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1、课前测(4.11)一 根据音标拼写单词,使句意完整。(10分)1. Whats the climate like in your kntri?2. It is always warm in eiprl and May.3. Its always hot in June,July and :gst.4. In sometimes snows in disemb.5. Whats the we like in Summer?二 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. Dimitri comes from (China).2. The climate is very (pleasure) in

2、this country.3. Its often (wind) in March.4. Which month is (rain)?5. It is (sun) in June,July and August.三 用所给动词的适当形式填空(30分)1. Where you (come) from?2. It (rain) sometimes in spring.3. It often (snow) in winter.4. He not (like) garden beans.5. There (be) some water in this kettle.6. Sam cant (make)

3、 any tea.7. Ann (want) coffee.8. (tell) you the truth, I dont like chicken,either.9. Jim _ (come) from England. 10. Does she _ (want) any meat?11. It doesnt _ (rain) in winter. 12. We _ (like) English very much. 13. Are they _ (work) hard? 14. He is _ (sit) on the grass. 15. She isnt _ (read) a maga

4、zine. Lesson 53 and Lesson 54一 根据句意填空(10分)1. Jim is English. He comes from .2. Whats the like in your country?3. The climate is ,but not always pleasant in England.4. The weathers often cold in the of England.5. Which season does Jim like ,spring,summer or autumn?6. In summer and spring,the days are

5、 and the nights are short.7. Does the sun rise late or in winter?8. The climate of England is not very good,but its .9. Climate is Englishmens favourite of conversation.10. The sun sets in winter.二 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Whats the climate like in (you) country?2. The climate is not very (please) in Engl

6、and.3. Which season does Jim like (well),spring,summer,autumn or winter?4. In winter,the days are short and the (night) are long.5. It is often (wind)in March.三 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Jim (come) from England.2. it sometimes (rain) in the West?3. Jim not (like) autumn and winter.4. The sun (set) late in

7、 spring and summer.5. What Mrs. Bird (want)?6. What is George doing? He (make) a bookcase.7. What colour are you going (paint) it?8. Look,the cats (run) along the wall.9. the plane often (fly) under the bridge?10. Where the man (go)? He is going into the shop.四 根据汉语提示完成句子。(10分)1. 吉姆来自英国。 Jim England

8、.2. 你们国家的气候怎么样? What is the like in your ?3. 吉姆最喜欢春天和夏天。 Jim spring and summer .4. 我们对季节感兴趣。 We are in .5. 太阳在冬天升得晚并且落得早。 The sun late and early in winter.五 句型转换(10分)1. He comes from Brazil. (就划线部分提问) he from?2. The child likes ice-cream. (变为一般疑问句) the child ice-cream?3. The weather is cold in the N

9、orth. (就划线部分提问) is the weather in the North?4. What nationality are they? (变为同义句) do they from?5. Jim likes summer best. (变为同义句) Summer is Jims .六 补全对话,每空一词(10分)A: Excuse me. 1 is your name?B: Tom. Nice to meet you.A: Me,too. 3 are you 2 ?B: Im from Poland.A: 4 is your 5 ?B: Im a teacher.A: Where 6

10、you work?B: I work in a school 7 here. 8 9 You?A: Im a sales rep. I work 10 an office. Goodbye.B: Goodbye.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 七、 阅读理解(10分) Its December 31, New Years Eve. The Simpsons are celebrating the New Years Eve. Next year is going to be a very good year for all the family. Next yea

11、r, Bob and Sally are going to take a long vacation. Theyre going to visit Sallys high school. Shes going to move to Boston and Billy College. Tom is going to get his drivers license. He is going to save a lot of money and buy a used car. You see, how happy the Simpsons are!(1) 根据短文,判断正(T)误 ( F )( )

12、1. Its November 31.( ) 2. Sally is going to Boston and Billy College.( ) 3. Tom is going to save money for a car.( ) 4. The parents are going to take a long vacation.( ) 5. The Simpsons are very happy. 课堂测( ) 1. do you come from? A. What B. Which C. Where D. How( ) 2. The man is Japanese. He comes f

13、rom .A. Japan B. Japanese C. Italy D. India( ) 3. Whats the climate like in your ?A. home B. room C. kitchen D. country( ) 4. Can you make a cake? Yes,I can make .A. it B. the one C. one D. this one( ) 5. The weathers often wet in the of England.A. North B. South C. East D. West( ) 6. Which season d

14、o you like ,spring,summer,autumn or winter?A. well B. better C. best D. good( ) 7. The sun rises early and sets late in .A. winter B. autumn C. spring D. spring and summer( ) 8. In summer,the days are and the nights are .A. long,long B. short,short C. long,short D. short,long( ) 9. Climate is Englis

15、hmens favourite subject of .A. conversation B. talk C. dialogue D. chat( ) 10. come from Australia.A. Australian B. Australians C. Austrain D. Austrains( ) 11. The pen is mine. Please give .A. it to me B. me it C. to me it D. me to it( ) 12. There are many oranges the tree.A. on B. in C. at D. of( ) 13. How many cats can you see? A. Yes,I can B. I can see C. No,I cant D. I cant see any( ) 14. the sun early in summer?A. Do,rise B. Does,rise C. Is,rise D. Is,rising( ) 15. It sometime in autumn.A. rain B. is raining C. rains D. raining

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