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1、英语句子中基本成份英语句子中基本成份主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、宾语补足语宾语补足语第1页主语主语:主语主语(subject)是指句子动作发出者或是指句子动作发出者或执行者;执行者;名词、代词、数词、名词、代词、数词、V-ing,to do,句子句子 等能够充当主语等能够充当主语谓语谓语:正常语序下跟在主语后面,准确来说,:正常语序下跟在主语后面,准确来说,谓语是动词,也就是主语所执行动作谓语是动词,也就是主语所执行动作。宾语宾语:行为或动作接收者就是宾语:行为或动作接收者就是宾语(object);名词、代词、数词、);名词、代词、数词、V-ing,

2、to do,句子,句子 等能够充当宾语等能够充当宾语第2页定语:定语(attributive)是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用词、短语或句子,汉语中惯用表示。代词、形容词,介词短语、句子等能够充当定语。表语表语:表语(:表语(predicative)是用来说明是用来说明主语主语身份、性质、品性、特征和状态词。身份、性质、品性、特征和状态词。名词、名词、形容词、代词、副词短语、介词短语、句子形容词、代词、副词短语、介词短语、句子等能够充当表语。等能够充当表语。第3页宾语补足语宾语补足语:Object complement,补充说,补充说明宾语情况。明宾语情况。形容词、名词、形容词、名词、V-ing

3、,p.p,to do,介词等能够充当宾补。介词等能够充当宾补。状语状语:状语:状语(adverbial)是句子主要修饰成份,是句子主要修饰成份,它附加在谓语中心语前面,从情况、时间、它附加在谓语中心语前面,从情况、时间、处所、方式、条件、对象、必定、否定、范处所、方式、条件、对象、必定、否定、范围和程度等方面对围和程度等方面对谓语谓语中心语进行修饰或限中心语进行修饰或限制。制。英语状语修饰动词、形容词、副词等句英语状语修饰动词、形容词、副词等句子成份子成份。副词、形容词、介词短语,句子等副词、形容词、介词短语,句子等能够充当状语。能够充当状语。第4页英语五种基本句型英语五种基本句型一一 S+V

4、(主语主语+不及物动词)不及物动词)1.We study hard.2.Mother is working in the garden.第5页二二 S+V+O(主语主语+及物动词及物动词+宾语)宾语)1.I like him it.2.To do it requires money.3.He stopped talking.1.3.Doing it needs patience.4.Mother wants to have a rest.1.5.She said that she wanted to have a rest.6.He finds it easy to learn math.代词

5、充当宾语代词充当宾语名词充当宾语名词充当宾语V-ing充当宾语充当宾语不定式不定式宾语从句宾语从句第6页What she has said didnt mean that she wanted to hurt you.第7页三三 S+V+P(主语(主语+系动词系动词 be+表语)表语)1.I am honest.2.His sister becomes a teacher.3.The food goes bad.4.The man is out of work.5.The boy grows stronger.6.The girl is in the building.7.The proble

6、m is that we have not enough time.第8页常见系动词:常见系动词:go grow stay feel look sound taste keepremainThe food tastes delicious.The work remains to be done.She remains working in the school.The shop remains closed.What I want to know is when we can go back home.第9页四四 S+V+I O+D O(主语主语+谓语谓语+间接宾语间接宾语+直接宾语)直接宾语

7、)1.My father gave me the money.2.My sister bought me the gift.1.3.I passed him the book.My father gave the money to me.My sister bought the gift for me.I pass the book to him.第10页常见接双宾语词有:常见接双宾语词有:give,send,pass,tell,show,offer,bring,lend,当把当把直接宾语放在间接宾语前面直接宾语放在间接宾语前面时,时,中间用中间用to隔开。隔开。2.buy,make,cook

8、,draw,当把当把直接宾语放直接宾语放在间接宾语前面在间接宾语前面时,中间用时,中间用for隔开。隔开。He told the news to me.He made the cake for me.第11页五五 S+V+O+OC(主语主语+谓语谓语+宾语宾语+宾语补宾语补足语)足语)1.I find the job difficult.2.His words made me angry.3.We elected him monitor.4.I found the door closed.5.I feel him to be honest.6.She let him in.1.7.I hear

9、d the child crying for a long time.第12页8.I didnt notice him come in.省略省略to 动词有:动词有:一感觉:一感觉:feel二听:二听:hear,listen to三三 使役:使役:have,make,let四看见:四看见:notice,see,watch,observe.I saw him come into the room.I saw him coming into the room.第13页一个惯用句型:一个惯用句型:there be 句型句型There is a big tree.There are many trees.There used to be a building here.There seemed to be a match.There exists a farm.There stands a temple.There lives an old man in the church.第14页

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