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1、(完整版)介词导学案介词介词是一种虚词,不能独立充当句子成分,需与动词、形容词和名词搭配,才能在句子中充当成分。介词后的代词永远为宾格形式,介词后接动词一定要加ing。1. 时间介词:about,after,around,as,at,before,behind,between,by,during,for,from,in,into,of,on,over,pastsince,till,within2. 地点介词:above,across,after,along,among,around,at,behind,below,by,down,from,in,into,near,on,over,throug

2、h,to,towards,under,up,upon3. 其他介词:by,as,like,with,without考点一:表示时间的介词1. at,on,in(1) at 表示某一时刻,某一钟点.at 7:14 固定搭配:at noon (在中午时分),at night (在晚上),at midnight (在半夜, at sunrise (在日出时分),at sunset (在日落时分),at the weekend (在周末)(2) on 表示具体某一天或具体某一天的上午、下午和晚上。 on Saturday morning on the night of May 2 on a winte

3、r / snowy / cold / morning(3) in表示年份、月份、季节、上下午、晚上。in 1999,in June,in winter,in the morning2. in,after(1) in +时间段,表示从现在起往后推算一段时间。用于将来时。表示“过多久(how soon)(2) after +时间段,表示从过去某时间往后推算一段时间。用于过去时。after +时间点,可用于将来时。Hell come back in two days。 Hell come back after three oclock。 He left on July 2 and returned

4、after three days。3。 fromto,until / till(1) fromto “从到”,表示从某一点时间到另一点时间的一段时间。(2) until/ till“直到”,表示某动作或状态延续到某点时间。 My mother studied in Beijing University from 1960 to 1964. 从1960年到1964年我妈妈在北京大学学习。My mother entered Beijing University in 1960,and studied there until 1964.我妈妈1960年进入北京大学一直学习到1964年4。 befor

5、e,by(1) before 表示某一时间之前。(2) by 表示到某一时间为止,句中谓语动词多用完成时.You must get up before six. 你必须六点之前起床。By the end of last month the boy had got 4 “A”。 到上月底这个男孩已得了4个A。5. after,since,for(1) after表示过去某一点时间之后,并不延续到说话时间,和一般过去连用。(2) since +时间点,表示某一动作从过去某时间开始延续到说话时,与现在完时连用。(3) for + 一段时间。My father lived in Shanghai af

6、ter liberation. 新中国成立后我父亲住在上海。Since the end of last year the lady has given five concerts. 自去年年底以来,这位女士开了五场音乐会。Ill study in the U。S for two years。我将在美国学习两年.6。 不用介词表示时间的词或词组 含this, that, last, next 的表示时间的名词词组,以及某些时间的副词或名词词组前不用介词.如:this year, last summer, yesterday, the day after tomorrow 等( ) 1. More

7、 and more young people in China celebrate _ Christmas Day。 A。 at B。 on C。 in( ) 2。 - I joined the League _ May, 2009. What about you? - Ive been a League member _ three years. A. in; for B。 on; in C。 on; for D。 in; since 考点二:表示地点的介词1。 on,in on 表示“在某事物表面上”. in表示在其内部. in the tree 表示鸟或其他外来之物“在树上。 on th

8、e tree 表示树上本身长的东西.There is a pear on the tree . A lot of birds are singing in the tree。2。 表地理关系的介词 in,on,at(1) in 表示事物在某一地区管辖范围内的位置。(2) on 表示事物与某一地区毗邻的关系。(3) to 表示在某一地区之外的某方位(不属于该地区的管辖范围内). Shanghai is in the east of China. 上海在中国东部。 Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国东面。 Guangdong is on the sout

9、h of Jiangxi。3。 above,over,below,under“above,over”意思是“在的上方/面”。“below,under”意思是“在的下方/面”。over ,under 表示垂直的上下关系,而above,below仅.表示位置上“高于或“低于”,不表示垂直关系. 4。 between,among between 表示“两个事物之间.among 表示“三者或三者以上的事物之间”。( ) 3. John is standing _Gina and Jim. A。 a B. during C. between D。 in 考点三:表示运动方向的介词1. into与in i

10、nto从外到内,强调动作。in在里面,强调状态。 There is an apple in the box. He went quickly into the room.2. onto与on onto 到上,强调动作.on 在表面,强调状态。 A boat is on the river。 一条小船在河上。 He jumped onto a tree。 他跳上一棵树3. across,through,by,over (1) across 表示穿过一平面或横穿 (2) through 表示穿过一空间,意思是“从中过”(3) by 表示“从旁边经过,路过。 (4) over 表示“越过”“翻越”。

11、 He swam across the river yesterday. 昨天他游过那条河。 The boy kicked the ball hard and it moved across the grass。 这男孩用力踢球,球飞过草地。 The train moved fast through the tunnel。火车飞驶隧道。 He was reading a book when I walked by him。 当我经过他时,他在看书。 The thief jumped over the wall and ran away。 ( ) 4。 The moonlight goes_ t

12、he window and makes the room bright。 A. across B。 through C。 over D. in 考点四:常用介词的用法比较1。 as,like as 表示“作为”,强调身份. like(介词) 表示“像”。 As a teacher,he cares for these children。 Like a teacher,he cares for these children。2。 with ,in,by(1) with 表示“用工具/手段”,后常接具体的工具、手段。还可表“外貌特征或附带的东西” ,(2) in 表示 “以方式”,”用语言/语调/

13、笔墨/颜色等.(3) by表示“以方式/方法/手段”,后接V-ing形式。还可与表交通工具的名词连用。A man with glasses wanted to buy drinks.戴眼镜的那个男人想买饮料。A man in black wanted to buy drinks。 穿黑衣服的那个男人想买饮料。The boy is learning to write with a pencil. 这个男孩正在学用铅笔写字.He retold the text in English。他用英语来复述这篇课文。He often goes to work by bus. 他经常做公共汽车上班。3。 ex

14、cept,besides(1) except 表示“从总体中排除一部分”,与but 同义,(2) besides “除了 之外还有表示整体中还包括这一部分。 We all failed except him. 我们都失败了,但他没有。 He speaks German besides French.他懂法外还会讲英语。( ) 5.-Who else do you know at the party _Jim and Tom? -Lucy and Lily。 A。 in B。 next C. among D. besides( ) 6。 - How do you study for a test

15、? _ working with friends. A。 By B。 With C. On D.in( ) 7. Bonnie looks very smart and is always_ pink because pink is her favorite color. A。 with B. on C。 about D。 in 作业1。We usually have the first class _ 8:00 in the morning。 A。 of B. in C. on D. at2. Our class will have a party _ the evening of June

16、 30th.Would you like to come?-Yes, Id love to, but Im going to visit my grandparents in Dalian. A. in B. on C. at3。 The Dragon Boat Festival this year will come_ four days. (2015 安徽) A. after B. for C. during D。 in4。 For many Western people, they drink cold water even _ winter. A。 on B。 for C。 at D。

17、 in5。People can see different kinds of flowers here_ May。 A。 at B。 in C. on 6。 _ the exam, well say good-bye to our dear teachers, classmates as well as our beautiful school. (2014 安徽) A。 In B. For C。 After D. Through7。 You must be careful when you swim _ the lake. A。 across B. below C. over D。 thro

18、ugh 8。 In cold winter, the temperature in Harbin often remains _ zero all day. A.above B. below C。 over D。 under9。 There are some apples _ the tree and some birds are singing _ the tree. (2015湖北恩施)A. on; on B. in; on C。 on; in10. Ben was helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily _ the w

19、indows。 (2015浙江杭州)A。 below B。 across C。 behind D。 against 11. The bank is _ the bookstore and the post office. A. at the front of B. among C。 between12。 Heilongjiang Province is _ the northeast of China。 A. to B。 in C. on13。 More and more people in Shanghai choose to go to work _ underground. A. in

20、B. with C。 by D. for14。 You see, Kevin is writing _ his left hand。 A。 at B. as C. for D. with15. Gina, whats this _ English? A. byB. for C。 in16。 You can improve your English _ practicing more. A。 by B。 with C. of D. in17。Welcome to our store. We have skirts _ all colors _ 16 each。 A. at; in B. in;

21、for C。 at; at D。 in; in 18. The “teacher-free exam” means that students take their exams _ teachers。 Students must be more honest。 A。 without B。 against C。 through19. I love this picture _ you beside the music fountain。 (2015 上海)A. in B。 of C. on D. at20。 What can I do for you? I hope I have a nice

22、house _ a big garden。 A. of B。 with C。 from D。 about21。 It is careless _ him to lose his wallet again。 I think it necessary _ him to be more careful next time。 A. of; to B. of; for C。 for; for22。 Wild animals are our friends. We shouldnt kill them _ food or clothing (2015河南)A。 in B. with C. about D.

23、 for23. Would you like to visit the zoo with me now? Sorry. Its _ the visiting hours。 Lets go there tomorrow. (2015江苏常州)A. on B. over C. during D. beyond24. One of the opinions _ smoking is that it is harmful to peoples health。 A。 for B. against C。 at D. in25。 They usually go shopping _ their lunch

24、break。 A。 against B. among C。 between D. during26。 -How can we protect ourselves _ the earthquake? We should stay calm first。 A. with B. about C。 for D. from27。 Many cities in China, _ Beijing, have been deeply affected by dirty air。A. including B。 behind C。 without D。 beyond28。 -_ my surprise, Jin

25、Ming was chosen into our school football team. Congratulations. He did well _ playing football when he was very young。 I hope hell be the best player in our school。 (2015 湖北黄冈)A。 To; of B。 At; at C。 To; in D. In; about29。 My mother says my friend is similar _ me, but I think she is different _ me. (

26、2015山东滨州)A. as; from B。 to; from C。 to; to D。 as; to30。 Robert Hunt sometimes advises the students _ common problems。A. in B. about C。 with D。 for31。 This road is usually busy _ the rush hours。 A。 between B. among C. in32。 When I got into the room, Green was talking _ the phone。 (2015四川资阳)A。 on B。 w

27、ith C. to D。 in33. Jeff pleased everybody by making his dog walk _ two legs。 (2015四川绵阳)A。 by B. over C. from D. on34。 My son has a hard time learning English。 I advise you to talk with him _ person. A. on B。 of C. for D。 in35. Can you tell me what happened _ him just now? A。 with B. for C. to D. at36. Thanks _ Mr。 Hu, we have learnt many English songs。 (2014四川巴中)A。 for B. at C。 to37. His real name is James, but we call him Jim _short. A。 in B. for C. on

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