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1、(完整版)剑桥少儿英语一级上册unit2测试题剑桥少儿英语一级上册测试题Unit 2 Its a goat. Name Scores:_ 一. 找出下列单词划线部分发音不同的单词( ) 1. A. desk B. bedC。 eggD。 bad( ) 2。 A。 whatB. hatC. SamD. bag( ) 3. A。 thisB。 BillC. pencilD. lizard( ) 4。 A。 sandB。 DanC。 eraserD。 Lan( ) 5。 A。 penB。 vetC。 DenD. duck二. 根据单词写意思1。 horse 2. cow 3。 rabbit 4. c

2、at 5. sheep1。 _ 2。_ 3。_ 4._ 5。_6. dog 7。 fish 8. duck 9。 goat 10. frog6。 _ 7._ 8._ 9。_ 10._三. 连线 1。 woof! Woof! Meow! Meow! Quack! Quack! Baa! Baa! cat sheep dog duck 2. Cluck! Cluck! Oink! Oink! Moo! Moo! Tweet! Tweet! cow hen bird pig四. 选择题( ) 1。Is this a bag?A.Yes, it isB.Its a bag.C.No, it is。(

3、) 2.What _ that?A。amB.isC.are( ) 3。Whats this?A。Its a duck。B。Thats an elephant。C。Im a cat。( ) 4。_ is that? Its a lizard。A。WhoB.WhatC。Where( ) 5.Can you spell “小鸡” in English?A.chickenB.chiken ( ) 6。It _ a hen. A.amB。isC。are( ) 7。What _ it?A.amB。isC。are( ) 8.What _ your name?A.amB。isC。are( ) 9。Ben _

4、my friend。A.amB。isC。are( ) 10。What can swim in the sea?A.Cat。B.Sheep。C。Fish。( ) 11。What is white?A。Frog.B。Cow。C。Rabbit。( ) 12。What is an animal?A.Pen。B.Woof!C.Elephant.( ) 13。What sounds “Cocka-doodledoo!A.Chicken.B。Bird. C.Duck!( ) 14。Its a goat。A.它是一只山羊.B。它是一只绵羊。C.它是一只青蛙.( ) 15。Whats this?A。那是什么?B

5、。这是什么?C。什么是这个?五. 填空(I, you, he, she, we, they, it)1. _ (它) is a goat。2. _(我) am Pat。 3. _(他) is Ken。4. _(我们) are Dan and Lan。5. _ (他们) are Sam and Ben。6. _(你) are Ben.7. _(她) is Lan。8. _(你们) are Sam, Pat and Dan。六. 填空 (my, your, his, her, its, our, their)1. That is _(他们的) book.2. _ (我的) name is Judy

6、。3. He is _(你的) friend.4. Ben is _(她的) friend。5. Animal is _(我们的) friend.6. _(它的)tail is long.7. This is _(他的) pen。七阅读理解Look。 This is our farm。 There are five ducks, two frogs and three sheep on the farm。 The ducks are yellow, They are in the water. The frogs are green and the sheep is white。 They are very friendly. I love animals。1 How many ducks on the farm?_2 What colour is the sheep?_3 Are the frogs green?_

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