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1、The Features of the Poetry The Features of the Poetry between between Chinese and EnglishChinese and English诗歌诗歌第1页第2页“诗歌诗歌”andand“PoetryPoetry”In the ancient China,“诗歌”is defined as external performance of the poets inherent quality.In the beginning of“诗歌”,lyric poem is an important role to form a

2、tradition of lyric poem(抒情诗传统).About the western poetry,according to the word“poem”,we can know“Poem is something made”.Western poetry begins with epic(史诗)to form a tradition of epic(叙事诗传统).第3页Chinese poetry:happening on a daily basisWestern poetry:beyond the daily lifeTheme(Theme(题材材)Chinese poetry

3、:expressing personal experience with groupWestern poetry:expressing the objectContentContent(内容)(内容)Chinese poetry:emphasizing the spirit,and implicitWestern poetry:direct,pursuing deep feelingStyleStyle(风格)格)Western poetry is longer than Chinese poetry.FormForm(形式)(形式)DifferencesDifferences第4页The s

4、uperiority of the Chinese poetry formThe superiority of the Chinese poetry form Syntactic Ambiguity Syntactic Ambiguity The omission of the personal pronoun The omission of the prepositionTime adverbialThe omission of the comparative wordsThe usage of structural word第5页人人人人称称称称代代代代词词词词省省省省略略略略Eg:Eg:

5、春眠不觉晓,春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,夜来风雨声,花落知多少。花落知多少。孟浩然孟浩然春晓春晓 In this poetry,we cant find a In this poetry,we cant find a personal pronounpersonal pronoun,but we can get into but we can get into a situation of sleeping.a situation of sleeping.“假使一位拙劣译者,考虑到假使一位拙劣译者,考虑到明晰明晰要要求,利用一个指称语言,使其明确化,比求,利用一个指称语言,

6、使其明确化,比如这么翻译:如这么翻译:当我在春日睡去当我在春日睡去,在我周围,我听见在我周围,我听见,我记起我记起,于是我心想于是我心想”,In this way,we know that this poetry In this way,we know that this poetry entirely wakes up.entirely wakes up.第6页 Eg:Eg:潭影空人心。潭影空人心。常建常建破山寺后禅院破山寺后禅院 因为动词因为动词“空空”没有被介词限定,他最少能够有三种解没有被介词限定,他最少能够有三种解释,即:释,即:“在潭影中人心倾空在潭影中人心倾空”,“潭影在人心中倾

7、空潭影在人心中倾空”,“潭影使人心倾空潭影使人心倾空”。原句之所以佳妙,也正是因为其高浓度地凝结了各种意思。原句之所以佳妙,也正是因为其高浓度地凝结了各种意思。The omission of the prepositionThe omission of the preposition第7页 总来说,中国诗歌语法灵活性让字与读者之间建立一个自总来说,中国诗歌语法灵活性让字与读者之间建立一个自由关系,读者在字与字之间保持着一个由关系,读者在字与字之间保持着一个“若即若离若即若离”解读解读活动。活动。而在西方诗歌发展历程中,瘦子慎于言特制影响,即使也而在西方诗歌发展历程中,瘦子慎于言特制影响,即使也

8、含有含混意味,但其语法从没有像中国古诗那样含混灵活。含有含混意味,但其语法从没有像中国古诗那样含混灵活。庞德领军意象派,受中国古诗影响,曾做过消除语法桎梏庞德领军意象派,受中国古诗影响,曾做过消除语法桎梏尝试,如尝试,如Canto64Canto64:Pray:hands upliftedPray:hands upliftedSolitude:a person,a nurseSolitude:a person,a nurse 假如要硬译,能够译为:假如要硬译,能够译为:祈祷:祈祷:举起手举起手孤独:孤独:一个人,一个护士一个人,一个护士 作者似乎想模仿作者似乎想模仿“枯藤老树昏鸦枯藤老树昏鸦”和

9、和“小桥流水人家小桥流水人家”经经过罗列名词来创造意境,不过西方语言中那些标点和连词过罗列名词来创造意境,不过西方语言中那些标点和连词依然不可防止破坏了整体效果。依然不可防止破坏了整体效果。第8页The superiority of the Western poetry formThe superiority of the Western poetry form free structure free structure The western poetry is based on phonetic language system as a kind of art form.With comp

10、ared to Chinese,it is not limited to word number(such as five-character五言五言,seven-character).Although western poetry also need rhyme,it is not strict enough.The poetry writing of every language has their unique feature,we cant translate it.第9页Eg1:E.E.Cummingsl(aL(aleaffalls)oneliness 他将四个英文词拆开,将他将四个

11、英文词拆开,将a leaf fall加括号夹在了加括号夹在了loneliness之间,即之间,即使将单词拆开,每个字母仍可读。使将单词拆开,每个字母仍可读。可是汉字却达不到此效果。可是汉字却达不到此效果。Eg2:Eugen Gomringer Wind(concrete poetry)W W d i n n n i d i d W 他摆出了英文单词他摆出了英文单词“wind”表示了表示了被风吹散意思。被风吹散意思。这类诗歌意在忠实模仿和再现现实这类诗歌意在忠实模仿和再现现实中某种声响或图像,在中国诗歌传统中某种声响或图像,在中国诗歌传统中多半将此作品视为胡闹甚至笑料,中多半将此作品视为胡闹甚至

12、笑料,不过在西方诗歌史中,他们便是能够不过在西方诗歌史中,他们便是能够称得上充满想象力和创造力名诗了。称得上充满想象力和创造力名诗了。这些例子在西方诗歌中并非主流,不这些例子在西方诗歌中并非主流,不过能够让我们清楚地看到西方诗歌中过能够让我们清楚地看到西方诗歌中不可译那种特质。不可译那种特质。第10页 Finally,no matter how much differences they are,we can know“Chinese and western poetries are aimed to pursue releasing ourselves and waking ourselves,it is the best psychical realm(灵魂境界)to get freedom.”第11页Thank you!Thank you!endend第12页

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