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1、2024/5/25 周六1Ways of Developing Paragraphs Paragraph developmentParagraph developmentTopic sentenceTopic sentence(controlling idea)Supporting detailsSupporting details(major&minor)Details(factual,example or illustration,descriptive)Patterns(narration,process,definition,classification,comparison&cont

2、rast,cause&effect,analogy)2024/5/25 周六2ways of paragraph developmentEvery paragraph,long or short,consists of several sentences.Only when all the sentences are arranged in a reasonable way of development can a paragraph make sense.2024/5/25 周六3Ways to develop a paragraph1.develop by time2.develop by

3、 process3.develop by space4.develop by example 5.develop by comparison and contrast6.develop by cause and effect7.develop by classification8.develop by definition9.develop by a combined way2024/5/25 周六4He(the King)got up and stepped out of the stall,and just thenjust then he heard the sound of child

4、rens voice.The barn door opened and a couple of little girls came in.As soon asAs soon as they saw him their talking and laughing ceased,and they stopped and stood still,gazing him with strong curiosity;2024/5/25 周六5they presently began to whisper together,thenthen they approached nearer,and stopped

5、 again to gaze and whisper.By and byBy and by they gathered courage and began to discuss him aloud.2024/5/25 周六6In the life the Indian there was only one inevitable duty-the duty of prayer-the daily recognition of the Unseen and Eternal.His daily devotions were more necessary to him than daily food.

6、He wakes at daybreak,puts on his moccasins(软拖鞋软拖鞋)and steps down to the waters edge.Here he throws handfuls of clear,cold water into his face,or plunges in bodily.2024/5/25 周六7After the bath,facing the sun as t dances upon the horizon,and offers his unspoken orison.His mate may precede or follow him

7、 in his devotions,but never accompanies him.Each soul must meet the morning sun,the new sweet earth and the Great Silence alone.2024/5/25 周六82.Order of space Details are arranged according to their location&their relationship to each other.Suitable to describe a limited interior,such as a classroom

8、or the inside of submarine;also effective to write about a very broad area,such as the continent of Asia or the solar system.Following the order in which an observers eyes would travel around from left to right or from right to left.First,second,then,next,;under,on across,by,To avoid“transitions for

9、 transitions”sake2024/5/25 周六9ExampleExample We enjoyed our visit to Dr.Hassans house.The house was perched high up on a hill.First,we walked up the long driveway.Then we approached the huge bronze door.A butler was standing there.Then he ushered us and the other guests into the house.The first thin

10、g we passed was the oak-paneled(方格方格)library.Next we went by the formal dinning room.Finally we arrived at the ballroom where the reception was being held.There were three sparkling(闪烁闪烁)chandeliers(树枝型的吊灯树枝型的吊灯).More than a hundred people were enjoying champagne(香槟酒香槟酒),and good conversation.(artif

11、icial)2024/5/25 周六10Compare with the original oneWe enjoyed our visit to Dr.Hassans house,perched high up on a hill.Walking up the long driveway,we approached the huge bronze door.A butler was standing in the open doorway,ushering guests into the house.Going in,we passed the oak-paneled library and

12、formal dinning room before we arrived at the ballroom,where the reception was being held.Under three sparkling chandeliers,more than a hundred people were enjoying champagne,and good conversation.(more natural)2024/5/25 周六113.General-specific order3.General-specific order(deductive)The general state

13、ment comes first,then followed by major supporting ideas or minor ones if necessary to reinforce the views expressed in the general statement.For example:The state is a rough-cut jewel-virtually all mountains.There are West Virginians who brag(吹牛吹牛)that if the state were flattened,shed rival Texas i

14、n size.Countless times as I explored her reaches,I would pull to a2024/5/25 周六12Continued stop to catch my breath at the forested spectacle(景观景观).One autumn afternoon as I stood overlooking the New River Gorge,a weathered mountaineer turned to me and asked,”you ever been to the Rockies(洛肌洛肌山脉山脉)?”Wh

15、en I replied that I had,he continued proudly,“well,so have I,and it aint no prettier than this.”2024/5/25 周六134.Specific-general(inductive)The topic sentence with controlling idea is the final sentence.For exampleYoung people do not spend all their time in school.Their elders commonly spend none of

16、it there.Yet their elders are,we hope,constantly growing in practical wisdom.They are,at least,having experience.If we can teach them while they are being educated how to reason,they may be able to comprehend and assimilate their2024/5/25 周六14ContinuedContinued experience.It is a good principle ofed

17、ucational administration because a college or university has a vast and complicated job if it does what only it can do.In general education,therefore,we may wisely leave experience to life and set about our job of intellectual training.2024/5/25 周六15Example American might be embarrassed because thei

18、r Japanese friends are so formal with them.Japanese might feel insulted because American acquaintances greet them casually.Still,the forms of greeting in both countries only show respect for others.It just happens It just happens that Americans and Japanese have a different that Americans and Japane

19、se have a different way of looking at human relationships and thus way of looking at human relationships and thus have a different way of showing respects.have a different way of showing respects.2024/5/25 周六165.Climax5.Climax Arrange the basic materials from least to from least to most importantmos

20、t important;withhold the most critical fact or argument until last.The following paragraph illustrates climactic order based on opinion.James B.Conant expresses his opinion first and then quotes that of another person to support his controlling idea.2024/5/25 周六17Example The enthusiastic spectators

21、at school and college contests rarely realize how corroding is the spirit generated by their zeal for winning teams.One has to visit high school after high school,as I have done in recent years,to see how much the public is to blame for some of the troubles that plague our public schools.2024/5/25 周

22、六18Continued Times and again,at the end of visit,after discussing curriculums and teaching problems,the superintendent would say to me,“we havent yet talked about my chief problem.Which,to be quite frank,is the record of Which,to be quite frank,is the record of the high school teams.Lets face itwhat

23、 this city the high school teams.Lets face itwhat this city demands is that I get coaches whose teams will win,demands is that I get coaches whose teams will win,or out I go.”or out I go.”2024/5/25 周六19Practice When we begin writing a paragraph with supporting details arranged in order of importance

24、,we should make list of the ideas that come to mind of our topic;go through our list and decide on our purpose;then write a topic sentence with controlling idea.Suppose we are given instructions like this:2024/5/25 周六20Write a paragraph arranged in order of importance.the topic sentence of the parag

25、raph has been given on the writing paper.Topic sentence(No.1):Students with alert and curious minds may learn a great deal from sources other than their formal classes.Detail list:1.reading materials(No.2):books,newspaper,&the magazines(No.3)2.jobs(No.2)3.social clubs(No.2)4.broadcast(No.2):televisi

26、on&radio(No.3)2024/5/25 周六21Arrangement in order of importanceArrangement in order of importance1.Broadcast most important2.jobs less important 3.reading materials still less important4.social clubs least important2024/5/25 周六22Three fundamental featuresThree fundamental featuresA central idea;A cen

27、tral idea;A topic sentence that expresses the A topic sentence that expresses the central ideacentral ideasupporting detailssupporting details;Close connection between the Close connection between the sentencessentencesorders/sequencing,transitionsorders/sequencing,transitions2024/5/25 周六23Patterns

28、of DevelopmentPatterns of DevelopmentTo write a paragraph,we have already learned how to select supporting details and in what way to arrange our sentences.Six basic patterns of paragraph development:1.narration,2.process,3.definition,4.classification,parison&contrast,6.cause&effect.Each of them is

29、particular way to develop paragraph.2024/5/25 周六24Narration(usually in time order)Narration(usually in time order)To choose interesting details,for example:Follow the BusI jumped off the bus before it stopped and began walking down the street.As I had arrived early,I decided to look at the shop wind

30、ows before going home.The idea made me quite happy,but at the same time I had the unpleasant feeling that I had forgotten something.I stopped in the middle of the pavement and began searching my pockets.All of a sudden I remembered that I was2024/5/25 周六25Continued without my briefcase!I had left it

31、 on the bus and it was full of important papers.The thought was enough to make me start running down the street,though,by now,the bus was out of sight.2024/5/25 周六26Process(in time or logic order)Process(in time or logic order)To explain how to do something or how something works.For example:Making

32、PaperModern paper is manufactured from a mixture of various fibers like rags,linen,wood,wastepaper.The main ingredient is of course wood pulp,produced from complete trees after the bark has been removed.The main areas of production are Finland and Canada,where the trees are cut down,taken to the saw

33、 mill,and chopped up.The pieces of wood are then ground up and mixed2024/5/25 周六27Continued Continued with water to make wood pulp.This is mixed with other substances,such as glue,to make a paper fiber mixture,and then poured out on to wire screens.There are large area of wire mesh-sheets of metal w

34、ith a large number of holes in them.Here the water is extracted from the mixture,which is dried and passed through many rollers to press it into shape.This process produces one continuous sheet of paper which is wound into a large roll at the end of the manufacturing process.2024/5/25 周六28The scheme

35、 of a process paragraph may The scheme of a process paragraph may look like thislook like thisIntroduction:Name the process,explains why it is being performed,and provides an overviewBody:Presents the steps of the paragraph:Step1;Step2;Step3;Conclusion:Reviews the process and note its significance 2

36、024/5/25 周六29Definition Definition In various ways:1.the dictionary definition,which provides a synonym or shows how a word fits into a general class;2.using a paragraph to define a term allows for a thorough discussion;3.illustration with examples to discuss the words origins,compare it with simila

37、r one,or to tell what it is not.2024/5/25 周六30For example:An atom is similar to a biological cell or a microscopic model of a solar system.It is the smallest unit of a chemical element,composed of a central nucleus surrounded by electronically charged particles.The word“atom”derives from a Greek wor

38、k which,in English,means“indivisible”,but one of the scientific breakthroughs of the 20th century was the successful attempt to split the atom.Splitting atoms produces energy,providing us with an alternate source of power to reduce the demand for expensive and diminishing natural sources of energy s

39、uch as oil and coal.2024/5/25 周六31The schemeThe schemeTopic sentence:Includes terms to be defined,formal definition,&thesisBody:Expands the basic definitionConclusion:Sums up,makes predictions or recommendations,or restates thesis.2024/5/25 周六32Division&Classification Division&Classification Divisio

40、n:begin with a whole,then break it into its parts;Classification:begin with many small observations and sort them into categories on the basis of their similaritiesMostly,they are closely related processes.2024/5/25 周六33For example:Every educated person has at least 2 ways of speaking his mother ton

41、gue.The first is that which he employs in his family,among his familiar friends,and on ordinary occasions.The second is that which he uses in discoursing on more complicated subjects,and in addressing persons with whom he is less intimately acquainted.It is,in short,the language which he employs whe

42、n he is on his dignity,as he puts on evening dress when he is going to dine.2024/5/25 周六34The scheme of arrangementThe scheme of arrangement Topic sentence:Name the categories;state thesisBody:First category;Second one;Third one;Conclusion:Reviews categories;clarifies their relationship to each othe

43、r2024/5/25 周六35Comparison&ContrastTransitions for comparing(showing similarities):similarly,similar to,like,also&resembling;Transitions for contrast(showing differences):in contrast to,unlike,however,on the other hand,differ from2024/5/25 周六36For exampleWhale and human beings are like two nations of

44、 individuals who have certain characteristics in common.As mammals they both are warm-blooded,giving milk,and breathing air.As social creatures they both have basic urges for privacy as well as for fraternization.As species bent on reproduction they both show similar patterns of aggression during co

45、urtship,the male trying to gain the females attention and the female responding.Finally,as mystical beings they both are caught in the net of life and time,follow prisoners of the splendor,travail,and secrets of earth.2024/5/25 周六37Cause&EffectTo explore why something happened or explain what happen

46、ed as a result of something else.Sometimes such a paragraph deals only with causes because the effects are already clear;sometimes it only concentrates on effects because a given cause clearly exist,and the only question is to ask“What happened as a result?)2024/5/25 周六38For exampleThe blizzard last

47、 March disrupted manyThe blizzard last March disrupted many peoples peoples lives.lives.Thousands of households were without power for hours and,in some cases,days.Children could not get to their schools,and adults either could not get to their jobs or could not get home from their jobs.Motorists we

48、re stranded on snow-blocked roads and highways,and the motels in a three-state area were filled to capacity.It took road crews and power company crews three weeks to undo what the three-day blizzard had done.2024/5/25 周六39The schemeThe schemeTopic sentence:Identifies effects or causes;states thesisB

49、ody:Cause 1 or effect 1;Cause 2 or effect 2;Cause 3 or effect 3;Conclusion:Reviews causes;establishes their relationship to effectOr:Reconsiders effects;connects them to cause2024/5/25 周六40Analogy (a figurative comparison)To explain a complicated idea by comparing it to a simple idea or more concret

50、e image.The items compared are from different classes.For example,the writer may compare the life of a person to a river.It can help us make complicated things simpler or show in different ways.2024/5/25 周六41For example The atmosphere of Earth acts like any window in serving two very important funct

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