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1、(完整版)关于教育类的英文专业词汇关于教育类的英文专业词汇Systempreschool education / pre-elementary education 学前教育elementary education / primary education 基础教育/小学教育secondary education 中等教育tertiary education / higher education 高等教育public education 公立教育private education 私立教育adult education / continuing education 成人教育/深造special e

2、ducation 特殊教育普及教育 universal education义务教育 compulsory education; free education成人教育 adult education职业技术教育 vocational and technical education国家教育委员会 State Education CommissionSchoolsday school / day nursery / preschool 日托所/托儿所kindergarten 幼儿园/学前班primary school / elementary school / grade school 小学(1-8

3、年级)grammar school 语法学校(16年级)secondary school 中学(9-12年级)high school 中学(1012年级)junior high school 初中(79年级)senior high school 高中(10-12年级)public school (英)私立学校(美)公立学校private school 私立学校technical school 技校vocational school 职校boarding school 寄宿制学校night school 夜校adult school 成人进修学校alma mater 母校,校歌ivory tow

4、er 象牙塔,高等学府(喻)college 专科学校,大学,学院state college (美)政府资助的州立大学junior college 两年制社区大学residential college 寄宿制大学community college 社区大学landgrant college 政府资助的低学费大学university 综合大学multiversity 由学院、专科院校组成的大规模高等学校graduate school 研究生院polytechnic / poly (英)工艺技术高等院校高等学校 institution of higher education综合性大学 compreh

5、ensive university文科大学 university of liberal arts文科院校 colleges of art理工科大学 college/university of science and engineering师范大学 normal university; teachers university师范学院 teachers college工业大学 polytechnical university工业学院 engineering institute农业大学 agricultural university农学院 agricultural college医科大学 medic

6、al university医学院 medical college/school中医院 institute of traditional Chinese medicine音乐学院 conservatory of music美术学院 academy of fine arts体育学院 physical culture institute分校 branch school重点学校 key school业余学校 sparetime school业余职工大学 sparetime college for staff and workers电视广播大学 television and radio broadcas

7、ting university函授学院 correspondence school教师进修学校 teachers college for vocational studies成人夜校 night school for adults业余艺术/体育学校 amateur arts/athletic school半工半读学校 part-work and partstudy school中等专业学校 secondary specialized school; polytechnic school中等技术学校 secondary technical school; technical secondary

8、school职业学校 vocational school附中 attached middle school在职进修班 in-service training course进修班 class for advanced studies短训班 short-term training course专修科 special (training) courseoff-job training 脱产培训injob training 在职培训 Studentsflatmate / dormmate 室友undergraduate / undergrad 本科生graduate 毕业生,研究生postgradua

9、te / graduate student 研究生freshman 大学或高中一年级新生sophomore 大学或高中二年级学生junior 大学或高中三年级学生senior 大学或高中四年级学生underclassman 大学一、二年级学生upperclassman 大学三、四年级学生alumnus / alumni (pl.) (美)校友(男)alumna / alumnae (pl。) (美)校友(女)exchange student 交换学生(留学生为主)overseas student 留学生fellow student 同学(美)领取奖学金的研究生TA / teaching ass

10、istant 助教(以研究生为主)peer adviser 高年级学生顾问floor senior 寝室楼负责人(高年级学生为主)student union officer 学生会工作人员president of student union 学生会主席vice-president of student union 学生会副主席intern 实习生monitor 班长vice-monitor 副班长 commissary in charge of studies 学习委员commissary in charge of entertaainment 文娱委员commissary in charge

11、 of sports 体育委员commissary in charge of physical labour 劳动委员Party branch secretary 党支部书记League branch secretary 团支部书记commissary in charge of organization组织委员commessary in charge of publicity 宣传委员”Three Goods” student 三好”学生excellent League member 优秀团员 excellent leader 优秀干部student council 学生会 Teaching

12、Stafffaculty 院系,教职员工tutor / instructor (英)导师,家教(美)助教,讲师lecturer 讲师assistant professor 助理教授associate professor 副教授coordinator 课程协调老师school counsellor / adviser 指导老师,校顾问student teacher 实习教师(在校生)liaison officer 校联络人员departmental head / chairperson 系主任dean (大学学院)院长principal / chancellor / university pre

13、sident (大学)校长headmaster / headmistress (中小学)校长Diploma Degreecertificate 证书diploma 文凭,毕业证书degree 学位bachelors degree / undergraduate degree 学士学位masters degree 硕士学位doctorate 博士头衔B。A. / Bachelor of Arts degree 文学学士学位B.S. / Bachelor of Science degree 理学学士学位M.A. / Master of Arts degree 文学硕士学位M。 S. / Maste

14、r of Science degree 理学硕士学位M.D。 / Doctor of Medicine 医学博士Ph.D. / Doctor of Philosophy 博士postdoctoral 博士后(研究人员)honorary degree 荣誉学位Coursesacademic year 学年periodofschooling 学习年限school calendar / school catalog / academic calendar 校历,大学情况一览year book 毕业留念册term / semester 学期(一学期四个月,一学年两学期)quarter / trimes

15、ter 学季(一学期三个月,一学年三学期)orientation 新生和老师的见面会course 课程(包括上课,作业,考试等)crash programme / intensive course 速成课程,强化课程major course / mandatory course 主修课程elective course / optional course 选修课程correspondence course 函授课程introductory course 基础入门课程core programme 核心课程syllabus 教学大纲curriculum 全部课程(集合)extracurricular

16、 课外课程major 主修minor 辅修lecture 讲课,讲座tutorial (英)个别辅导课seminar 研讨会,研讨班课程field trip 实地考察课程internship 实习,见习Symposium 学术报告会,专题讨论会基础/专业课basic/specialized course重点学科priority fields of study/key disciplinary areas (KDA)多学科的multi-disciplinary学分制credit system成绩单school report补考make-up examination留级to stay down;

17、to repeat the years study/work课外辅导after-class instruction/coaching公开课open class/lectureStudies & Testsassignment / project 课外作业,工作任务presentation 陈述,口头作业essay / theme 论文,作文term papers 学期论文thesis 毕业论文dissertation 毕业论文(尤指博士)entrance examination 入学考试assessment 评估achievement test / standardized test 标准化测

18、试placement test 入学分级测试aptitude test 能力测试midterm test / midterm exam 期中考试final exam 期末考试open book exam 开卷考试multiplechoice test 选择题考试defense 论文答辩academic records / transcript 学术成绩,成绩报告research method 研究方法(写论文的前期准备)questionnaire 问卷调查interview 访谈,采访in-depth case study 案例深入分析observation 观察研究(多用于科学实验)bibl

19、iography 参考文献,图书目录pass-fail 考查课,有及格分数线的考试credit system 学分系统,积分成绩bluebook考卷report card成绩单convocation notice 考试通知competitive examination 答辩考试Problemsattendance 出勤,出席play hooky / play truant 逃课deadline 截止日期(交作业)extension 延期(无法按时交作业)academic dishonesty 学术欺诈行为plagiarism 剽窃,抄袭cheating 考试作弊double submissio

20、n of papers 试卷重复使用aiding and abetting dishonesty 协助学术欺诈fabrication 伪造成绩,捏造行为falsification of records 篡改成绩drop out辍学quit school退学school discipline校纪attendance/participation出勤率attend a lecture上课miss a class缺课cut a class旷课expel sb from school开除to repeat a year 留级Fundingtuition fee 学费living expenses 生活费

21、incidental expenses 学杂费grant 助学金stipend 固定生活津贴,固定奖学金scholarship (本科生)奖学金fellowship (研究生)奖学金financial aid / financial assistance 资助tuition学费miscellaneous expenses杂费a grantaided student领助学金的学生Campus Lifeaccommodation 住宿homestay 寄宿于当地人家里student hostel 学生公寓,学生宿舍dormitory 寝室room allocation 房间分配flat / apa

22、rtment 公寓(出租给学生)on campus 住校off campus 不住校student union 学生会auditorium 大礼堂resource centre 资料中心gym 体育馆cafeteria 自助餐厅refectory 学院餐厅canteen 食堂common room (学校)休息室busing 校车接送student union 学生会fraternity (美)大学兄弟会enrollment 入学注册registration 登记,报到matriculation 注册(在大学)to enroll, to enroll 予以注册commencement / gr

23、aduation ceremony 毕业典礼reunion 校友联谊聚会graduation appraisal毕业评估graduation ceremony=commencement毕业典礼diploma=graduation certificate毕业证书refresher course 进修课程extracurricular activies 体育活动 recreational activities娱乐活动academic activities 学术活动 social activities 社会活动教育目标主要英文词汇素质教育:qualityoriented education/educ

24、ation designed to raise to overall quality of students陶冶情操:cultivate ones taste and temperament五讲四美三热爱:the movement of ”five stresses, four points of beauty and three loves以人为本:people oriented/foremost有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律:with lofty ideals, integrity, knowledge and a strong sense of discipline德才兼备:to com

25、bine ability with character; equal stress on integrity and ability希望工程:Project Hope经教育部批准with the endorsement of the Ministry of Education教育部211工程the MOE 211 Project中国高等教育研究会the Higher Education Society重点学科key disciplinary areas (KDA)科教兴国战略the strategy of revitalizing/invigorating 2 through science

26、technology and education培养高层次创新人才to train highlevel creative professional manpower各级教育管理部门和高等学校educational administrations at various levels and relevant institutions of higher learning巩固教师队伍to consolidate the contingent of teaching staff国家教育部the Ministry of Education (MOE)教育部高等教育司Department of High

27、er Education of the Ministry of Education职业教育与成人教育司Department of Vocational and Adult Education国务院学位委员会the Academic Degrees Appraisal Committee under the State Council中国科学院学术委员会the Academic Council of the 2 $2 of Sciences教育界the educational circles中国学术界Chinese academic circles/community教育法the Educati

28、on Law义务教育法the Law on Compulsory Education教师法the Teachers Law职业教育法the Law on Vocational Education高等教育法the Law on Higher Education学位条例the Regulation on Academic Degrees教师节Teachers Day教师资格证书制度the teachers certificate system高等学历证书Academic Certificate for Higher Education教育方针educational policy要深化教育改革,全面

29、推进素质教育Efforts should be made to deepen educational reform and promote the qualityoriented education in an all-round way努力培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,促进学生德智体美全面发展Students should be encouraged to foster a spirit of innovation, develop their practical abilities and improve in an all-round way in terms of their mora

30、l, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development。尊师重教respecting teachers and attaching great importance to education培养德智体全面发展的建设者和接班人to train builders and successors who are well-developed morally, intellectually and physically教育要面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来Education must serve/meet the needs of modernization

31、, the world and the future有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律with revolutionary/lofty ideals, sound morals, good education and a strong sense of discipline适应社会主义现代化建设需要to meet the needs of socialist modernization面向21世纪的to be oriented to the 21 century提高/确保教育质量to improve/ensure the quality of education重视办学效益to emphasize

32、/stress efficiency in school management增加教育投入to increase the input in education在各级政府的重视和关心下thanks to the solicitude and support of the central and local governments在科学技术迅猛发展的今天in the face of the rapid advance of science and technology振兴经济的希望在教育Economic invigoration depends/relies on education教师的数量与质

33、量the number and professional expertise of the teachers优化教师队伍to optimize the teaching staff培养急需的人才to turn out/produce the muchneeded talents职业道德教育education in professional ethics教书育人to educate the person as well as impart book knowledge德才兼备to excel in both integrity and professional ability人类灵魂的工程师en

34、gineers of peoples souls提高学生的思想品德to enhance the moral awareness of the students政治思想教育political and ideological education完成九年义务教育to complete the nineyear compulsory education基础/职业/成人/特殊/社区教育basic/vocational/adult/special/community education学前教育pre-school education小学/中学/高等教育primary (elementary)/second

35、ary/higher education应试教育exam-dominated education/testoriented education素质教育quality-/development-/qualification-oriented education/competence education复合型人才versatile talents帮助学生扩大知识面to extend students scope of knowledge发展个性特长to develop students personality and special skills and talents师范教育和教师培训pedag

36、ogical education and teachers training为教育发展集思广益to pour ideas on education development民族教育education of ethnic minorities多层次、多形式、学科门类基本齐全的高等教育体系higher education system which offers a complete range of subjects at various levels through diverse formats and media扫盲教育anti-illiteracy education扫盲班literacy

37、class联合国教科文组织UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)联合国儿童基金会UNICEF (United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund/United Nations Childrens Fund)联合国人口基金会UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)联合国开发计划署UNDP (United Nations Development Program)国家重点实验室和专业实验室statel

38、evel key labs and specialized labs高校高新技术产业high-techbased enterprises affiliated with universities终身学习体系lifelong learning system知识创新knowledge innovation学术攻坚to break new grounds in advanced research知识经济时代an era of knowledge economy函授教育correspondencebased education广播电视教育broadcast/TVbased education继续教育制

39、度continuing education system面向21世纪教育振兴计划Action Plan for Invigorating Education Towards the 21st Century脱产教育to be released from work for study毛入学率gross enrollment rate在校学生人数total enrollment of students教育部直属院校universities directly under the Ministry of Education人力资源human resource人才流失严重brain drain remains serious创建学习型社会to create a learning society勤工俭学work-study program22

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