维护乙方的文明环境,如有违反行为,乙方将保留处理的权利。Obl

21、igations of party B 乙方之义务Party B acknowledged and agreed to the following contractual terms. within the contractual period, party B should:乙方认知并同意以下的条款内容,在此协议的有效日期内,乙方须:(1) Ensure that all instructors are hired via fair selection and proper interview. They must be qualified to lead classes offered t

22、o children aged 0-8 years.保证所有指导师皆经过平等筛选及正规面试后才得以聘用,并符合指导08岁幼儿上课的资格。(2) Offer program that caters to the developmental needs of children at different ages and to ensure teaching quality by limiting class size, party B ensure that there are no more than 15 kids in each class. 提供按幼儿不同年龄发育而设计的课程,并保证小班制

23、度,每节课不超过15人, 以控管教学质量。(3) Use teaching materials and equipment designed with professional and special attention to safety for young children.使用着重幼儿安全的专业教材与设备。(4) Ensure a hygienic and quality learning environment.保证学习环境的高度卫生。.This contract shall automatically terminate upon completion of all classes

24、or on the expiry date which ever happens first. 本协议将在有效期届满时终止或在有效期届满之前因完成课程而终止。.The contracted program is not allowed to be completed by others who are not belonging to the contract.不得由协议规定以外的其他人完成此协议内的课程。. Whatever the reason, the Party A made to terminate this contract after the signing of the con

25、tract, Party B shall handle the procedures for termination of the contract in the following way:无论何种原因,甲方在签订合约后提出终止本合约的,乙方按以下办法予以办理合约终止手续:(1) If Party A apply to terminate the contract in seven days after the commencement of the course, Party B will be deducted after the entry into force have been i

26、n class fees and charges paid by the actual contract (e.g.: Philharmonic international brand management fees, tax countries, bank card transaction fees, gifts fees; Total amount: 16.5% of the contract amount), after deducting Party promises to be refunded the remaining tuition.甲方从首次开始上课7天内申请要求终止合约的,

27、乙方会扣除甲方已上课时的费用以及合同生效后实际付出的费用(如:爱乐国际品牌管理费,国家的征税,银行卡交易费,赠品费等;合计金额:16.5%的合同金额),扣除后乙方承诺予以退还剩余学费。(2) Bonus courses will not included in the refund amount赠送课时不计入退费款项。(3) Seven days after the commencement of the course, tuition fees will not be returned.甲方开课7天后,乙方不予退还学费。(4) Party commenced 7 days, Party B

28、authorizes the transfer of the right to self-curriculum; Party B does not bear the transfer of obligations; courses recipient shall not be members in the database. Transfer courses must be conducted within the term of the agreement, after the expiry of the agreement does not allow the transfer; Mini

29、 courses cannot be involved in the transfer.甲方开课7天后,乙方授权甲方自主课程转让权利;乙方不承担甲方转让义务;课程接收方不得为爱乐数据库会员。转让课程必须在协议有效期内进行,协议到期后不允许转让;赠送课程不可参与转让。(5) Party for refund must carry valid documents (legal guardian), membership card and the original contract and fee receipt (or invoice) signed with B, B grant the rig

30、ht to withdraw.甲方办理退费须携带有效证件(合法监护人)及与乙方签订时领取的会员卡、合约原件和学费收据(或发票),乙方有权收回。After the agreement is signed, the two sides after deemed adequate communication and trust has been fully comprehend the spirit and content of the agreement, such as in the course of implementation of this agreement, the dispute

31、between the two parties or misunderstanding, it should be settled through friendly consultations, negotiations invalid, either party is entitled to proceedings to the local peoples court. 本协议签订后,视为双方经过充分沟通并相信已经完全领会本协议精神及内容,如在本协议履行过程中,甲乙双方之间发生纠纷或误会,应当友好协商解决,协商无效,任何一方有权向甲方所在地人民法院提出诉讼。(15) This agreeme

32、nt is in duplicate, each party holds one copy. Both copies of this agreement shall enter into force upon the date of signing by the two parties.本合约壹式贰份,甲方壹份,乙方壹份,享有同等法律效力,自签订之日起生效,合约含乙方法定代表或委托人签名并加盖乙方公章及甲方作为学员的合法监护人签字方为有效。. This agreements ultimate power of interpretation is reserved by Party B 本协议的最终解释权归乙方所有。 4 / 4

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