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1、Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory and ApplicationBy MartinClass 1, 2010, School of English StudyJune 18, 2012AbstractIn fact, the essence of Nidas Functional Equivalence TheoryF-E Theoryemphasis that the functional equivalence of information instead of the direct formal equivalence in translation.

2、 The relationship between the target language receptor and the target text should generally be equivalent to that between the source language receptor and the source text. This paper presents the translation strategy in the application of proverb and advertisement and help readers use the F-E Theory

3、 flexibly. Then, the paper lays a certain foundation for our further translation study.Key WordsFunctional Equivalence TheoryF-E Theory; Proverb Translation; Advertisement Translation.Introduction Being the kernel of the translation theory, Functional Equivalence Theory is proposed by Eugene Nida th

4、e famous linguist and translator in America. His theories were introduced into China earlier which had a remarkable influence on the translation theoretical circle in 1960s and 1970s. Therefore, F-E Theory not only has a great impact on Chinese translation circle, but also gains a great many comment

5、s.1. The essence of Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory1The Foundation of F-E Theory1. Social Linguistics and Communicative Function of Language: Nida put Dynamic Equivalence TheoryD-E Theory forward from the perspective of social linguistics and communicative function of language, which is written

6、in his book, Toward a Science of Translating, published in 1964. Afterwards, he replaced the D-E Theory with F-E Theory, because Function, as a form of communication in translation, which lays emphasis on the contents and results was more rational than Dynamic.2. Chomskys transformational and genera

7、tive grammar T-G Grammar: According to the Surface Structure and Deep Structure of Chomskys T-G Grammar, Nida proposed that translation should mainly reflect the functional equivalence in the deep structure rather than formal correspondence in the surface structure. Thus, the translation text can be

8、 basically read, understood and appreciated in an original way. 2The Criterion and Principle of TranslationThe essence of translation is paraphrasing: That is to say, paraphrasing the source text into the target language and make readers understand the meaning of source text through translation. In

9、other words, Nida believes that the contents are more important than the form in translation. However, he also emphasized that although the form is in a second place, it does not mean the insignificance of the form. If form is neglected for the sake of contents, the translation text looks must be te

10、dious and aesthetic feeling of the source text will disappear. On the other hand, if form is overemphasized, literal fidelity cannot be expressed properly. The translation text will be superficial and away from the point.2. The Application of Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory1The Application of F-

11、E Theory in Proverb TranslationProverb is the magnificent treasure in human culture treasury. It is the accumulation and sublimation of various experiences in humans long-term livelihood and social practice. Therefore, having a good command of using proverb helps people understand the thinking metho

12、ds as well as the customs and habits of a nation. Then, we use F-E Theory to get a grip of proverb translation.Some English proverbs have no profound meaning or obscure allusion but merely words and phrases combination in a plain and straightforward way. For Example, Health is wealth can be translat

13、ed into Chinese “健康就是财富”; when three know it, all know it can be translated into Chinese “三人知,天下晓”. This kind of proverbs can be comprehended literally so that word-for-word translation will not bring any problems. However, the other kinds of proverbs have rather distinctive difference in cultural b

14、ackground, thinking pattern, standard of behaviors and lifestyle.According to the difference of culture and lifestyle between China and west, we can easily understand that why the latter is more acceptable than the former one. For this reason, the characteristics of distinctive culture and language

15、and beauty in sound, form and sense can all be expressed through the F-E Theory.2The Application of F-E Theory in Advertisement TranslationThe style of the ad language is often distinctive and inspiring and it should catch the customers attention immediately through its special affection, stimulatin

16、g peoples desire to buy. Thus, the proper use of ad language makes further influence and much meaning than ad itself. Some ads aphorism spread all over the world and are widely known by every family. To make the commercial ads successful, the impact of the translation of ad language should be equal

17、to the original ad language. We can find out the meaning of the source text from the target language accurately under the instruction of F-E Theory1. The Feature of Advertisement Language (1) BriefBeing restricted by many limitations such as time and money, advertisements are always hoping to appeal

18、 the viewers attentions. Many famous English ads win by their preciseness. For example, Intelligence everywhere. MOTOROLA(2)Colloquialism Spoken language increases the affinity of ads. The spoken language that we use in our daily life is often adopted in ads. And some small words make the ads more a

19、cceptable for people. For instance, One boy is boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. (Birth Control in China) (3)Creativity The advertisement producers always create new ways and methods to highlight their products from many others. Distinctive ads make people stand still and lead people to e

20、ndless aftertastes. (4)RhetoricRhetoric is art of using language impressively or persuasively, especially in public speaking. To increase the function of aesthetics and persuasion, translators often use rhetoric or transplant the rhetoric of original texts. 2. The Strategy of Advertisement Translati

21、on Based on F-E Theory (1)Literal Translation Literal translation is the common method in translation which translates original meaning in a literal way. To some ads language which have a clear meaning, a simple structure and a integrated sentence, literal translation can express the information in

22、a very clear and definite way.(2)TransliterationBecause of its uniqueness and proprietary, transliteration is the most common skill adopted in brand translation. For example, Nokia诺基亚;Motorola摩托罗拉;Konka康佳. Phonetic translation method is widely adopted in translation practice due to its plainness and

23、 easy accessibility as well as the unification between translated name and original name. (3)Translation Due to the difference on culture and language, a translator needs to express the same information from different perspectives of the source text in the process of ads translation. That is to say,

24、 on the basis of the language habits, a translator uses superb technique of combining false and truth to do his/her translation according to contexts and phrases.ConclusionNidas F-E Theory does not fit for all kinds of situations. Because of the huge and conspicuous diversity between Chinese and Eng

25、lish languages, sometimes, inevitably, the translation exist some deficiencies on form and meaning. As a result, the scope the F-E Theory can apply to be confined. But admittedly, it has profound guiding significance. In short, we should use Nidas Functional Equivalence flexibly.Bibliography 1 曾毅平修辞与社会语用论稿【M】北京:中国社会科学出版社,2005316; 2 Nida, Eugene A. Toward a Science of Translating M .Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004. 159; 3 黎凡谈广告翻译的变通【J】中国翻译, 1992。1 3(2):29-31; 4关琳. 翻译等值理论综述【J】. 长春理工大学学报(社会科学版) , 2008, (3) : 9294; 5 刘晓平,孙琳广告翻译的策略研究【J】辽宁行政学院学报,2006,2(3):113-114;

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