1、大学英语大学英语课程说课课程说课1 1说课目录说课目录教学大纲简介教材和教学参考资料教材简介教学方法与学习方法教学设计范例2 2教学大纲简介教学大纲简介课程名称:课程名称:课程名称:课程名称:大学英语(大学英语(College EnglishCollege English)适用专业:适用专业:适用专业:适用专业:非英语专业本科生非英语专业本科生预修课程:预修课程:预修课程:预修课程:普通高中英语课程普通高中英语课程专业人才培养目标和生源情况:专业人才培养目标和生源情况:专业人才培养目标和生源情况:专业人才培养目标和生源情况:本课程授课对象为非英语本课程授课对象为非英语专业大学本科学生,学生入校
3、语人才的需求。3 3教学大纲简介教学大纲简介本课程与相关课程的联系与分工:本课程与相关课程的联系与分工:本课程与相关课程的联系与分工:本课程与相关课程的联系与分工:大学英语的先大学英语的先修课程为修课程为普通高中英语课程普通高中英语课程。入学时,学生。入学时,学生应具备高中英语新课标所要求的词汇量,掌握基应具备高中英语新课标所要求的词汇量,掌握基本语音和语法知识,并在听说读写等方面受过初本语音和语法知识,并在听说读写等方面受过初步训练。步训练。后续课程为各专业学生所对应的专业英语。经过后续课程为各专业学生所对应的专业英语。经过四级大学英语的学习后,将为大学英语六级、专四级大学英语的学习后,将为
4、大学英语六级、专业英语、高级英语选修等学习打下基础。业英语、高级英语选修等学习打下基础。4 4教学大纲简介教学大纲简介本课程的重点、难点、及解决办法:本课程的重点、难点、及解决办法:本课程的重点、难点、及解决办法:本课程的重点、难点、及解决办法:本课程的重本课程的重点也是难点在于,学生能够听懂正常语速,一般点也是难点在于,学生能够听懂正常语速,一般题材的谈话、讲座;能够阅读一般题材的论说文、题材的谈话、讲座;能够阅读一般题材的论说文、记叙文及实用文体,并能就话题用口头或书面表记叙文及实用文体,并能就话题用口头或书面表达基本思想。解决办法是运用多种教学手段,课达基本思想。解决办法是运用多种教学手
5、段,课内课外结合,在任务教学法(内课外结合,在任务教学法(Task-based English Task-based English Learning/TBELLearning/TBEL)的基础上,设计不同的课堂活)的基础上,设计不同的课堂活动,使学生在完成任务的过程中掌握各种技能。动,使学生在完成任务的过程中掌握各种技能。5 5教材和教学参考资料教材和教学参考资料 教材:教材:教材:教材:1.1.2121世纪大学英语世纪大学英语 读写教程读写教程 2.2.新视野大学英语新视野大学英语 视听说视听说 3.3.大学英语快速阅读大学英语快速阅读 参考资料:参考资料:参考资料:参考资料:1.1.大学
6、英语课程教学基本要求大学英语课程教学基本要求 2.2.2121世纪大学英语世纪大学英语 读写教程读写教程教师参考书教师参考书 3.3.新视野大学英语新视野大学英语 视听说视听说教师参考书教师参考书 4.4.2121世纪大学英语世纪大学英语 读写教程读写教程教学光盘教学光盘 5.5.2121世纪大学英语世纪大学英语 读写教程读写教程学生自学光盘学生自学光盘 6.6.英美文化博览英美文化博览 7.7.国内外英语报刊:国内外英语报刊:New York times,China Daily,21st CenturyNew York times,China Daily,21st Century 8.8.北
7、京联合大学外语部网络教学资源北京联合大学外语部网络教学资源6 6教材简介教材简介2121世纪大学英语世纪大学英语 读写教程读写教程以培养学生阅读、写作能以培养学生阅读、写作能力为主,听说能力为辅,全套四册。每册力为主,听说能力为辅,全套四册。每册8 8单元,每单元单元,每单元分课文分课文A,B,CA,B,C,约,约1010课时完成。其中课文课时完成。其中课文A A为精读(为精读(6 6课时)课时),课文,课文B B为泛读(为泛读(2 2课时),另有课时),另有2 2课时快速阅读及补充练课时快速阅读及补充练习,课文习,课文C C为学生自学(为学生自学(2 2课时)。每单元以话题为主线,课时)。每
8、单元以话题为主线,配合听说、阅读、写作技巧的介绍,较适合任务教学法运配合听说、阅读、写作技巧的介绍,较适合任务教学法运用。用。本教材难度适中,文体多样,话题接近学生生活,较适合本教材难度适中,文体多样,话题接近学生生活,较适合非英语专业学生使用。但某些课文不太适宜提高学生的阅非英语专业学生使用。但某些课文不太适宜提高学生的阅读分析能力,某些课文趣味性不够,需补充课外阅读,网读分析能力,某些课文趣味性不够,需补充课外阅读,网络资源,设计趣味性较强的课堂活动以增加学生的学习兴络资源,设计趣味性较强的课堂活动以增加学生的学习兴趣。趣。7 7教学方法与学习方法教学方法与学习方法课堂面授课堂面授课堂面授
11、作完成而不会觉得有失面子。8 8Methods OurTeachingSelf-learning abouttext-related language points(knowledge)Curriculum Activities(skills)text-based discussion vocabulary phrasesgrammardifficult sentences exercisesdeveloping questions for discussionpresentation by PPTlearning language points by using Out of class a
12、ssignment search for information extensive reading 9 9Change Your Learning Style Passive learningteacher-centredaudience spoon-feedingmark-mindedknowledge-focusedstudent-centredparticipantautonomous learning ability-developedskill-focusedActive learningmove to1010教学设计范例111121st Century College Engli
13、sh I Unit 2 text AConversational Ballgames1212教学目的教学目的(Objectives)To raise cross-cultural communication awarenessTo raise cross-cultural communication awarenessTo learn cross-cultural communication To learn cross-cultural communication knowledgeknowledgeTo develop cross-cultural communication To dev
14、elop cross-cultural communication competencecompetenceTo know the differences between western-style To know the differences between western-style conversation and eastern-style conversation conversation and eastern-style conversation To develop STo develop S s abilities of analyzing problems by s ab
15、ilities of analyzing problems by comparison and contrastcomparison and contrast1313教学设计和课时安排教学设计和课时安排I.I.基于课文的学习活动(基于课文的学习活动(基于课文的学习活动(基于课文的学习活动(Text-based StudyText-based Study)()()()(4 4课时)课时)课时)课时)课文导入(课文导入(Lead-in ActivitiesLead-in Activities)(1(1课时课时)-Listening (to lead in the topic)-Listening
16、(to lead in the topic)-Warm-up Activity(to get text-related information and to -Warm-up Activity(to get text-related information and to prepare for the late study and practice)prepare for the late study and practice)课文篇章分析和理解课文篇章分析和理解 (Context Reading Comprehension Context Reading Comprehension)()(3
17、 3课课时)时)-General structure analyzing-General structure analyzing(writing stylewriting style)-Reading in details-Reading in details(Context Analyzing&Key Language Context Analyzing&Key Language pointspoints)II.II.拓展式问题讨论拓展式问题讨论拓展式问题讨论拓展式问题讨论 (Developing Questions Discussion)(1(Developing Questions Di
18、scussion)(1课时课时课时课时)III.III.阅读与写作技能介绍训练以及课后练习讲解(阅读与写作技能介绍训练以及课后练习讲解(阅读与写作技能介绍训练以及课后练习讲解(阅读与写作技能介绍训练以及课后练习讲解(1 1课时)课时)课时)课时)1414教学方法教学方法任务教学法任务教学法(Task-based Teaching and Learning)变教师为中心的教学模式为学生为中心的教学模式。通过为学生设计不同的任务,使学生在完成任务的过程中培养自主学习能力,合作能力,分析问题能力和表达能力。1515Lead-in ActivityI.ListeningI.Listening 导入式听
19、力旨在使学生了解本课的主题。简短的听力练习后,导入式听力旨在使学生了解本课的主题。简短的听力练习后,让学生说出本课的主题:让学生说出本课的主题:1.Cross-cultural communication1.Cross-cultural communication 2.People from different countries may have 2.People from different countries may have different conversational style different conversational styleII.Warm-up Activity
20、II.Warm-up Activity(板书或(板书或(板书或(板书或wordword文档边说边写)文档边说边写)文档边说边写)文档边说边写)Brainstorm(Brainstorm(头脑风暴头脑风暴头脑风暴头脑风暴):What is Culture?):What is Culture?以以Culture Culture 为中心,让学生就文化的内涵给出简单概念。此为中心,让学生就文化的内涵给出简单概念。此活动轻松、快速,学生想到即说。目的是锻炼学生的活动轻松、快速,学生想到即说。目的是锻炼学生的词汇反应以及对问题的思考。词汇反应以及对问题的思考。1616CultureTradition Re
21、ligionpeopleFashion HabitsSun rayHistorycustom clothes musicbehaviorPolitics Entertainment 1717Special termsCulture shock(Culture shock(文化差异文化差异)Cultural awareness Cultural awareness(文化意识)(文化意识)Cultural barriers Cultural barriers(文化障碍)(文化障碍)Cultural bump Cultural bump(文化碰撞)(文化碰撞)Cultural prejudice C
22、ultural prejudice(文化偏见)(文化偏见)Intercultural communication Intercultural communication(跨文化交际)(跨文化交际)Cross-cultural communication Cross-cultural communication(跨文化交际)(跨文化交际)Trans-cultural communication Trans-cultural communication(跨文化交际)(跨文化交际)1818Lead-in ActivityPrepare some quotations or proverbs on c
23、ultural Prepare some quotations or proverbs on cultural awareness.awareness.Give each student a piece of paper,with a Give each student a piece of paper,with a quotation or a proverb on it.quotation or a proverb on it.Those who hold the same quotation or proverb Those who hold the same quotation or
24、proverb group up.group up.Keep it well.Keep it well.这是为后面的讨论做准备。每次以不同的方式即兴这是为后面的讨论做准备。每次以不同的方式即兴分组,既有趣又可使学生每次都和不同的对象交分组,既有趣又可使学生每次都和不同的对象交流,培养学生与不同个体合作的能力。流,培养学生与不同个体合作的能力。1919课文篇章分析和理解课文篇章分析和理解 任务教学法实施的前提必须是学生课前预习自学完词汇,任务教学法实施的前提必须是学生课前预习自学完词汇,并略读过文章。教师对任务的设计必须由点到面,由潜入并略读过文章。教师对任务的设计必须由点到面,由潜入深,由内而
25、外。学生看似完成不同的任务,实则在反复阅深,由内而外。学生看似完成不同的任务,实则在反复阅读,加深印象,提高理解能力。读,加深印象,提高理解能力。Task 1Task 1 Let the students look at the title and guess the possible message from the Let the students look at the title and guess the possible message from the titletitle:What:What s the relationship between s the relationsh
26、ip between“conversationconversation”and and“ballgamesballgames”?What?What s the message does the writer want s the message does the writer want to convey?(Are the two share some similarities?)to convey?(Are the two share some similarities?)通过对题目意义的推测,激发学生的好奇心和阅读兴趣,引通过对题目意义的推测,激发学生的好奇心和阅读兴趣,引起学生对球类运动
27、和谈话之间类比关系的联想。此题如果起学生对球类运动和谈话之间类比关系的联想。此题如果较难回答,我们进入下一个任务:较难回答,我们进入下一个任务:2020课文篇章分析和理解课文篇章分析和理解Task 2Task 2 Describe tennis and bowling games in group:Describe tennis and bowling games in group:students use their own words first,then refer to students use their own words first,then refer to the text
28、and do it again with the sentences from the text and do it again with the sentences from the text.the text.这里可以使用网球,保龄球的视频或动画资料,给这里可以使用网球,保龄球的视频或动画资料,给学生直观的效果。先自述再复述课文原句的过程学生直观的效果。先自述再复述课文原句的过程既可以使学生学习描述,也可以减轻他们的失败既可以使学生学习描述,也可以减轻他们的失败感。小组完成后,在教师的帮助下,学生代表展感。小组完成后,在教师的帮助下,学生代表展示他们的描述。示他们的描述。2121课文篇章分
29、析和理解课文篇章分析和理解Task 3Task 31.Ask the students to browse through the passage quickly 1.Ask the students to browse through the passage quickly(read the first sentence in each paragraph)to catch the(read the first sentence in each paragraph)to catch the structure of the text.structure of the text.2.Ask t
30、he students to go over the passage again and try to 2.Ask the students to go over the passage again and try to complete the outlines of the authorscomplete the outlines of the authors idea about the idea about the differences between western-style conversation and differences between western-style c
31、onversation and Japanese-style conversation.Japanese-style conversation.此任务仍然是在团队合作下完成。先了解文章整体结构便此任务仍然是在团队合作下完成。先了解文章整体结构便于后续的细节分析。同时也是教授如何快速阅读的有效于后续的细节分析。同时也是教授如何快速阅读的有效方法。此任务的设计旨在提高学生的理解能力,归纳能方法。此任务的设计旨在提高学生的理解能力,归纳能力及对比分析问题的能力。力及对比分析问题的能力。2222Para1-3IntroductionPara 4-9ComparisonPara 10-11Influen
32、cePara 12ConclusionStructure of Text A2323Please read Paras 4-6-Focus on the comparison between the western-style conversation and tennis.introducing a topic is like?making a proper response is like?carrying on a conversation is like?If the conversation involves more than two people,then it is like?
33、In the authors description,a western-style conversation is like?hitting the ball back.making the ball back and forth.serving a ball.doubles in tennislike a game of tennis.2424Please read Paras 7-9-Focus on the comparison between the Japanese-style conversation and bowling.waiting for your turn to sp
34、eak is like waiting for your turn to?when and how an opinion is to be voiced depends mainly on?AJapanese-style conversation is like?bowling.ones age how well one knows the previous speakerones social positionbowl the ball 2525The contrast between the two conversational styles:AJapanese-style convers
35、ation is like?In the authors description,a western-style conversation is like?typical feature of each conversation:interactiveback and forthevery one has to wait for his turn;no back and forthlike a game of tennis.bowling2626课文篇章分析和理解课文篇章分析和理解Task 4Task 4 Ask students to draw a conclusion on the com
36、parison Ask students to draw a conclusion on the comparison and contrast between the conversation and ballgames and contrast between the conversation and ballgames and the western-style conversation and Japanese-style and the western-style conversation and Japanese-style conversation.conversation.一阶
37、段的活动结束后进行总结,既可以锻炼学生的归纳能一阶段的活动结束后进行总结,既可以锻炼学生的归纳能力,也可以培养学生综合运用知识的技能。这是目前被广力,也可以培养学生综合运用知识的技能。这是目前被广泛运用的泛运用的自下而上诱导法(自下而上诱导法(bottom-up approachbottom-up approach)教学模)教学模式。式。这种综合性较强的总结可以适当让学生用书面形式,这种综合性较强的总结可以适当让学生用书面形式,以降低操作难度。同时也是由以降低操作难度。同时也是由input(input(输入输入)到到 output(output(输出输出)能力的转换。学生每完成一项任务后,教师
38、都必须总结能力的转换。学生每完成一项任务后,教师都必须总结并给出参考例文。并给出参考例文。2727课文篇章分析和理解课文篇章分析和理解ConclusionsConclusions:A western-style conversation goes on as a A western-style conversation goes on as a discussion,filled with agreement and disagreement.But discussion,filled with agreement and disagreement.But a Japanese one is
39、not.Everyone tries not to make a a Japanese one is not.Everyone tries not to make a comment or remark on the other personcomment or remark on the other person s opinion.s opinion.Ask the students weather they can give some Ask the students weather they can give some reasons to explain this.reasons t
40、o explain this.Japanese people,like we Chinese in some aspects,is Japanese people,like we Chinese in some aspects,is influenced by Confucian ideas,we are not supposed to influenced by Confucian ideas,we are not supposed to express our feelings publicly or directly.Most of the time express our feelin
41、gs publicly or directly.Most of the time we take an implicit attitude and express our feelings in a we take an implicit attitude and express our feelings in a roundabout way.But for western people,especially for roundabout way.But for western people,especially for the people of the US,they value ind
42、ividualism.They the people of the US,they value individualism.They often sing high praise of the human right.With the often sing high praise of the human right.With the protection of the human right,they can say whatever protection of the human right,they can say whatever they like.Different opinion
43、s are welcomed.Remember,they like.Different opinions are welcomed.Remember,they even challenge the decision made by the they even challenge the decision made by the government.Knowing the different styles of government.Knowing the different styles of conversation will help you in a talk with foreign
44、ers.conversation will help you in a talk with foreigners.2828拓展式问题讨论拓展式问题讨论Task 1Task 1Quotations and proverbs:Quotations and proverbs:All people are the same.ItAll people are the same.It s only their habits that are different.s only their habits that are different.We see thing not as they are,but a
45、s we are.We see thing not as they are,but as we are.When in Rome,do as Romans do.When in Rome,do as Romans do.To learn a foreign language without learning its culture is the best way To learn a foreign language without learning its culture is the best way to make oneself a fluent fool(you do not kno
46、w about your own to make oneself a fluent fool(you do not know about your own culture until you encounter with another culture)culture until you encounter with another culture)What is What is“rightright”in one culture may be in one culture may be“wrongwrong”in another.in another.Communication is a r
47、isky business.Communication is a risky business.In order to avoid In order to avoid“communication break-downcommunication break-down”caused by caused by“culture culture bumpbump”,we must develop cultural awareness of the influential factors,we must develop cultural awareness of the influential facto
48、rs behind the speech acts and gain the knowledge of each otherbehind the speech acts and gain the knowledge of each other s s behavior patterns and cultural associations.behavior patterns and cultural associations.2929拓展式问题讨论拓展式问题讨论拓展式问题讨论是课文内容的延伸,将学生的表达能力训练由非真实情景转向真实情景。针对课文主题,挖掘含义,发挥联想,联系实际,结合真实世界,
49、建立真实语境,开展真实交际,从而使学生由课内走向课外。这是对学生创造能力、应用能力的锻炼。3030拓展式问题讨论拓展式问题讨论Task 2Task 2Role-play the following dialogues and then have a Role-play the following dialogues and then have a conversation analysis.conversation analysis.Dialogue 1Dialogue 1Liu(at lunch time):Hi,Jenny.Have you eaten?Liu(at lunch time)
50、:Hi,Jenny.Have you eaten?Jenny:Not yet.Why?Jenny:Not yet.Why?Liu:ILiu:I ve already done.ve already done.Conversation analysis:Conversation analysis:1.Why did Liu ask jenny that question?Why did Liu ask jenny that question?2.Why did Jenny react to it that way?Why did Jenny react to it that way?3.Why