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1、第1页A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.一知半解,自欺欺人。一知半解,自欺欺人。dangerous den(d)()rs危险危险Proverb 第2页If you want knowledge,you must toil for it.toil tl v.费劲地做费劲地做要想求知,就得吃苦。要想求知,就得吃苦。第3页basketballsoccer ballvolleyballtennis ballping-pong ballbaseballballball第4页Ping-pong bat 第5页I have a/an_.but I dont ha

2、ve a/an_basketballsoccer ballvolleyballtennis balltennis racketping-pong bat第6页He has a basketball,but he doesnt have a tennis ball.第7页He_ a tennis ball,but he_a basketball.She_ a soccer ball,but she_a tennis racket.hasdoesnt havehasdoesnt have第8页A:Do you like volleyball?B:Yes,I do.I like it very mu

3、ch.A:What about baseball?B:No,I dont.I dont like it.A:OK.Lets play volleyball after class下课后下课后.B:Great!/That sounds great!sand听起来听起来第9页Haha,its fun.fun/fn/第10页Haha!Its difficult.difficultdifficult968746232978+7823576877869856343=/dfklt/第11页interestingWoo!Its interesting./ntrst/第12页interestingWoo!It

4、s interesting./ntrst/第13页汇报会啊这个boringHm.Its boring./b:r/第14页relaxingrlks第15页Do you know what the faces mean?fundifficultinterestingrelaxingboring第16页What do you think of these things?第17页TVboringrelaxingdifficultfunwatch TV How do you feel?interesting第18页Lets guess what he/she says.Its interesting.第

5、19页Its difficult.Its boring.第20页Its fun.Its relaxing.第21页A:_ping-pong.B:That sounds_.A:_ basketball.B:That_ _.Look and say有趣有趣无聊无聊interesting/fun?boringLets playLets playsounds第22页A:_baseball.B:_.A:_.B:_.困难困难有趣有趣That sounds difficultLets playLets play computer gamesThat sounds fun/interesting.第23页A:

6、Lets(让咱们让咱们)play volleyball.B:I dont have a volleyball.A:Well,lets play soccer.B:That sounds good/interesting/funLearn and useLearn and use第24页A:Lets play basketball.B:Sorry,I dont have a basketball.A:Well,lets play ping-pong.B:That sounds good.第25页1.interesting _ 3.fun _ 5.relaxing _2.boring _ 4.di

7、fficult _cdeba1aMatch the words with the picture.第26页1.interesting _ 3.fun _ 5.relaxing _2.boring _ 4.difficult _1bListen and check()the description words you hear in 1a.Lets listen!第27页play computer games _play volleyball_watch TV_play basketball _ ListeningListen again.What does Paul say about the

8、se activities.Choose a word from 1a to fill in each blank.1cinterestingdifficultboringfun第28页 Listen and fill in the blanks.(听录音听录音,并填空并填空.)A:Hi,Paul,Lets !B:That sounds but I dont have a computer.A:Well,do you have a volleyball?B:Yes.A:Then lets .B:Oh,volleyball is so .A:Ok,lets .B:That sounds .Hmm

9、mLets play soccer!Do you have a soccer ball?A:No,I dont.B:Oh.Well,do you have a basketball?A:Yes,I do.Lets .B:That sounds .difficultinteresting,Jennyboringfunplay computer gamesplay volleyballwatch TVplay basketball第29页1dThat sounds.Lets.PaulJennyYou are Paul.Your partner is Pauls friend Jenny.Talk

10、about the activities in 1c.第30页PairworkLets play computer games.That sounds interesting.Lets play volleyball.That sounds difficult.第31页PairworkLets watch TV.That sounds boring.Lets play basketball.That sounds fun.第32页A:Lets B:That sounds play tennisplay computer gamesplay soccer ballplay baseballpla

11、y volleyballplay basketballwatch TVgood/interesting/difficult/boring/fun/relaxing/.第33页 Translate and write them down.1.-我们玩电脑游戏吧。我们玩电脑游戏吧。-听起来很有趣。听起来很有趣。2.-我们看电视吧。我们看电视吧。-听起来很轻松。听起来很轻松。-Lets play computer games.-That sounds fun/interesting.-Lets watch TV.-That sounds relaxing.第34页 Translate and wri

12、te them down.3.咱们去踢足球吧。咱们去踢足球吧。4.你有棒球吗你有棒球吗?5.那听起来不错。那听起来不错。Lets play soccer.Do you have a baseball?That sounds good.第35页play computer games.play volleyball.watch TV.play basketball.sing.A:LetsB:That sounds interesting.difficult.boring.fun.relaxing.课时重点回顾课时重点回顾第36页Homework1.Copy the new words.2.Finish the test papers.3.Prepare for the next lesson.第37页Ok!Lets say goodbye!第38页

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