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1、Module 8 Unite 1 Helen Keller第1页写出以下单词过去式:can-could cant-couldnt become -became have-haddraw-drew learn-learned write -wrote go-went live-lived 第2页Helen Keller 海伦凯勒第3页Helen Keller Helen Keller was born in America in 1880.As a small child,she became blind and deaf.She couldnt see and she couldnt hear

2、.Later,Helen had a teacher.The teacher drew letters in Helens hand.Helen learned to speak.Later she learned to read.She could also write.She wrote a book about herself.She went all over the world.And she lived to be 87.Helen Keller is a model for blind people and for you and me.第4页born 生于be born 生 于

3、Helen Keller was born in America in 1880.第5页as 在时候child 孩子(单数)children(复数)As a small child,第6页blind(盲)-cant seedeaf(聋)-cant hear第7页later 以后Later,Helen had a teacher.第8页drew(draw过去式)画letter 字母drew letters The teacher drew letters in Helens hand.第9页herself 她自己She wrote a book about herself.第10页 all ov

4、er 处处world 世界 all over the world 世界各地She went all over the world.第11页model 模范Helen Keller is a model for blind people and for you and me.第12页第13页第14页eat a hamburgereat a hamburgerspeak English speak English listen to musiclisten to musicwrite letterswrite lettersread a book read a book watch TVwatch

5、 TVplay the trumpetplay the trumpet clean the classroomclean the classroompick up applespick up applesdraw a picturedraw a pictureWhen I was a child,I could but I couldnt Now,I can Complete the sentence.第15页Helen Keller was born in America in 1880.这间小屋是海伦凯勒出生地方这间小屋是海伦凯勒出生地方。More about Helen Keller:第

6、16页这是马萨诸塞州白金斯盲童幼稚园,教室里没有这是马萨诸塞州白金斯盲童幼稚园,教室里没有黑板,取而代之是木制书桌,墙壁上画,等等能黑板,取而代之是木制书桌,墙壁上画,等等能够够触摸触摸东西。东西。第17页19,海伦笔直坐在一座旧石墙上,正在读放在膝头上一本盲文书。在这个地方她学会了第一个在这个地方她学会了第一个单词:单词:water 水。水。海伦与安妮正在下国际象棋海伦与安妮正在下国际象棋。第18页Hellen分别使用三种方式交流:口语,分别使用三种方式交流:口语,手心写字,唇语,唇语安妮莎莉文斜倚在沙发上,在凯安妮莎莉文斜倚在沙发上,在凯勒勒手心写字手心写字。19,海伦安妮和汽车大王福特在

7、一起,安妮手放在福特嘴上感受他讲话第19页她为她为盲人盲人权利而游走权利而游走,她访问了世界上许多城市她访问了世界上许多城市.去了去了5个大洲个大洲39个国个国 She went around the world for blind people.She says:Blind people are normal(正常)正常).They can learn to 第20页海伦凯勒与肯尼海伦凯勒与肯尼迪总统在一起迪总统在一起她被授予美国公民她被授予美国公民所能得到最高荣誉所能得到最高荣誉-总统自由勋章总统自由勋章.海伦凯勒第一海伦凯勒第一本书已经被翻本书已经被翻译成种语译成种语言言Hellen Kellar was famous.第21页勇敢地接收命运挑战,勇敢地接收命运挑战,努力学习,你会比海伦努力学习,你会比海伦做得更加好!做得更加好!Accept the challenge of fate bravely,please study hard,you can do better than Helen!第22页1.Listen to the tape,retell the story and then tell the story to others.2.Say and write the words and phrase and sentences.第23页

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