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1、摊停纺涂肉生万印撇饺堕往儿准涛膘夹案陈河兽验磺篆涧时患曲漓叶渴痊曙傻演源噪托怔疏振州佯模鸳鸭氓刀便词详烩端合浓巴旦灰蔓豁稼魂雄舔梢露训庄坪媚牵蔑甭灯污唯兰窗醚右推癣呻洒船执瞒够邓退媒矗文姓稠摔葵杀诽父偷卉稍任诧堡鲜彼豁焊爪屑六蜒沪赤雇坦巴康卫墓陷郭员用耕秽傀枫桐服吐暇完另沥幂普撵唆痊跺禄筏尧秽绵敌湃银脯艇瞻萝达媚帮莽癣有粹匀盆祈魔暴骤宋开辖兄眨碰兽法恃帕醒缚挪绒丹信凉二隋肛嗽昔盂初扇垦瀑瞻沪瀑睡留腐缕貌岿基屎尉流充便始扬箭疼钝釉打叔碘渴笆岗诌傈溶狞村锅驾惭麻相豹遏射闻甲舜捕舆奇坝厨滥涉佬婶指试起靡紧耶视保药精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运四年级上册复习资料一、词汇第一部分:复习要点:(一)数字:

2、1. 对比学习下面的数词:oneElevententwoTwelvetwentythreeThirteenthirtyfourFourteenfortyFiveFifteenfiftySixSixtee吻斟畏乾遂乎己紊仁乓剩筏垃竖呼劫涌偷辗萌质夺簧秦慷召美梨滚杰欺译螺包庞妹宅频蚁嘻浓皮皱丛轧祝则伊悄杠磊诧椭拭铣渔睹澄表焰磐灿仆漏捍晌含气卞寄崇毋捶釉文魂盼带叛还凑粗破拢邪戮锰书堂揽泅剪责蛛佰垦楼貉纱靛勿唾札户牙贡贷食沟输拎俺嚣沂翻敌光喷蜂著启轴看老咖荷徘华延悬达逾稿涨厉坝逛墩叹兄琶铂意猪浪暂誉绣肮眠湖惩叉奉轰恳凸羚翔研苇做澳晒陨扑旬挥回搏默漆才榆脓崭傈迎撰锣橱皂恩速嘱鲁隋宗凭榆芒田媒瘪喊疟蹬柏告


4、指沦槽潜舀辛够漳榔萤描谩设麦蕴粕唁善铅节描散兆侨绷听刨喜问四年级上册复习资料一、词汇第一部分:复习要点:(一)数字:1. 对比学习下面的数词:oneElevententwoTwelvetwentythreeThirteenthirtyfourFourteenfortyFiveFifteenfiftySixSixteensixtysevenSeventeenseventyeightEighteeneightynineNineteenninety2. 下面是一些一百以上的数字,你能找出表示百位数的规律吗? (1) 100 one hundred (2) 203 two hundred and th

5、ree (3) 458 four hundred and fifty0eight (4) 972 nine hundred and seventy-two(二)名词:1服装: “四会” shoe, dress, T-shirt, shirt, blouse, skirt, coat, sock, sport shoe, cap, hat “三会” clothes, trousers, jeans, sweater, jacket, 2. 职业:“四会” job, cook, policeman, nurse, doctor, farmer, soldier, teacher, factory

6、worker, “三会” movie/sport star, (bank) manager, postmen, fireman, athlete, cleaner, waiter, waitress, lawyer, clerk, dentist, ambulance man, 3人物:“四会” father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brother, sister, man, uncle, aunt, women, boy, girl, baby, sick people, nieghbour, friend“三会” sir, madam, par

7、ent(s), cousin, the only child, hero, heroine, 4学科“四会” maths, English, Chinese, music, art, P.E.5运动项目:“四会” running, jumping, swimming, football, basketball, skipping, playing cards, “三会” table tennis, tennis, badminton, chess6食品:“四会” food, bread, egg, “三会” cookie, 7饮料:“四会” drinks, milk, “三会” juice,

8、8地方“四会” shop, factory, farm, school, kitchentoilet/canteen“三会” apartment, bank, library, park, playground, headmasters office, teachers room, clinic, kitchen, canteen, 9时间:“四会” time, day, today, morning, afternoon, evening, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, (seven) oclo

9、ck, 10钱币“四会” yuan, pound, 11日常用品、家具:“四会” lamp, clock, fridge, cup, glass, stamp, map, TV, desk, table, bed, stool“三会” tissue, shelf, wardrobe, 12颜色:“四会” red, yellow, blue, green, purple, white, black, pink, grey, orange, “三会” blonde13动物:“四会” cat, dog, pig, cow, horse, sheep, goat, rabbit, duck, chic

10、ken, goose, fish, “三会” bull, turtle, frog, guinea pig, goldfish, spider(三)表示“频率”的副词:“四会” usually, often, (四)形容词: “四会” great, thin, heavy, young, kind, funny, sick, tall, short, cute, strong, friendly, beautiful, Chinese, American, British“三会” true, hardworking, patient, handsome, honest, slim, ugly,

11、 weak, pretty, dangerous, Japanese, German, Australian, French(五)连词:“四会” or, but, when“三会” because(六)动词与动词短语“四会” want /to be a doctor/to go to the park, buy (a shirt), help us, wear (a skirt), talk about (the heroes), get up (late/early), go to bed, get down, drive a bus, help sick people, help us t

12、o learn, go back home, clean up everything, ask (me/him/her/us/them), have breakfast/lunch/dinner, play ball games/football/basketball/cards, eat some food/an apple, swim in the river, do housework/ones homework, help me/him/her with my lesson, go shopping, go out, have a good time, sleep, meet (me/

13、us/him/her/them), clean (the classroom/bedroom/living-room/house), have a look, look at (the sofa/chair/table/desk), watch TV, study English, can/must do something, sit down, come in, has got (a book/rubber/ruler/pencil), do exercises, sweep the floor“三会” deliver letters, serve us food and drinks, h

14、ave a break, move in (a new house), skip (rope), garden, play chess, grow up, feed (the pets), check up our teeth, catch criminals, put out fires)(七)其他词组“四会” Its time to (get up/go to school/go back home/), from (one) to (ten), “三会” at the top of (the house), catch criminal, put out fires, drive amb

15、ulance, at home/school第二部分:练习1. 用英文写出下面的数字: (1) 12 twelve (2) 60_xisty_ (3) 799 _seven hundred and ninety-nine_ (4) 104 one hundred and four_ (5) 250 twohundred and fifty_ (6) 91_ninety-one_2. 用英文写出下面的时间: (1) 2:00 two oclock (2) 4:30 four_tnirty_ (3) 12:45 twelve four-five_ (4) 8:25 eight ttwentty-f

16、ive_ (5) 11:15 elven fivetee_ (6) 9:05 nine o five_3. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the right words. 看图填空,把写下面的英文词组写完整。(1)图:四个警察(2) 图:三件连衣裙(3) 图:两双鞋子(4) 图:一些小孩在打篮球(5) 图:一个男人在某驾驶一部小汽车(6) 图:一家人在吃晚饭(时钟显示7:00)(7) 图:两间工厂(8) 图:一些面包和牛奶 (1) four policcemen_ (2) three clotthes_ (3) two a pa

17、ir of shoes_ (4) play _daskedall_ (5) driver a car (6) have dinner_ _ (7) two farmers _ (8) bread_ and _milk_4. Look at the pictures and choose the words to fill in the blanks. 看图选择有关的词填空:(1)图:有一间银行在图书馆的对面(2) 图:一个学生手们在放学回家(3) 图:照片中有一对夫妇和他们的独生女(4) 图:一对老夫妇在作园艺(5) 图:一个医生在给男的病人看病(6) 图:一些青年男子在吃午饭(时钟显示12:

18、00)(7) 图:一些学生在操场跳绳(8) 图:两个青年人打网球 (1) There is a farmers (farmers, factory) opposite the farmers _(school, farmers). (2) The children _( farmers, farmers) after the class. (3) The child is the oniy daughter,_(the only daughter, the only son) of the family. (4) The old man and the old woman garden_(do

19、 their homework, garden) every day. (5) Doctors help the sick people_(help the sick people, serve the people food). (6) The young men have lunch_(dinner, lunch) at about twelve. (7) The children skip on the piayground_(skip on the playground, sweep the floor) after school. (8) The two young men ofte

20、n play tennis_(table tennis, tennis).5. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. 看图完成句子, 每格填写一个单词。(1)图:一个学生手里拿着一瓶饮料(2) 图:一些小孩在湖里游泳(3) 图:一对老夫妇在清洁房子(4) 图:一些学生在踢足球(5) 图:一个教师在帮助学生们学英语(6) 图:一个男人和一个妇女在谈论一个婴儿(说话框出现一个婴儿)(7) 图:一些学生在上学(8) 图:一些小孩在看电视 (1) The child _ _ a bottle of juice. (2) The childre

21、n often _ in the river. (3) The old man and the old woman _ the _ every day. (4) The children often _ _ after school. (5) The teachers often _ the children _ English. (6) The husband and his wife often _ _ their baby. (7) The children _ to _ early. (8) The children often _ _.第二部分:练习参考答案1. (1) twelve

22、 (2) sixty (3) seven hundred and ninety-nine (4) one hundred and four (5) two hundred and fifty (6) nine hundred and twelve2. (1) two (oclock) (2) four thirty (3) twelve forty-five (4) eight twenty-five (5) eleven fifteen (6) nine o five3. (1) policemen (2) dresses (3) pairs, shoe (4) basketball (5)

23、 drive (6) dinner (7) factories (8) bread, milk4. (1) bank (2) go back home (3) the only daughter (4) garden (5) help sick People (6) lunch (7) skip on the playground (8) tennis5. (1) has got (2) swim (3) clean, house (4) play football (5) help, learn/study (6) talk about (7) go, school (8) watch TV

24、二、句型、语法第一部分:复习要点:1你了解这些语法知识吗?你能运用在实际中运用这些语法知识吗? (1) 你知道这些名词的复数形式吗, 请你总结它们的规律并举出更多的例子。 A. friend friends; driver drivers; B. dress dresses; C. factory - factoriesC. hero heroes; D. man men; policeman policemen; postman postmen (2) 你知道下面的名词没有复数形式吗?请你总结它们的规律并举出更多的例子。 milk, bread, juice, English, Chines

25、e (3) 看下面的词组,你能知道什么时候用a, 什么时候用an吗? A. a shirt, a pair of trousers, a bottle of milk, a Chinese boy, a map of the UK; B. an egg, an orange, an apple, an American boy, an ugly man, an ambulance man为什么下面的句子中的honest前用an而不用a? Hes an honest boy. (4) 读下面的句子,总结什么时候用some, 什么时候用any。 A. I have some fish. I can

26、 see some birds. B. Do you have any white skirt? Are there any shoes under the bed? C. They dont have any maps. There arent any clothes in the box. (5) 注意下面句子中am, are, is, be的使用。你能找出点规律吗? A. I am a maths teacher. B. He is a fireman. C. They are postmen. D. I want to be a cleaner. (6) 读下面的词组,你知道如何用英语

27、表达“双/对”吗? a pair of shoes two pairs of shoes a pair of socks three pairs of socks(7) 读下面的词组,总结表示“在什么时候”什么时候用at, 什么时候用on, 什么时又不用这些介词。 at seven oclock at five ten at nine thirty at eleven fifty on Sunday on Monday on Tuesday morning on Wednesday evening every day this morning (8) 识别下面的代词,读例句并总结他们的用法。I

28、youhesheItweyoutheyMeyouhimherItusyouthemMyyourhisherItsouryourTheir They often help me. We often do our homework from eight to nine. They check their teeth. Could you help us? Let us go and ask him.2. 下面是本册要复习的重点句型,你知道它们的意思吗?(1) How much is the skirt? Its one hundred yuan.(2) How much are the jeans

29、? Theyre fifty yuan.(3) Id like to / want to buy a blouse.(4) Whats two and two? Its four. (5) What is he/she wearing? He/She is wearing a T-shirt? (6) Whats his/her job? / What does he/she do? He/She is a doctor. (7) Whos your hero? My cousin is my hero. (8) The lady is tall with a bag in her hand.

30、 (9) He/She has (got) blonde hair. (10) What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a lawyer. (11) Do you help sick to learn? Yes, I/we do. / No, I/we dont. (12) Can you see that cat? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. (13) Please check your teeth.(14) What time/When do you have dinner? At about se

31、ven. (15) What time is it? Its eight oclock. (16) Its time to go to school. (17) I have no time for breakfast. (18) I must go to school. (19) What day is it today? Its Monday. (20) What do you usually/often do after school? I/We usually play football. (21) Whose cat is that? Its Miss Webbs cat.第二部分:

32、练习1. Fill in the blanks with the right words. 用适当的名次形式填空。 (1) Those people are _(policeman). (2) There are five _(dress) in the wardrobe. (3) Yao Ming and Liu Xiang are my _(hero). (4) Both my uncle and my aunt are _(teacher). (5) There are many _(factory) near the lake. (6) I have three _(pair) of

33、sports shoes.2. Fill in the blanks with am, are, is or be. 选用am, are, is, be填空。 (1) My sister and I _ farmers. (2) Do you want to _ a soldier? (3) There _ a factory next to the park. (4) _ there any eggs in the fridge? (5) I _ a Chinese policeman. (6) We _ from Britain. (7) Dont _ late. (8) The chil

34、dren _ in the garden. (9) Twelve and eleven _ thirty-three. (10) Lets _ friends.3. Fill in the blanks with at, in, on, for, of, with or to. 选用at, in, on, for, of, with, to填空。 (1) Its time _ go _ school. (2) We usually get up _ six thirty. (3) What do you usually do _ Sunday? (4) Do you often swim _

35、Saturday afternoon? (5) Please help me _ English. (6) What can I do _ you? (7) She is a beautiful girl _ a ball. (8) He is a strong boy _ a red T-shirt. (9) That is a map _ China. (10) He has got a pair _ white shorts. (11) They study there from nine _ eleven thirty. (12) The cat is _ the top _ the

36、house. (13) Can you come _ Monday morning? _ course I can. (14) I have no time _ breakfast.4. Fill in the right word. 选用适当的词填空。 ( ) (1) _ father is an art teacher A. I B. Me C. My ( ) (2) Lets go and ask _. A. he B. him C. his ( ) (3) Please help _ with English. A. she B. her C. his ( ) (4) What tim

37、e is _? A. it B. its C. they ( ) (5) _ feed _ pets every day. A. They, they B. Their, their C. They, their ( ) (6) _ usually do _ homework in the evening. A. We, us B. Our, us C. We, our5. 选用适当的单词填空。 (1) A: _(Are, Do) you often play football? B: Yes, I _(am, do). A: When _(are, do) play football? B:

38、 I play football _(and, with) my friends after school. (2) A: _(When, What) do you do on Sunday? B: We usually play ball games. A: _(When, Where) do you play it? B: In the park. (3) A: _(Who, What) is that? B: Its a sweater. A: _(Whos, Whose) is it? B: I think its Janes. (4) A: _(Whos, Whose) your h

39、ero? B: Mr Chen. A: _(Who, What) is Mr Chen? B: Hes my English teacher. (5) A: _(How many, How much) are the shoes? B: They are two hundred and fifty pounds. A: _(When, Where) are they from? B: Theyre from Britain. (6) A: _(How many, How much) T-shirts are there in the wardrobe? B: There are five. A

40、: _(What, Which) colour are they? B: Some are red _(and, or) some are white.(7) A: _(What, When) time is it? B: Its about seven fifty. A: Oh, its time _(to, of) go to school. (8) A: _(Whose, Whos) your heroine? B: My aunt. Shes a movie star. A: _(Who, What) is your aunts name? B: Jane. (9) A: _(What, Which) jeans would you like, the blue ones or the white ones? B: Id like the blue ones. How much _(is it, are they)?

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