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1、Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party?Lets talk(L=Lulu, T= Tom)L: What day is it today?T: Its Wednesday. L: My birthday is coming.T: When is your birthday?L: Next Sunday.T: Are you going to have a birthday party?L: Yes, I am. Im going to have a party at home next Sunday evening. Would you

2、like to come?T: Sure. Id love to. Are you going to ask Eve to come?L: Certainly.Make and sayA holiday planMay Day is coming. What are you going to do. Please tell me your plan.On May 1st, Im going to visit my friends.On May 2nd, Im going to take swimming lessons.On May 3rd, Im going to help my mum d

3、o some washing. Read. Fathers birthday party. Im Mary todays my fathers birthday. The weather is good. Its sunny. We are going to have a birthday party for him. Now my mother and I are doing some shopping. Im going to buy some fruit. Mother is going to buy some eggs. Shes going to make a birthday ca

4、ke for my father. The party will begin at four oclock. Its one oclock now. And Im asking my uncle and I and to come to the party. Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow.Lets talk(E=Eve, D=Dongdong)E: What are you going to do tomorrow?D: Im going to do some shopping. E: What are you going to buy?

5、D: Im going to buy a map of China. E: I want to buy some crayons. Can I go with you?D: Sure. E: How can we get there?D: By bike, OK? E: OK?ReadMr Going-to-do John lives in a village. But people often call him “Mr Going-to-do” . Do you want to know why? John always says,” Im going to do.” But he neve

6、r does it. Every Saturday, John goes to Mr Smiths house and talk with him. “ Im going to clean my house tomorrow,” he says, or “ Im going to wash my car next week.” Mr Smith usually says, “ Are you, John?” John isnt going to clean his house or wash his car. Mr Smith knows that. Then he says, “ Excus

7、e me, John. Im going to do some work now.” And he goes into his house. Mr Smith often says to his son, “ If you say you are going to do something, then do it. Dont be another Mr Going-to-do.”Lesson 3 It will be sunny this Sunday.Lets talk(D=dongdong, L=Lulu)D: Its nice outside, isnt it?L: Yes, it is

8、. D: What will the weather be like tomorrow?L: It will be cloudy and windy. D: Will it be cold?L: Yes, it will. But itll be sunny this Sunday.D: Thats good. I think itll be warm, too.L: Yes, I think so.D: What are you going to do this Sunday?L: Im going to see my grandpa. And you?D: Im going to play

9、 football.Listen and say(L=Lili, J=John)L: Hi, John! The winter holiday is coming. What are you going to do?J: Were going to Australia.L: Wow! What will the weather be like in Australia?J: It will be sunny and hot. Its summer in Australia now.L: Thats great! You can swim in the sea there.J: Yes, and

10、 what about you, Lili?L: Im going to Hainan with my parents.J: Have a nice holiday!L: You too!ReadChanges in the weatherThe earth is getting warmer. In some places, the water in the sea will be hotter, and this will bring about great changes in the weather.There will be strong wind, and it will brin

11、g heavy rain to some places. And in some other places, the weather will be very dry. That will be bad for the people there. But it isnt always bad. In some dry places the rain makes lakes full of water. Then birds come back again, and the people are very happy.Floods in China(中国洪灾) Forest fire in Au

12、stralia (澳大利亚森林火灾)Forest fire in Indonesia (印度尼西亚森林火灾) Droughts in Africa (非洲大旱)Floods in Bangladesh (孟加拉国洪灾) Lake Nakuru in Kenya (充沛的雨水使肯尼亚基金干枯的纳库鲁湖重现汪洋一片,150多万只火烈鸟又回到湖边栖息)Lesson 4 What kind of books will you buy?Lets talk(L=Lulu, H=Henry)L: What are you going to do tomorrow?H: Im going to the boo

13、kshop. L: What kind of books will you buy?H: Im going to buy some books about science. L: Science? Do you have science class this term?H: No, we have it next term. Its new. Is it difficult?L: Yes, its difficult, but its interesting. H: Do you like it?L: Yes I do. ReadTreeIt is Tree Planting Day tomo

14、rrow. Many people will go up to the hills and plant trees. Trees can make the air clean. Animals and people can get food from them, too. But people are cutting down too many trees. That will bring about great changes in the weather. It will be too cold or too wet in some places. It will be too hot o

15、r too dry in other places. We must plant more trees. They will make the people healthy, and make our country more beautiful. Lesson 5 RevisionLets talk(A=Ann, Q=Qiqi)A: What will the weather be like tomorrow, Qiqi?Q: Itll be sunny. What will you do tomorrow?A: Ill go shopping. Q: What are you going

16、to buy?A: Im going to buy some food. Tomorrow is my birthday. Q: Are you going to have a party?A: Yes, Im going to have a party tomorrow evening. Would you like to come?Q: Sure, Id love to. Lesson 6 Its on the fifth floor.Lets talk(Q=Qiqi, L=Lulu, E=Eve)Q: Where is Kate?L: I think she is in the read

17、ing room. Q: Where is the reading room? Is it on the third floor?L: No, its on the fifth floor. Q: Its Kate in the reading room. E: No, shes in her classroom. Q: What class is she in?E: She is in Class Three. Q: Is it on the second floor?E: No, its on the fourth floor. Q: Thank you very much. Listen

18、 and say(N=Nick, L=Liu Mei)N: Liu Mei, is this your house?L: Yes. Come in, please. N: Wow! What a nice house. Where is your bedroom?L: Its on the second floor. N: Do you have a study?L: Yes, I do. N: Where is it?L: Its on the third floor. Come and have a look. N: Oh, so many books. Can I read this o

19、ne?L: Sure.ReadFirst floor or second floor?Bruce and Jess are friends. They are in Class Three, Great Five. Bruce comes from the UK and Jess comes from the USA. They live in the same building in Beijing. “ Im Bruce. Im from the UK. I live on the first floor,” Bruce says. “ Im Jess. Im from the USA.

20、I live on the first floor,” Jess says. “ Oh, you live on the same floor,” Lingling says.“ No, Jess leaves on the ground floor,” says Bruce. “ No, Bruce lives on the second floor,” Says Jess. “ I live on the first floor.” “ Bruce lives on the second floor.” Do you know why? Because in the UK “the fir

21、st floor” is the same as “the second floor” in the USA.Lesson 7 Whats the date today?Lets talk(Q=Qiqi, E=Eve)Q: Whats the date today?E: Its April 30th.Q: Oh, my birthday is coming. E: When is your birthday?Q: Its on May 5th. When is your birthday?E: My birthday is in May, too.Q: Oh, then were the sa

22、me age.E: No, Im twelve years old. And youre ten years old. So Im older than you.Listen and sayMom, Im back. Im hungry.There is a cake on the table. You can have it.Look, Mom! “Eat before May 20th.” Whats the date today?Its May 22nd. So you cant eat it. There is some bread in the fridge. Go and get

23、some.OK, Mom.Read The number 13In the USA and the UK. Some people dont like the number 13. They dont think 13 is a good number. For example, they dont like to live on the thirteenth floor.It was May 4th, Jacks birthday. He asked some of his friends to dinner. When everyone sat around the table, Jack

24、 began to count the people. Suddenly, he cried,” Oh, there are 13 people here!” Everyone was worried but Mrs Brown, Jacks mother. She said slowly with a smile,” Dont worry children. We have fourteen people here. I am going to have a baby in three months.”They all became happy again. They enjoyed the

25、 nice food and had a good time that night. Lesson 8 Merry Christmas!Lets talk(N=Nick, B=Bess, D=Dad, M=Mum)N: Its December 25th. Its Christmas Day! B: Lets say Merry Christmas to Mum and Dad. N: OK. B&N: Merry Christmas, Dad! Merry Christmas, Mum!D&M: Merry Christmas, children.M: Go to the sitting r

26、oom and find your present.B: Oh, what a beautiful tree!N: Oh, the presents are under it.M: This toy dog is for you, Nick.D: The doll is for you, Bess.B&N: Thank you, Dad. Thank you, Mum.Listen and say(S=Son, M=Mum)S: Happy Mothers Day, Mom! Heres a card for you. M: Its beautiful. Thanks. S: Thank yo

27、u for your love, Mom. What can I do for you today?M: Nothing, Son. S: Ill do the cleaning for you. You have a good rest.M: Oh! Youre a good boy. S: Thanks, Mum. I love you.ReadHalloweenIts October 31st. Its Halloween. The kids are very happy. They are making masks. They are making Jack-O-lanterns. T

28、hen they dress up like ghosts. In the evening they go from door to door. They knock at the door of a house and cry, “ Trick or treat!” A woman comes out and gives them some candy. They thank her and go to another house.They knocked at the door and cry “Trick or treat! “ This time a tall ghost comes

29、out. The kids cry “ Ah! A ghost! ” and run away. “ Dont run away, ” the ghost cries. “ Its just us. We are Bob and Rob. “ The kids all laugh. Lesson 9 Were you at school yesterday?Lets talk(G=Grandpa, E=Eve)G: Eve, What was the date yesterday?E: Today is June 2nd. So yesterday was June 1st. G: It wa

30、s childrens Day, wasnt it? E: Yes, it was.G: Were you at school yesterday?E: Yes, I was. G: What did you do?E: We had a sports meeting. G: Did you have a good time?E:Yes, we did.Listen and say(W=Wang Li, T=Tom)W: Hi, Tom. How was your weekend?T: It was great! I went fishing with my father. W: Are yo

31、u good at fishing?T: No, Im not. But my father is. How was your weekend?W: It was OK. I was at home. My dog was ill. I had to look after her. T: Is she better now?W: Yes, she is much better. Thank you. ReadApril Fools DayIt was April 1st. A bus was going down a country road. Then it slowed down and

32、stopped. The driver tried hard to start it, but he couldnt. Then he turned to the passengers and said, “ This bus is too old. I cant start it. Now we can only do one thing. I will count to three, and on the word three, I want you all to lean forward together. Then the bus will start again. “All the

33、passengers said yes. and the driver began to say, “ One! Two! Three! “ When they heard “ Three ”, they all leaned forward hard, and the bus started again. When the driver said “ April Fools! “ , the passengers suddenly remember it was April Fools Day and they all began to laugh. Lesson 10 RevisionLe

34、ts talk(A=Ann, Q=Qiqi)Q: Whats the date today, Ann?A: Its May 31st.Q: Oh, tomorrow is June 1st. Its Childrens Day.A: Yes. I want to make some cards for my friends.Q: Good idea. Can I join you?A: Certainly.(D=Dongdong, A=Ann)D: What was the date yesterday?A: Yesterday was April 11th. It was my birthd

35、ay.D: How old are you?A: Im twelve. What about you?D: Im twelve, too.A: We are the same age. When is your birthday?D: Its in May.A: Then I am older than you.ReadMy new home.My name is Liu Jun. I live in Shanghai. Now my family and I are driving to our new home. Its in Pudong.We drove along some stre

36、ets and over a bridge. At last we stopped in front of a tall building.Our new home is on the eighteenth floor. My bedroom is big and bright.From the window. I can see many cars and people down in the streets. They look very small. The cars look like toys. To the west, I can see the Huangpu River and

37、 many tall buildings along it.At night we watch the lights go on over the city. The lights look like stars in the sky. And the city is very beautiful. I like my new home.Lesson 1 Im not feeling well.Lets talk(M=Mom, T=Tom)M: Whats the matter, Tom?T: Im not feeling well, Mom.M: Do you have a cold?T:

38、Yes, I think so. Could you give me some water, please?M: Here you are.T: Thank you, Mom.M: Tom, you must go and see a doctor.T: OK, Mom.M: Its cold outside. You must wear your coat.T: OK, Mom. Could you pass me my coat, please?M: Here you are.T: Thank you, Mom.M: Tell me your teachers number. Ill ca

39、ll him and tell him you are sick.T: OK. Here it is.Listen and say(S=Sam, T=Tom)S: Hi, Tom. Its Sam. There is a football game this afternoon. Do you want to watch it?T: No, thanks. I have a bad cold.S: Oh. You should drink plenty of water and stay in bed.T: Yes, Im in bed now.S: You can watch the foo

40、tball game on TV.T: Yes, my father will be with me.S: Thats good!ReadA good habitDan often stayed up late and got up late. At last he became ill. He had a bad headache, and couldnt get to sleep at night. So he went to see a doctor.“ Oh, you look tired. Whats the matter?” the doctor asked.“ I have a

41、bad headache and cant get to sleep at night,” Dan said.“ When do you usually go to bed?”“ I usually go to bed after 12 oclock.”“ You should go to bed before 10 oclock. Drink some milk before you go to sleep. Im sure you will sleep well and get better soon.”From then on, Dan went to bed early and soo

42、n he got better.Its a good habit to go to bed early and get up early.Lesson 2 Did you play basketball yesterday?Lets talk(L=Lulu, T=Tom)L: Hello, Tom! What do you usually do on Sunday afternoon?T: I often play basketball.L: Did you play basketball yesterday?T: No, I didnt. I went to visit a friend.L

43、: Did you have a good time?T: Yes, I did. My friend likes taking photos. He showed me many photos.L: Did you like the photos?T: Yes, I liked them very much.Listen and say(S=Sam, L=Lili)S: Hi, Lili! Glad to see you again! Tell me about your trip. Was it your first trip to London?L: Yes, it was. We vi

44、sited Big Ben and Tower Bridge. We also went to Hyde Park.S: Wow! Sound great! Was the weather good?L: No, it wasnt. It was wet. It rained every day. But the people there were very kind.S: Did you have a good time?L: Yes, we did.ReadThe giants gardenOnce there lived a giant. He had a big garden. The

45、re were many beautiful flower and trees in it. Birds sang in the trees and children liked to play in the garden.One day the giant came back after a long trip. He saw the children playing in his garden. He was very angry. He built a high wall around the garden. But from then on, it was always winter

46、in the garden. There were no birds or flowers, and the trees were not green. The giant was very sad.One morning, the giant looked out and found many children playing in the garden. The trees were green and the birds sang again.The giant came out and said, “ Its your garden now, little children.” And

47、 then he pulled down the wall.Lesson 3 Did you go boating last Sunday?Lets talk(M=Mary, D=Dali)M: What do you usually do on Sundays?D: I usually go boating or swimming.M: Did you go boating last Sunday?D: No, I went to Tiger Zoo.M: Great! How many tigers were there?D: There were about ninety.M: Did you see

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