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1、第18次课朗少巩固级Unit 5-Unit 6复习教师:Words四会词:Season:spring summer fall winterWeather:cloudyrainysnowysunny windycoldcoolhot warmClothes: sandals glovessneakersraincoat scarfboots umbrellasunglassesshorts T-shirtcoathatjeansActions:senseseehearsmelltastefeelBody Parts:eyesearsnosetonguefingers形容词:good /niceb

2、adhappysadloudlowhardsoftsoursweetbitterhotsaltydeliciousgreat感官动词:looksoundsmelltastefeel时间类:todayyesterdaytomorrow其他:sunshineskygray三会词:suncloudwindsnowrain snow flakeraindrop stockingblouseslippershigh heelstormthunderlightningonlytropicalbushthink onionbunnycandycactusdrumlemonpopcornclownlemona

3、devinegarsugarteabeersaltbandvoicenoise carnivalmusicfunticketgladneighborkissprincessmagicianwandsicksomethingwrongevenforPhrasesfromtofrom now onmake a soundmake (her) (laugh)start to doGrammariswasareweregowentseesawlaughlaugheddodidtouchtouchedsaysaidcancouldcomecamelooklookedhavehadsingsangmake

4、madesoundsoundedcrycriedSentences1.Whats the weather like today?Its (sunny).2.What was the weather like yesterday?It was (snowy).3.What was the weather like on (Monday morning)?It was (windy).4.What do you wear in (winter)?I wear (coat, scarf and gloves).5.What is she wearing?She is wearing shorts a

5、nd a T-shirt.6.The weather today is (rainy). You need (an umbrella).7.What do you usually do in the (spring)?I usually fly a kite in the spring.8.Im happy when.(it is sunny and warm.)/(Im eating pizza.)9.We (see) with our (eyes).10.It (feels) (hard).11.They (look) (sad).12.Yesterday we went to the (

6、park).13.The weather was (rainy).14.We were (sad).Songs1.2.ChantStories第19次课Unit 9 TV and Movies (电视和电影)(1)教师: 日期: 年 月 日Words四会词:nature show 自然节目cartoon 卡通片comedy 喜剧game show 娱乐节目sports 运动,体育(节目)news 新闻movie 电影TV show 电视节目type 类型三会词:camera 摄影机movie star 电影明星movie ticket 电影票TV guide 电视指南video cassett

7、e 录像带popcorn 爆米花Sentences1.What type is the TV show?这个电视节目是什么类型的?Its a cartoon.它是卡通片。2.What kinds of TV shows do you like?你喜欢哪种电视节目?I like (cartoons).我喜欢卡通片。Homework1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟)Student Book: P83;2 抄写四会词,每天两遍,不写汉语意思;3 WB:P70-2Teachers suggestion亲爱的孩子们,今天我们学习了好多类型的电视节目和一些与电影电视相关

8、的事物。你喜欢看那种电视节目呢?为什么喜欢呢?它们都在什么时间哪个频道上映呢?每个人要想好两个以上的电视节目哦,下次我们来讨论!第20次课Unit 9 TV and Movies (电视和电影)(2)教师: 日期: 年 月 日Words四会词:boring 令人厌烦的exciting 令人兴奋的interesting 有趣的funny 有趣的scary 惊慌的channel 频道character 人物last 上一个last night 昨晚三会词: schedule 时间表happen 发生Sentences1. I like (cartoons) because they are (fu

9、nny).I dont like (news) because they are (boring).2. Whats on TV at 10:00?“Captain Invisible”“Its on Channel 3.”3. What did you watch on TV yesterday/last night/on Tuesday?“Debbies New Sister.”4. Did you like it?Yes, It was funny./No, It was boring.Homework1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟)Student

10、Book: P83P85(听跟读就可以了,不用做);2 抄写四会词,每天两遍,不写汉语意思;3 WB:P70-3,P76-2Teachers suggestion亲爱的孩子们,今天我们学习了如何和朋友谈论你看过的电视节目,它在哪个频道什么时间上映?它的主人公是谁?你喜欢它吗?为什么呢?这些问题你都能回答出来了吗?第21次课Unit 9 TV and Movies(3)教师: 日期: 年 月 日Words四会词:Miami 迈阿密move 搬家Guatemala 危地马拉speak 说Spanish 西班牙的,西班牙语review 评论newspaper 报纸award 授予,给予late 迟的

11、,晚的Phraseslast night 昨晚(four) kinds of (四)种a few more 再多一些Questions1.Whats the name of the character of this story?2.Where does he live?3.What languages(语言) can he speak?4.Why are there a lot of Spanish TV shows in Miami?5.How many kinds of TV shows did he watch last night?6.What was on TV at 7:00?

12、Was the story funny?7.How about the game show? How many stars did the boy award it?8.Did the nature show interesting?9.What are Davids favorite shows?10.Did David watch the scary movie at 9:00? Why? When did he can watch late TV shows?Homework1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟)Student Book: P87P88;2

13、 回答Questions中的问题。Teachers suggestion亲爱的孩子们,今天的小故事不太难,我们要背诵哟!你能写一篇电影或电视的小评论吗?中文的也可以哟,给我讲讲你喜欢的电视节目中的人物或者其中的一个情节或者一段故事,好吗?第22次课Unit 9 TV and Movies(4)教师: 日期: 年 月 日Words四会词:opinion 看法favorite 最喜欢的great 很好的about 关于三会词:scene 场景bored 厌烦的,无聊的scared 害怕的interested 感兴趣的Phrasestakeout 把带出去hurry up 赶快of 的:the ga

14、te of our school 我们学校的大门the map of China 中国的地图every day of the week 这周的每一天Sentences1.What is your favorite TV show?My favorite TV show is (the cartoon).2.What day and time is it on?Its on at (6:00) on (Wednesday).3.What channel is it on?Its on Channel 3.4.Why do you like this show?Its very (interest

15、ing).Homework1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟)Student Book: P85P88;2 抄写四会词和句子,每天两遍,不写汉语意思;Teachers suggestion亲爱的孩子们,今天我们复习了本单元的一些内容,现在你能自己画出一个TV Show的时间表了吗?你能给大家介绍一下你最喜欢的电视节目了吗?试一试吧!第23次课Unit 9 TV and Movies(5)教师: 日期: 年 月 日WordsTV show 电视节目nature show 自然节目cartoon 卡通片comedy 喜剧game show娱乐节目sports 运动

16、,体育(节目)news 新闻movie 电影channel 频道character 人物boring 令人厌烦的exciting 令人兴奋的interesting 有趣的funny 有趣的scary 惊慌的last night 昨晚 type 类型opinion 看法favorite 最喜欢的great 很好的about 关于Sentences1.What type is the TV show?Its a movie.2.What kinds of TV shows do you like?I like (sports).3. I like (sports) because they are

17、 (exciting).I dont like (news) because they are (boring).4. Whats on TV at 10:00?“Tom and Jerry”(猫和老鼠) “Its on Channel 3.”5. What did you watch on TV yesterday/last night/on Tuesday?“Snow White”(白雪公主)6. Did you like it?Yes, It was interesting./No, It was boring.7.What is your favorite TV show?My fav

18、orite TV show is (the cartoon).8.What day and time is it on?Its on at (6:00) on (Wednesday).9.What channel is it on?Its on Channel 3.10.Why do you like this show?Its very (interesting).Homework孩子们,这个小长假你们都做什么了?有没有认真复习呢?呵呵,欢迎归队!今天复习的内容都会了吗?我们的作业就是背诵单词、句子;要大声的朗读句子哦!句子不要求死记硬背,只要熟练问答就好了。回家问问爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶都喜欢什

19、么类型的电视节目。他们喜欢的一样吗?为什么呢?记住,要经常听磁带哦!下一次我们要考试喽,加油!第24次课3ARevision of Unit7-Unit8Words四会词:食物:orange juiceeggappletoastjambroccolibutteroliveyogurtpop/sodafruit watermelon pearstrawberryblueberrysausagechocolatesaladsandwichvegetable量词:bottlebowlboxbunchcancup dishglassjarpieceslicespoon时间:hourminuteseco

20、nd动词:drinkeatenjoymixputwantlikeexercisefeelfinishknockscareshoutsleepstay uptell其他:snackjunk foodupstairspastjobenoughdownstairsnightgownrightwronghabitrule三会词:stretch 伸展toe-touchwaist-twistjumping jackpush-upsit-upheadache 头疼stomachache 胃疼,肚子疼catch a cold 感冒bean sprout 豆芽cabbage 包心菜,大白菜celery 芹菜le

21、ek 韭菜spinach 菠菜pumpkin 南瓜cucumber 黄瓜bitter gourd 苦瓜white gourd 冬瓜agaric 木耳eggplant 茄子mushroom 蘑菇tofu 豆腐meat 肉beef 牛肉ham 火腿boiled eggs 水煮蛋fried eggs 煎蛋Phrases3 pieces of bread 三块面包a can of pop 一罐汽水3 slices of tomato 三片西红柿a glass of lemonade 一杯柠檬水3 boxes of rice 三盒大米a bowl of olives 一碗橄榄a bunch of gra

22、pes 一串葡萄a jar of jam 一瓶果酱a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶a bottle of beer 一瓶啤酒all the time 总是;全部的时间everyday每一天be from 来自于a lot of 许多Sentences1.What foods do you like?I likeapples.2.What foods dont you like?I dont likeolives.3.Would you likea piece of bread?Yes, please.4.Would you likea bottle of beer?No, thank

23、you. Id likea cup of yogurt.5.Would you likea glass of lemonade?No, thank you. I dont want any lemonade. I want somewater, please.6.What do you usually have for breakfast?I usually havebreadfor breakfast.7.How do you feel whenyou dont get enough sleep?I feelsick.8.Did you eat anyvegetablesyesterday?

24、Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.9.What did youeatfor lunch yesterday?I ate a cheese sandwich.10. How many hours do yousleep?Isleepfor 8 hours.11. Do you get enough sleep every night?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.ChantsWee Willie Winkie(P76-10)SongsStories复习要求1.四会词要求会背,三会词要求会读且知道意思;2.句子要求会写,问句要能够流利回答;3.歌曲和童谣要求能够独立表演;4.小故事要求会背,至少能够听懂关于故事的问题,并作答;老师的话记住,要每天大声朗读作业单哦!我们都是最棒的!

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