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1、Unit1一、单词男孩 女孩 学生 老师 名字 书课桌 椅子 钢笔 尺子 记事簿 新的旧的 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十二、译句1Whats her name ?Her name is zhang lin lin .2 What can you see ? I can see my teacher. 3 We are in Grade 3.4 I walk to my teacher .5 I say hello to my teacher.6 I read a book . I like reading7 I draw a picture with marker8 Where is

2、 my book ? There it is .9 He likes the book .10 Is it new ? Yes , its new .11 Are they new ? No , they are old .12 How many markers ? How much ?Unit2一、单词苹果 香蕉 葡萄 鸡肉 鱼肉 饺子 面条 米饭 汤 食物 水果 喜欢 吃 十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 是1、What do you see? I see lots of .2、What do you like? I like .3、What food can you see? I can s

3、ee .4、Whats for lunch? = what do you for lunch?5、I dont like meat.6、I like rice.7、I like dumplings. Dumplings are good.8、My favourite food is noodles. Noodles are delicious.9、Would you like some(more) ? Yes please. /No thanks.10、Do you have any apples? Ill take two , please.11、I need a pencil . May

4、I borrow your ?Sure.Unit3一、单词兄弟 女儿 家庭 父亲 母亲 姐妹 儿子 蛋糕 面包圈 薯条汉堡 热狗 果汁 牛奶 披萨 饮料 茶 水 生日 聚会 礼物1、We are the Smith family. We live in Canada. My sister is a student . Her name is Lynn. My brother is a police officer . His name is Bob. My mother is a bus driver. Her name is Mrs.Smith.My father is a carpente

5、r. His name is Mr.Smith.2、Whats your favourite food?3、Would you like a donut? May I have one?4、What would you like? Id like .5、I like on .6、I have a bottle of pop.7、What do you like to drink?8、I will have a birthday party tonight.Unit4一、单词胳膊 耳朵 眼睛 脚 头发 手 腿 嘴 鼻子 脚趾头十六 十七 十八 十九 二十黑色 蓝色 绿色 红色 黄色大 小 里 外 左 右 长 短 有1、I have long/big and short / small .2、What colour are your eyes? What colour is your hair?3、What do they / you look like?

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