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1、Join In 小学英语五年级下册课件武汉教育云资源中心Starter unit Join in again 第1课时 Part 1 Part 4第2课时 Part 5 Part 9 目标1.能学唱英语歌曲The alphabet rock,并根据歌曲中的指令语做出相应的动作及完成标序号的练习;2.能读懂关于介绍家庭的短文,并完成回答问题、运用相关句型进行对话等练习;3.能准确认读关于职业类的单词,并完成圈词、写单词等练习。u知识与技能目标u过程与方法u情感、态度与价值观1.以小组合作与情景教学为主,运用游戏帮助学生理解与运用所学知识;2指导学生通过听音获取正确的信息,掌握一定的听音技巧。帮助

2、学生了解如何用英文表达家庭和职业,培养学生对自己家人的热爱,并加深他们对社会各行各业的了解。11.Warming upWelcome back to school!2.Listen and sing the song.Listen and sing the song.Listen to the song.The The alphabet alphabet rockrock2.Listen and sing the song.Listen and sing the song.Sing and dance and rock with me.Clap your hands and rock with

3、 me.Touch your nose.2.Listen and sing the song.Listen and sing the song.Shake your head.Turn around.2.Listen and sing the song.Listen and sing the song.2.Listen and sing the song.Listen and sing the song.Show time!3.Listen,number and read.Listen,number and read.Touch your nose and shake your head.En

4、joy your time in class again.Welcome back now.Sing and dance and rock with me.Come on,it is a lovely day.Clap your hands and rock with me.1b63.Listen,number and read.Listen,number and read.Listen and number.Touch your nose and shake your head.Enjoy your time in class again.Welcome back now.Sing and

5、dance and rock with me.Come on,it is a lovely day.Clap your hands and rock with me.453123.Listen,number and read.Listen,number and read.Lets read.Welcome back now.Welcome back now.Enjoy your time in class again.Enjoy your time in class again.Sing and dance and rock with me.Sing and dance and rock wi

6、th me.Come on,it is a lovely day.Come on,it is a lovely day.Touch your nose and shake your head.Touch your nose and shake your head.Clap your hands and rock with me.Clap your hands and rock with me.24.Listen and mime.Listen and mime.Touch your nose.Touch your hair.Touch your ears.Shake your head.Sha

7、ke hands with your partner.4.Listen and mime.Listen and mime.Turn around.Dance with me.Clap your hands.4.Listen and mime.Listen and mime.GroupworkTouch your nose.4.Listen and mime.Listen and mime.Groupwork.35.Read and answer.Read and answer.Answer the questions.Whats your name?How many people are th

8、ere in your family?Who are they?Do you like your family?What does your father do?5.Read and answer.Read and answer.What do you want to know about him?u Whats his name?u How old is he?u How many people are there in his family?u 5.Read and answer.Read and answer.u Whats his name?u How old is he?u How

9、many people are there in his family?u Listen and think about the questions.5.Read and answer.Read and answer.Listen and read.5.Read and answer.Read and answer.Answer the questions.21435.Read and answer.Read and answer.Tick or cross.There are four people in Nicks family.Nick has a brother and a siste

10、r.Nicks father is a teacher.He teaches English.His mother works in a hospital.He,his sister and his brother are in the same school.He loves his family.5.Read and answer.Read and answer.Pairwork:talk about your family.I am I am There are people in my family.There are people in my family.They are They

11、 are My is a My is a He/She works in He/She works in I have a happy family!I have a happy family!46.Circle and write the job words.Circle and write the job words.Review the job words.farmernurseteacher6.Circle and write the job words.Circle and write the job words.Review the job words.policemancookd

12、river6.Circle and write the job words.Circle and write the job words.Review the job words.doctorworker6.Circle and write the job words.Circle and write the job words.Cross the job words.doctornursepolicemancookdriverteacherworker6.Circle and write the job words.Circle and write the job words.Write t

13、he job words.doctornursepolicemancookdriverteacherworkerfarmer7.SummarySummaryThe alphabet rockmy familyjob wordsStarter unit Join in again Starter unit Join in again 8.HomeworkHomework请仿照课本第3页的文章,写一篇关于自己家庭的小短文。Join In 小学英语五年级下册课件武汉教育云资源中心Join In 小学英语五年级下册 资源类型:资源类型:课件制制 作:作:武汉教育云资源中心 英语教研室 Email Em

14、ail:ne_EnglishP QQQQ群:群:264139937 音频按钮视频按钮Starter unit Join in again 第1课时 Part 1 Part 4第2课时 Part 5 Part 9 教学目标1.能准确认读关于时间表达的句子,并根据图片给句子编号;2.能听懂关于梦的句子,根据图片写几句话谈论他人的梦;3.能根据图片,运用句型How old?When?Where?What?等相互交流他人信息,并根据听到的内容补全短文;4.能听懂对话,给问句找到相应的答句,并运用相关句型进行对话。u知识与技能教学目标u过程与方法u情感、态度与价值观1.以小组合作与情景教学为主,运用游戏

15、帮助学生理解与运用所学知识;2指导学生通过听音获取正确的信息,掌握一定的听音技巧。帮助学生了解如何用英文表达时间、梦想和他人信息,加深学生对时间概念的理解,培养他们对梦想的追求,并教会他们如何从各方面了解一个人。51.Warming up2.Look and fill in the numbers.Look and fill in the numbers.Talk about time.What time is it?What time is it?Its four Its four oclock.oclock.2.Look and fill in the numbers.Look and f

16、ill in the numbers.Talk about time.What time is it?What time is it?Its Its halfhalf past one.past one.2.Look and fill in the numbers.Look and fill in the numbers.Talk about time.What time is it?What time is it?Its Its quarterquarter pastpast twelve.twelve.2.Look and fill in the numbers.Look and fill

17、 in the numbers.Talk about time.What time is it?What time is it?Its quarter Its quarter to to twelve.twelve.2.Look and fill in the numbers.Look and fill in the numbers.Listen and point.Its half past three.Its half past three.2.Look and fill in the numbers.Look and fill in the numbers.Listen and poin

18、t.Its twenty to seven.Its twenty to seven.2.Look and fill in the numbers.Look and fill in the numbers.Listen and point.Its quarter past nine.Its quarter past nine.2.Look and fill in the numbers.Look and fill in the numbers.Listen and point.Its quarter to five.Its quarter to five.2.Look and fill in t

19、he numbers.Look and fill in the numbers.Listen and point.Its eight oclock.Its eight oclock.2.Look and fill in the numbers.Look and fill in the numbers.Listen and point.Its twenty-five past three.Its twenty-five past three.2.Look and fill in the numbers.Look and fill in the numbers.Listen and point.I

20、ts ten to twelve.Its ten to twelve.2.Look and fill in the numbers.Look and fill in the numbers.Listen and point.Its five past eleven.Its five past eleven.2.Look and fill in the numbers.Look and fill in the numbers.Listen and point.Its twentyIts twenty-five to two.five to two.2.Look and fill in the n

21、umbers.Look and fill in the numbers.Fill in the numbers.1234567892.Look and fill in the numbers.Look and fill in the numbers.PairworkWhat time is it?Its?63.Read,write and listen.Read,write and listen.Read and think.There is no school tomorrow.It is Saturday.What is Wang Tao going to do tomorrow?3.Re

22、ad,write and listen.Read,write and listen.Write the sentences.He is going to clean his room at nine in the morning.He is going to Liu Yus birthday at seven in the evening.He is going to watch Animal World at ten.He is going to play ping-pong in the afternoon.1.He is going to clean his room at nine i

23、n the morning.2.He is going to watch Animal World at ten.3.He is going to play ping-pong in the afternoon.4.He is going to go to Li Yus birthday party at seven in the evening.74.Write,listen and check.listen and check.Talk about dreams.What do you What do you oftenoften/sometimessometimes/nevernever

24、 dream?dream?4.Write,listen and check.listen and check.Read and write.flyghostsfriends4.Write,listen and check.listen and check.Tim Tim oftenoften dreams about dreams about ghostsghosts.Ann Ann sometimes sometimes dreams about her dreams about her friendsfriends.Andy Andy nevernever dreams that he c

25、an dreams that he can flyfly.4.Write,listen and check.listen and check.Listen,check and read.Tim often dreams about ghosts.Tim often dreams about ghosts.Ann sometimes dreams about her friends.Ann sometimes dreams about her friends.Andy never dreams about that he can fly.Andy never dreams about that

26、he can fly.85.Talk,listen and complete the Talk,listen and complete the sentences.sentences.Talk about Steve.How old is he?Where is he from?What does he do?What do you want to know about Steve?5.Talk,listen and complete the Talk,listen and complete the sentences.sentences.5.Talk,listen and complete

27、the Talk,listen and complete the sentences.sentences.twelvethe 21st of Novemberthe UKbooksplay the pianohalf past ninehalf past eightquarter past ninehalf past threehis homeworktvhalf past seven6.Match and listen.Match and listen.23456789106.Match and listen.Match and listen.Pairwork Ask and answer questions in page 9.7.SummarySummary What time is it?Its What is Wang Tao going to do tomorrow?What do you want to know about Steve?Starter unit Join in again Starter unit Join in again 8.HomeworkHomework请仿照课本第7页的文章,写一篇介绍自己好朋友的小短文。

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