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上传人:丰**** 文档编号:2885657 上传时间:2024-06-08 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:19KB
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1、一 单项选择1 Dr Jones, I want to know more about _ trees. Can you give me some information ?A a b an c the d /2 We get food from the environment but trees can make food for _A they b them c theirs d themselves 3 All the _ in the room cost me ¥10,500A computer b furniture c chair d towel4 how can we fight

2、 _ pollution ?A for b with c against d to 5 a lot of things such as chairs and desks are made _ wood A of b from c in d up6 Its very _ for us to travel by underground in big cities. Its fast and cheap A helpful b cheerful c convenient d quick 7 we get a lot of things from trees. Tea _ comes from the

3、 leaves of trees A also b too c as well d either 8 we can find pine trees in _ every part of China A about b almost c still d even 9 Rebecca interviewed Dr Jones _ she wanted to know how to protect the environment A and b because c but d so 10 The train _ for Beijing soon. The passengers who are sti

4、ll on the platform should get on the train at once A leaves b is leaving c left d leaving 11 Books give us knowledge and make us _ happy A feeling b feel c feels d felt 12 Dont speak so loudly. Your father _ in the bedroom , _ you _?A sleeps. Do. Know b is sleeping.Do.knowC is sleeping.Are.knowing d

5、 sleeps.Are.knowing 13 I think we should _ our city more beautiful A make b keep c become d get 14 we should stop _ trees any more, or we will finally lose our home - the EarthA to pollute b pollute c to polluting d polluting 15 I cannot have a picture in mind of the life without trees. The underlin

6、ed part can be replaced by the word _A think b imagine c produce d interview二、用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子1 Look ! The _ of that tree are too long , They reach the window of our living room ( branch )2 Trees are _ plants, so people use them to make a lot of things ( use ) 3 First, the workers put some soil in t

7、he _( contain ) 4 Dont walk into the forest alone. There are a lot of _ animals and plants that you do not know ( harm ) 5 Trees are really _ , They help us reduce pollution and make our life better (fight) 四、语法( 用am,is,are 或do , dont , does, doesnt 填空)1 Excuse me, _ you speak English ?2 - Wheres An

8、n ?- I _ know.3 Whats funny? Why _ you laughing ?4 - What _ your sister so ?- She is a dentist 5 It_ raining. I _ want to go out in the rain,6 - Where _ you come from ?- Canada 7 How much _ it cost to phone Canada ?8 George is a good tennis player but he _ play very often 用过给动词的一般现在时或现在进行时完成下列句子1 _(

9、 I/not/watch) television very often 2 Listen! Somebody _( sing)3 Sandra is tired._( she/want) to go home now 4 How often _( you/read) a newspaper 5 -Excuse me,but _( you/sit) in my place - Oh, Im sorry 6 Im sorry _(I/not/understand). Can you speak more slowly ?7 What time _ ( your father / finish ) work in the evening ?8 You can turn off the radio. _(I/ not / listen ) to it 9 - Where is Paul ?- In the kitchen, _( he/ cook ) something 10 ( At a party ) Usually I _( enjoy ) parties but I _( not /enjoy ) this one very much

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