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1、What do you like?Everyday English第1页Do you like swimming?Yes,I do.No,I dont.第2页Do you like skating?Yes,I do.No,I dont.第3页Where are you going?Im going to the library.Im going to the shop.Im going to the zoo.Im going to the cinema.第4页第5页 A baby.Her name is Snow White.She is very beautiful.Everybody lo

2、ves her.The animals love her,too.The queen loves her.But the queen dies.A new queen comes.She is beautiful,but bad.Girl:Snow White is beautiful.Queen:No!I am beautiful.This is a magic mirror.Queen:Mirror,mirror,who is beautiful?Mirror:Not you,Snow White.Queen:No!No!No!Kill Snow White.Snow White is t

3、aken far away.Snow White:Help me!Help me!Please!Please!Hunter:All right.Go,Snow White.The animals take Snow White to a little house.She goes insidie.There are seven little chairs.She is very hunry.The seven dwarfs come home.The seven dwarfs come home.It is a cold winter day.第6页Dwarfs:Who sat here?Wh

4、o ate this?Who drank this?Who is sleeping here?Snow White is sleeping.Dwarfs:Look,she is sleeping.She is beautiful.Let her sleep.It is morning.Snow White:Hello!Dwarfs:Why are you here?Whats your name?She tells her story.Dwarfs:What an evil queen!Ill help you.Me,too.Me,too.Stay with us.Yes.Yes.She st

5、ays with the seven dwarfs.Dwarfs:This is good.Oh,what fun!Snow Whit:Lets clean up.Bring the plates.Wash them.Wipe them.Put them away.Dwarfs:Lets go!Snow White,be careful.The magic mirror.第7页Queen:Mirror,mirror who is beautiful?Mirror:Not you,Snow White.Queen:What?Ill kill her!Snow White waits at hom

6、e.Queen:Apples.Apples.Buy some apples.Buy some apples.They are delicious.She ate the poisoned apple.Queen:Ha!Ha!Ha!Now,I am the most beautiful!They come home again.Dwarfs:What happened?Wake up!Wake up!Queen:Mirror,mirror,now,who is beautiful?Mirror:You!Queen:Ha!Ha!Ha!Dwarfs:Poor Snow White.Goodbye,S

7、now White.The prince comes.Dwarfs:Have dinner with us.Please help Snow White.第8页They take him to Snow White.Prince:She is very beautiful.I want to marry you.Dwarfs:But you cant.She is dead.He prays,The poisoned apple comes out.Snow White:What happened?Hello.Everybody is happy.Prince:Marry me,Snow White.Queen:Mirror,mirror,who is beautiful?Mirror:Not you,Snow White.Queen:No.No.The mirror breaks.Snow White:Goodbye.Thank you.They live happily ever after.第9页第10页第11页第12页第13页第14页第15页

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