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1、电子出版在中国的发展历史一、电子出版在中国的发展历程 近20年来中国的印刷出版业经历了从铅排直接到使用激光照排、从飞机运送报纸版面纸型直接到通过卫星远传版面信息没有经过贴毛条而直接输出整页彩色版面直至现在用因特网技术实现报社、印刷厂的全数字化等这样一个跨越式发展过程从而使中国的印前技术跨人了世界前列。整个历程可归结为以下4次技术革命。 第一次技术革命二告别铅与火,从铅排直接跳到先进的激光照排 ( 1987 1993) 20多年前中国的印刷厂几乎都用铅字排版我们在调查研究了第二代光机式照排机、第三代阴极射线管式照排机的技术特点后根据当时中国技术发展水平和汉字字数多等特点决定跳过当时流行的第二三代

2、照排机直接发展当时世界上尚无商品的第四代激光照排系统。 因而中国印刷业没有经历第二代光机式照排机、第三代阴极射线管式照排机从铅排直接跳到最先进的第四代激光照排。 在实施激光照排方案时汉字字数多、字形信息存储量太大的问题迫使我们比西方同行更早采用字形的轮廓描述以减少信息量;又因为汉字笔划较密放大或缩小时要求横、竖等笔划必须均匀。促使我们最早采用附加提示信息(HNT)描述横、坚等笔划的宽度及其头尾的特点等以保证字形成倍变化时的笔划匀称 此外我们在一开始就采用整版输出方案无论排书或排报都实现了整页排版和整页输出。因此中国没有经历输出毛条、人工贴版的过程直接跳到屏幕整页组版整页输出。 第二次技术革命:

3、跳过用报纸传真机传版,采用以页面描述语言为基础的远程传版 80年代中国报社用飞机向外地运送纸型个别城市用报纸传真机传版因为有失真外地的印刷质量明显下降。由干我国报社使用相同类型的排版系统故从 1990年底起我们用统一的页面描述语言传送报纸版面接受方解释页面信息后可以毫不失真地恢复成原来版面输出制版。而且信息量大大减少大约只有通常传真方式的 1 50因而传输速度很快。1992年人民日报社通过卫星用这种方式向全国 22个城市传送版面平均每两分钟就能传完一版。这一技术很快在国内和海外中文报业推广。1992年后我国大多数中央级报纸都采用这种方式将报纸版面远传到外地省报和一些市报也在省内传版极大地扩大了

4、发行量。 第三次技术革命二告别传统的电子分色机 1992年前。中国彩色出版物全部用进口的电子分色机制作报纸一页彩版用分色机出胶片人工剪贴需23小时。我们于1987年提出发展开放式的彩色照排系统以取代电分机。旧92年 1月澳门日报采用国产彩色报纸出版系统将文字与彩色照片台一处理输出一页彩版仅需20多分钟(现缩短为2分钟)从而开始了告别电分机的彩色出版技术革命。现在已有几百家报纸出彩版几十家报纸天天出彩版。国产系统占彩报市场90以上的份额。旧94年我们又研制出高档彩色桌面出版系统质量可与电分机相媲美从而进人了画刊、彩色杂志领域。 第四次技术革命:告别纸和笔实现新闻信息处理全过程的管理1994年1月

5、深圳晚报采用方正采编流程管理系统,编辑自己组版开始告别纸和笔。目前这样的报社已有200多家。除采编流程管理系统外还发展了广告管理和制作系统、发行系统、电子报系统等并与报纸组版系统紧密集成组成报社信息的一体化管理方案。Internet的发展为高集成度的报社整体解决方案提供了有利的条件现在版面信息不仅用于印刷还可直接输出到Web服务器,形成时效很好的电子报纸;稿件数据采用标准的XML语言供网上测览。由于支持Intranet、Internet用户可在任何地点利用Internet进行采编流程处理。广州日报总编在美国时。通过Inter,et了解报社工作流程使国外同行非常惊讶。 二、网络出版将成为 电子出

6、版在中国发展的主流 几年前出现的网络出版的概念当时是由两个概念组成的即“基于 Web的印刷出版”和“以 Web为媒体的出版”。这两个概念今天已经被统一在”基于Web的跨媒体出版”的旗下。 报社、出版社的跨媒体出版 报社、出版社的跨媒体出版已经启动。互联网跨越时空,信息量大的特点和优势。对报业影响最大。对于互联网上的I CP报社的优势在于品牌效应、信息源广和采编体系强大。尽快将报社现有的优势在互联网上体现成为中国报社普遍的愿望。 从 1995年10月 20日中国贸易报的第一份中国内地网上报纸的出现到现在中国几乎所有的主要报纸都实现了网上发布。网上发布的主要技术问题是如何解决印刷出版数据与网络出版

7、数据格式上的差别。这一问题在中国并没有严重的技术障碍,这主要是得益于我们当年在设计报社采编流程系统时的技术选择。当XML标准还处在起草阶段时我们就将XML定为采编流程系统稿件的归一化数据标准并将XML数据通过排版软件的软插件植人版面,实现XML数据到印刷的接口。通过自主开发的电子报系统再将XML数据转换成HTML从而实现了新闻数据的网上发布。目前中国已经有30多家大报社采用了这种跨媒体的新闻发布解决方案。 中国的出版社在esook技术的影响下近两年也开始计划将出版社的内容以esook方式在互联网上发行。出版社保存着大量的用方正排版软件、微软Word软件等软件格式存放的电子档图书。要实现这些图书

8、的网上发行。需要解决数据的网上训览器、版权保护、出版服务器和数据格式的归一化。现在这些技术问题都已解决从而实现了印刷图书和 eBook的同步出版和图书出版领域的跨媒体出版。 工作流程技术将在中国印刷出版行业使用 中国印刷企业在数字化改造过程中,普遍存在着数字化制作输出与手工折手并存的现象。这种不彻底的数字化状况对CTP的应用及生产效率的大幅度提高产生不良影响。工作流程技术为打破中国目前这种数字化与手工并存的局面。提供了技术支持。 工作流程技术在中国的推广具有自己独特的方式。大多数企业都以最终实现CTP输出为目标从实现数字化折手开始逐步实现数字打样、PDF输出、DAM管理最终实现全流程的数字化。

9、 数字化折手这一告别剪刀的技术通过折手软件的推广普及使许多印刷厂取消了无论在人数上还是在厂房面积上都占制版很大比重的手工排版搬掉了叮P普及道路上的一个障碍。 数码打样的普及相对数字化折手具有更高的难度。除了客户认可的原因以外印刷厂数据化管理水平低导致印刷适性不稳定是数码打样难于推广的另一个原因。目前印刷厂和设备厂商都已经认识到这一点并开始着手解决。 印刷企业生产流程的发展在另一方面也推动了印刷企业管理流程的发展。在中国各类企业中,印刷行业是以计算机作为生产工具最为普及的行业但这个行业的信息化管理水平却一直很低。生产和管理信息化上的反差成为这个行业的一个特色。以印刷企业生产流程管理为代表的企业内

10、部电子商务系统。在企业生产中的重要性已经被越来越多的企业所认识。 基于互联网的电子出版将在中国获得更广泛的发展 过去我国印刷出版业是以技术跨越方式发展的,今后也将如此。在中国一些现在尚未看上电视的地区,却可以用上互联网。由于经济发展的不平衡目前中国印刷出版的发展空间还很大。据统计目前中国每年人均印刷品消费仅10美元左右,仅为发达国家的二十到三十分之一。在这样的市场背景下印刷出版和网络出版共同促进、共同繁荣的发展趋势是可以预见的。 面对互联网带来的机遇和挑战中国的出版印刷行业表现出极大的热情许多企业适时地调整自己的方向在新的环境下重新定位。报纸、书刊出版行业选择跨媒体出版作为新的发展方向设计制作

11、企业将业务扩展到网页和跨媒体数据的制作印刷企业通过扩大印刷品的种类及服务项目来扩大自己的业务和生存空间。这些调整给电子出版增添了新的概念和新的内容更增添了新的活力。人类社会文明的发展进步是无止境的,印刷与出版作为人类文明的产物一定会与人类文明一起不断发展。HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING IN CHINATHE DEVELOPMENT COURSE OF ELEVTRONIC PUBLISHING IN CHINA Over the past 20 years Chinas printing and publishing indus

12、try has experienced the direct emission from the lead to the use of laser Phototypesetting, delivery of newspapers from the plane directly to the matrix layout of information via satellite FarEasTone not directly affixed to the top full-page color layout output up to now with the Internet technology

13、 newspapers, printing of all-digital, and so such a development by leaps and bounds so that the process of Chinas pre-press technology people cross the world. Throughout the course of the following can be attributed to the technological revolution 4th. THE FIRST TECHNOLOGY INNOVAION:leaving lead and

14、 fire and leaping directly from lead type composition towards laser photo-type composition More than 20 years ago almost all of Chinas printing layout we use type of investigation and research of the second-generation type Imagesetter-ray machine, the third generation of cathode ray tube technology

15、Imagesetter characteristics according to the prevailing level of technological development in China and the Chinese characters and more features such as the number of words At that time,decided to skip the generation of the popular No.2 and No.3 Imagesetter direct the development of the world at tha

16、t time there is no commodity Phototypesetting fourth-generation laser systems. Chinas printing industry and thus never experienced the second-generation type Imagesetter-ray machine, the third generation of cathode-ray tube from the lead platoon Imagesetter skip to the most advanced fourth-generatio

17、n Laser Phototypesetting. Laser Phototypesetting in the implementation of the program more than the number of words of Chinese characters, orthographic information storage problem much more than Western counterparts force us to adopt the outline of the character described in order to reduce the amou

18、nt of information; because strokes of Chinese characters more closely requested zoom in or out horizontal, vertical must be uniform, such as strokes. Prompted us to first prompted the use of additional information (HNT) description of horizontal, Kennedy, such as the width of strokes and head to ens

19、ure that the characteristics of changes in shape of the strokes multiplied symmetry Furthermore, we introduced right from the start in a full-page program regardless of the output row or row are achieved at full-page layout and full-page output. Therefore, China did not experience the output of the

20、top, paste the version of the process of artificial jump directly to the screen full-page full-page version of the output group. THE SECOND TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION:bypassing the facsimile newspaper transmission and adopting the remote page description language transmission.80s Chinese newspaper delive

21、ry by air from outside individual cities matrix mass version of a fax machine with a newspaper because the print quality of the distortion field has declined markedly. By the stem of our newspaper to use the same type of layout system by the end of 1990 will therefore be withdrawn from our page with

22、 a unified description language newspapers to send the page to explain the information the recipient can be restored without any distortion into the original plate layout output. But also significantly reduce the amount of information is usually only about fax 1 / 50 and therefore quick transfer spe

23、eds. 1992 Peoples Daily via satellite agency in this way in 22 cities across the country to send a two-minute average page Chuan finished version will be able to. This technology quickly in the domestic and overseas promotion of Chinese newspapers. After 1992, most of central Chinas newspapers will

24、be used this way to the field FarEasTone newspapers and a number of the city of the province reported that the province also reported Chuan greatly expanded edition of Circulation. THE THIRD TECHNOLOGY INNVOATION:farewell the traditional electronic color separation scanner Pre-1992. All publications

25、 by Chinese imports of color electronic paper separation mechanism using a color version of the film color separation machine manual cut-and-paste take 2-3 hours. In 1987 we proposed the development of open-end color system to replace the power Phototypesetting ext. 92 years old in January, the Maca

26、o Daily News newspaper published the use of Chinese-made system will color text and color photos of a deal with Taiwans output of only one color version more than 20 minutes (now shortened to 2 minutes) in order to bid farewell to power began publishing color technology extension revolution. Hundred

27、s of newspapers now have a color version of the dozens of color version of the newspaper every day. Choi reported that domestic system accounted for more than 90% market share. 94 years old we have developed a high-quality color desktop publishing system can be comparable with the electrical extensi

28、on in order to enter the pictorial, the field of color magazine. THE FOURTH TECHNOLOGY INNVOATION:throwing away the paper and pen by implementing the full control of the workflow of news processing. In January 1994, the Shenzhen Evening News, the use of process management system is now editing, edit

29、 their own version of the beginning of a farewell the paper and the pen group. At present, this has been more than 200 newspapers. In addition to editing process management system also developed the ad management and production systems, distribution systems, electronic systems and reported that the

30、newspaper group composed of tightly integrated version of the system integration of the newspaper information management programs. Internets development as a high level of integration solutions for the newspaper provided an overall favorable conditions not only is the layout information can also be

31、used for printing the output directly to the Web server, spent a good form of electronic newspaper; manuscript XML data standard for the online language test tabled. Due to support Intranet, Internet users may use Internet to carry out any place processes to deal with reporters and editors. Guangzho

32、u Daily editor-in-chief in the United States. Through Inter, et understanding newspaper workflow so surprised foreign counterparts. NETWORK PUBLISHING WILL BECOME THE MAINSTREAM OF DEVELOPMENT Emerged a few years ago the concept of web publishing at that time it was composed of two concepts, namely

33、Web-based printing and publishing and Web Publishing for the media. Today these two concepts have been unified in the Web-based cross-media publishing, the unit. Newspapers, publishers of cross-media publishing Newspapers, publishing houses have started the cross-media publishing. Internet across ti

34、me and space, informative features and advantages. The greatest impact on the press. For on the Internet I CP newspaper has the advantage of being brand, widely source of information and a powerful editing system. Newspaper as soon as possible the advantages of the existing Internet, newspapers in C

35、hina reflect the general wish of the people. Since October 20, 1995, China Trade News, the first newspaper in Mainland China the emergence of the Internet in China has almost all the major newspapers are published online. Published online the main technical problem is how to solve the printing and p

36、ublishing data and web publishing data format differences. The problem is that China does not have serious technical obstacles, mainly due to the design of our newspaper reporters and editors during the process of technology choice system. When the XML standard is still in the drafting stage, we wil

37、l be XML workflow system for editing the manuscript normalized data standards and XML data publishing software layout soft plug implantation, the realization of XML data to the printing interface. Through self-developed electronic reporting system and then converted to XML data HTML data in order to

38、 achieve a press release online. At present, China has more than 30 major newspapers use press releases that cross-media solutions. Chinas Press in esook under the influence of technology over the past two years have begun to plan the content of publishers to esook issue in the Internet. Press save

39、a lot of use is now publishing software such as Microsoft Word software format software stored in the electronic book file. To achieve these books on-line issue. Data need to be addressed in relation to the online training, and copyright protection, server and data published in the normalized format

40、. Now that these technical problems have been solved in order to achieve the printing of books and eBook publishing and book publishing synchronization field of cross-media publishing. Workflow technology to the Chinese printing and publishing industry Chinese printing enterprises in the digital tra

41、nsformation process, the prevalence of digital production output and co-exist hand in hand folding phenomenon. The total number of such conditions on the CTP of the application and production efficiency have a negative impact on a substantial increase. Workflow technology to break Chinas current dig

42、ital coexist with the manual. Provided technical support. Workflow technology in the promotion of China has its own unique way. The majority of enterprises in order to ultimately achieve the objective of CTP output digital from the beginning of the progressive realization of folded hands digital pro

43、ofing, PDF output, DAM management finally realize the digitization of the entire process. The number of folding scissors in hand in this bid farewell to the technology through hands folded software printing plant to promote universal abolition of many in terms of the size or area at the plant were a

44、ccounted for a large proportion of manual plate layout the bite P on the road to a universal obstacles. The relative popularity of digital proofing digital folded hands with a higher degree of difficulty. In addition to the reasons for customers outside the printing plant of the management of low le

45、vels of data lead to instability Printability is difficult to promote digital proofing another reason. At present, the printing plant and equipment manufacturers have been aware of this and begin to address. Printing companies in the development of production processes on the other hand, the printin

46、g business to promote the development of management processes. Various types of enterprises in China, the printing industry is based on the computer as a tool of production but the most popular sectors of the industry the level of information management has been very low. Production and management i

47、nformation of the contrast has become a feature of the industry. In print production and process management for the enterprise on behalf of e-commerce systems. In the importance of production has been more and more enterprises are recognized. THE ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING BASED ON THE INTERNET WILL BE F

48、URTHER DEVELOPED IN CHINA Printing and publishing industry in the past in our country is based on technology development across the way, the future will also be the case. In China have yet to watch some of the areas of television, but they can use the Internet. As a result of the imbalance in the ec

49、onomic development of printing and publishing in China is still much room for development. Statistics show that Chinas annual per capita consumption of printed matter is only about 10 U.S. dollars, only 20 developed countries to the thirtieth. In the context of such a market, printing and publishing and web publishing to prom

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