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1、第1页Post officeWhere is the post office?Post officeon Bridge StreetBankbeside the bank/next to the bankon the left of the bankPost officeBankHotelbetween the hotel and the bankPost officePark across from the parkBridge Street第2页Where is the bank?HotelBankBankHotelBankHotelin front of the hotelnear th

2、e hotelbehind the hotel答:Its in front of the hotel.第3页位置表示on the Bridge Street 在大桥街Betweenand 在和之间Beside 在旁边Next to 紧挨着On the left of 在左边Across from 在对面In front of 在前面Near 在附近Behind 在后面第4页(go/walk)straight onturn rightturn left zebra crossingRoad signs第5页traffic lightsCrossroadscrossingatYou must wa

3、it.You can cross the road.第6页Is this the way to?Where is?How can/do I get to?Can/could you tell me the way to?Go straight/ahead.Its just around the cornerTurn right/left at the third turning.It is on the right beside/next toYou can see it in front of you.go on till you reach the end.第7页She must go _

4、 if she wants to go to the mall.She must go by a _ if she wants to go to the park.straightzebra crossingExercises for road signs(1)穿过第8页总结句型She must go straight/turn left if she wants to go to the mall.她一定要她一定要假如她想去假如她想去第9页She must look at the _.when she is at the _.traffic lightscrossroadsExercises

5、 for road signs(2)第10页预先学习句型表示Go/Walk along this road.沿着这条路走。沿着这条路走。Turn right when you come to the crossroads.当你抵达当你抵达十字路口十字路口,右转。,右转。The entrance is on your left.入口在你左边入口在你左边第11页Read mapsThe entrance is on your left.Walk along this road.Turn right when you come to the crossroads.第12页Cross the road

6、Walk along this road.Turn left when you come to the corner of the roadCross the road.The entrance is in front of you.Read maps第13页1.径直走径直走2.在十字路口在十字路口3.在交通处在交通处4.4.过马路过马路5.5.6.6.斑马线斑马线6.6.7.7.在你左边在你左边Translate the following into Chinese.go straight on at the crossroads at the traffic lightszebra cro

7、ssingon your left cross the road go/walk across the road第14页预先学习句型表示1、Turn right at the crossroads.在十字路口右拐在十字路口右拐 2、Turn left at the traffic lights.在红绿灯处左拐在红绿灯处左拐3、Take the third turning on the right.在第三个拐弯处右转在第三个拐弯处右转4、Its three minutes walk.步行三分钟即到。步行三分钟即到。第15页Exercise:How can I get to the MM scho

8、ol?_at the_.walk_ Sunnyside Street._ at the_.Walk along Sunshine Street You will find the _.MM School is just opposite the street.Turn leftcrossroads along Turn righttraffic lightszebra crossing第16页Video shopGARDENROADHotelPark F I F T H S T R E E TZooSupermarketMuseumMcDonalsKFCBridge StreetSportsC

9、enterPoliceofficeShoeshopPostOfficephoneBankCinemaHill RoadLibraryBook shopClothes shopPet shopHospital Go along Bridge Street and take the third turning on the right.Its on the Fifth Street across from the shoe shop.You cant miss it.第17页穿过马路 cross the road,walk across the road一直向前走go straight on/wa

10、lk on十字路口 crossroads/turning在对面 be opposite/across from第3个路口右转Turn right at the third crossroadsTurn right when you come to the third turningTake the third crossroads on the rightSummarization第18页句型学习1、ntuil 直到 until 7 oclock2、the end of 末尾 the end of the roadEg:Go along this road until the end of t

11、he it.直走直到路末尾3、go/pass by 经过 pass by a bank Youll pass by a bank.4、You can see the bank is on your right.第19页Jianshe RoadZhongshan RoadhotelbanksupermarketBus topYou are hereBus station第20页A:Could you tell how do I get to the bus station?B:Go along Jianshe road until the end of it.Then turn right.Go

12、 along the road.You will pass by a crossing and a traffic light.Then you can see the bank is on your right.A:thank you!第21页A:Excuse me,is there a supermarket near here?B:Yes,there is.Go straight on.Turn right at the first crossing.The go along the Zhongshan Road.Then you can see the supermarket is o

13、n your right,next to a hotel and across from the bus stop.Its three minutes walk.A:Thank you!第22页A:请问,你能告诉我去市政府路吗?到那请问,你能告诉我去市政府路吗?到那有近道儿吗有近道儿吗 Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the city government?Is there a shortcut to that place?B:B:对不起,我不是当地人。对不起,我不是当地人。Sorry,Im new here myself.A:A:谢谢。谢谢。Than

14、k you all the same.Dialogues第23页请问,去长城汽车企业该乘哪路车?请问,去长城汽车企业该乘哪路车?Excuse me,which bus should I take if I want to go to the Great Wall Motor company?你能够乘坐你能够乘坐304304路,很方便。路,很方便。You can take a No.304 Bus.Its very convenient.那么,最近那么,最近304304路站牌在哪里?路站牌在哪里?Well,where is the nearest No.304 bus stop?穿过马路,继续向前走,到第二个拐弯处向右拐,步穿过马路,继续向前走,到第二个拐弯处向右拐,步行三分钟即到。行三分钟即到。Cross the street,walk on and take the second turning on the right,its three minutes walk.非常谢谢。非常谢谢。Thanks a lot.不用谢。不用谢。Not at all.第24页 Thank you!第25页

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