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1、个人收集整理 勿做商业用途讨论电力系统中变压器抗短路能力提高的措施论文关键词变压器 短路 策略key words transformer short circuit论文摘要电力变压器是传输、分配电能的枢纽,是电力网的核心元件,其可靠运行不仅关系到广大用户的电能质量,也关系到整个系统的安全程度。电力变压器的可靠性由其健康状况决定,不仅取决于设计制造、结构,也与检修维护密切相关。就电力系统中变压器抗短路能力的提高的问题进行探讨。abstract the power transformer is transmission, distribution of electric power hub, is

2、 the core of the power grid components, its reliable operation is not only related to power quality by the majority of users, is also related to the safety degree of the whole system。 The reliability of power transformer is determined by its health, not only depends on the design and manufacture, st

3、ructure, and is closely related to the maintenance and repair maintenance。 On shortcircuit withstand ability of transformer in the power system, improve the problems are discussed.文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途一、电力变压器概述First, summary of power transformer电力变压器主要是采用电力电子技术实现的,其基本原理为在原方将工频信号通过电力电子电路转化

4、为高频信号,即升频,然后通过中间高频隔离变压器耦合到副方,再还原成工频信号,即降频。通过采用适当的控制方案来控制电力电子装置的工作,从而将一种频率、电压、波形的电能变换为另一种频率、电压、波形的电能.由于中间隔离变压器的体积取决于铁芯材质的饱和磁通密度以及铁芯和绕组的最大允许温升,而饱和磁通密度与工作频率成反比,这样提高其工作频率就可提高铁芯的利用率,从而减小变压器的体积并提高其整体效率。Power transformer is mainly realized by using power electronic technology, its basic principle is in the

5、 original will power frequency signal through the power electronic circuit into high frequency signal, namely litres of frequency, and then through the middle high frequency isolation transformer coupling to the deputy party, again back into power frequency signal and the frequency reduction. Throug

6、h the adoption of appropriate control scheme to control the work of power electronic device, which will be a kind of frequency, voltage, waveform conversion to another frequency electric power, voltage, waveform. Due to middle depends on the core material to the volume of the isolation transformer s

7、aturation magnetic flux density and the maximum permissible temperature rise of iron core and winding, and saturation magnetic flux density is inversely proportional to the working frequency, so that to improve the working frequency can improve the utilization rate of iron core, so as to reduce the

8、volume of a transformer and improve the overall efficiency.文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络个人收集整理,勿做商业用途二、提高电力变压器抗短路能力的措施Second, efforts to improve the power transformer anti-short circuit ability变压器的安全、可靠运行与出力,取决于本身的制造质量和运行以及检修质量。本章试图回答在变压器运行维护过程中,有效变压器突发性故障的措施。Of transformers, the safe and reliable operation, and

9、the output, depending on the manufacturing quality and operation and maintenance of quality. This chapter attempts to answer in the process of transformer operation maintenance, some effective measures for transformer sudden failure.电网经常由于雷击、继电保护误动或拒动等造成短路,短路电流的强大冲击可能使变压器受损,所以应从各方面努力提高变压器的耐受短路能力。变压器

10、短路冲击事故的结果表明,制造原因引起的占80%左右,而运行、维护原因引起的仅占10%左右。有关设计、制造方面的措施在第二章已有论述,本章着重就运行维护过程中应采取的措施加以说明。运行维护过程中,一方面应尽量减少短路故障,从而减少变压器所受冲击的次数;另一方面应及时测试变压器绕组的形变,防患于未然。Grid is often due to lightning strike, relay protection misoperation or refusing action and cause short circuit, short circuit current shock may take a

11、 toll on the transformer, so we should strive to improve all aspects of transformer resistance short-circuit capacity。 Transformer short circuit impact accident, the results show that manufacturing causes account for about 80, and the operation, maintenance causes account for only around 10. Measure

12、s about the design, manufacturing has been discussed in chapter 2, this chapter focuses on maintenance measures should be taken in the process of operation. Maintenance in the process of operation, on the one hand, should try to reduce the short-circuit fault, thereby reducing the number of the tran

13、sformer was hit; On the other hand to test transformer winding deformation, timely prevention rather than cure。本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途(一)规范设计,重视线圈制造的轴向压紧工艺。制造厂家在设计时,除要考虑变压器降低损耗,提高绝缘水平外,还要考虑到提高变压器的强度和抗短路故障能力。在制造工艺方面,由于很多变压器都采用了绝缘压板,且高低压线圈共用一个压板,这种结构要求要有很高的制造工艺水平,应对垫块进行密化处理,在线圈加工好后还要对单个线圈进行恒压干燥

14、,并测量出线圈压缩后的高度;同一压板的各个线圈经过上述工艺处理后,再调整到同一高度,并在总装时用油压装置对线圈施加规定的压力,最终达到设计和工艺要求的高度.在总装配中,除了要注意高压线圈的压紧情况外,还要特别注意低压线圈压紧情况的控制.(1) design specification, attaches great importance to the coil axial compression technology of manufacturing. When manufacturers in the design, besides should consider the transform

15、er to reduce losses, improve the level of insulation, but also to improve the strength of the transformer and the fault resistance. In terms of manufacturing process, because a lot of transformer insulation plate is adopted, and high and low voltage coil Shared a pressure plate, the structure requir

16、ement to have high level of manufacturing process, for block processing, after the coil processing good even for a single coil constant pressure drying, and measure the height of the coil after compression; Same platen each coil after the process above, to adjust to the same height, and final assemb

17、ly with a hydraulic device for coil regulation of pressure, finally reached the height of the design and process requirements. In the general assembly, in addition to pay attention to the high voltage coil compression condition, and pay special attention to low voltage coils to control the pressure。

18、本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途(二)对变压器进行短路试验,以防患于未然。大型变压器的运行可靠性,首先取决于其结构和制造工艺水平,其次是在运行过程中对设备进行各种试验,及时掌握设备的工况。要了解变压器的机械稳定性,可通过承受短路试验,针对其薄弱环节加以改进,以确保对变压器结构强度设计时做到心中有数。(2) short circuit test was carried out on the transformer, to nip in the bud。 The operation reliability of the large transformer, fi

19、rst of all depends on its structure and manufacturing technology level, the second is in the running process to all kinds of test equipment, timely grasp the operation condition of the equipment。 To understand the mechanical stability of the transformer, can withstand short circuit test, aiming at t

20、he weak link to improve, to ensure the strength of transformer structure design, accomplish know fairly well.个人收集整理,勿做商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途(三)使用可靠的继电保护与自动重合闸系统.系统中的短路事故是人们竭力避免而又不能绝对避免的事故,特别是10KV线路因误操作、小动物进入、外力以及用户责任等原因导致短路事故的可能性极大。因此对于已投入运行的变压器,首先应配备可靠的供保护系统使用的直流电源,并保证保护动作的正确性。结合目前运行中变压器杭外部短路强度较差的情况

21、,对于系统短路跳闸后的自动重合或强行投运,应看到其不利的因素,否则有时会加剧变压器的损坏程度,甚至失去重新修复的可能。目前已有些运行部门根据短路故障是否能瞬时自动消除的概率,对近区架空线(如2km以内)或电缆线路取消使用重合问,或者适当延长合间间隔时间以减少因重合闸不成而带来的危害,并且应尽量对短路跳闸的变压器进行试验检查。(3) the use of reliable relay protection and automatic reclosing system. People try to avoid short circuit accident in the system and can

22、not be absolutely avoid accidents, especially 10 kv circuit due to wrong operation, small animals to enter, such as external force, and user responsibility caused a short circuit accident possibility. So for transformer has been put into operation, first of all should be equipped with reliable for t

23、he use of protection system of dc power supply, and ensure the correctness of the protection action。 Combining the operation of the transformer and hangzhou external short-circuit strength is poorer, for system short circuit automatic reclosing after tripping or forcibly put into operation, should s

24、ee the disadvantage factors, or sometimes will aggravate the damage of the transformer, and even lost to repair. Has some operation department according to the instantaneous automatic short circuit fault can eliminate the probability, of nearly area overhead lines (such as 2 km) or cable line cancel

25、 using overlap asked, or extend or to reduce the interval for reclosing is no damage, and should try to test to check for short circuit trip transformer.个人收集整理,勿做商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途四)积极开展变压器绕组的变形测试诊断。通常变压器在遭受短路故障电流冲击后,绕组将发生局部变形,即使没有立即损坏,也有可能留下严重的故障隐患.首先,绝缘距离将发生改变,固体绝缘受到损伤,导致局部放电发生。当遇到雷电过电压作用时便有可能发生匝间、

26、饼间击穿,导致突发性绝缘事故,甚至在正常运行电压下,因局部放电的长期作用也可能引发绝缘击穿事故。4) actively carry out diagnosis of transformer winding deformation test。 Usually after transformer under shortcircuit fault current impact, winding local deformation will occur, even if no damage, immediately might also left behind serious fault hidden

27、 trouble。 First of all, the insulation distance will change, solid insulation damage, cause partial discharge. When it encounters which can occur when there is thunder and lightning overvoltage interturn breakdown between, bread, sudden insulation accidents, even under the normal operating voltage,

28、due to the partial discharge of the long-term effects may also cause insulation breakdown accident.个人收集整理,勿做商业用途个人收集整理,勿做商业用途因此,积极开展变压器绕组变形的诊断工作,及时发现有问题的变压器,并有计划地进行吊罩验证和检修,不但可节省大量的、物力,对防止变压器事故的发生也有极其重要的作用.Therefore, actively carry out of transformer winding deformation diagnosis, timely find problem

29、s of transformer, and validation, and maintenance carried out in a planned way to mourn, not only can save a lot of, material resources, to prevent the transformer accidents also has an extremely important role.传递函数H(jw)(即频率响应特性)的零、极点分布情况与二端口网络内的元件及连接方式等密切相关.大量试验研究结果表明,变压器绕组通常在10KZ1MHZ的频率范围内具有较多的谐振点

30、.当频率低于10KHZ时,绕组的电感起主要作用,谐振点通常较少,对分布电容的变化较不敏感;当频率超过1 MHZ时,绕组的电感又被分布电容所旁路,谐振点也会相应减少,对电感的变化较不敏感,而且随着频率的提高,测试回路(引线)的杂散电容也会对测试结果造成明显影响。Transfer function H (jw) (frequency response) the zero and pole distribution and two-port network element and is closely related to the connection mode, etc. Lots of expe

31、rimental study results show that the transformer winding are usually 10 kz 1 MHZ frequency range with more resonance point. When the frequency is lower than 10 KHZ, winding inductance plays a main role。 The resonance point usually is less, less sensitive to the change of capacitance; When more than

32、1 MHZ frequency, winding inductance and distributed capacitance bypass, resonance point will reduce accordingly, less sensitive to the change of inductance, and with the increase of frequency, the test circuit (lead) of stray capacitance will significantly impact the result of the test。个人收集整理,勿做商业用途

33、本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途由于变压器绕组变形测试仪价格昂贵,且对人员的素质要求高,在生产运行中不易普遍开展。因此,在实际工作中,依据变压器绕组电容变化量来判断绕组是否变形的方法,可以作为频率响应法的有益补充。尤其在频率响应法不具备条件的情况下,可以通过横向、纵向对比积累的实测电容量,及时掌握变压器绕组的工作状态,以便降低事故发生的概率,确保电网安全稳定的运行.Due to the transformer winding deformation test instrument is expensive, and of high quality requirements for perso

34、nnel, not generally carried out in the production run. Therefore, in practice, on the basis of transformer winding capacitance variation to judge whether the winding deformation method, can be used as a useful supplement frequency response method. Especially under the condition of the frequency resp

35、onse method is not qualified, can through the accumulation of transverse and longitudinal comparison of the measured capacitance, timely master the working state of the transformer winding, in order to reduce the probability of the accident, to ensure the safe and stable operation of power grid.本文为互


37、这样就可有效地避免重大事故的发生。(5) strengthen the construction and operation maintenance of inspection, use and reliable system of short circuit protection。 Site for the installation of the transformer, it must be in strict accordance with the manufacturer instructions and regulations for the construction, strict

38、ly the quality pass, to find the hidden danger of corresponding measures must be taken to eliminate them. Operation maintenance personnel should strengthen the inspection and maintenance of transformer maintenance work, to ensure the operation of transformer is in good condition, and adopt correspon

39、ding measures to reduce the risk of export and close in short circuit fault。 To avoid short circuit fault in the system, for the operation of transformer, the first equipped with reliable for the use of protection system of HVDC system, in order to make sure the correctness of the protection action;

40、 Second, should as far as possible to test due to short circuit trip transformer inspection, the usable frequency response method to test technical measurement of transformer short circuit trip after hit the situation, according to the test results have hoisting cover inspections on destination, so

41、that it can effectively prevent major accidents。文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络个人收集整理,勿做商业用途变压器能否承受各种短路电流主要取决于变压器结构设计和制造工艺,且与运行管理、运行条件及施工工艺水平等方面有很大的关系,变压器短路事故对电网系统的运行危害极大,为避免事故的发生,应从多方面采取有效的控制措施,以保证变压器及电网系统的安全稳定运行。Can bear all kinds of short circuit current depends mainly on transformer structure design and manufac

42、turing technology, and operation management, operating conditions and the construction technology level, etc has a lot to do, transformer short circuit accident great harm to the operation of the grid system, to avoid the happening of the accident, should from many aspects to take effective control measures, to ensure the safe and stable operation of transformer and the power grid system。

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