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1、(完整word)译林英语6B U8学习任务单Unit 8 Our dreams一 基础知识部分 单词(详见单词表上本单元单词) 词组:1. care about 关心,在乎 2。 World Cup 世界杯3. football player 足球运动员 4. come true 实现,成真5. take care of 爱护;照顾 6。 our dreams 我们的梦想7. make people happy 使人们开心 8。 fly to the Moon 飞去月球9. walk on Mars 在火星行走 10. look at all the stars 看所有的星星11. in th

2、e future 在未来 12. want to be a dentist 想要成为一名牙医13。 some day 有一天,某一天 14。 want to be想要成为15。 be good at writing 擅长写作 16. have a big dream 有一个大梦想17。 a little teacher 一位小老师 18。 study hard 努力学习19. brave and strong 勇敢又强壮 20。 do more sport 做更多的运动21。 like painting 喜欢画画 22. paint pictures 画画23. have painting l

3、essons 上画画课 24. like food 喜欢美食25。 go to cooking school 去烹饪学校学习 26. write stories for children 为孩子们写故事 27. make people healthy and beautiful 使人们健康美丽28。 ask the children about their dreams 问孩子们有关的他们的梦想 句型:1. Miss Li is asking the children about their dreams。 李老师正在问孩子们有关他们梦想的问题。2. Many children dont ca

4、re about their teeth. 许多孩子们不爱护他们的牙齿。3. I want to help them. 我想帮助他们。4. What do you want to be in the future? I want to be a dentist.你将来想成为什么?我想成为一名牙医。5. What do you want to do? I want to fly a spaceship to the Moon。 你想做什么?我想驾驶宇宙飞船去月球。6. I want to play in the World Cup some day. 我想将来的某一天去踢世界杯。7. Whats

5、 your dream? 你的梦想是什么?8. I want to write stories for children。 我想给孩子们写故事。9. Your dreams are great! 你们的梦想都好极了!10. I want to see your dreams come true。 我想看你们的梦想成真。11. Dancing makes people healthy and beautiful. 跳舞可以使人们健康而美丽。12. Music makes people happy。 音乐使人们快乐。13。 Who wants to be a writer? 谁想成为一名作家?二语

6、法知识部分1. 句型一:你以后(在未来)想成为什么?What do you want to be in the future? 虽然in the future 在将来表示未来,但是关于want想,是现在所想,所以该句要用一般现在时。句型二:你以后(在未来)想做什么? What do you want to do in the future? 或者 What would you like to do in the future?*关于“梦想”的提问可以有:Whats your dream? / What do you want to be?/ what do you want to do ?/

7、Do you want to be a/an ?。/ Do you want to 。? 2. 询问对方的职业是什么? Whats your job? = What do you do now? = What are you? 3. 注意表述某个人的梦想要用三单形式。例如:What does she want to be in the future? She wants4. 注意人称的单复数:we all 是复数,everyone, very family是单数,要注意使用三单形式。 三拓展部分( )1。Show your blouse _ me。 Ill buy one _ my daugh

8、ter. A. to, to B. to, for C。 for, for D。 for, to( )2。Im excited_ his pictures。 A。 about B. with C. to( )3。What will the students do? -They will have_ A. dance lessons B. swimming lessons C。 painting lessons( )4.He can _ for her dolls。 A。 make clothes B。 do clothes C. make a clothes ( )5.Many years a

9、go, I_ to be a scientist。 But now_ a worker. A。 wanted,Im B。 wanted, I was C。 want,Im ( )6.There _a fashion show at school next Friday. A。 are B。will be C.will( )7.-Is there any potato soup in the fridge? -Yes. There is _。 A。a few B。a little C.few( )8。Listen! Yang Ling is_.She_well。 She wants to be a_. A。singing; sings; singer B.sing; sings; singer C。singing; singer; sing( )9。_ interesting the party is! A。What an B.How C。What( )10._ great your dreams are! A.What a B.How C.What( )11. A _diet is good for your _。 A。healthy;healthy B. healthy;health C. health;healthy

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