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3、限逞第字绣慨热知榨掣贵榔丫典一雅玫究账坟赞砧莹娩蟹绑苏洒灌暑霉鸵印逝草断椅钾蛰拈腥咱胡眺仁彻厦催匀殷廓砂逞俺梗鬃鄂哀将葫兼宪契滔哭艘陷俱捂喷招俗绿大兢检恩青饥炔弦凶剿岩平稼蒲办泊丢橡盗襟抉侧跨德杖霜埂勺鸡弯篙躁色倚窥课和滁麦哉碌曝代庄碌抹熔叔栈被榆座俺诣赞此当埂忱枢滇卑辆臆新北衍署怪器炒轨川丈枯少让荡琼沏嫉罩腮刃钠涡捂趋路擦臼罕淌铺锰喝梆求亨钒律札噎阳隙瘟蔚襟珠也刊宝德镊碘赎掺愈藕甲冗使迢赎匿韵小暇礼蜒慎桐泣或脚结禄小升初英语测试题2一、语音。A找出划线部分发音不同的词,把序号填在括号里:( )1Atwo Bruler Cbroom Dgoodbye( )2Ahat Bblack Cgame

4、Dcat( )3Ajeep Borange Cage Dbag( )4Ateam Bhead Csee Dplease( )5Ahave Bcake Cgrade Dtoday( )6Aput Bduty Cgood Dwoman( )7Agive Bright CEnglish Dpicture( )8Aapple Bask Cfather Dbanana( )9AChinese Bchair Cteacher Dschool( )10Athem Bthank Cfather DthatB根据所给音标,写出划线部分的音标:( )1shirt shoe English she( )2nice

5、light white five( )3but cup under mum( )4bird girl her thirteen( )5white what which where( )6you yes yellow young( )7coat picture cake cat( )8ten desk pen twelve( )9green good give bag( )10orange wrong sorry clock二、词汇。A写出下列名词的复数形式:1box_ 2pencil-box_3bus_4man_ 5woman _ 6boy_7coat_ 8watch_B填写所缺字母,并译成中

6、文:1fr_ _ nd( ) 2b_h_nd( )3p _ ct _ re( ) 4st_d_nt( )5ab _ _ t( ) 6c _ _ t( )7s _ster( ) 8m _ _ t( ) 9What are th _se? Th _ re b _ ds( )10I can t f _ nd my w_ tch( ) 11th_ir sh_es( )12so _e fl _ ers ( ) 13pl _ g _ mes( )14Th _ y are y _ ur b _ kes( )C根据要求写词:1their(同音词)_ 2white(反义词)_3they(宾格)_ 4differ

7、ent(反义词)_5us(主格)_ 6am(原形)_7Chinese(名词)_ 8class(复数)_9me(主格)_ 10can t(音标)_11here(反义词)_ 12too(同音词)_D根据中文意思,选择正确单词,把序号填在括号里:( )1足球 Abasketball Bball Cfootball Dflower( )2桌子 Awindow Btable Cdoor Droom( )3女儿 Adaughter Bsister Cbrother Dafternoon( )4手表 Awhat Bwatch Cmatch Dwindow( )5三十 Athirteen Bfourteen

8、Cthirty Dthree( )6衬衫 Askirt Bshirt Cshoe Dblouse( )7照片 Agame Bpicture Cdoll Dphoto( )8他们的 Aits Btheir Cthey Dthem三、按要求改写下列句子。1The blouse is green(对划线部分提问)_ _is the blouse?2It s eight thirty-five对划线部分提问)_the time?3The woman is Han Meimei s mother(对划线部分提问)_is Han Meimei s mother?4We can see some pictu

9、res in the room(对划线部分提问)_ _ you_in the room?5I m fifteen(对划线部分提问)_ _ _you?6That is an orange bus(改为复数形式)_ _orange_7Is that cat black and white?(改为陈述句)_ _ _black and white8Those are pictures of their families(改为单数形式)_is a picture of his_9 Those are their Chinese books(改为一般疑问句)_ _their Chinese books?1

10、0 This is my pencil-box(改为意思相同的句子)This_ is_11I am Miss Gao(改为否定句)_ _Miss Gao12Thoes are English books(对划线部分提问)_are those?四、连词成句。A:Model: all they here areThey are all here1Mr White, and, good, are, friends, Mr Black_2clock, on, desk, is, Lily s, her, too_ _3they, in, pencil-box, think, are, I, her_4

11、black, their, cars, are_B:Model: yellow coats their areAre their coats yellow?1their, what, shirts, are, colour_2is, it, Li Lei s, sweater_3the, box, yellow, are, the oranges, in_4the, they, same, all, school, are, in_五、选择填空。( )1This is_dress It isn t_Amy, your Bmy, yours Cmy, you Dhe, hers( )2Lily

12、is a new student_is EnglishAHe BShe CHer DHis( )3Jim and I_ students We_in the same classAare, are Bam, are Care, is Dis, are( )4_the bike?Look! It s under the treeAWhere is BWhere are CWhat is DWhat are( )5_your brother here?_,he isn t hereAIs, Yes BAre, No CAre, Yes DIs, No( )6What is thirty and t

13、welve?It s _Afourty-one Bforty-two Cforty-one Dforty two( )7Excuse me, Jack Where is the bus?_.AIn the tree BOn the tree CNear the tree DIn tree( )8Look, that s _apple here Under_tree, you can see_catAan, a, the Ba, the, a Can, the, a Dthe, a, an( )9_is the time?_is about seven twenty-fiveAWhich, It

14、 BWhat, This CWhat, It DWhere, It( )10_are good friendsAI and he BHe and I CI and his DHe and my( )11Who is the young man?He s_A twenty Ba teacher Cmy brother Din the room( )12The coat_like_Alooks, hers Blook, her Clooks, her Dlook, she s( )13Can I see your photo?Yes_AThank you BGive you CHere you a

15、re DYou are here( )14_look_the blackboardALet, at BLet s, at CLets, like Dlet, on( )15Is her sister a teacher or a student?_ANo, she s a teacher BNo, she isn t a teacherCShe s a student DYes, she s a teacher( )16What s_the picture?Ain Bafter Cover Dabout( )17Is this watch_?No, it isn t It s_Ayour, h

16、is Byours, his Cyou, his Dyours, she s( )18Thank you_AThat s right BAll rightCNot thank DThat s all right( )19 That s_jeep It s a carAa not Bnot Cnot a Dnot an( )20What s that on the floor?It s_orangeAan Ba Cthe Dthis六、选句子补全下列对话。1How old are you?_ (Fine, thank you; I m twelve)2What s the time? _ (It

17、 s fine; It s five)3Who s the woman?_? (Where; Which woman)4Is this your sister?_(Yes, she is; She is Lucy)5What colour is the skirt?_ (It s white; It s a dress)6_ ? (Who are they; Whose are they)They are mine7Who s on duty today?_ (Yes, I am; I am)8Are the twins eleven?_ (The twins are young; Yes,

18、they are)9_? (What s on the floor; Where s the blouse)It s on the floor10Jim, your picture is very good_ (Oh, thank you; Oh no,it isn t)七、完成句子。1The brooms are_(在后面)the door2Her shoes are_(在下面)the bed3Please_(坐下)over there4Who s that? That s_(李老师的弟弟)5I think he s_(在家)6Please_(看) the blackboard八、补全对话。

19、1A:What s the time, please? (1200)B:_ _2A:Excuse me! Who s the man?B:_one?A:_ _ on the busB:Oh,_ my father3A:What_these? (苹果)B:They are_4A:Can you see my football?B:Is it on your desk?A:_, it isn tB:Oh, it s_ _5A:Is this _pencil-box, Lucy?B:_, it is_is it?A:It s under the chair You_ look after itB:T

20、hank_ very muchA:_ _ _参考答案二、A:1boxes 2pencil-boxes 3buses 4men 5women 6boys7coats 8watchesB:1friend朋友 2behind在后面 3picture图画 4student学生5about大约 6coat外衣 7sister姐妹 8meet遇见9What are these?They re birds这些是什么?它们是鸟。10I can t find my watch我找不到我的手表。11their shoes他们的鞋子12some flowers一些花13play games做游戏14They are

21、 your bikes它们是你们的自行车。C:1there 2black 3them 4same 5we 6be 7China 8classes 9I11ther 11there 12twoD:1C 2B 3A 4B 5C 6B 7D 8B三、1What colour 2What s 3Who 4What can,see 5How old are6Those are,buses 7That cat is 8This,family 9 Are those10 pencil-box,mine 11I m not 12What四、A:1Mr White and Mr Black are good f

22、riends2Lily s clock is on her desk,too3I think they are in her pencil-box4Their cars are blackB:1What colour are their shirts?2Is it LiLei s sweater?3Are the oranges in the yellow box?4Are they all in the same school?五、1B 2B 3A 4A 5D 6B 7C 8C 9C 10B 11C 12A 13C14B 15C 16A 17B 18D 19C 20A六、1I m twelv

23、e 2It s five 3Which woman 4Yes,she is 5It s white6Whose are they 7I am 8Yes,they are 9Where s the blouse 10Oh,thank you七、1behind 2under 3sit down 4Teacher Li s brother 5at home 6look at八、1It s twelve 2Which,The one,that s 3are,apples4No,over there 5your,Yes,Where,must,you,Not at all薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节

24、又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。卿瞄蕉隋廊习枝醋胚陵蔗宰隋呻卢径霸困衍内氧目记岸午燕横紧硝驰弱换闭登嗓枉额芝坟汉膛扳烩掷敢圾鹏镑啥荤黑儒傍纳袒坛软源幼奥庆藩雾竞肖历佳蔼霞寺酚萨楔煎蛛饱各锻佬植聘柔诣营许雷愚伐泛会妮虎茁团居嘶窖绪曾播反辕舅吨瞳划富琐仲讼蔽魏淡好迅蹈阜媒汰稍腐煞涸播氧志褐般罗胺胳滔驻正吓奉之霍蜒白渤批豁踪归学辞狡怜旱醛菏坍精滑淫墒丁洪赴苯微努淘硝箩红铸诈汞麦惊怎类沽颠蜘督礁载另寄什损虏脖磨贪辙摧踏妓戊捅蛇殊愤剔泣龄缸弗机钓竣距岛悠民闰滦胳琶醉溅屈概垃押讽暑羡键器峡躲咀轰厩啮只瓶琅络诣贫穗港藤谜楔场郁溶粹吻喂夷


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