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1、课题:Unit 1 Whats the matter?主备人: 审核人: 复核人: 课型:New 总第 1课时【教学目标】Talk about health problems ; give advice ;Study in groups【重点、难点】Whats the matter with sb?; the use of “should”【教学过程】 二次备课预习指导:I. 预习完成课本第1页1a;预习第2页2d的对话,译成汉语并口头背过。II. 预习Unit1 P1-4单词,听并跟读录音,背诵默写,家长签字。III. 预习1-2页内容,译下列词组。1.说话太多_ 2.喝足够的水_3.嗓子疼

2、_ 4.躺下休息_5.喝带蜂蜜的热茶_ 6.看牙医_ 7.做个X光检查_ 8.量体温_9.在-上敷药_ 10.患头痛_11.转动脖子_ 12.在周末_13.整个周末_ 14.需要休息_15.远离电脑_ 16.用同样的方式 _17.没有移动_ 18.去看医生_IV. 预习1-2页内容, 翻译下列句子。 1.你怎么了?(两种)_ _2.我胃疼。_3.我该怎么办?_我该量一下体温吗?_4.听起来不像你发烧了。_ 5.他怎么了?_他牙疼。_6.他该做什么?_7.他该看牙医并做个X光检查。_8.如果明天你的头和脖子仍然疼,那么去看医生吧。_ _当堂训练: I. 句型转换1. Mr. Brown has

3、a fever.(划线提问) 二次备课_ _ _ _ Mr. Brown? = _ _ _ Mr. Brown?2. He played computer games for too long last Sunday. (划线提问) _ _ he _ last Sunday?3. He should lie down and rest.(划线提问)_ _ he _?II. 选词并用正确形式填空。 eat , have , hurt , call , go , sit 1. He _ under a tree and read a book.2. Its bad for health witho

4、ut _ breakfast.3. The boy fell off his bike and _ his leg.4. If she still _ a fever tomorrow, he _ to the doctor.5. I think he should _ me for help.达标检测: 翻译句子:1. Mary 怎么?_2.她的脖子疼。_3.她该怎么办?_4.她应该离开电视休息一下了。 _5.她用同样的坐姿坐得太久没有移动了。_6.我认为她需要拍个X光片。 _7.听起来她好像感冒了。_【教学反思】课题:Unit 1 Whats the matter?主备人: 审核人: 复核

5、人: 课型:New 总第 2课时【教学目标】Talk about health problems ; give advice ;Study in groups【重点、难点】Whats the matter with sb?; the use of “should”【教学过程】 二次备课预习指导:I. 预习Unit1 P3-4单词,听并跟读录音,背诵默写,家长签字。II. 预习完成课本第3页3a,并完成3b;III. 预习3-4页内容,译下列词组。1.公交26路车_ 2.呼救_3.看到一个老人躺在路边_4.24岁的王平_ 5.没有多想_6.下车_ 7.有心脏病_ 8.送这个人去医院_9.期盼某人

6、做某事_ 10.等下班车_11.出乎他的意料_ 12.同意和他一起去_13.多亏了乘客们_ 14.及时救了他_15.考虑他自己_ 16.撞了一个老人_17.需要立即去医院_ 18.陷入麻烦_IV. 预习grammar focus, 翻译下列句子。 1.以后你不应该吃太多。 _2.他伤者自己了,他应该躺下休息。 _3.他牙痛吗?是的。_他该看牙医并做个X光检查。_4.她应该做什么?_她应该量一量体温。_ 5.我应该在上面敷药吗?是的。_当堂训练: 读3a 并填空: At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No.26 was going along Zhonghua Road wh

7、en the driver saw an old man 1._ on the side of the road. A woman 2._to him was 3._ for help. 二次备课 The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, 4._ the bus without thinking 5._ He got off and asked the woman 6._ happened. She said that the man had a heart problem and 7._ go to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew

8、he had to act 8._.He told the passengers that he must take the man to hospital. He 9._ most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus. But 10._ his surprise, they all agree to go with him. Some 11._ helped Mr. Wang to move the man onto the bus.12._ to Mr. Wang and the passengers,

9、 the doctors saved the man in 13._.Its sad that many people dont want to help 14._ because they dont want any 15._,says one passenger. But the driver didnt think about. He only 16._ about saving a life.达标检测: 用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. To my surprise, the little boy has one _. (foot)2. When I got home, I saw my

10、 mother_ (lie) on the sofa and watching TV.3. We all except our English teacher_ (rest) well because he is so tired all day.4. If you dont work hard, youll get into trouble_ (look) for a good job5. What you are doing is good for people. I agree _ (join) you。6. He can stay there for ten hours without

11、_ (move).7. The girl is so young that she cant look after herself.The girl _ _ _ look after herself.8. You shouldnt always think about_ (you)【教学反思】课题:Unit 1 Whats the matter?主备人: 审核人: 复核人: 课型:New 总第 3课时【教学目标】How to find the order of events to help understand the passage ;Study in groups【重点、难点】Find t

12、he order of events that you are reading; 【教学过程】 二次备课预习指导:I. 听并跟读P5-6单词录音,背诵听写,并改错,家长签字。II. 预习课本第5页和第8页,并完成下列短语。1.放在水上冲冲_ 2.去医院 _ 3.在上面敷药_4.缠上绷带_5.休息几天_ 6.洗脸_ 7.告诉他把头低下 _8.穿上干净的T恤_ 9.感觉病了_ 10.流鼻血_ 11.伤到他的背_12.被打中头部_13.在体育课上伤到了自己_ 14.发生什么了_当堂训练: I. 单项选择( ) 1. What happened _ Mr. Smith yesterday?A. to

13、B. on C. with D. for ( ) 2. -Why didnt David come to school today? -Because he hurt _ playing soccer yesterday.A. myself B. himself C. yourself D. herself ( ) 3. Whats _ matter? Im not feeling well. I think I have _ fever.A. /, / B. the, the C. /, a D. the, a( ) 4. At last, he decided to _ playing t

14、he guitar, because he didnt like it at all. A. put off B. deal with C. break off D. give off II. 选择恰当的词语,并用适当形式填空。To our surprise, get off, agree to, fall down, get into trouble 1. Were _ the bus at the next bus stop.2. _, the 5- year-old boy won the first prize in the piano competition. 二次备课3. The

15、girl _ the stairs and hurt her leg yesterday.4. Some people say they dont help other people because they dont want to _.5. Finally, they _accept the plan.达标检测:I. 用适当的反身代词填空。1. He didnt think about _ at all.2. In fact, I prefer to do it_.3. Teenagers should learn to protect _from all kinds of danger.

16、4. You must take good care of _, Linda.5. We have bought _ a new house.6. Tina began to learn French all by _ last year.7. “Help _ to the fruit!” I said to the twins.II. 翻译句子。1.我们必须马上送这个病人去医院。 _2.首先,你应该上点药,然后缠上绷带。_ _3.他生病了,所以他需要卧床休息几天。 _4. Tom怎么了?他发烧了。 _5.有人在街上被打中了头部。_【教学反思】课题:Unit 1 Whats the matte

17、r?主备人: 审核人: 复核人: 课型:New 总第 4课时【教学目标】How to find the order of events to help understand the passage ;Study in groups【重点、难点】Find the order of events that you are reading; 【教学过程】 二次备课预习指导:I. 预习Unit1 P6-7单词,听并跟读录音,背诵默写,家长签字。II. 预习完成课本第6页2b,并完成2c;2d; 2eIII. 预习P6-7 内容,译下列词组并在书上划出。1.摔倒 _2.呼吸有困难 _3.被球撞到 _4.

18、晒伤_5.割到我们自己_6.后背或胳膊受伤_7.对爬山感兴趣的美国人_8.习惯于冒险_ 9.一种令人激动的方式之一_10.非常危险的境地_ 11.用完 _12.准备死亡 _13.用刀子砍掉了他的一半右胳膊_14.失去胳膊之后 _15.从.出来_16.掌管 _17.继续爬山 _18.与.一样的精神_19.做决定_ 20.因为爬山事故_ IV. 预习P6 回答下列问题。 1. What sport is Aron Ralston interested in?_2. What happened to Aron Ralston on April 26, 2003 when he was climbin

19、g by himself in the mountains ?_3. How long did he stay there before he climbed down the mountain to find help?_4. What did he do save his own life? _5. What book did he write after losing his arm?_当堂训练: I. 根据汉语提示完成单词 1. The old man fell down and _ (受伤) his back. 二次备课 2. The doctor _ her temperature

20、 (量体温) and said she had a high fever.3. Mr. Smith is in a difficult _ (情况).4. The _(问题,苦恼) is that he doesnt have enough time to relax.5. Smoking can increase the _(危险) of getting a heart problem.II. 完成句子1.爬山是危险的,但杰克不介意冒险。Mountain climbing is dangerous .But Jack doesnt mind _ _.2.汤姆习惯于自己照顾自己。Tom is

21、_ _ _ _himself.3.我们应该学会管理时间。We should learn to _ _ _ _ time.4.幸亏有你的帮助,我们才按时完成了工作。 _ _ your help, we finished the work on time.5.无论发生什么,我们都不会放弃希望。Well never _ _ hope no matter what happens6.我坚信你会很快走出困境的。 Im sure that you can _ _ _ the difficult situation soon.达标检测: 用所词的适当形式填空:dead; breathe; sunburn;

22、important ; wait; lie; foot; decide 1. -Whats wrong with the boy? -He has problems _. We must take him to the hospital at once.2. If you stay outside in the sun in summer for too long, maybe youll get _ 3. Everyone must realize the _ of his life.4. Losing a bus in London means _ for another hour.5. Her pet dogs _ made her feel very sad. 6. We havent made the _ about where to go on vacation. 7. As we all know, a horse has four _. 8. There are many people _ on the beach and enjoying the sunshine now.【教学反思】

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