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1、外研版英语选修六课文Module 1Module 1 Small Talk IntroductionRead the dictionary definitions of small talk and answer the questions.1. Which definitions make small talk sound like a positive thing? 2. Which definitions refer to places where small talk might take place? 3. Why is it a problem if someone has no

2、small talk? 4. What do you think is the Chinese for small talk?small talk informal conversation about things that are not importantMacmillan English Dictionarysmall talk light conversation that people make at social occasions about unimportant things: We stood around making small talk.Collins Cobuil

3、d English Language Dictionarysmall talk polite friendly conversation about unimportant subjectsLongman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishsmall talk conversation about ordinary or unimportant matters, usually at a social event: He has no small talk (i.e. he is not good at talking to people about ordi

4、nary or unimportant things).Oxford Advanced Learners DictionaryLook at the conversation topics below and answer the questions.careers; cars; examinations; film stars; music; politics; sport; travel; weather; food 1. If you talk about these topics, is the conversation serious or small talk? 2. Which

5、of the topics do you like talking about with your friends? 3. Which of them do you talk about with your parents? 4. Which of them do you talk about with your teacher? 5. Which of them do you never talk about?Vocabulary and Reading Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box

6、.damage; encourage; impress; prepare; recognise 1. The singer was really good! She me a lot! 2. He had an accident and his bicycle. 3. Dont shout at the children. You should them to do better. 4. Make sure you for your English examination. Do more homework! 5. At the party, I a boy who used to atten

7、d my school.Read the passage and decide what kind of book it is from. Choose from this list.The text is from _.a book to help you prepare for a speaking examinationa business coursean English teaching booka book which tells you what to do at social eventsHow Good Are Your Social Skills?Have you ever

8、 crossed the road to avoid talking to someone you recognise? Would you love to go to a party and talk confidently to every guest? Do you want to make more friends but lack the confidence to talk to people you dont know? And are you nervous about the idea of being at a social event in another country

9、? Dont worrywe can help you!You neednt worry about situations like these if you have good social skills. And they are easy to learn. People with good social skills communicate well and know how to have a conversation. It helps if you do a little advance planning.Here are a few ideas to help you.Lear

10、n how to do small talkSmall talk is very important and prepares you for more serious conversations. Be prepared! Have some low-risk conversation openers ready. For example: think of a recent news storynot too serious, e.g. a story about a film star or sports star think of things to tell people about

11、 your studies think of safe things you can ask peoples opinions aboutmusic, sport, films, etc. think of topics that you would avoid if you were talking to strangersand avoid talking about them! That way, you dont damage your confidence!Develop your listening skillsListening is a skill which most peo

12、ple lack, but communication is a two-way processit involves speaking AND listening. Always rememberyou wont impress people if you talk too much. Here are some ideas to make you a better listener:Do . show that you are listening by using encouraging noises and gesturessmiling, nodding, saying uh-huh

13、and OK, etc. keep good eye contact use positive body language ask for more information to show your interestDont . look at your watch yawn sigh look away from the person whos talking to you change the subject finish other peoples sentences for themAlways remember the words of Benjamin Disraeli, Brit

14、ish Prime Minister in the nineteenth century: Talk to a man about himself, and he will speak to you for hours!Learn the rulesIf you go to a social occasion in another country, remember that social rules can be different. In some countries, for example, you have to arrive on time at a party; in other

15、 countries, you dont need to. In addition, you need to know how long you should stay, and when you have to leave. Some hosts expect flowers or a small gift, but in other places, you can take things, but you neednt if you dont want to. Remember also that in some countries, you mustnt take flowers of

16、a certain colour, because theyre unlucky. In most places, you dont have to take a gift to a partybut find out first!Answer the questions.1. According to the article, should people plan what theyre going to say at parties? 2. What do people think about those who talk too much? 3. Describe two things

17、you shouldnt do in a conversation. 4. Why is it a good idea to nod and smile when the other person is talking? 5. What does the quotation from Benjamin Disraeli tell you about people?Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.sigh; yawn; nod; avoid; lack; smile 1. When I m

18、eet strangers, I dont like to talk about myself, so I answering personal questions. 2. There are very few foreign visitors to my town, so we the opportunity to meet people from other countries. 3. I said that we dont have enough opportunity to speak English and he his head in agreement. 4. I think t

19、he man I spoke to was tiredhe a lot. 5. He looked very sad when I asked him about his home. He when he answered me. 6. I felt very welcome when I arrived at the party. The host at me and shook my hand.Look at the phrases from the passage and answer the questions.1. If you can talk confidently, does

20、this mean that you are worried about talking to people? 2. What kind of advance planning could you do before going to a party in a foreign country? 3. Can you give an example of a low-risk conversation opener if you were talking to a friend of your parents, for example? 4. What encouraging noises an

21、d gestures can you make when youre having a conversation in Chinese? 5. What is an example of positive body language? 6. Are social rules the same in every country?Discuss your answers to the questions.1. Which of the ideas in the reading passage do you think are useful in your society? 2. Are there

22、 any conversation techniques that you think you will use in the future? 3. Which of the listening skills are you good at? 4. Which of the social skills do you need to improve? 5. What are some of the usual small talk topics in China?FunctionRead the pairs of sentences and answer the questions.1. You

23、 must arrive on time at a party.You have to arrive on time at a party. 2. You mustnt take yellow flowers for the host.You dont have to take yellow flowers for the host. 3. You dont have to take a gift.You dont need to take a gift.1. Which of the following is true about the first pair of sentences?Th

24、e first one is an obligation, the second one is a suggestion.They both indicate an obligation.They are only suggestions about what to do.2. Which of the following is true about the second pair of sentences?The first one indicates that something is against the law.They mean the same thing.The first o

25、ne is an obligation, the second one indicates a lack of obligation.3. Which of the following is true about the third pair of sentences?The second one is an obligation, the first one isnt.They mean the same thing.The first one is an obligation, the second one isnt.Write three rules for a social event

26、 in your country.If you go to a social event in my country,1. you have to _. 2. you dont have to _. 3. you mustnt _.4. Look at the two sentences and decide which explanation is correct.1. We all know each other. We dont need to worry about small talk. This means _.it isnt necessary to worry about it

27、unfortunately we worry about it2. The party is informal. You neednt wear a tie. This means _.we must not wear a tiewe can wear a tie if we chooseComplete the sentences with verbs to express obligation or lack of obligation.1. Stop! You give yellow flowers to the host! Its unlucky! 2. Dont worry. You

28、 eat anything you dont like. 3. Im sorry, you cant leave. You wait until the prizes have been given. 4. I take some food to the party? 5. You take a gift to the host, but she will be very pleased if you do.Reading and ListeningRead and match the conversations with the places. There is one extra plac

29、e.at a summer school; during a job interview; in a business meeting; on a boat 1: A:Wonderful, arent they?B:Er . Im sorry?A:The cliffs.B:Oh, yes, they are.A:Been here before?B:Pardon?2: A:So . you wrote in your application form that youre interested in mountains.B:Yes.A:Have you ever climbed a mount

30、ain?B:No.A:Have you ever read any books about mountain-climbing?B:No.3: A:When did you arrive?B:Yesterday.A:Nice journey?B:Very nice.A:Did the immigration people ask to see your visa?B:I didnt need to get a visa.A:Really? Why not?B:Because I was born here.A:Oh yes, of course!Answer the questions abo

31、ut the conversations.1. Do you think the conversations are between people who know each other? Give reasons for your answers. 2. Which of the conversations would you call small talk? 3. What do you think about the answers in the interview? a. The answers show that the interviewee is interested in th

32、e job. b. The answers are too short. c. The answers are impolite.Listen to the whole of the first conversation and answer the questions.1. Do the people both speak English as a first language? 2. Why did the woman have problems understanding what the man was saying? 3. How did the man help her to un

33、derstand him better?4. Listen and check. Choose the correct endings to the lines from the conversation.1. Sorry, I couldnt _.hear what you saidunderstand what you said2. I didnt _.like what you saidcatch what you said3. Could you _?repeat what you saidexplain what you said4. You neednt have _.spoken

34、 to mespoken so slowly5. I just needed a few seconds _.to get used to your voiceto understand your voiceGrammar Read the sentence from the listening passage and answer the questions.You neednt have spoken so slowly.1. Who said this?the touristthe English person2. Why did she say it? Choose one of th

35、ese possible reasons.The other person was speaking too quickly.The other person was speaking too slowly.The other person was speaking slowly and it wasnt necessary.Rewrite these sentences using neednt have done.1. It wasnt necessary for you to bring some flowers!You neednt have brought some flowers.

36、 2. Thank you for tidying the roombut it wasnt necessary. 3. There was no need for you to buy the box of chocolates. 4. Why did you go to school? Its Sunday! 5. Thank you for bringing the book to show me, but I already have it.Read the sentence and decide which endings are possible.I didnt need to b

37、uy a gift for my host family _.so I didnt get onebecause I already had oneso I bought oneso I took it back and got a refundComplete the sentences using didnt need to or neednt have done.Example:It was an informal party so I didnt need to wear (wear) a suit.1. We brought some food to the party but th

38、ere was too much, so we (bring) any. 2. My friend spoke good Mandarin so I (translate) the speech for him. 3. The office had already opened when we arrived so we (wait) outside in the street. 4. I got to the party at 6 p.m. but there was no one there, so I (arrive) so early. 5. I told the host all a

39、bout my home town and then he told me hed been there. I (tell) him anything!Reading and WritingRead the email.Hi! How are you? I hope you and your family are well.I have a favour to ask. Next week, Im going to a reception at the Chinese Embassy here in London and Im really looking forward to it. Im

40、going to meet some senior high school students and their teachers. The only problem is that Im not very good at small talk with people I dont knowIm always worried about saying the wrong thing or making people feel bored.I need to know what I can talk about with the Chinese people that I meet. I won

41、der if you would be kind enough to answer these questions.Here in England, there are certain questions that you shouldnt really ask people that you dont knowHow old are you? for example, and How much do you earn? Are there any questions that you shouldnt ask people in China?What sort of things do Ch

42、inese teenagers like talking about? Sport? Music? Films? And what sort of things do they find boring? Politics? The weather?Looking forward to your reply.AlexWrite a reply. Answer the main questions and offer other advice. Use some of the following sentences to start and finish your email. Very nice

43、 to hear from you. Thank you for your interesting email. How are you? Its a long time since I heard from you. I hope this information has been useful. Best of luck at the Chinese Embassy. Looking forward to hearing from you again soon.Reading and Vocabulary Youre going to read a story about a salesw

44、oman. Discuss what kind of small talk you need as a salesperson.The Wrong Kind of Small TalkEsther Greenbaum was a saleswoman for a firm of fax machines and business supplies. But she was also the most outspoken human being in the worldwell, Westchester County, at least. Her motto was Every time I o

45、pen my mouth, I put my foot in it.Esther Greenbaums major shortcoming was that she had a complete absence of small talk. No, thats not quite true. She had small talk, but it was the wrong kind. In fact, she had never learnt the basic rules of social communication, and as a consequence, she made syst

46、ematic mistakes every time she opened her mouth. It was no coincidence either that she wasnt a very good saleswoman.One day during a meeting, Esther was introduced to an important customer, a mature woman.Nice to meet you, she said. How old are you? The customer looked awkward.Forty? Forty-five? said Esther. You look much older. And your friend . shes older than you, but she looks much younger!On another occasion, Esther teased a typist, Hey! Whens your baby due?The typist went red and contr

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