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1、2018年秋高二英语(人教版)必修5课时同步练习:2.2 Learning about Language & Using Language 2.2 Learning about Language & Using Language.单词拼写1We must u_ to fight against racism.2They had no time to _(筹备、安排) their own wedding, so they had it organized by a company.3This is a c_ of TangSong poems,which I like very much.4Th

2、e film a_ a great number of young people to go to the cinema.5Though the task was difficult, they managed to a_ it in time.6Living in the city is much more expensive than in the c_.7They often _(争吵) with each other about whose turn it is to cook the dinner.8We have provided seats for the _(方便) of ou

3、r customers.9We offer you our sincerest wishes for a very _(令人愉快的) Mothers Day.10Your hand was _(粗糙的) but strong and warm.选词填空link to , as well, to ones credit, make up,under construction, know as, look around, break away from1He will come to Canada next month and of course, his wife will come _.2Ge

4、nerally speaking, lung disease _ smoking.3Oxford _ one of the best universities in the world.4It is greatly _ that you have passed such a difficult exam.5The boy _ a story. It was not true.6Some roads are blocked because they are _.7What can we do to help them to _ the difficult position?8Would you

5、please lead me to _ your factory?III. 完成句子1我恐怕我没有时间帮助在19号举行的表演。Im afraid Im _ _ _ _with the show on the 19th.2把每件你觉得感恩的事情列在清单上。_ _ _ _everything you_ _ _.3他竟然做出那样的事来,这似乎不可思议。_ _ _ _he should have done a thing like that.4使他极为高兴的是他的小说被接受出版了。_ _ _ _,his novel was accepted for publication.5鱼肉和米饭是马尔代夫人的主

6、食,而肉类只在特殊场合食用。Fish and rice are the staple foods of Maldivians with meat eaten_ _ _ _.6那部电影使我最感兴趣的是阿尔卑斯山那美丽的风景。_ _ _ _in that movie was the beautiful scenery of Alps.7这些天体不断运动的事实激发了他无限的灵感。He was_ _ _ _that these huge objects are in constant motion.8有许多世界名画在本次展览会上展出。Quite a number of world-famous pai

7、ntings are_ _ _ _ _.9地震之后有几所建造比较坚固的房子没有倒。A few of the more strongly built houses_ _after the earthquake.10他们向学院赠送了一笔款项以纪念他们的儿子。They presented a sum of money to the college_ _ _their son. 完形填空There is usually a turn at some point where we will need to look toward the future. But how do we make a 1 an

8、d set ourselves up for success?I recently brought this 2 to a friend of mine, David, who advises and invests in companies. I asked him how he had moved so 3 between opportunities and always seemed to find success with them. I was expecting some words of 4 that would make it all 5 . What I wasnt expe

9、cting was a word from a movie.He told me about The Gumball Rally, a movie about a group of 6 who take part in a secret cross country race. In one particular 7 , an Italian participant 8 a car and the first thing he 9 is rip off the rearview mirror(掰断后视镜). The other man in the car asks, “Why did you

10、do that?” And he 10 , “Whats behind me is not 11 .”And that was Davids 12 .After further conversation I fully 13 the thought behind Raul Julia in his role as the Italian racer. Raul was in the drivers seat. He was going to 14 the race, against al difficulties, and the only way he was going to do it

11、was by 15 ahead, not behind. Setting ourselves up for success, is to actually focus on the 16 at hand. Whats behind us is not important; being 17 is.So I challenge you to think about your last big win, or even big loss, and be 18 with yourself. Have you allowed yourself to fully seize your next oppo

12、rtunity, or are you still thinking of old memories, old 19 ? Or, are you focusing all your attention on the now and the 20 ? Because at some point or another, we all need to drive like the Italian.1. A. start B. change C. living D. promise2. A. plan B. method C. question D. suggestion3. A. quietly B

13、. smoothly C. quickly D. carefully4. A. encouragement B. fact C. wisdom D. praise5. A. clear B. easy C. impressive D. possible6. A. students B. teachers C. readers D. drivers7. A. scene B. moment C. point D. place8. A. seeks for B. brings back C. jumps into D. gives up9. A. does B. likes C. learns D

14、. checks10. A. argues B. replies C. wonders D. apologizes11. A. available B. relevant C. important D. interesting12. A. secret B. dream C. ability D. puzzle13. A. believed B. enjoyed C. understood D. needed14. A. stop B. win C. avoid D. get15. A. looking B. calling C. working D. walking16. A. prepar

15、ation B. opportunity C. success D. difficulty17. A. straight B. right C. alive D. present18. A. patient B. concerned C. honest D. satisfied19. A. races B. victories C. companies D. mysteries20. A. truth B. challenge C. future D. failure. 七选五型阅读理解ChopsticksWhen chopsticks were invented?In fact, befor

16、e the invention of chopsticks, Chinese ancestors actually used hands to eat, but how did they eat soup(汤菜)and porridge? 1 Chinese started to use chopsticks about 3,000 years ago in Shang Dynasty.Who invented chopsticks?The records of using chopsticks have been found in many written books but lack ph

17、ysical evidence. However many stories are about the invention of chopsticks. One says that Jiang Ziya, an ancient wise man, created chopsticks. 2 But there is no exact history record about the invention. We can only say that smart ancient Chinese invented chopsticks.How to use Chinese chopsticks.Usi

18、ng two slim sticks to pick up food is actually not difficult. You can do it if you practice it for some time, even if you are a foreigner. The key to managing chopsticks is keeping one chopstick in position while moving the other to pick up food. 3 Chopsticks MannersChopsticks are usually held in th

19、e right hand, and left-handed chopstick use is considered as improper in China. Playing with chopsticks is thought to be impolite. 4 The philosophy of Chinese chopsticksChinese philosopher Confucius advised people to use chopsticks instead of knives because the metal knives remind people of cold wea

20、pons, which mean killing and violence.A chopsticks-themed museum can be found in ShanghaiIf you are truly interested in chopsticks, you can pay a visit to the Shanghai Chopsticks Museum. The museum gathered more than 1,200 pairs of chopsticks from China, Korea, Japan and Thailand. 5 A. Chopsticks we

21、re introduced to many other neighbor countries due to its lightness and convenience.B. It is considered to be polite and thoughtful to pick up food for the elderly and children.C. Bamboo chopsticks are most frequently used in Chinese daily life.D. The oldest one was from the Tang Dynasty.E. There al

22、so go around some other stories.F. Remember to practice with patience.G. They had to use sticks to eat them.参考答案. 单词拼写1.unite2.arrange3.collection4.attracted 5. accomplish6.countryside7.quarrel8. convenience9.enjoyable10.rough. 选词填空1.as well2.is linked to3.is known as4.to your credit5.made up6.under

23、 construction7.break away from8.look aroundIII. 完成句子1.not available to help 2.Make a list of;are grateful for 3. It seems strange that4.To his great delight/Much to his delight5.only on special occasions6.What interested me most7. thrilled by the fact8.on show in this exhibition9.remain standing10.i

24、n memory of. 完形填空【语篇解读】本文是一篇哲理感悟类文章。本文通过作者向自己成功的朋友寻求成功之道,说明了这样一个道理:放下过去,向前看,关注手边的机会。1.B2. C考查名词。最近,我把这个问题带给了我的一个朋友。A. plan计划;B. method方法; C. question问题;D. suggestion建议,故选C。3. B考查副词。由and always seemed to find success with them. 可知这里意思是我问他怎么在机遇之间游走的那样平稳。 A. quietly安静地;B. smoothly平稳地;C. quickly迅速地;D. c

25、arefully小心地,故选B。4. C考查名词。我期盼着一些智慧的话语,那些话语能够使一切都清楚。A. encouragement鼓励;B. fact事实;C. wisdom智慧;D. praise赞扬,故选C。5.A6.D7. A考查名词。在一个特别的场景中,一名意大利参与者跳进汽车,他做的第一件事情就是掰断后视镜。A. scene情景;B. moment片刻;C. point要点;D. place地方,故选A。8. C考查动词短语。在一个特别的场景中,一名意大利参与者跳进汽车,他做的第一件事情就是掰断后视镜。A. seeks for寻找;B. brings back拿回来;C. jump

26、s into跳进;D. gives up放弃,故选C。9. A考查动词。在一个特别的场景中,一名意大利参与者跳进汽车,他做的第一件事情就是掰断后视镜。A. does做;B. likes喜欢;C. learns学会;D. checks检查,故选A。10. B考查动词。他回答道:“我后面的事物并不重要。”A. argues争论;B. replies回复;C. wonders想知道;D. apologizes道歉,故选B。11. C考查形容词。他回答道:“我后面的事物并不重要。”A. available可获得的;B. relevant相关的;C. important重要的;D. interestin

27、g有趣的,故选C。12. A考查名词。那就是David的秘密。 A. secret秘密;B. dream梦想;C. ability能力;D. puzzle困惑,故选A。13. C考查动词。进一步的谈话之后,我充分明白了Raul Julia 背后的想法。A. believed相信; B. enjoyed喜爱;C. understood明白;D. needed需要,故选C。14. B考查动词。他将要赢得这场比赛。A. stop停止;B. win赢得;C. avoid避免;D. get得到,故选B。15. A考查动词。他能做到的唯一办法就是向前看,而不是向后。A. looking看;B. calli

28、ng打电话;C. working工作;D. walking步行,故选A。16. B考查名词。由I asked him how he had moved so _3_ between opportunities可知让我们走向成功,实际上是关注手边的机会。A. preparation准备;B. opportunity机会;C. success 成功;D. difficulty困难,故选B。17. D考查形容词。由Whats behind us is not important可知这里意思是现在的才重要。 A. straight直的;B. right正确的;C. alive 活着的;D. prese

29、nt现在的,故选D。18. C考查形容词。所以我向你挑战,考虑你最后一次大的成功或失败,对你自己要诚实。A. patient耐心的;B. concerned有关的;C. honest 诚实的;D. satisfied满意的,故选C。19. B考查名词。你让自己充分抓住了下次机遇,还是你仍然在回想旧的记忆,旧的胜利?A. races竞赛;B. victories胜利;C. companies公司;D. mysteries神秘,故选B。20. C考查名词。或者你正在专注现在和未来。A. truth真理;B. challenge挑战;C. future未来; D. failure失败,故选C。. 七

30、选五型阅读理解 【语篇解读】本文属于说明文,详细介绍了与筷子相关的历史知识、礼仪、哲理以及上海的筷子博物馆等信息。1. G横线前句Chinese ancestors actually used hands to eat, but how did they eat soup and porridge?告诉我们中国人之前用手吃饭,但他们怎么喝汤和粥呢?人们不得不使用木棍帮助自己吃这样的流食。故G项“They had to use sticks to eat them.”符合语境。2.E3. F本段的话题是:如何使用筷子?根据第二句You can do it if you practice it f

31、or some time, even if you are a foreigner.可知只有通过不断的练习才可以熟练地使用筷子。故F项“Remember to practice with patience.要耐心练习”符合上下文语境。学科*网4. B本段的话题是关于使用筷子的礼仪。选项中只有B项“It is considered to be polite and thoughtful to pick up food for the elderly and children.用筷子给老人捡食物是很有礼貌的”与使用筷子的礼仪相关。故B项正确。5. D本段介绍了上海的筷子博物馆的信息。横线前句“The museum gathered more than 1,200 pairs of chopsticks from China, Korea, Japan and Thailand.”告诉我们这个博物馆里收集了来自中国、韩国、日本和泰国的很多筷子。D项“The oldest one was from the Tang Dynasty.最古老的筷子来自唐朝”与本段主题一致。7 / 7

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