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1、William Butler Yeats威廉威廉巴特勒巴特勒叶芝叶芝第1页William Butler Yeats(13 June 1865 28 January 1939)An Irish poet and one of the foremost figures of 20th century literature He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature as the first Irishman In 1923Style:symbolism(象征主义)mysticism(神秘主义)modernism(当代主义)Masterpieces:Wh

2、en You are Old Sailing to Byzantium The White Birds Under Ben Bulben 第2页The White BirdsI WOULD that we were,my beloved,white birds on the foam of the sea!We tire of the flame of the meteor,before it can fade and flee;And the flame of the blue star of twilight,hung low on the rim of the sky,Has awake

3、ned in our hearts,my beloved,a sadness that may not die.亲爱,希望我们是浪尖上一双白鸟!流星还未陨逝,我们已厌倦了它闪耀;天边低悬,晨光里那颗蓝星幽光唤醒了你我心中,一缕不死忧伤。第3页A weariness comes from those dreamers,dew-dabbled,the lily and rose;Ah,dream not of them,my beloved,the flame of the meteor that goes,Or the flame of the blue star that lingers hu

4、ng low in the fall of the dew:For I would we were changed to white birds on the wandering foam:I and you!露湿百合、玫瑰梦里逸出一丝困倦;呵,亲爱,可别梦那流星闪耀,也别梦那蓝星幽光在滴露中低徊:希望我们化作浪尖上白鸟:我和你!第4页I am haunted by numberless islands,and many a Danaan shore,Where Time would surely forget us,and Sorrow come near us no more;Soon f

5、ar from the rose and the lily,and fret of the flames would we be,Were we only white birds,my beloved,buoyed out on the foam of the sea!我心头萦绕着无数岛屿和丹南湖滨,在那里岁月会以遗忘我们,悲伤不再降临;转瞬就会远离玫瑰、百合和星光侵蚀,只要我们是双白鸟,亲爱,出没在浪花里!第5页To The Rose Upon The Rood Of TimeRed Rose,proud Rose,sad Rose of all my days!Come near me,w

6、hile I sing the ancient ways:Cuchulain battling with the bitter tide;The Druid,grey,wood-nurtured,quiet-eyed,Who cast round Fergus dreams,and ruin untold;And thine own sadness,whereof stars,grown oldIn dancing silver-sandalled on the sea,Sing in their high and lonely melody.Come near,that no more bl

7、inded by mans fate,I find under boughs of love and hate,In all poor foolish things that live a day,Eternal beauty wandering on her way.伴我终生玫瑰,骄傲玫瑰,悲伤玫瑰!当我歌唱古代生活,请走最近;和险恶海浪战斗库胡林勇士;那头发灰白,眼神平静,丛林培育祭司,他为弗格斯制造了梦和无穷之灾;你自己关于星群变老悲伤,穿着银色木屐在海上舞蹈,唱他们高亢而孤独曲调。走最近,不要再为人类命运迷误,我发觉在爱和恨枝条下面,在一切可怜只活一天蠢物之间,永恒之美一路漫游向前。第

8、6页Come near,come near,come near Ah,leave me stillA little space for the rose-breath to fill!Lest I no more hear common things that crave;The weak worm hiding down in its small cave,The field-mouse running by me in the grass.And heavy mortal hopes that toil and pass;But seek alone to hear the strange

9、 things saidBy God to the bright hearts of those long dead,And learn to chaunt a tongue men do not know.Come near;I would,before my time to go,Sing of old Eire and the ancient ways:Red Rose,proud Rose,sad Rose of all my days.走最近,走最近,走最近啊,给我留一点玫瑰气息充填空间!省得我听不到平凡事物渴求之声;躲在小洞里衰弱虫子,从我身边草地上跑过老鼠,人类为之奋斗终成过去沉

10、重希望;而只要求听到那些怪事情上帝说给长逝者明亮心灵谛听,学会唱一支人们不知曲调。走进来,在我离开以前我想要把古老爱尔兰和古代故事唱一回;伴我终生红玫瑰,骄傲玫瑰,悲伤玫瑰。第7页When you are old When you are old and grey and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire,take down this book,And slowly read,and dream of the soft look,Your eyes had once,and of their shadows deep;第8页How many loved

11、 your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face;And bending down beside the glowing bars,Murmur,a little sadly,how Love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead And hid his face amid a c

12、rowd of stars.When you are old 第9页当你老了 当你老了,头白了,睡意昏沉,炉火旁打盹,请取下这部诗歌,慢慢读,回想你过去眼神柔和,回想它们昔日浓重阴影;多少人爱你青春欢畅时辰,喜爱你漂亮,假意或真心,只有一个人爱你那朝圣者灵魂,爱你衰老了脸上痛苦皱纹;垂下头来,在红光闪耀炉子旁,凄然地轻轻诉说那爱情消逝,在头顶山上它缓缓踱着步子,在一群星星中间隐藏着脸庞。第10页 当你老了这首诗感人,是感动了一个多世纪爱情绝唱。这首诗是威廉巴特勒叶芝于1893年创作一首诗歌,是献给挚爱茅德冈一首饱含深情诗。读这首诗,我们能感受到诗人对这个女人深深爱。不过却对这个女人终其一生求之不得,再读这首诗时,不免会以为途胜伤悲之感。叶芝这首诗,有浓厚中国意味,几千年前,我们有了“执子之手,与子偕老”爱情宣言,叶芝用一首平淡舒缓诗调,将古老爱情誓言演绎得绝美哀戚。诗人想象深爱人暮年一个生活片段,那么平静、温暖、祥和,没有热烈宣泄激动,只是平静而赤诚表明。朴素而含蓄语言,优稚而舒缓调子,在动静结合画面中透出一抹淡淡哀伤,却不乏亲切与温馨,让人久久回味。第11页茅德茅德冈冈 叶芝对于茅德冈一见钟情,而且一往情深,叶芝这么描写过他第一次见德她情形:“她伫立窗畔,身旁盛开着一大团苹果花;她光彩夺目,好像本身就是盛开花瓣。”第12页THANK YOUTHANK YOU第13页

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