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1、六年级小学新六年级暑假衔接班(一)重点语法基础复习基础练习 试卷简介:小学新六年级暑假衔接班(一)重点语法基础复习习题同步测评卷。本课程是暑期六年级的第一模块。重点讲解和复习小学语法知识。改试卷包含视频讲解重点。涵盖名词,代词,冠词,数词,形容词和副词六大词类以及一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时以及现在进行时四大时态的综合复习及训练。 学习建议:建议看该视频时注意做好笔记,特别是老师强调总结的重点,做题时发现掌握不牢固,及时翻看笔记加强理解记忆。一、单选题(共30道,每道4分)1.Are those your _ ?A.bookesB.boxesC.appleD.knifes2.Which

2、do you prefer, _ or _ ?A.potatos; tomatosB.potatos; tomatoesC.potatoes; tomatosD.potatoes; tomatoes3.The girl is a friend of _.A.Marys sisterB.Mary sistersC.Marys sistersD.sister of Marys4.What would you like, sir? _ glass of water, please. Thank you.A.AB.AnC.TheD./5.Lucy spends _ hour doing her hom

3、ework every day.A.aB.anC.theD./6._ Changjiang River is the longest river in China.A.TheB.AC.AnD./7.Look, there is a bird flying in _ sky.A.aB.theC.anD./8._ is _ best friend.A.He; himB.She; hisC.Her; herD.His; she9.Echo is _ teacher. She teaches _ English.A.our; ourB.our; usC.we; weD.we; our10.Is thi

4、s _ book? No, its not _.A.your; myB.your; mineC.yours; myD.yours; mine11.Who taught you English last year? Nobody. I taught _.A.meB.myC.ID.myself12.How many people are there in the cinema? _ people, I think.A.HundredB.Hundred ofC.Hundreds ofD.Hundreds13.Our school will hold a sports meeting. Two _ s

5、tudents will join in it.A.hundredsB.hundredC.hundreds ofD.hundred of14.September is _ month of a year.A.the ninthB.the nineC.ninthD.nine15.My home is about _ away from the school.A.four hundred meterB.four hundreds meterC.four hundreds metersD.four hundred meters16.Tom is not _ to go to school.A.eno

6、ugh oldB.old enoughC.olderD.too old17.We decided not to climb the mountain because it was raining _.A.heavyB.heavilyC.bigD.badly18.He ran so _ that I couldnt catch up with him.A.quickB.soonC.fastD.fastly19.Jack is _ than John.A.strongB.strongerC.strongestD.the strongest20.Tom is the _ boy in our cla

7、ss.A.tallB.tallerC.tallestD.most tall21.The little girl is becoming more and more _.A.biggerB.bigC.beautifulD.taller22.You should _.A.your homework finishB.finish your homeworkC.finish homework yourD.your finish homework23.My mother _ a doctor.A.worksB.doesC.isD./24.My father usually _ a walk after

8、supper.A.haveB.hasC.havingD.had25.Mike _ exercise every day.A.doB.didC.doesD.is doing26.He _ a T-shirt yesterday.A.buysB.buyC.is buyingD.bought27.I _ tired yesterday, so I _ shopping with her.A.was; goB.am; dont goC.was; didnt goD.am; went28.Mary _ to Qingdao next month.A.fliesB.will flyC.fliedD.is

9、flying29.Its 12:00. The twins_lunch now.A.haveB.hadC.are havingD.has30.Its about_from my home to our school. A.twenty minutes' walkB.walk of twenty minutes'C.walk of twenty minutesD.twenty minute's walk众享课程主页 东区总校:郑州市文化路与黄河路交叉口中孚大厦7楼B室 电话:65335902 西区总校:郑州市陇海路与桐柏路交叉口凯旋门大厦B座405室 电话:6885666

10、2目 录第一章 总 论 11.1项目概况 11.2研究依据及范围 21.3结论 31.4建议 4第二章 项目建设的背景和必要性 52.1项目建设的背景 62.2项目建设的必要性 7第三章 项目服务需求分析 9第四章 项目选址与建设条件 114.1选址原则 114.2项目选址 114.3建设条件 12第五章 建设方案与设计 125.1建设规模与内容 125.2总体规划设计 135.3结构方案 185.4主要配套设备 195.5给水工程 205.6排水工程 225.7电气设计 235.8节能设计 26第六章 项目实施进度和招投标管理296.1项目实施进度 296.2招投标管理 31第七章 环境影响

11、分析 317.1项目主要污染源分析327.2 环境保护措施及治理效果 35第八章 消防、安全与卫生防护 378.1 消防 378.2 劳动安全 388.3 卫生防护 39第九章 组织机构、运作方式与项目实施进度399.1 项目建设组织机构399.2项目运营组织机构 419.3劳动定员 42第十章 投资估算和资金筹措4210.1投资估算4310.2项目所需流动资金 4910.3资金筹措 49第十一章 经济和社会效益评价 5011.1 经济效益评价5011.2 社会效益评价 50第十二章 结 论 50 12.1 主要结论 50 12.2 建 议 51附录:1、*发改局关于*迁建工程项目建议书的批复 2、*村镇建设管理所*迁建项目用地红线第 7 页 共 7 页

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