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1、酒店西餐服务程序汇总(中英文)Remarks:All the clearing must follow the rule: who deliver the order; this person should also finish clearing in his/her shift. He/Her cannot pass to the next shift except by the time he/her finish duty and it is still within one hour after delivering.程序以下: 1. PREPARING FOR SERVICE 准备

2、工作1.1 Personal grooming 个人仪表1.2 The table 摆台1.3 Menu knowledge 菜单知识1.4 Miscellaneous preparation tasks 各项准备工作1.5 The waiters sideboard 服务员边柜1.6 Setting the atmosphere the final check 气氛部署 最终检验1.7 The reservations diary taking a reservation 预定日志2. WELCOMING CUSTOMERS 迎接客人2.1 Seating a customer 引客人入座2

3、.2 Greeting 问候2.3 Seating 就坐2.4 Serving Pre-meal Drinks 提供餐前酒水3. SERVING FOOD 食品服务3.1 Order taking sequence 服务次序3.2 The scribble pad 记事本3.3 Docket system 入厨单3.4 Adjusting cutlery 调整餐具3.5 Serving food 提供饮食服务 3.6 Cleaning tables 清洁桌面4. CUSTOMER DEPARTURE / CLEANING 用户用餐完成后清洁4.1 Arranging customer depa

4、rture 安排客人离去4.2 Payment methods 结帐方法4.3 Cleaning 清洁具体内容以下:1. Preparing for service 准备工作1.1 Personal grooming 个人仪表As this is an “up front” industry, your appearance becomes all important. Therefore, special attention to grooming is essential.因为这是服务业最前方,你外表是很关键,所以你必需首先注意这一点。Being in control of the job

5、 at hand, along with good self image and personal appearance leads to professional confidence when handling people.随时处于工作最好状态,伴以良好自我形象及个人外表,这将你在面对用户时表现得既自信又专业。The things we look at when we talk of personal grooming include.我们所讨论并关注个人仪表包含:(a) Facial expression a customer expects to see a smiling face

6、 a smile overcomes many problems. Show alertness and freshness, never boredom of disinterest.表面印象 用户总是期望见到笑脸 微笑能够克服任何难题,表现出您警觉和生机,绝不要不耐烦或不理会用户;(b) Personal hygiene a sense of pride is gained by looking well groomed and attractive.个人卫生 以仪表整齐吸引她人并引以自豪Daily bathing and use of deodorant ensures personal

7、 freshness and cleanliness. Avoid excessive use of after shaves, cosmetics and perfumes.每日冲澡并使用除臭剂以确保个人卫生洁净,避免过量使用“须后水”,化妆品及香水。Daily brushing of teeth avoids arduous and helps prevent dental problems. A breath freshener is recommended for smokers.每日刷牙避免难闻气味及牙病产生,吸烟者要准备一个口腔清新剂;(c) Hair- hair should b

8、e clean and tidy, well groomed and not require constant touching or attention.发型 应保持洁净整齐,修饰整齐,不要引发尤其注意;(d) Dress it is the first impression the customer remembers. It is essential to maintain clothes and uniforms in good condition. Show that you care about your appearance and make sure your clothes

9、and uniforms are smart, clean and uncreased. Dirty shoes and laddered stockings also show neglect.衣着 请记住这是给用户第一印象。首先要注意制服洁净整齐。你必需关注你外表确保制服洁净整齐并无褶皱。There are a number of things to be considered when preparing your restaurant for service not the least of which is that the restaurant has to be spotless

10、ly clean and presented at its best for each service period.在你为服务做准备工作时,有很多需要你注意事项,不仅仅是要求一点污点也没有,而且要求餐厅必需处于最好服务状态。This is the minimum expectation of your customers.这是用户对我们最低要求。Time spent in preparation is never wasted as efficient preparation is the key to a smooth operation.准备工作所用时间并不是在浪费时间,因为高效率准备工

11、作时常是顺利运作关键原因。On arrival, check with the supervisor or manager to establish special requests and expected bookings. They will have confirmed reservations and allocated tables (stations) and docket books to staff member.报到后,和主管及经理确定尤其要求及预定。她们将确定预定并安排桌位并将关键点统治职员。You are now ready to undertake preparati

12、on tasks. The order in which tasks are combined varies with establishments.现在,你已经准备好去实施这项任务。定单任务是和多种确定相关。1.2 The table 摆台The table is one of the first things your customers see, thats why it is necessary to ensure all tables are in the positions as indicated on the floor plan. Floor plans can vary d

13、aily depending on bookings.桌面是你用户所看见第一样事务,这就是为何说在得到指示后确保全部桌面摆台正确是必需原因,Ensure all tables have been wiped and clean cloths or placemats laid. Set the table with items required by your establishment. Common items include salt and peper shakers, ashtray, bud vase, candle holder, chean and polished cutle

14、ry, glassware and folded serviette for each customer. Check all table settings.确保全部桌面铺着整齐桌布并摆好所需物品。确定后按要求摆台。通常需要摆放盐、胡椒、烟碟、花瓶、烛台、瓷器、玻璃器皿及折叠餐巾。检验全部摆台。1.1 Menu knowledge 菜单常识1)You must know :a.The dishes on the menu 菜单上菜肴你必需知道b.The prices 价格b. The seasonal vegetable 当季蔬菜c. The specials of the day 每日特式d

15、. Soup of the day 是日例汤e. Items which are not available 哪些项目是无须要2) How to serve each item: 怎样提供每项服务a. Steak with baked potatoes or French fries and ketchup牛扒、烤土豆片、或法国油煎食品b. When to serve a Finger Bowl何时给用户提供碗c. What cutlery for each dish in the right order正确提供,每盘菜需要餐具d. Parmesan cheese with pasta ite

16、ms, etc.意大利奶酪及面制品等3) Generally follow: 通常上菜程序ITEM 项目 SERVE WITH 同时提供1.Meat Dish 肉类Steak Knife 牛扒刀2.Hor DOeuvres 餐前点心Small fork and knife 小刀叉3.Fasta 面食Spoon and Fork 汤匙及叉4.Fish 鱼类Fish knife and fork 食鱼用刀叉5.Soup 汤类Round soup spoon 汤匙及叉6.Dessert 餐后甜点Dessert spoon or dessert fork 甜点及叉7.Fruits 水果Dessert

17、knife and fork 甜点刀叉8.Tea or Coffee 茶或咖啡Cream and sugar 奶酪或叉9.Rice 米饭Spoon and Fork 汤匙或叉10. Crustacean ( Lobster, Prawns etc. With finger bowl 小碗贝类食物(虾、龙虾、等)However, it will be the guest choice of sequence of food service.总而言之,食品将依据客人需要提供。1.2 Miscellaneous Preparation Tasks 各项准备工作There are numerous p

18、reparation tasks to be completed and again these vary with establishments. Examples of such tasks are outlined below:这里将有很多准备工作需完成并不停修改确定。以下为诸如这类需完成工作:Service Station Par Stock 服务台贮备A. Description 项目Quantity 数量Dinner knife 餐刀Dinner fork 餐叉Dessert spoon 甜食匙Dessert fork 甜食叉BB knife茶倒Tea spoon 茶匙Servic

19、e fork 一般叉Service Spoon 一般刀Paper Napkin 餐巾纸Comment Card 意见卡Captain order pad 点菜单Beverage order pad 酒水单Service Station Set-up 服务台摆台Coffee cup SaucerMilk JugAshtray咖啡杯碟子奶壶烟碟Sugar Bowl BB PlateTea BagToothpick糖罐烧烤盘茶袋牙签Carnation milkTable matSaucesDolly Paper三花淡奶桌垫酱油纸花垫MatchCloth Napkin火柴口布Tea Cocktail

20、Counter Set up 茶、鸡尾酒摆台WarmerTea potAshtrayCoffee cup加热器茶壶烟碟咖啡杯SaucerGlass Ice Cube Holder碟子杯子冰夹Cocktail Garnish JuicesTeaLemon鸡尾酒装饰品果汁茶柠檬Cherry UmbrellaSticksDolly paper樱桃装饰用小伞小木签纸花垫TrayJamTent CardWine basket托盘果酱卡片酒篮TowelPaper Napkin毛巾餐巾纸Straw Captain Order BookOrder Stand吸管定餐单定单夹MilkFlask Tea bagB

21、B Plate牛奶细颈花瓶茶袋烧烤盘General 通常见具clean menuscheck supply of lined洁净菜单检验布巾供给prepare salt and pepperswrite up specials (on blackboard)准备盐及胡椒记下尤其之处(写在黑板上)polish glasswarefold serviettes洁净玻璃器皿折叠餐巾polish cutleryproperly store equipment洁净餐具合适储存设备prepare coffee machineprepare and stock the waiters sideboard准备

22、咖啡机准备储存适量水在边柜中prepare coffee cups and mild jugsprepare breads准备咖啡杯及咖啡壶准备面包prepare under linersprepare butters准备涂抹器具准备黄油set up dessert trolleyclean equipment餐车摆台清洁设备vacuum restaurant public areas餐厅公共区域吸尘1.3 The waiters sideboard (Workbench) 服务员边柜How well your sideboard is set up can make the differen

23、ce between the customer having a good or a bad experience if you get behind you wont catch up. Thats why it is very important that you exercise care and give thought to the preparation of your sideboard.边柜摆台情况将会影响用户对酒店印象好坏 假如你没有注意到这些你未来会使服务不立即。这就是为何你对边柜准备工作及摆台是很关键原因。Items kept on or in your sideboar

24、d may include:边柜摆台及储存所需注意之项目:l Service cloths 清洁布l Clearing trays 洁净托盘l Service plate (for carrying cutlery) 服务托盘(用以送餐具)l Accompaniments e.g. pepper, mustards 调味品诸如胡椒、芥末等l A supple of clean crockery and cutlery 洁净餐具及瓷具l Scribble pad, docket book , pens, menu and specials 意见薄、记事薄、钢笔、菜单及其它l A supply o

25、f serviettes and table lined 餐巾及桌巾l Clean ashtrays and matches 洁净烟碟及火柴l Serving spoons and forks 汤匙及刀叉l Underliners (doily plates) 装饰小桌巾l Wine list if single handed service 酒单l Coffee warmers 咖啡加热器1.4 Setting The Atmosphere the Final Check 气氛部署 最终检验Once all tasks have been completed, take a few mome

26、nts to check on any maintenance items in the restaurant e.g. damaged equipment, torn carpets, blown light globes report problems to the supervisors.当全部摆台完成,用几分钟时间再次检验餐厅全部各项维修情况,比如损坏设备,破旧地毯,开裂之处等,将问题汇报给主管。Once again check all table setting. Set the atmosphere of the restaurant, ensure lighting is at

27、the correct level, background music is set and all plants and furniture are in the right position. All staff are to be in the correct uniforms and properly presented.再次检验全部摆台。部署餐厅气氛,确保灯光强度适宜,背景音乐正常,植物及设施摆放地点正确。全部职员身着正确制服并表现适宜。Before customers arrive you need to ask the kitchen for:当用户抵达之前,你须向厨房问询以下事

28、项:l Specials 特殊事宜l Soup of the day 例汤l Fish of the day 是日鲜鱼l Vegetables 时蔬l Desserts 餐后甜品l Any menu items not available 全部菜单上菜肴有准备All tasks completed, you are now ready to receive your customers.Note: Check the toilets are clean and there is a sufficient supply of towels/toweling, soap if not, repor

29、t this to your supervisor.当全部准备结束,你能够说已经准备好了迎接用户。注意:检验卫生间是否洁净,毛巾、香皂等是否准备好。如没有,立即汇报给你主管。1.5 The Reservations Diary 预定日志Most restaurant have a reservations diary located at the restaurant reception or cashiers desk. When customers enter ether restaurant, welcome them and establish whether they have ma

30、de a reservation if so, indicate that they have arrived in the diary. If not, enquire as to the name and allocate a table. It is a good idea to adopt this procedure as it will assist you and your colleagues to refer to customers by name, or locate a customer in the event of telephone calls or a late

31、 customer wishing to join party, for example.大多数餐厅将预定日志放置在餐厅接待处或收银台。当用户进入餐厅时,问候以后确定她们是否做了预定- 假如做了预定,在预定日志是注明客人已到。假如不是,请她们留下姓名之类信息后安排她们入座。此程序好处于于它帮助你及同事确定用户姓名,假如客人打来电话将推迟活动或迟来用户来参与将会很方便你为她们找到桌位。B. Taking a Reservation 接收预定From time to time it will be necessary for you to take reservations in person o

32、r on the telephone. The information you need to obtain includes the date and time required, the name and number of guests along with any special requests and a contact telephone number (optional).很有可能不时有客人亲自或电话预定。你需要掌握信息有日期,时间,客人姓名,客人数量及其它特殊要求,并记下联络电话号码。The key points in suing the telephone include:

33、 接电话关键点- answer the telephone promptly within 3 rings 在电话铃响3声内接起电话:- put a smile in your voice 语气能让人感觉出你在微笑- pace your welcome-“good afternoon” 表示你欢迎:“下午好”“so and so restaurant” “XXX餐厅”“Peter speaking” “我是XXX”“May I help you?” “我能为您做些什么吗?”- not too fast - be clear and concise. 语气不宜太快,尽可能清楚、简练;l Iden

34、tify department, yourself and given time of the day like, “Le Grand restaurant, Good Morning, May speaking”.明确地报上你所在部门、你姓名、时间,比如:“早上好,西餐厅,我是XXX”l Take reservation only in pencil, write clearly. 用铅笔清楚地写下预定l Ensure correct Name spelling. 确保姓名拼写正确l Also take first name or initial. 同时写下姓氏l Take telephon

35、e numbers of any parties of 5 pax or more, know how many reservation for tow or four the party.记下任何预定电话号码,知道怎样为两人或四人预定l Reservation are marked directly in the reservation book. 预定应直接统计在预定本中l Try to ask for dinner budget, etc. 问询客人顶餐最大预算金额l Something you dont understand, please, ask again.如有不明白之处立即问询

36、清楚l And repeat the name, address, phone number and Guest order.反复姓名、地址、电话号码、及客人定单内容。Benefits of the task: 以上所述有利之处:l Assures guest of available seating at specific time在尤其时间能为客人安排座位l Allows for marking special requests 将客人尤其要求统计下来l Helps in planning table space 帮助分配餐桌预定l Helps in labor forecasting 帮

37、助预算需多少人手l Helps predict numbers of guests to expect 帮助估计有多少客人l Offers advance knowledge of other in- house Restaurant and promotions requests.提供相关酒店餐厅及特式深入信息。Steps 步骤Pictures / script 实景描述1.Answer telephone within three rings1. “Good morning(afternoon,appropriate greeting evening), (use restaurant在铃

38、响三声内接电话,合适地问候客人name) This is (your name)l Identify restaurant and self May I help you?”报出餐厅名称及你自己姓名早上好,(下午好、晚上l Use appropriate voice pitch and language 好)这是XXX餐厅,我使用合适语气及语言是XXX,我能为您做些什么?2. Take out reservation book and open to current date拿出预定本并打开到当日l Act quickly and efficiently 动作快速及有效l Do not fli

39、p pages into phonier talk to others around during phone conversation.当接电话时勿当面翻来翻去或和她人讲话l Use pleasant voice, not mechanical or rushing.以一个愉快声调讲话,切勿生硬及粗鲁:3.Find out key information from guest4. “What is the name, please?从用户那里掌握正确信息“请问贵姓”l Name 姓名(pause) 暂停l Date of reservation 预定日期 Thank you 谢谢l Time

40、 of reservation 预定时间When will you be joining usMr. Guest? (pause)您哪天来(暂停)What time?” (pause)您什么时间来(暂停)How many in your party?”请问您们总共有多少人?5.Check reservation book availability of date and time检验预定本上有效时间及日期l Act quickly and efficiently 动作快速有效l Double check date at top of pages 再次检验每页上方日期6.Make reserva

41、tion 做预定7.“Seven-thirty will be fine, Mr.l Write guests name in appropriate place Guest. Well have table forto reserve time and date two ready for you.”在合适地方写下客人姓名,并预约时间7:30怎么样,XXX先生,及日期我们将为您预留两个人台位l Tell guest that space will be reserved告诉用户预定台位8.Find special requests 尤其要求9. “Is there a particular

42、table youl Ask guest if a certain table of other special would like, or any otherrequirements are desired special request we can take问询用户是否还有其它尤其要求care of?”l Ask for guests local phone number “May I have a local phone留下客人电话号码number where you can be reached?”您还想在订别尤其桌位吗?或您还有别尤其要求吗?我能留下您电话号码以方便联络10.Cl

43、ose conversation 结束预定11. “Well look forward to seeingl Tell guest that you look forward to seeing seeing you on(specific night)Him or her on (special date) Mr. Guest should your plans告诉客人你期望在哪天能见到她们 change, please give us a call.l Request that guest phone if plans change我们等候您在那天光临,XXl Use guests nam

44、e先生,如要更改预定,请打个电话通知我们2. Welcoming customers 迎接客人Customers expect immediate, friendly and courteous service. It is important to make customers feel welcome and comfortable when they visit your establishment Always greet customers with a smile and a cheerful “Good morning/afternoon”. Where possible, us

45、e the customers name (we all like recognition and personal attention).客人期望总是快捷、友好、礼貌服务。当客人前来查看确定余地功效时,使客人感到舒适及受欢迎是很关键。通常问候客人时要面带微笑,以一个愉快语气说:“早上好/下午好等”,如有必需,正确称呼客人姓名。(大多数人全部喜爱她人认识并引人注意。)Attend to customers promptly, if you cant get there immediately indicate to the customer that you have seen them and you will attend to them as soon as possible. There is nothing worse than standing and waiting in the doorway of a restaurant.立即迎接用户,假如你不能立即这么做,你应该向用户示意你已看见她们你会尽可能地快地为她们服务。切勿在餐厅门廊中

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