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2、7Title: PROCEDURE FOR MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATIONDEMONSTRATION CERTIFICATION This is to certify that this procedure has been demonstrated on a test specimen with known defects to the satisfaction of the Authorized Inspector according to T-150 of ASME Code Section V, as required by Appendix 6 of Se

3、ction Div.1. Test Specimen No.: Demo. Report No.: NDE Level : AI: * Co.,Ltd.焊缝检验规程3Rev.:0Page:3 of 7Title: PROCEDURE FOR MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION 1. General 1.1 This procedure is applied to the magnetic particle examination of ferromagnetic materials and welds for ASME Code items. 1.2 The magne

4、tic particle examination method is suitable for detecting cracks and other discontinuities on or near the surface in ferromagnetic materials. 1.3 This procedure is applied to wet continuous magnetization by yoke, which shall only be applied to detect discontinuities that are open to the surface of t

5、he part. 1.4 This procedure shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the AI prior to implementation. 2. Personnel 2.1 The NDE personnel who engage in magnetic particle examination shall be qualified and certified according to * Co.,Ltd.s “Written Practice for NDE Personnel Training, Examination,

6、 Qualification & Certification”(No.:QCD-011). 3. Description of Method 3.1 In principle, the magnetic particle examination method involves magnetizing an area to be examined, and applying ferromagnetic particles to the surface. The particles will form patterms on the surface where cracks or other di

7、scontinuties cause distortions in the normal magnetic field. These patterns are usually characteristic of the type of discontinuity that is detected. 3.2 The sensitivity of the magnetic particle examination is greatest for surface discontinuities and diminishes rapidly with increasing depth of disco

8、ntinuities below the surface. Therefore, this method can only be used for detecting the discontinuities on or near the surface of the material or parts to be tested. 4. Magnetization Equipment and Calibration 4.1 The MT equipment to be used is Yoke, with Type CDX-4. 4.2 Calibration of Equipment 4.2.

9、1 Frequency of calibration: Each Magnetizing Equipment with an ammeter shall be calibrated at least once a year,or whenever the equipment has been subjected to a major electric repair, periodic overhaul or damage. If equipment has not been in use for a year or more, calibratioon shall be done prior

10、to first use. 4.2.2 Calibration for lifting power of the Yoke The lifting power will be calibrated with the methods of lifting a standard weight cake. Each alternating-current electromagnetic yoke shall have a lifting power of at least 10lb(44N). at the maximum pole spacing. Each direct-current elec

11、tromagnetic yoke shall have a lifting power of at least 40lb(177N). at the maximum pole spacing. 5. Examination Medium 5.1 The examination medium shall be the finely divided 1. 概述 1.1 本规程适用 于ASME规范产品铁磁性材料和焊缝磁粉检验。 1.2 磁粉检验方法适适用于在铁磁性材料表面或其周围探测裂纹和其它不均匀性缺点。 1.3 本规程适适用于磁轭湿粉连续磁化法技术。此法仅适适用于检出工件表面开口缺点。 1.4

12、本规程在实施之前须经过演示,使AI审查满意。 2. 人员 2.1 从事磁粉检验NDE人员必需是依据南京宝色钛业(资料号:QCD-011)进行考试和资格任命合格人员。 3. 方法综述 3.1 标准上,磁粉检验方法是指在工件受检区域表面施加铁磁粉,裂纹或其它缺点会造成正常磁场畸变,使表面上磁粉形成一定图形,这些图形通常是探测到缺点特征。 3.2 磁粉检验法灵敏度以表面缺点处为最高,并随离表面深度增加而快速降低;所以,本方法仅适适用于检验材料或部件表面或近表面缺点。 4. 磁化设备校验 4.1 MT设备采取CDX-4型磁轭式探伤仪。 4.2 设备校验 4.2.1 校验周期:每一带电流表磁化设备最少应

13、每十二个月校验一次;设备进行过关键电源修理,周期大修或损坏时,必需得到校验。假如设备已十二个月或十二个月以上未使用,则在第一次使用之前必需校验。 4.2.2 磁轭提升力校验 提升力用标准重块提升法来校验。交流电磁轭提升力最少为10lb(44N)(最大磁轭间距);直流电磁轭提升力最少为40lb(177N)( 最大磁轭间距)。 5. 检验介质* Co.,Ltd.焊缝检验规程3Rev.:0Page:4 of 7Title: PROCEDURE FOR MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATIONferromagnetic particles which have high permea

14、bility and low retentivity. The size and shape of the magnetic particles shall be suitable for forming magnetic particle indications. 5.2 The black magnetic particles HK-1-400or 350, made by yixin Citong Co Ltd., shall be used. 5.3 The fluid medium for the magnetic suspension fluid shall be transfor

15、mer oil, smelless kerosene or water. The temperature of the wet particle suspension and the surface of the part shall not exceed 1350F(570C). 5.4 Concentration of wet magnetic particle suspensions 5.4.1 The initial bath concentration of suspended magnetic particles should be as specified of as recom

16、mended by the manufacturer and should be checked by settling volume measurements and maintained at the specified concentration on a daily basis. If the concentration is not maintained properly, test results can vary greatly. 5.4.2 The bath concentration shall be maintained within 1.2 to 2.4 ml per 1

17、00ml of vehicle for nonfluorescent particles unless otherwise specified by the particle manufacturer. 5.4.3 Bath concentration is normally determined by measuring its setting volume through the use of an ASTM Pear-shaped centrifuge tube with a 1.5-ml stem(0.1-ml divisions )for nonfluorescent suspens

18、ions. Before sampling, run the suspension through the recirculating system for at least 30-min to assure thorough mixing of all particles which could have settled on the sump screen and along the sides or bottom of the tank. Take a 100-mL portion of the suspension from the hose or nozzle and allow i

19、t to settle for approximately 30 min. The volume settling out at the bottom of the tube is indicative of the particle concentration in the bath. If the bath concentration is low in particle content, add a sufficient amount of particle materials to obtain the desired concentration. If the suspension

20、is high in particle content, add sufficient vehicle to obtain the desired concentration. 5.4.4 If the settled particles appear to be loose agglomerates rather than a solid layer, take a second sample. If still agglomerated, the particles may have become magnetized, replace the suspension. 6. Magneti

21、zation Procedure 6.1 Yoke Technique 6.1.1 The direct, alternating current electromagnetic yokes or permanent magnet yokes shall be used for localized magnetization to form a longitudinal magnetic field. 6.1.2 The alternating current electromagnetic yoke shall have a lifting power of at least 10 lb.

22、(4.5kg) at maximum pole spacing. The direct current electromagnetic yoke shall have a lifting power of at least 40 lb. (18.1kg) at the maximum pole spacing. 6.1.3 The field strength of yokes can be empirically determined 5.1 检验介质是含有高导磁率和低顽磁性细铁磁粉,其尺寸和形状必需易于形成磁粉显示。 5.2 应使用宜兴磁通探伤材料企业生产黑磁粉HK-1-400或350。

23、5.3 磁悬液液体介质必需是变压器油、无味煤油或水。磁悬液温度和工件表面温度均不得超出1350F(570C) 。 5.4 湿磁粉悬浮液浓度 5.4.1 磁悬液浓度应按制造厂推荐,用沉淀量值验证,务使日常浓度一定。浓度不妥,会大大影响探伤结果。 5.4.2 除制造厂另有要求外,非荧光磁粉悬浮液浓度应为每100ml 1.2-2.4ml水平。 5.4.3 槽中磁悬液浓度通常是用ASTM梨形离心管测定其沉淀值来确定,对非荧光磁粉悬液为1.5ml 芯柱(0.1ml刻度)沉淀柱;在取样以前,将悬浮液在再循环系统中最少流动30分钟,以确保全部磁粉完全混合,不然磁粉可能在油盘滤网和沿槽壁或底沉淀下来,从软管或

24、管嘴取100ml悬浮液并使它沉淀大约30分钟,大管底沉淀体积 是槽液磁粉浓度指示值;假如磁悬液中磁粉浓度大低,加足够量磁粉以取得所需浓度;假如磁悬液中磁粉浓度大高,则加足够液体介质以取得所需浓度。 5.4.4 假如沉淀磁粉表现为松散团块,而不是紧密敷层,则应作第二次取样试验,假如还是团块,说明磁粉可能已被磁化,这时需更换悬浮液。 6. 磁化过程 6.1 磁轭法 6.1.1 可采取直流、交流电磁轭或永久磁轭、来磁化一个局部区域、形成一个纵向磁场。 6.1.2 交流电磁轭提升力应最少在两极间距离最大时为10磅(4.5千克)。 6.1.3 经验磁轭式磁场强度可测量它* Co.,Ltd.焊缝检验规程3

25、Rev.:0Page:5 of 7Title: PROCEDURE FOR MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION by measuring its lifting power.6.1.4 Direction of magnetization: At least two separate examinations shall be carried out on each area. The second examination shall be with the lines of magnetic flux approximately perpendicular to th

26、ose used for the first examination in that area. 6.1.5 The area to be examined shall be restricted to the area which is equal to 1/4 maximum pole spacing on both sides of the line through two poles. The pole spacing shall at least have 1in. (25mm)overlap each time. 7. Magnetic Field Strength 7.1 The

27、 special carbon steel / copper plate type field indicator is used to verify that an adequate field strength and direction for the surface of part is obtained. If the clear magnetic particle pattern is shown on the copper plate side of the field indicator, it indicates that adequate field strength is

28、 obtained. 8. Examination Requirements 8.1 Surface Preparation 8.1.1 Satisfactory results are usually obtained in the as-welded, as-rolled, as-cast, or as-forged conditions. However, surface preparation by grinding or machining may be necessary where surface irregularities could mask indications due

29、 to discontinuities. 8.1.2 Prior to magnetic particle examination, the surface to be examined and all adjacent areas within at least 1in.(25mm) shall be dry and free of all dirt, grease, lint, scale, welding flux and spatter, oil, or other extraneous matter that could interfere with the examination.

30、 8.1.3 Cleaning may be accomplished using detergents, organic solvents, descaling solution, paint removers, vapor degreasing, sand or grit blasting, or ultrasonic cleaning methods. 8.1.4 If coatings are left on the part in the area being examined, it must be demonstrated that indications can be dete

31、cted through the existing maximum coating thickness applied. When AC yoke technique is used, the demonstration must be in accordance with Mandatory Appendixof Article 7 of ASME Code Section. 8.2 Unless specified on the drawings or other technical documentation, the magnetic particle examination shal

32、l be carried out on the parts with finished surface condition, or finished-machined condition and final heat treatment condition. 8.3 The small opening, slots or holes in the parts can be blocked to prevent the magnetic particle from getting into. 8.4 Examination shall be conducted with sufficient o

33、verlap 提升力来确定。6.1.4依据经验磁轭式磁场强度可测量它提升力来确定。 6.1.4 磁化方向 每一区域应最少进行两次分别检验。在第二次检验中,磁通线方向应大致和第一次检验区域所采取方向相垂直。 6.1.5受检区域应限制在两磁极连线双侧,相当于1/4最大磁极间距范围内,磁极间距每次最少有1英寸(25毫米)搭接。 7.磁场强度 7.1使用专用碳钢/铜板磁场指示器来校验零件表面磁场强度和方向是否满足要求。假如铜板边有清楚磁粉线条,则表明磁场强度是足够。 8检验要求 8.1表面制备 8.1.1经焊接、轧制、铸造、铸造等加工零件,通常会取得满意效果。然而,表面不平(不均匀)会掩饰缺点显示,则

34、这些地方要经过打磨或机加工进行表面制备。 8.1.2在磁粉检验之前,被检验表面及其周围最少1英寸(25mm)区域内应实干燥,而且没有任何污垢、纤维屑、锈皮、焊剂和焊接飞溅、油污或其它能妨碍检验外来物。 8.1.3可使用去污剂、有机溶剂、除绣剂、除绣液、去漆剂、蒸气除油、喷沙或超声波清洗等方法达成清洁目标。 8.1.4假如在被检验部件表面存在漆层等覆盖物,必需进行演示试验,使缺点能透过覆盖层最厚处显示出来。使用磁轭法时,应按ASME法规第卷第7章强制性附录之要求,验证涂层厚度影响。 8.2 除非图纸或其它技术文件中另有要求,任何零件均应在完工表面状态,或最终机加工状态,或最终热处理状态下进行磁粉

35、探伤。 8.3 零件上小开口、槽或孔,应在检验前堵塞好以防磁粉进入。 8.4 检验时应有足够重合(最少10%),确保受检零件在要求灵敏度下能得到100%履盖。* Co.,Ltd.焊缝检验规程3Rev.:0Page:6 of 7Title: PROCEDURE FOR MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION(at least 10%) to assure 100% coverage at the established sensitivity. 8.5 The repaired area shall be reexamined according to the origina

36、l examination procedure. 8.6 The intensity of the visual light at the surface of the part /work piece undergoing examination shall be a minimum of 50fc (500lx). 9. Evaluation of indications and acceptance standards 9.1 Evaluation of indications Indications will be revealed by retention of magnetic p

37、articles. All such indications are not necessarily imperfections, however, since excessive surface roughness, magnetic permeability variations (such as at the edge of heat affected zones), etc., may produce similar indications . An indication is the evidence of a mechanical imperfection. Only indica

38、tions which have any dimension greater than 1/16in. (1.6mm) shall be considered relevant. a. A linear indication is one having a length greater than three times the width. b. A rounded indication is one of circular or elliptical shape with a lenth equal to or less than three times the width. c. Any

39、questionable or doubtful indications shall be reexamined to determine whether or not they are relevant. d. Broad areas of particle accumulation which might mask indications from discontinuities are prohibited, and such areas shall be cleaned and reexamined. 9.2 Acceptance standards (per Appendix 6 o

40、f Section Div.1) These acceptance standards shall apply unless other more restrictive standards are specified for specific materials or applications. All surfaces to be examined shall be free of : a. relevant linear indications; b. relevant rounded indications greater than 3/16in. (4.8mm); c. four o

41、r more relevant rounded indications in a line separated by 1/16in.(1.6mm)or less, edge to edge; d. an indication of an imperfection may be larger than the imperfection that causes it; however, the size of the indication is the basis for acceptance evaluation. 10. Demagnetization When residual magnet

42、ism in the part could interfere with subsequent processing or usage, the part shall be demagnetized any time after completion of the examination. 11. Cleaning Post-test cleaning is necessary where magnetic particle material could interfere with subsequent processing or usage.8.5 受检工件上经返修区域,应按原来检验程序重

43、新检验。 8.6 受检工件表面观察亮度必需最少为50fc(500lx)。 9. 显示评定及合格标准 9.1 磁粉显现评定 磁粉保留一段时间回显示出磁线,并不是全部显示出来全部是缺点,因受检表面粗燥(如在热影响区边缘),导磁发生改变等原因,会产生类似于缺点显示。 只有被确定为机械缺点显示,且显示尺寸大于1/16英寸(1.6mm)时才被认为有效显示;a. 线形显示是指其长度超出宽度3倍显示。b. 面形显示是指一个圆形和椭圆长度或等于宽度3倍显示。c. 可疑、有争议显示均应重新检验以决定它们是否为有效显示。d. 关键区域被积聚不连续磁粉遮盖是不许可,对这些区域应重新检验。 9.2合格标准(依据第卷第

44、一分册附录6) 除特殊材料指定使用更严格标准外,通常应采取以下合格标准。 全部受检表面不许可有以下缺点显示: a. 有效线形显示; b. 尺寸大于3/16英寸(4.8mm)有效面形显示; c. 一条直线上边缘间隔等于或小于1/16in.(1.6mm)4个或更多有效面形显示。 d.缺点显示可能大于缺点本身,不过以显示尺寸作为合格评价基础。 10. 退磁 当剩磁对零件附加工或使用有影响时,该零件在磁粉检验后应立即进行退磁。 11. 清洁磁粉材料会妨碍后继加工或使用时,检验后应进行清理。 12. 统计和汇报 12.1 操作员必需统计检验详情和结果,必需时要用胶带纸、摄影或其它* Co.,Ltd.焊缝

45、检验规程3Rev.:0Page:7 of 7Title: PROCEDURE FOR MAGNETIC PARTICLE EXAMINATION 12. Records and report 12.1 The examination details and results shall be recorded by the operator. When necessary, the permanent records may be made by adhesive tape, photograph or other means. 12.2 NDE report shall be prepared by the operator, reviewed by the NDE Levelor and approved by the Level prior to submission to the AI for acceptance. 12.3 Report form, see Page 8 of 7.方法作永久性统计。12.2 NDE汇报应由操作者编制,由NDE 级或级探伤员审核,并经指定NDE 级人员同意,然后提交AI认可。12.3 汇报形式见第8页。

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