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1、AbstractThe Chinese market is opening to the world continuously after the reform and opening up. The culture of China is blossoming all over the world but with the impact from the foreign culture. The words which are often used include a lot of foreign words in daily life, especially the English loa

2、n-words. These words not only enrich the Chinese vocabulary but also enhance the expression of Chinese.This paper mainly analyzes the English loan-words in daily life. Chinese people believe that food is the paramount necessity of the people. The influence of the English loan-words of the diet is th

3、e most extensive. The development of science and technology creates the Information Age. Because of the extensive range, the Internet words are so popular among young people. This paper will list a series of the diet loan-words and the Internet loan-words to make people know about them deeply. The m

4、ost important point of this paper is that the influencing ways of English vocabulary on Chinese vocabulary. By studying the ways, people are convinced of the rules of the English loan-words better. Finally, the point that people should have a correct attitude towards this kind of social phenomenon i

5、s put out by the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of this influence。Key words: daily life; English loan-words; diet; Internet; influencing way摘要改革开放以来,中国市场不断面向世界。在中国的文化向世界绽放的同时,随之而来的是外来文化对中国文化的冲击。人们在日常生活中所使用的词汇中夹杂了许多外来词,特别是英语借词。这些借词丰富了汉语词汇和增强了的汉语词汇的表达能力。本文主要分析中国人在日常生活中所接触的英语借词。中国人认为:民以食为

6、天。饮食中的英语借词影响的范围是最广泛。科技的发展,创造了信息时代。因为覆盖领域宽广,网络词汇在年轻人中非常流行。本文将会列举一系列的饮食借词和网络借词让人们对这些词汇有更深的了解。本文的重点是英语词汇对现代汉语词汇的影响方式。通过研究它们的方式,可以认识到英语借词的规律和它们是如何深刻地影响人们的日常生活。最后通过分析这种影响的利与弊,提出人们应该用正确的态度对待这种社会现象。关键词:日常生活;英语借词;饮食;网络;影响方式CONTENTSABSTRACTI摘要II1. INTRODUCTION12. LITERATURE REVIEW23. THE INFLUENCE OF TWO IMP

7、ORTANT ASPECTS33.1 The Internet vocabulary33.2 The diet vocabulary44. WAYS OF THE INFLUENCE54.1 Transliteration54.2 Free translation74.2.1 Synonym with the same pronunciation94.2.2 Associated words94.2.3 Conversion of word associations94.3 Mixed words105. THE ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE OF THE INFLUE

8、NCE125.1 Advantages125.2 Disadvantages126. CONCLUSION13REFERENCES14ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS151. IntroductionEnglish is the most popular language all around the world. Most of loan-words in Chinese come from English in recent years, so a lot of people worry about the situation that English vocabulary influen

9、ces on Chinese. Actually, it is the most important thing to know the function of language. That is communication. Some English words we cannot find the same meaning in Chinese words. At that time, we always use the English words in our speech directly or make them translated. It is convenient to exp

10、ress meanings exactly. But sometimes it will be difficult to communicate with others when we abuse English words or English loan-words in Chinese. Besides, with the social development, more and more loan-words coming from English vocabulary are appearing, especially the daily words. We often contact

11、 with these words but ignore them. To sum up, by analyzing the influence of English vocabulary on Chinese in daily life, we can know the advantage or disadvantage about it. We should have the critical attitude to the phenomenon.2. Literature ReviewThe influence of English on Chinese is researched a

12、lot in home state and a little in foreign countries. For instance, Ling Xinxing(2002) researched the influence of English on Chinese in the Postcolonial Context. He explored and analyzed the influence of English on standard Chinese and Hong Kong Chinese in morphology and syntax. He concluded the adv

13、antage and disadvantage of influence of English on Chinese. Lei Shunhai and Liu Shuhua(2004) studied the influence of English on Chinese since the reform and opening up of China. They analyzed the influence of loan-words on Chinese by researching the development of social economy and culture. Guo Ho

14、ngjie(2005) explored the Europeanizing of Chinese grammar according to the linguistic and cognitive approach. Cao Wei(2004) wrote the definition of the neologism. He showed the types, characteristics, structures of the neologism. In these types, we can know the new words including the loan-words. So

15、 the loan-word is not the same to the neologism. That is the reason why the author wrote the loan-word specially. However he did not say where the words that appear in his writing are from. In Zhao Yanfang(1996) research, it argued about the influence of western culture on modern Chinese vocabulary.

16、 She pointed out how the modern Chinese vocabulary became standard by the loan-word, including the English but she just showed us some transliterated words. Chen Wanfang(2005) reported that the influence of the English-Chinese translation on modern Chinese grammar. He researched the European Chinese

17、 grammar. To sum up, all of these studies did not report daily loan-words so much. Daily words are interesting and useful to life, study, and work.3. The Influence of Two Important AspectsIn daily life, people contact a lot with the Chinese words influenced by the English words, but often ignore the

18、m because people think it is a part of their lives. It is resulted from the social development. In the diet, transportation, entertainment, daily necessities and network, people always contact and use such words. Diet is the most important thing to Chinese people. The network of modern society is th

19、e most frequent tool used in entertainment. The diet vocabulary and network vocabulary from English vocabulary is shown on the impact of modern Chinese which are very good representative examples.3.1 The Internet vocabularyWith the popularity of computer and network development, network words appear

20、 and become popular. This is the inevitable phenomenon with the development of science and technology. English loan-words on Internet are more and more popular. The computer is connected as a whole, taking the whole world into a global village. A large number of computer words appear in peoples live

21、s, such as 因特网 “Internet”, 软件 “software” and 下载 “download”. There is no doubt that many popular words are appearing online, such as BF (boyfriend), IC (I see) and CU (see you). They are often used by young people.Young people are active, sensitive, imitative and creative. They are easy to accept the

22、 new things, the novelty and the variation, catching up with the fashion and public personality. Language reflects the change of social development, especially active with each passing day and publicity of the network language. A lot of loan-words of network are different from the Han nationality ch

23、aracteristics in their own forms and content. These words are used in daily life frequently. Yimeier 伊妹儿 whose transliterating form is a computer language “e-mail”. It means the message is sent out by the computer network, also known as “computer mail”. But in the young users, yimeier 伊妹儿 is more po

24、pular. Translating by the pronunciation of English words is more traditional, but the netizen is playing a new trick. That shows the human personality. For example, “e-mail” is often translated into yimei 伊妹儿, which has a humans personality. “Fans” is translated into fensi 粉丝, representing the perso

25、n who crazy about someone. It refers to a personal worship. Moreover, the modem which is used to surf on the Internet, is called shujuji 数据机 by Taiwanese. Chinese people, who live in main land, translate it into tiaozhijietiaoqi 调制解调器, but young people think them too hard to read. They simplify the

26、pronunciation. Finally the modem is called mao猫.In addition, the loan-words are divided into two parts. One is the transliteration, and the other is translation. For instance, “Internet” is translated into yintewang 因特网. “Inter”, the transliteration, is translated into yinte 因特, and “net” the transl

27、ation, is translated into wang 网.3.2 The diet vocabularyIn Recent years, a lot of foreign restaurants do businesses in our country because of the economic globalization. People prefer to have dinner in these restaurants. McDonald, KFC or other American style drinking and foods are surrounding us. At

28、 the same time, the foreigners would love to take these drinking and foods. As the result, a great deal of foreign foods appears in Chinese menus. In order to understand conveniently, these drinking and foods are translated as follows:English WordsThe Chinese PronunciationThe Chinese MeaningCoffeeKa

29、fei咖啡MugMake马克SundaeShengdai圣代cocoakeke可可CurryGali咖喱PuddingBuding布丁VodkaFutejia伏特加brandybailandi白兰地whiskyweishiji威士忌champagnexiangbin香槟ginqinjiu琴酒ChocolateQiaokeli巧克力Besides, there are so many western drinking and foods in the diet, such as green food 绿色食品, KFC 肯德基, McDonalds 麦当劳, buffet 自助餐, milksh

30、ake 奶昔, hot dog 热狗, cheese 奶酪, toast 土司, salmon 三文鱼, sardines 沙丁鱼, paste 配司, sirloin steak 西冷牛排, bacon 培根, instant coffee 速溶咖啡, a jar of beer 扎啤, sprite 雪碧, pepsi 百事可乐and soft drinks 软饮料. These words are familiar to many people in daily life but are always ignored. People even do not know that these

31、 words are translated from English words.4. Ways of the Influence4.1 TransliterationIn the last century, there are many Chinese words influenced from English. The Chinese transliterating words appear from reform and opening-up of China. Because of becoming the strong country, the international posit

32、ion of English is higher and higher. With the dissemination and introduction of culture, science and technology, lots of Chinese transliterating words enter into the modern life of China.Compared to the general translation, transliteration keeps the original pronunciation but it does not show the me

33、aning of the original language. Transliterating words are used extensively in the progress of the translation of English into Chinese. It creates a new form that makes the readers not confused by the English culture. It takes the original language culture information to the reader of target language

34、 by explanation and notes or other methods. This is an effective method to disseminate culture of the English countries. Every coin has two sides. In the translating progress, the function of transliterating words is two-sided. In the process of the dissemination of English culture, transliterating

35、words also have limitations to proceed the dissemination, so these words must be used cautiously in translation. Transliteration is a special kind of translation. It is the method that shows how the target keeps the pronunciation of the original language. Transliteration is not the translation, but

36、is the voice of simple imitation. But in the process of translation, it is the indispensable means. Transliterating words exist in a large number of translated activities, and many words have become a part of the language. In recent years, the translator intends to use it in many translation activit

37、ies. The scope of its application greatly exceeded the limits of person names and place names. Now although people can not determine whether such efforts have been successful, the use of transliteration for cultural communication is a kind of beneficial attempt. Now the Chinese translation, especial

38、ly the transliteration of the theoretical discussion, mostly concentrated in two aspects person name and place name. These two types of proper nouns are the main subject of transliterating words, but it can not show the whole of transliteration.Transliteration has at least five categories. Except pe

39、rson names and place names, there are three classes, including the object name, the appellation and the cultural custom word:(1) Person name: in the translation of person English names, the transliterating words are a lot. For example, “Lucy” is translated into lusi 露丝, “Kate” is translated into kai

40、di 凯蒂, “Bryan” is translated into bulaien 布莱恩, and “Betty” is translated into beidi 贝蒂 and so on.(2) Place name: place names and personal names belong to the same terminology. Their methods of transliteration are the same. For example, “Washington” is translated into huashengdun 华盛顿, “New York” is t

41、ranslated into niuyue 纽约, “ Boise” is translated into boyisi 博伊丝, “Austin” is translated into aositing 奥斯汀, ect.(3) Object name: with the rapid development of globalization, a large number of English national goods enter China. For example, “coffee”, is often heard, the translator translate it into

42、kafei 咖啡. “Bus” is translated into bashi 巴士. “Jeep” is translated into jipu 吉普. “Taxi” is translated into dishi 的士. “Card” is translated into ka 卡, ect.(4) Appellation: in China, people generally call their fathers as fuqin 父亲 or baba 爸爸, and the mother is called muqin 母亲 or mama 妈妈. But now many yo

43、ung people prefer to say diedi 爹地,and the mother is said mami 妈咪because in English, they are “Daddy” and “mummy”. These two appellations are often used in daily communication.(5) Cultural custom word: there are so many transliterating words of English cultural characteristics, which appear in the En

44、glish transliterating activity to impact our own culture. Both are the result of cultural exchanges. Some people believe that the transliterating words, representing the English culture and customs will become a part of the language culture of China, such as “Valentines day”. In China, it is usually

45、 translated into qingrenjie 情人节, but it also has been translated into shengwalunjie 圣瓦伦节. Most of the western holidays are generally transliterated into Chinese culture.The five classes of words have common characteristics: they embody that Chinese and English cultures are not to be equal in many as

46、pects, and as a kind of translation methods, transliteration tries to make the reader aware of the differences between the English culture and the Chinese culture and know more about the English culture.The power and culture do not have strong relations because it depends on whether their politics a

47、nd economy are powerful all over the world. English is the best example in the world. On the other hand, cultural communication also can contribute to the expansion of the influence of the politics and economy. In order to change the Chinese vulnerable position and resist assimilation, the translato

48、r tries to introduce English vocabulary with the transliteration, but this way has advantages and disadvantages.In the perspective of culture, expressions in Chinese and English are not symmetrical in most of the time. The positive effect of translation mainly reflects in the elimination of the interference of the target language culture. In order to understand the translation of culture of the source language correctly, the readers who speak Chinese must eliminate their own culture under the interference. The negative effect of the translit

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