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1、Unit 1Whats the matter?阅读Section A 3a的课文, 根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的内容。每空不超过3个单词。Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old ManWang Ping is a bus driver. He is 24 years old now. He drives bus No. 26 every day.Yesterday, when the bus 1._ Zhonghua Road, Wang Ping saw an old man 2._ on the side of the road. There was

2、a woman next to him 3._ help. Wang Ping didnt think twice. He 4._ the bus quickly to ask the woman what happened. After he knew the old man had a heart problem, he told the 5._ that he must take the man to the hospital. He worried that some of them didnt want to get off to wait for the next bus. But

3、 6._, all the passengers agreed to go with him and some of them helped him to move the man onto the bus.The man 7._ by the doctors 8._. Wang Ping and the passengers were really happy. One passenger said, “Now many people dont want any 9._, so they dont want to help others. But the driver didnt think

4、 about 10._. He only thought about saving a life.”Unit 2Ill help to clean up the city parks.阅读Section A 3a的课文, 根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的内容。每空不超过3个单词。Students Who VolunteerMario Green and Mary Brown are students from Riverside High School. They 1._ several hours to help others every week.Mario 2._ at an animal

5、 hospital because he loves animals. He wants to be an animal doctor. He believes that his 3._ can help him to get his future dream job. Mario says it is hard work, but he gets 4._ of satisfaction when he sees the animals 5._, and when he sees the look of joy on their 6._ faces.Mary loves books and e

6、njoys helping kids learn to read. So she 7._ for a volunteer afterschool reading program last year. She still works there 8._ now. Mary says that when the kids are reading in the library, you can see in their eyes that they are going on a different 9._ with each new book. And she thinks volunteering

7、 there is a dream 10._ for her, and she can do what she loves to do and help others as well.Unit 3Could you please clean your room?阅读Section A 3a的课文, 根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的内容。每空不超过3个单词。One day last month, when Nancy came home from school, she wanted to watch TV first. But her mother wanted her to take the

8、dog 1._. Nancys mother thought that Nancy watched TV 2._ instead of 3._ around the house. And then they had a fight.After that, 4._ Nancy 5._ her mother did any housework for a week. The house got so 6._ that Nancy could not even find a clean dish or a clean shirt. She decided to do the housework to

9、 make the house 7._ again. She apologized to her mom and said that she finally 8._ they needed to 9._ the housework in order to have a clean and 10._ home.Unit 4Why dont you talk to your parents?阅读Section A 3a的课文, 根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的内容。每空不超过3个单词。Sad and Thirteen has some problems. He cant 1._ his family

10、. His parents fight a lot. Its the only 2._ they have. When they argue, its like a big, black cloud 3._ their home. He doesnt like it. His brother always watches 4._ he wants on TV until midnight. His brother refuses to let him watch his favorite TV show. So he always feels lonely and 5._ at home.Ro

11、bert Hunt thinks Sad and Thirteen should talk about these feelings with his family. If his parents are having problems, he should 6._ to help. Maybe he could do more jobs around the house so that his parents could have more time for 7._ communication. Secondly, he could sit down and 8._ his brother.

12、 He could 9._ that he 10._ him watching TV all the time. However, his brother should also let him watch his favorite show.Unit 5What were you doing when the rainstorm came?阅读Section A 3a的课文, 根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的内容。每空不超过3个单词。The Storm Brought People Closer TogetherWhen the news on TV reported that a heavy

13、 1._ was in the area, Ben could hear 2._ winds outside his home in Alabama.Everyone was busy. Bens dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows. Bens mom was 3._ the flashlights and radio were working. She also put candles and 4._ on the table. Ben was helping his mom make dinner when it rained 5

14、._. After dinner, they tried to play a card game, but it was 6._ to have fun.Ben could hardly get to sleep that night, and finally he 7._ when the wind was 8._ at around 3:00 am. After he woke up, he went outside with his family and found the neighborhood 9._. They joined the neighbors to help 10._

15、the neighborhood together.Unit 6An old man tried to move the mountains.阅读Section A 3a的课文, 根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的内容。每空不超过3个单词。Journey to the West is a 1._ Chinese book. It tells one of the most popular stories in China. The main character is the Monkey King or Sun Wukong.The Monkey King can 2._ to his body.

16、 He is able to 3._ different animals and objects. But 4._ he can hide his tail, he cant turn himself into a man. He has a magic stick. He can make his magic stick 5._. And he often uses the magic stick to 6._ bad people.The Monkey King 7._ the children of China for many years. When the English TV pr

17、ogram Monkey 8._ in 1979, Western children 9._ this wonderful story. And they love the clever Monkey King very much because he keeps fighting to help the weak and never 10._Unit 7Whats the highest mountain in the world?阅读Section A 3a的课文, 根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的内容。每空不超过3个单词。One of the most 1._ sports in the

18、world is mountain climbing, and one of the most 2._ places for this is the Himalayas. These extremely high risks attract 3._ from all over the world. Many people say this is one of the most famous parts of the world.The Himalayas run along the 4._ part of China. Of all the peaks (tops), Qomolangma i

19、s the 5._ and the most famous. Its very dangerous to climb Qomolangma. Thick clouds 6._ the top of the mountain. Even more serious 7._ include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms.The first people to reach the top of Qomolangma were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary in 1953. The first Chines

20、e team 8._ the top in 1960, and in 1975, the first woman did it too.Many brave people risk their lives to 9._ in the face of difficulties. The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to 10._ our dreams.Unit 8Have you readTreasure Islandyet?阅读Section A 3a的课文, 根据课文内容在横线上填

21、入所缺的内容。每空不超过3个单词。When Robinson Crusoe first 1._ on the island, he didnt have 2._. But he has found the ship and made a small boat. And he has 3._ many things he needs, such as food and drink, tools, knives and guns. He has 4._ trees and built a house. He kills animals and birds for food. He has lear

22、nt to grow fruit and vegetables.So far he 5._ on the island for many years like that.A few weeks ago, he found the 6._ of another mans feet on the sand. Not long after that, he saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship. One of them died but the other 7._ his house. Robinson saved

23、him and 8._ him Friday, because that was the day Robinson met him. Now, Friday 9._ Robinson and helps him. Robinson has 10._ some English.Unit 9Have you ever been to a museum?阅读Section A 3a的课文, 根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的内容。每空不超过3个单词。The American Computer Museum is the most interesting museum that Ken has ever

24、1._. People who visit there canknow the information about different computers and who 2._ them. Ben has known that the old computers were much bigger and he has learned a special computer could play chess even 3._ than humans.Amy has recently been to a very 4._ museum in India. Its the International

25、 Museum of Toilets. People can see many different kinds of 5._ there and learn about the history and 6._ of toilets. It encourages governments and social groups to think about ways to 7._ toilets in the future.The Hangzhou National Tea Museum is a relaxing and 8._ place. People can watch the tea art

26、 performances and can learn how to 9._ cup of tea with beautiful tea sets. Its very 10._ to watch the tea preparation.Unit 10Ive had this bike for three years.阅读Section A 3a的课文, 根据课文内容在横线上填入所缺的内容。每空不超过3个单词。My kids are growing up 1._. As they get bigger, they havent played with their toys for 2._ now

27、. We decide to have 3._ because we have 4._ things in the house and dont seem to have enough space for the children. We want to give the money from the sale to a childrens home. We are going to 5._ some of the old things, such as the toys and football shirts at the yard sale.To be 6._, at first, my

28、son felt 7._ to lose his toy monkey. Because when he was a child, he couldnt go to sleep without it. My daughter was a bit more understanding, 8._ it was hard for her to 9._ her toys. As for me, I havent played football for 10._ now, so I will sell my football shirts.八年级下册课文改写答案:答案 11. was going alo

29、ng 2. lying3. shouting for 4. got off 5. passengers6. to his surprise 7. was saved8. in time . 9. trouble 10. himself答案21. give up 2. volunteers 3. volunteer work4. a strong feeling 5. get better6. owners 7. tried out 8. once a week9. jourey 10. come true答案 31. for a walk 2. all the time3. helping o

30、ut 4. neither 5. nor6. messy/dirty 7. clean and tidy8. understood9. share 10. comfortable答案 41. get on with 2. communication3. hanging over 4. whatever5. nervous 6. offer 7. proper 8. communicate with9. explain 10. doesnt mind答案 51. rainstorm 2 . strong 3. making sure4. matches 5. heavily6. hard 7.

31、fell asleep 8. dying down9.in a mess 10. clean up答案 61. traditional 2. make 72 changes3. turn himself into 4. unless5. small or large/big 6. fight 7. has excited 8. came out9. became interested in 10. gives up答案71. dangerous 2. popular 3. climbers4. southwestern5. highest 6. cover7. difficulties 8.

32、reached9. challenge themselves 10. achieve答案81. arrived 2. anything 3. brought back4. cut down 5. has lived6. marks 7. ran towards . 8. named9. lives with 10. taught him答案91. been to 2. invented 3. better4. unusual 5. toilets 6. development7. improve 8. peaceful9. make a perfect 10. enjoyable答案101. fast 2. a long time 3. a yard sale4. too many 5. sell6. honest 7. quite sad 8. although 9. part with 10. a while

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