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1、1111Unit 2 In Beijing五年级下册 第1页1.Listen and tick.第2页2.Listen and write.1.Look,there are many _ and _ in the park.2.Dont be _ I can _ you.3.Mary is playing.She is _ 4.There are many _ They are _ 5._!The tea is too hot.women menafraid helphappychildren talkingWait第3页 3.Listen and number.1 12 23 34 45 5

2、6 6第4页4.Look and writegirls women men singing crying sitting happy sad tiredThese children are running.These _are _ They are hot.They are _The _ are _.These _ are _.They are _ They are _ men sittingtiredgirls cryingsad women singing happy第5页5.Read and match.1.How old is the Palace Museum?5.I cant fi

3、nd my camera.E.Its about 600 years old.2.May I take your picture?D.Let me help you.4.Who is singing?3.Can you fly a kite?C.The woman is singing.B.No,I cant.A.Sure.第6页6.Read.Tick or cross.1.Li Lin arrives in Beijing at nine twenty.2.At ten oclock,Li Lin goes to the hotel.3.Li Lin has lunch in the res

4、taurant at half past eleven.4.At twelve ten,Li Lin goes to the Palace Museum.5.Li Lin goes shopping at nine thirty in the evening.第7页7.Complete the dialogue.Tom:Its sunny today._John:Great!_Tom:Lets take a bus.John:How far is it from here to the park?Tom:_John:Its not far._Tom:Okay!A.How can we get

5、there?B.About two kilometres.C.Lets go to the park.D.Lets walk.CABD第8页8.Read and write.take help for feel beSue:Hi,Bill.Here is a new kite_ you.Can you fly a kite?Bill:Sorry,I cant.Sue:Its easy.I can _ you.Bill:Oh,its too difficult.Sue:_ careful.The kite is falling.Run!Run!Bill:The kite is flying.I

6、can fly it.Sue:Let me _ your picture.Say cheese.Bill:Cheese!Sue:Do you _ happy today?Bill:Yes,I do.forhelpBetakefeel第9页9.Look and talk.Does Danny fly a kite on Tiananmen Square?What happens?Does Danny take a picture at the Palace Museum?What happens?Yes,he does.Danny cant fly a kite.He hurts his arm.He is sad.Yes,he does.Danny falls.He hurts his tail.第10页9.Look and talk.Does Danny go to the Great Wall?What happens?Does Danny go shopping on Wangfujing Street?What happens?Yes,he does.Danny wants to write his name on the Great Wall.Yes,he does.Danny buys a big panda!第11页10.How am I doing?第12页

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