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1、课题:Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city park.主备人: 审核人: 复核人: 课型:New 总第 1课时【教学目标】Talk about offering help【重点、难点】The use of Infinitive, Phrasal verbs.【教学过程】 二次备课预习指导:I. 预习Unit2 P9-11单词,听并跟读录音,背诵默写,家长签字。II. 预习完成课本第9页1a;III. 预习9-10页内容,译下列词组。1.帮忙打扫城市公园 _2.看望医院的生病儿童_3.使他们高兴起来_ 4.分发食物_5.在课后学习小组做志愿者_6.想出一个计划

2、_ 7.推迟制定计划_ 8.大扫除日_9.离现在两周时间 _10.过去常常做某事_11.照顾_12.敬老院_IV. 预习第10页2d 的对话,翻译并口头背过1.我们正在制定计划今年夏天到敬老院工作。_ _2.他们要求你们帮忙干什么? _3.他们给我讲过去的生活经历,讲过去是什么样子的 。_ _4.许多老年人是孤独的,我们应该倾听并关心他们。_ _ 5.我们有一天都将老去。_当堂训练: I. 单项选择( ) 1. He helps _ the classroom. A. cleans up B. cleaning up C. clean up( ) 2. I took her to the co

3、ncert to _. 二次备课 A. cheer up her B. cheer her up C. cheer she up ( ) 3. Lets help _ food at the food bank. A. to give out B. give up C. giving out II. 完成句子1. Youd better _ _ _ (想出) a better plan. 2. Who will _ _ _ (自愿回答) this question?3. They had to put off _ (制定计划)4. You could put up a _ (布告) here

4、5. With no one to talk to. He _ very _ ( 感觉很孤独).6. The life _ _ _ (曾经是) very interesting in my school days7. We should _ _(照顾)homeless people.III. 读2d 回答问题。1. Wheres Helen going to work this summer? _2. What did Tom do to help the old people? _达标检测: 选词填空:cheer up, put up, put off, give out, come up

5、with1. Lets _ _ the picture on the wall.2. They cant _ _ making the plan for the party.3. We will _ an idea to solve the problem.4. She looks sad, Lets _ her _5. She could _food to help the hungry people.【教学反思】课题:Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.主备人: 审核人: 复核人: 课型:New 总第 2课时【教学目标】How to off

6、er help and volunteer【重点、难点】remember the useful expressions 【教学过程】 二次备课预习指导:I. 听并跟读P11-12单词录音,背诵听写,并改错,家长签字。II. 预习课本第11-12页,并完成相关练习。III. 预习课本第11-12页,找出下列短语背过并默写。1.每周放弃几小时去帮助他人_2.志愿在一家动物医院工作_3.得到未来理想的工作_4.如何照顾动物_5.获得如此强烈的满足感 _6.它们的主人脸上的喜悦_7.一名书籍爱好者_ 8.独自看书_ 9.在4岁时_10.参加一个课外阅读活动小组的志愿者的选拔_11.帮助孩子们学习阅读_

7、12.进行每一本不同的新书之旅_13.帮助无家可归的人_14.使他们高兴_ 15.做标志_16.把它们张贴在学校周围_17.独自旅行_当堂训练: I. 翻译下列句子。1.为了健康许多人放弃了吸烟。 To be _, lots of people _ _ _.2.为了将来找到一份理想的工作,他正志愿在一家动物医院工作。He _ _ at an animal hospital _ _ _ _ _ job.3.青岛是如此美丽的一座城市,因此每年都有大量游客。 Qingdao is _ _ _ _ that there are a large number of tourists every year

8、. 二次备课4.这辆自行车是谁的? Who is _ _ of the bike?5.在我4岁时就能自己看书了。 I could _ _ _ at the _ _4. 达标检测:I. 单项选择( ) 1. He failed in the math test and looks sad. Lets _. A. put him up B. set him up C. cheer him up D. clean him up( ) 2. The students are _ signs to the people to ask them to protect our earth. A. print

9、ing out B. giving out C. selling out D. putting out( ) 3. Because of the bad weather, we have to _ the meeting till next week. A. take off B. get off C. put off D. set off( ) 4. We need to _a way to save the endangered animals A. give out B. come up with C. hand out D. put upII. 选择恰当的词语,并用适当形式填空。fee

10、l, alone, own, satisfy, lonely, volunteer1. The old man lives _, but he never feels _.2. Im afraid of animals, so staying with them often gives me a _of fear.3. Tom is the _ of the car. He love it very much4. He smiled in _ when he won the game.5. He _ at the old peoples home every weekend.【教学反思】课题:

11、Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.主备人: 审核人: 复核人: 课型:New 总第 3 课时【教学目标】Offer help【重点、难点】useful expressions【教学过程】 二次备课预习指导:I. 预习P13 P16 翻译下列词和词组1.修理坏了的自行车零件 _ 2.与她很像 _ _3.用完它 _ _4.捐赠自行车给儿童之家 _ 5.开通一条家长热线 _II. 短语搭配1. put up _ A. a call-in center2. call up _ B. signs3. hand out _ C. old bikes4.

12、set up _ D. advertisement5. fix up _ E. friends III. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子1.我像我的妈妈。I _ _ my mother.2.他把它修理好了。 He _ it _.3.我把我旧书捐给儿童之家了。I _ _ my old books _ a childrens home.4. Jim花完了钱。Jim _ _ _ his money.5.上星期每个人都设法让单车男孩吉米高兴起来。Last week, everyone was _ _ _ _ Jimmy, the Bike Boy.6.他张贴一些海报求购旧自行车。He put up some

13、 signs _ _ old bikes.7.他打电话给所有的朋友告诉他们他的问题。He called up all his friends on the phone _ _them_ the problem.8.他想出的主意效果非常好。 The ideas that he came up with _ _ fine.9.最近我们学校开通了一条家长热线。 二次备课Our school _ _a call-in center for parents recently. 当堂训练: 单项选择:( ) 1. Steve _ his elder brother. They are both frien

14、dly.A. looks after B. takes after C. looks like D. looks at( ) 2. There is something wrong with the camera. Can you _ for me?A. put up it B. put it up C. fix up it D. fix it up( ) 3. -What are you doing? -I am sorting up old books and Ill _ to kids who have no money to buy books.A. give them up B. g

15、ive them away C. give them off D. give them in( ) 4. The poor little boy lives in the _ home.A. children B. childrens C. childrens D. child( ) 5. She loves children, so she wants _ at a after-school study program.A. volunteer B. volunteers C. to volunteer D. volunteering达标检测:按要求改写句子:1. He is like hi

16、s elder brother. (同义句)He _ _ his elder brother.2. He spent all his money buying computer games. (同义句)He _ _ _ all his money _ _ computer games.3. Well start a sports club next year. (同义句)Well _ _ a sports club next year. 【教学反思】课题:Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.主备人: 审核人: 复核人: 课型:New 总第 4课

17、时【教学目标】1.Volunteering and charity. 2. Offer help.【重点、难点】1. Infinitives as object, adverbial and object complement 2. Modal verb could 【教学过程】 二次备课预习指导:I. 阅读P14文章并完成P15 2c, 2d, 2e。II. 写词组。1.动物帮手组织_ 2.对产生很大影响_3.帮某人摆脱困境_ 4.残疾人_5.一只经过特殊训练的狗_ 6.给发命令_ 7.立刻_ 8.给寄_ 9.建起,设立_10.接电话_ 11.我的一位朋友_ 12.由于你的好心_当堂训练:I

18、. 完成句子1. This group was set up _ (help) disabled people.2. You helped to make it possible for me _ (have) Lucky.3. Lucky makes a big difference _(介词) my life. 4. What would it be like _ (be) blind and deaf?5. Imagine you cant use your hands _ (easy).6. Many people have these _(困难).7. Normal things l

19、ike _(answer) the telephone or _(搬)things are difficult for me.8. She talked_(介词) Animal Helpers _(介词) getting me a special _ (train) dog.9. After six months of _ (train) with a dog, I was able to bring him home.10. I feel very lucky_ (have) him. 二次备课11.Thank you again for _(改变) my life.II. 综合填空 cal

20、l up, set up, come up with, put up,take after, cheer up, run out of, fix up, give out1. The teacher came into the classroom and _ the papers as quickly as possible.2. The man was unlucky, he _ his money and had to beg in the street.3. My bike is broken. I have to _it_ today.4. I want to _ a stamp co

21、llectors club. 5. The man _us_, but we were not at home.6. Dont _ pictures on the wall.7. He seems very sad. Lets _ him _.8. He thought and thought. At last he _ a good idea.9. Your daughter doesnt _ you in any way. You are quiet, but she is outgoing.达标检测: 根据汉语完成句子:1.非常感谢你为慈善事业募集资金。Thank you very mu

22、ch _ _ _ for charity.2.我有许多爱好,像画画、跳舞。 I have many_, like _ and _.3.我认为这么短的时间内完成这项工作很困难。I think_ difficult _ _ the work in such a short time.4.有了你的帮助,我才有可能拥“幸运儿”。You helped to make _ possible for me _ _ Luck.5.失明或失聪将会是什么样?What would _ be like _ _ blind or deaf?6.我对有一只狗的想法很兴奋。I was _ _ the idea of _ a dog.【教学反思】

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