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1、目录一、题目概述(内容及规定)1二、需求分析12.1高校就业管理系统12.2高校就业管理系统数据流图12.3高校就业系统管理系统功能框图1三、概要设计23.1数据模型(E-R图)23.2数据库表格构造设计2四、详细设计34.1登录界面34.2修改界面54.3查询界面10五、软件测试155.1划分等价类并编号155.2有效测试用例155.3无效测试用例16六、总结16参照文献16一、题目概述(内容及规定)实现院系、专业、毕业生信息管理(设有就业标志,初值为待业); 实现职业类型、职业信息(职业号、类型号、需求数量、聘任数量、用 人单位)登记; 实现毕业生就业登记(学号、职业号),自动修改相应学生

2、就业标志 和职业聘任数量,并保证聘任数量不不不大于需求数量; 创立存储过程查询毕业生人数、待业人数、就业人数和就业率; 创立存储过程查询各专业毕业生就业率; 创立 check 约束限制毕业生性别必要为男或女; 建立表间关系。二、需求分析2.1高校就业管理系统高校就业管理系统化可以完毕对学生信息修改、查询(就业率,已就业信息,未就业信息,公司信息)、添加(学生基本信息,院系信息,公司信息)、退出功能。初步完毕了对高校就业信息管理,界面设计简洁,使用简朴。2.2高校就业管理系统数据流图 图2.1 高校就业管理系统数据流图2.3高校就业系统管理系统功能框图图2.2 高校就业系统管理系统功能框图三、概

3、要设计3.1数据模型(E-R图)图3 高校学生就业管理E_R图3.2数据库表格构造设计表3.1 学院信息表列 名数据类型与否为空阐明院系编号char(4)NOT NULL主键院系名称char(20)NULL表3.2 专业信息表列 名数据类型与否为空阐明专业编号char(6)NOT NULL 主键专业名称char(20)NULL表3.3 员工信息表列名数据类型与否为空阐明学号char(10)NULL职业号char(10)NULL 表3.4 顾客信息表列名数据类型与否为空阐明顾客名char(10)NULL密码char(10)NULL权限char(10)NULL表3.5 用人单位信息表列名数据类型与

4、否为空阐明职业号char(10)NOT NULL主键类型号char(10)NULL需求数量intNULL聘任数量intNULL用人单位char(20)NULL表3.6 学生信息表列名数据类型与否为空阐明姓名char(20)NULL性别char(2)NOT NULLCheck(男,女)出生年月char(10)NULL籍贯char(20)NULL专业编号char(6)NULL院系编号char(4)NULL就业标志char(20)NULL初值为“待就业”表3.7 职业信息表列名数据类型与否为空阐明类型号char(10)NULL主键类型名称char(20)NULL四、详细设计4.1登录界面登陆界面设计

5、如图4.1所示:图4.1 登陆界面设计代码如下:private void button1_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) if (textBox1.Text != ) if (textBox2.Text != ) DataConnection.getConn(); string id = textBox1.Text.Trim(); string pwd = textBox2.Text.Trim(); string sql = select count(*) from login where 顾客名= + id + and 密码= + pwd + ; int s

6、tate = DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(sql); if (state = 0 | state 1) MessageBox.Show(顾客名或密码错误!); else Form1 f2 = new Form1(); f2.Show(); this.Hide(); DataConnection.CloseConn(); else MessageBox.Show(密码为空!请输入.); else MessageBox.Show(顾客名为空!请输入.); private void button2_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)

7、 textBox1.Text = ; textBox2.Text = ; 4.2修改界面修改界面设计如图4.2所示:图4.2 修改界面设计代码如下:private void button7_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) if (textBox1.Text != ) string id = textBox1.Text.Trim(); if (radioButton3.Checked = true) if (comboBox1.Text != ) if (comboBox4.Text != ) string a = select sum(需求数量) from p

8、rofesion_student,type where profesion_student.类型号=type.类型号 and profesion_student.用人单位= + comboBox1.Text.Trim() + and 类型名称= + comboBox4.Text.Trim() + ; int b = DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(a); a = select sum(聘任数量) from profesion_student,type where profesion_student.类型号=type.类型号 and profesion_stud

9、ent.用人单位= + comboBox1.Text.Trim() + and 类型名称= + comboBox4.Text.Trim() + ; int c = DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(a); if (c 0) sql= delete from employment where 学号= + id + ; int f = DataConnection.UpdateDate(sql); sql = select count(*) from employment where 职业号= + s + ; int d = DataConnection.GetCo

10、untInfoBySql(sql); sql = update profesion_student set 聘任数量= + d + where 职业号= + s + ; DataConnection.UpdateDate(sql); else MessageBox.Show(学号为空!请输入.); private void tabPage2_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) comboBox2.Items.Clear(); comboBox1.Items.Clear(); comboBox4.Items.Clear(); comboBox6.Items.Clea

11、r(); radioButton3.Checked = false; radioButton1.Checked = false; radioButton2.Checked = false; radioButton4.Checked = false; string sql = select 专业名称 from department order by 专业编号 asc; SqlDataReader dr = DataConnection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox2.Items.Add(dr专业名称); sql = select

12、 distinct 用人单位 from profesion_student; dr = DataConnection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox1.Items.Add(dr用人单位); sql = select 类型名称 from dbo.type; dr = DataConnection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox4.Items.Add(dr类型名称); sql = select 院系名称 from academy order by 院系编号 asc;

13、dr = DataConnection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox6.Items.Add(dr院系名称); if (textBox1.Text != ) string id = textBox1.Text.Trim(); string sql1 = select 姓名 from student_info where 学号= + id + ; textBox2.Text = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql1); sql1 = select 性别 from student_info where

14、学号= + id + ; string s = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql1); if (s = 男) radioButton4.Checked = true; if (s = 女) radioButton1.Checked = true; sql1 = select 出生年月 from student_info where 学号= + id + ; textBox3.Text = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql1); sql1 = select 籍贯 from student_info where 学号= + id +

15、; textBox4.Text = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql1); sql1 = select 专业名称 from student_info,department where student_info.专业编号=department.专业编号 and 学号= + id + ; comboBox2.Text = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql1); sql1 = select 院系名称 from student_info,academy where student_info.院系编号=academy.院系编号 and 学号

16、= + id + ; comboBox6.Text = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql1); sql1 = select 就业标志 from student_info where 学号= + id + ; string s1 = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql1).Trim(); if (s1 = 待就业) radioButton2.Checked = true; if (s1 = 已就业) radioButton3.Checked = true; sql1 = select 用人单位 from profesion_stude

17、nt,employment where profesion_student.职业号=employment.职业号 and employment.学号= + id + ; comboBox1.Text = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql1); sql1 = select 类型名称 from type,profesion_student,employment where type.类型号=profesion_student.类型号 and profesion_student.职业号=employment.职业号 and employment.学号= + id +

18、; comboBox4.Text = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql1); else MessageBox.Show(学号为空!请输入.); private void button1_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) if (textBox1.Text != ) string sql = select 院系编号 from academy where 院系名称= + comboBox6.Text.Trim() + ; string a = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql).Trim(); sql

19、= select 专业编号 from department where 专业名称= + comboBox2.Text.Trim() + ; string b = DataConnection.GetDataString(sql).Trim(); if (radioButton1.Checked = true) sql = update student_info set 性别= + radioButton1.Text + where 学号= + textBox1.Text.Trim() + ; int g = DataConnection.UpdateDate(sql); if (radioBu

20、tton4.Checked = true) sql = update student_info set 性别= + radioButton4.Text + where 学号= + textBox1.Text.Trim() + ; int f = DataConnection.UpdateDate(sql); sql = update student_info set 姓名= + textBox2.Text.Trim() + ,出生年月= + textBox3.Text.Trim() + ,籍贯= + textBox4.Text.Trim() + ,专业编号= + b + ,院系编号= + a

21、+ where 学号= + textBox1.Text.Trim() + ; int d = DataConnection.UpdateDate(sql); else MessageBox.Show(学号为空!请输入.); 4.3查询界面查询就业率界面设计如图4.3所示:图4.3 查询就业率界面设计代码如下:private void tabPage3_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) string sql = select count(*) from student_info; int a=DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(sql

22、); label3.Text = a.ToString(); sql = select count(*) from student_info where 就业标志=已就业; int b = DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(sql); label5.Text = b.ToString(); sql = select count(*) from student_info where 就业标志=待就业; label4.Text = DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(sql).ToString(); float c =(float) b

23、 / a; label6.Text = c.ToString(); comboBox3.Items.Clear(); sql = select 专业名称 from department order by 专业编号 asc; SqlDataReader dr = DataConnection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox3.Items.Add(dr专业名称); comboBox3.Text = ; label10.Text = ; private void button2_Click(object sender,EventArg

24、s e) /comboBox3.Text = ; label10.Text = ; if (comboBox3.Text != ) string sql = select count(*) from student_info,department where student_info.专业编号=department.专业编号 and 专业名称= + comboBox3.Text + ; int a = DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(sql); sql = select count(*) from student_info,department where s

25、tudent_info.专业编号=department.专业编号 and 就业标志=已就业 and 专业名称= + comboBox3.Text + ; int b = DataConnection.GetCountInfoBySql(sql); if (a = 0) label10.Text = 该专业学生人数为0; else float c = (float)b / a; label10.Text = c.ToString(); else MessageBox.Show(“专业为空!请选取.”); 查询已就业信息界面设计如图4.4所示:图4.4 查询已就业信息界面设计代码如下:privat

26、e void tabPage4_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) comboBox5.Items.Clear(); comboBox7.Items.Clear(); comboBox5.Text = ; comboBox7.Text = ; string sql = select 专业名称 from department order by 专业编号 asc; SqlDataReader dr = DataConnection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox7.Items.Add(dr专业名称); sql = select 院系名称 from academy order by 院系编号 asc; dr = DataConnection.GetSqlDataReader(sql); while (dr.Read() comboBox5.Items.Add(dr院系名称); private void button3_Click(object sender,EventArgs e) if (comboBox5.Text != ) s

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