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1、8月18日 周二上午大查房,下午培训。8月19日 周三值班周三 15:10接机Timothy Buchman tmi bkmn (赵连泽陪同)航班号 DL629,DL 189. 15:10抵达北京8月20日 周四 长城陪同 Patrick and Timothy8月21日 周五 值班8月22日 参加年会周六 9点-9点20吕杰讲肺超声8月23日 周日休息(暂定有可能陪同恭王府)8月24日 周一下午上课8月25日 周二值班8月28日 值班8月30日 值班航班号 DL128,DL 2327 16:50起飞18日下午上课,24日下午上课.事情都赶到一起了,我8月18日下午培训(同时当天我值班),8月

2、19日被安排接机,8月20日被安排爬长城,8月23日被安排送机,8月24日下午培训(同时当天我值班)。刚哥或王斌,谁能在8月18以及8月24日下午帮我盯一会儿,我打车来回,争取快些,回头看刚哥或阿斌哪天合适,我可以还1个整班。给大家添麻烦了!Nice to meet you. Mr. Timothy G. Buchman? Welcome to Beijing.My name is Shen Peng. Im from Peking university peoples hospital. Its a great honor to meet you.And Im here to meet yo

3、u.Please follow me. The car is waiting for you outside the airport. This is Mr XXX, our driver, who had many years of driving experience.I will take you to the hotel.Let me help you to take your baggage. This way please.You must be exhausted after a long journey on the airplane.You all need a good r

4、est first.It is a bottle of pure water. Here you are.I have made a reservation for you in the hotel.We really wish youll have a pleasant stay here.Lets fix the time and the place of our meeting tomorrow.You will hear the morning call at 6 o clock.Here are the voucher for your breakfast buffet.You ca

5、n enjoy the complimentary breakfast in the hotel. Its free. Id like to say something about tomorrows arrangement.The tour will start at 7 oclock and will last four hours.Im afraid I have to cancel my appointment.Therere many famous scenic spots and historical sites in Beijing.I cant let you pay. It

6、is my treat, you are my guest. Thank you very much for everything you have done for us during your stay in China.Wish you a very pleasant journey.Have a nice trip.Forbidden City (emperor, there are 9, 999 rooms. 104.Nine is a lucky number, and its the most favorable to emperors.)Tian an men Square (

7、National Day ceremonies, is the largest urban square in the world)houhai bar streetThe Lama Temple.Beijing Opera(Beijing opera, you know, is a performing art on the Chinese stage.)Hangzhou has always been known as “the earthly paradise”.We would thank you for your great patience, cooperation and understanding, which have made me job easier.A happy journey home.Hope to see you soon.

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