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1、(完整word)牛津英语模块一第三单元同步复习资料Module 1 Unit 3 (1)基础篇一 单词英汉互译A 英译中1。slim_2.pressure_3。diet _4.embarrassed_5。effect_6。downtown_7.including_8.branch_9。sadness_10。comfort_11。useless_12.peaceful_13.amount_14。loss_15.gain_16.midnight_17.recover_18.ashamed_19。figure_20。energetic_B中译英21. 受苦,遭受(磨难)_22. 起作用,有效果_23

2、治疗,待遇,处理 n。_24. 包含,容纳_25. 令人疼痛的_26。 伤害,损害_27. 成就 n。 _28。 集中(注意力,思想)_29。 事实上_30. 跳过,略过_31. 肥胖的,体重超标的_32. 有吸引力的_33。 减肥药_34. 在市中心_35。 专家_36。 影响,感染 v。_37. 认为,数数,算作_38. 化学物质_39. 衰竭,失败_40适当地 adv。_二.词性转换1。_v。 吸引_adj. 有吸引力的2。_ n。 能量,精力 _adj. 精力充沛的3._ n。和平_ adj. 平静的,和平的4._ v。 达成,完成 _ n。 成就5._ adj。悲伤的_ n. 悲伤6

3、。_n.痛苦 v。 使痛苦_ adj. 痛苦的,令人疼痛的7._n。影响,作用. _v。 影响,感染_ adj。 有效的8._adj。 大概的_adv. 大约9._ v。 使用_ adj. 无用的_adj.有用的10。_ v。计算,数数_ adj. 可数的_ adj. 不可数的11。_ adj。适当的_adv。适当地12._v.装备_n。设备13。_v.使尴尬,难为情_ adj.令人尴尬的_adj. 感到尴尬的14。_ n。表格 v.构成,形成_ v. 通知_n。 信息15._ n。建议_v. 建议16._ v。 集中(注意力,思想)_ adj。 全神贯注的,全力以赴的17。_ v. 包括_

4、prep. 包括18._n。 安慰,舒适_adj. 舒服的19._v。 失败,不及格_ n. 失败,衰竭20。_n. 化学物质,adj。 化学的_ n。 化学三、写出下列短语1锻炼_2. 强身健体_3. 充分利用_4。 从长远角度来看_5。 事实上,其实_6。 不知所措_7。 (头发等)脱落_8。 从中康复_9。 副作用_10。 节食_11. 对造成伤害_12. 集中注意力于_13. 生活方式_14. 立刻,马上_15. 和一起_16. 收到的来信_17. 值得做_18。 过去常常做_19。 至少_20。 坚持做_21。 对感到羞愧_22. 服用减肥药片_23。 遵循医生的建议_24. 接受治

5、疗_25. 保持健康_26。 在中流行_27。 从中学习,了解_28。 直到才_29. 一周三次_30。 不再_四、按要求写出下列单词或词组1。Experts suggest that teenagers _(spend) at least 30 minutes exercising, five times a week.2。Teenagers give up sport, _(say) they have to spend most of their time on their study.3.If you eat _(proper) and exercise _(regular), you

6、 will lose weight, keep fit and feel great.4。 Have you finished your article yet?Certainly。 I finished it last week, _ a matter of fact。5.He had his car _ seriously in the accident。(损害,伤害)6.The scenery is very _. It _ many tourists.(attract)7.Healthy eating _(和一起) regular exercise is probably the on

7、ly way to become fit.8.To the mothers _, her son has come to life。9.Having had a good sleep, the girl feels very _.(comfort)10。You must get enough sleep to stay _。 (health)11.One of the most _(effect) ways to reduce _(stressful) is to talk about your feelings with someone you trust.12。My mother insi

8、sted on _(send) me to the hospital, where I received good medical_ (treat)。13。As we walked into the big hall, we got _(separate) from each other。 14。Deng Xiaoping is an important _(人物) in the history of China。15。The earthquake has brought a lot of _ (suffer) to the people there.16.Im trying to lose

9、weight because Im so _ (shame) of my body。17.This kind of fruit _ (contain) large amount of vitamin, _(include) vitamin C.18.In both work and study we ought to make the most _ our time。19。The books on the desk, _ covers are shiny, are prizes for us。20。I cant _ (concentrated) with all that noise goin

10、g on.21。If you keep _ (work out) regularly every day, you will keep an amazing figure。五、单句改错1.However, they have side effects, that will damage your health。2.Lost in the thick forest, the old man had got no person to which he could turn for help.3。You were quite strong when I saw you last time, dont

11、 you?4.I dont believe she is a liar, isnt she?5.John, for who money was no problem, started a new film company with his friends.6.My glasses, with which I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.7。Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year, but they have nev

12、er had any disease or insect attack problems。8。A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside the shop.9.He was unsuccessful, was he?10.You will finally come to a building, all the doors of that are painted red。11。Today a number of people learning Chinese in the world is increasing rapidly。1

13、2。The book is not worth read so its a waste of time。13。He is always, which is often the case, against whatever I raise at the meeting.14。The weather turned out to be very good, that was more than we could expect。15.Theres little water in the glass, isnt there?16。No one showed any interest in this ne

14、w film, didnt they?17.Lets go to the gym after class, will we?18。Now he is considering taking some pills, what he thinks will help him become strong。19。Some athletes, who achievements were great, died very young because they took weightloss pills.20。My uncle, about who I told you yesterday, is an en

15、gineer。三、语法填空Hi Zhou LingHow are you? I havent heard from you 1。_ weeks. Is everything OK with you? Do you still go to the gym every day? I used 2._(go) to the gym three times a week, but I dont work out any more. I am ashamed of my body, so I am taking weight-loss pills, 3。_(call) Fat-less, 4。_ are

16、 quite popular among young women here。 I 5。_ (lost) 7 kilograms in the last two months。 6._, I dont feel so 7._ (energy). My mother, who you met last year, 8._ (keep) telling me not to take them。 She says the best way to stay 9。_(health) and slim is to exercise 10。_(regular) and eat lots of fruit an

17、d vegetables。 四、短文改错How to become fit? Healthy eat along with regular exercise are probably the only way to become fit。 As a teenager, it is important to give your body the energy it need。 If you skip meals, you dont get enough of energy, and then you feel tiring. Experts suggest that teenagers exer

18、cising at least 30 minutes five times a week。 When you exercise, your body produce some chemicals_make you feel peaceful and increase your ability to concentrate when you study. At the same time, a good amount of sleep is also important for your healthy。 As a matter of fact, loss of sleep can make you look tired, and even cause you to gain weight。 If you follow the suggestion above, you will look and feel much better in no time at all。

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